(Lufkin & Harding)
WHEREAS, a request has been made by the owners
thereof to allow them to connect to the sanitary sewer main
fronting the real estate described:
Pt. SWa Sec 9 T5N R20E Corn. at ctr Ii of Plank
Road at W side of out I et; th SEI y to creek; th
Sly 145 feet; th SWly 62 feet; th NWly 159 ft;
th NEly 59 ft to bgn.
At so:
Pt. SWS Sec 9 T5N R20E Corn. in ctr of hy
at outlet of lake; th S68O 11' W 100 ft;
th SIBo 50' E 122.94 ft the bgn; th N 67"
21' E. 62 ft; th NWly 159 ft; th Wly 58 ft.
to bgn.
WHEREAS, a Waiver of Notice of Specia
and Hearings and the levying thereof has been f
City Clerk by the owner;
(I) For the purpose of paying a port
led with the
I on of the
cost of the construct ion and instal lat ion of a sanitary sewer
collection system within tte City, there is hereby levied and
assessed against the above described real estate the sum of
"0 , being the assessment for the installation ot an
eight-inch sanitary sewer main having an aver% depth of ten feet.
(2) There is further assessed the actual cost of the
installation of a sewer lateral to serve said real estate together
with the incidental costs of said installation, including attorney
fees and engineering fees and publication fees, if any.
(3) Said assessment may be paid in 3 annua I
equal installments, the first installment being due on the
instal lments annual ly thereafter. Interest at rate of
shall be charged. The first installment due shall include
interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to
28 th day of Februarv , 197 -, 6 and subsequent
8% per cent per annum on the entire assessment
the 31st day of December , 1975. Subsequent
installments shall include one vear's interest upon the unpaid
balance of the assessment.
4) The City Clerk is directed to give notice of this
assessment by mai I ing a copy of th is resolution to the owners of
the properties at their last known post office address or by
personal service upon the owners
(5) If the owners of the properties shall file with the
City Clerk within thirty days from the mailing or service of the
aforesaid notice, a written notice that they elect to pay the
special assessment upon their property on or before
November 1st I- I97 5 , special assessments payable in instal rments
shall not be made against said property of such owners, and the
owners shal I pay the entire assessment when due.
(6) In the event a person so elects to pay such .~
assessment on or before November 1 , 197r;, but
fails to do so. the entire amount of such assessment toaether with
interest thereon from date hereof to December 31
197 5 , at the rate of 8 per cent per annum,
which shall be entered on the tax roll for the Lfar 1975
and collected as are other taxes of the City, on a 1 year
installment basis.
(7) After the time for making such election shall have
expired, such assgsment shall be due and payable in installments
as aforesaid, but any assessment may be paid in full before due
only upon the payment of interest to date of prