CCR1975178RESOLUTION #178-75 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SUBDIVISION CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS BE IT RESOLVED that the following subdivision construction City of Muskego upon the recomnendati-on of the Public Works specifications are hereby adopted by the Common Council of the Cormnittee: STREETS be constructed in accordance with the "Standard Specifications All new streets constructed in the City of Muskego shall for Road and Bridge Construction" of the State of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation, Division of Highways-1969 Edition hereinafter known as the "Standard Specifications", unless otherwise specified by the City of Muskego. City of Muskego shall be as follows: The criteria to be used in the design of streets in the 1. All residential streets which are strictly "local" streets, shall be designed to carry an unlimited number of A 12,000 lb. axle load applications. 2. All residential streets which are "collector" streets shall be designed to carry an unlimited number of 15,000 lb. axle load applications. 3. All other residential streets, all arterial streets, all business streets, and all industrial roads shall be de- signed to carry an unlimited number of 18,000 lb. axle load applications. The design life 05 all pavements shall be thirty (30) years. Minimum specifications for the above classifications are as follows : 1. "Local" Streets Seven (7) inches of non-reinforced air-entrained con- crete ; or eight (8) inches of compacted 3/4" gravel ?-- sor stone with three (3) inches asphaltic concrete base course and one (1) inch asphaltic concrete surface. 2. "Collector" Streets Crete; or eight (8) inches of com acted 3/4" gravel or Seven (7) inches of non-reinforced air-entrained con- stone with three and one-half (3fip inches as haltic concrete base course and one and one-half (1 1 )inch : asphaltic concrete surface. 3. All Other Streets Eight (8) inches of reinforced air-entrained concrete; or eight (8) inches of compacted 3/4" gravel or stone with four and one-half (43) inches asphaltic concrete base course and one and one-half (1%) inch asphaltic concrete surface. If it is the desire of the developer to use any type of construction other than presented in these specifications, plans and engineering data must be sumitted to the Public Works Committee for approval. This data must include descriptions of the proposed sections, types of materials, and the estimated life and maintenance costs of the proposed pavement. Page 2 Road Cross-Section All roads shall be constructed in accordance with the typical cross-sections as shown in these specifications. a Sub-Grade All sub-grades shall be prepared in accordance with Sections and 211 of the Standard Specifications. However, omit all references to standard compaction. Specialcompaction, as defined in the Standard Specifications, shall be required in all cases. Materials Used maximum slump of 3 inches, and shall have a minimum de- Aggregate shall conform to Section 501. and Section signed flexural strength of 650 pounds per square inch. 501. Size No. 1 and 2, Series No. 1 of the Standard Specifications. Concrete - All concrete shall be air-entrained (3-7%), Asphaltic Concrete- When two (2) inches or less of asphaltic concrete is specified, the material must be in accordance with Section 401.2.5. Grad a.tion No. 3 and Section 401.3.4 penetration grade 85-100 of the Standard Specifi- cations. When more than two (23 inches of asphaltic concrete 401.2.5 Gradation No. 1. is specified, the base thickness shall conform to Section The Asphalt Cement Content for the Binder course ma- terial shall be between 4-6% and for the surface course material shall be between 54%. All bases to be surfaced shall be primed with MC-0 at 0.20 gallsq. yd. 314'' Crushed Bank Run Gravel- All such material shall conform to Section 304.2.6 Gradation No. 2 €or Gravel of the Standard Specifications. 314'' Traffic Buund Crushed Limestone and shall be of such 314" Limestone Screenings- All such material shall be nature that it compacts into a hard, water tight surface. the Standard Suecifications. Size and weight shall be Reinforcing Steel shall conform to Section 505 of approved by the City Engineer. Compaction Required ~~~~ ~ ~ - and surface courses shall be in accordance with the Standard Specifications, but shall never be less than 95% of the maximum denisty of the material being compacted. Engineering by the City Engineer. All roads, ditches, etc. shall be staked out by the owner. After rough grading has been finished, cross sections every 100 feet and center line^, profiles of said rough grade must be verified to the City Engineer by the owner's engineer. Upon receiving approval with the road construction. Upon completion of the work, of these cross sections .and profiles, the owner may proceed profiles of the finished road and ditches shall be sub- mitted to the Public Works Committee by the owner. Compaction of sub-grade, sub-base courses, base courses All plans shall be prepared by the Owner and approved . -. Page 3 Inspection On-site inspection shall be furnished by the City at the expens.e of the owner. The inspector ahall be capable of conducting the necessary field tests, such as compaction and sieve analysis. It is not necessary to have a City inspector on the site during rough grading and graveling. Compaction tests of said rough grade and gravel must be submitted by the Developer or his agent, from a recognized testing laboratory, a minimum of one test per roadway and spaced at 500 foot intervals. The City Engineer or his representative shall at all times have the right of access to the work under construction or any part thereof. The Owner shall furnish such assistance as may be required, free of charge, in inspections . Sanitary and Storm Sewers (where required) All work shall be done in accordance with the "Standard Specifications governing the Construction of Sewers in the City of Milwaukee and the Metropolitan District" of the Sewerage Commission of the City of Milwaukee. Water (where required) Water main specifications shall conform with the City of Muskego specifications on file with the City Engineer. Inspection shall be provided by the owner's Engineer and installation and necessary tests be verified by name. Culverts All culverts shall meet the Wisconsin State Highway Specifications, The size for any particular culvert shall be as specified by the City. Corrugated metal culverts which are thirty(30)feet or less in length shall consist of one piece of pipe, Bedding and Backfill All culverts shall have minimum bedding along the entire length of the culvert of three (3) inches of compacted 314" crushed bank run gravel. All culverts shall be backfilled with 314" crushed bank run gravel for the entire length of the culvert and up to the grade of the road or driveway which said culvert crosses. All backfill shall be leveled out and compacted. Endwa 11 s All culverts shall have endwalls installed by contractor. Endwalls shall consist of wallstone or other suitable material approved by the Engineer. Construction shall conform to Section 518 of the Standard Specifications. All joints shall be fully mortared. All endwalls shall have sufficient width and height to avoid erosion of the road and drive- ways, the height shall be atleast equal to the top of the roadway. Landscaping All ditches, slopes, etc. located within the road right-of-way must be seeded and sodded where deemed necessary by the Engineer before final approval will be given. This work shall consist of preparing the soil, furnishing and plac- ing the required seed and sod in the specified locations in accordance with these specifications. Topsoil Enough topsoil must be placed to be installed to the specified grade This should be about two (2) inches thick although the thickness vary Page 4 from 1" to 3". (3) inches and blended in with the existing grade. Specifications where applicable. Topsoil shall be placed on the slopes to a minimum thickness of three Top soil shall meet the requirements of Section 625 of the Standard - Sod - All Sod shall consist of dense, well-rooted growth of permanent and desirable grasses indigenous to this area and shall be practically free from weeds and undesirable grasses. At the time the sod is cut, the grass on the sod shall have a length of approximately two inches, and the sod shall be raked free of de- bris. The thickness of the sod shall be as uniform as possible; in no case less than one inch, so that practically all of the dense root system of the grasses will be retained but exposed in the sod strip and so that the sod can be handled without un- due tearing or breaking. In the event the sod which is to be cut is in a dry condi- tion so as to cause crumbling or breaking during cutting the sod, apply water to it insufficient quantities to provide a well mois- tened condition of the sod to the depth to which it is to be cut. Sod shall be laid so that the joints caused by abutting ends of sod strips are not continuous. Each sod strip shall be laid snugly against the strip previously laid. Sod shall be laid in such a manner that the longitudinal joint is offset from the centerline of the ditch two to three inches towards the road. The edges of all sod shall be covered with topsoil to assure good growth. Sod shall be staked in accordnace with the "Standard Speci- fications." After staking has been completed, the surface of the sod shall be cleared of all loose and foreign material. The sod shall be laid to the grade specified by the City * Engineer or his representative. Since the sod will be lying in drainage ditches, it is essential that the grade be maintained, and any deviation from the specified grade shall be corrected by the Contractor at his expense. Care shall be taken that the sod is laid in such a manner that no part of the soil is above a culvert flow line. Seeding - All seeding shall be in accordance with the "Standard Specifications" unless otherwise specified herein. Written evidence of the mixture shall be submitted to the City Engineer. Seed mixture used shall conform to mixture number 1 as designated in Section 630 of the "Standard Specifications." Seed shall be so sown in accordance with Method A as described in Section 630 of the "Standard Specifications". Straw Mulch - Straw mulch shall be placed in accordance with Method A as described in Section 627 of the "Standard Specifications", except that the mulch shall be placed within one (1) day after the seeding has been completed. Watering - The landscaped areas shall be kept thoroughly moist by watering or sprinkling, when rainfall is deficient, for a period of ten (10) days. Concrete Invert - On all drainage easements and roadside ditches having a slope less than 0.6% or greater than 5%. The ditches shall be constructed as follows: (1) A 24", 36", or 48" (as specified or as required by the Public Works Comittedwidth of concrete bottom with an 18" width of sod on either side. (2) Concrete thickness shall be 5" throughout unless otherwise specified. (3) Concrete shall be placed on a minimum of 3" of 3/4" crushed stone. (4) Topsoil, seed, sod and straw mulch on the backslope of the ditch. Cross Section All inverts shall be constructed in accordance with the typical cross section as shown. All invert intersections and entrances shall be constructed in accordme with plans shown. Sub-Grade Sub-Grade under the concrete shall consist of 314" crushed bank run gravel with a minimum compacted thickness of 3". Material shall conform to Section 304.2.6 Gradation No. 2 for gravel of the "Standard Specifications." Concrete All Concrete shall be air-entrained (3-7%), maximum slump 3", and shall have a minimum strength of 3000 pounds per square inch at 28 days. Aggregate shall conform to Section 501. and Section 501. Size No. 1, Series No. 1 of the "Standard Specifications." Finishing The Face Surfaces of the concrete shall be thoroughly trowled and brushed. Brushing shall be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the invert, The edgeshdjacent to all joints and forms shall be rounded with an edger of kt' radius. Any honeycombed areas occurring along the forms shall be pointed with mortar conforming to the requirements set forth under Section 518.2.3 of the "Standard e Specifications." .- 5 Flow Line Grade Grade of the flow line of the invert shall be in strict accordance with the grades submitted io and approved by the City I) Engineer and Public Works Committee. Joints a Transverse joints shall be constructed at right angles to the centerline of the invert at intervals of ten feet. Joints shall consist of a slot or groove at least one inch in depth and one-fourth inch in width formed by inserting a parting strip in the concret after it has been struck off. When sawed joints are used, sawing of each day's pour shall be completed by midnight of the same day unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. One inch expansion joint filler shall be placed every 200 feet and at end of the day's pour. Filler shall extend to the full depth of the concrete and the top shall be slightly below the finished surface. Removal of Forms e Forms shall not be removed from the concrete until it has set for at least 6 hours. Forms shall not be dropped or stacked on concrete which is less than seven days old, Cold Weather All concrete poured during or previous to cold weather shall conform with Section 409.5.14 of the "Standard Specifications." DATED THIS ,dyd DAY OF +9 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Paul J. Schaumberg Edwin P. Dumke ATTEST: City Clerk 6/75 le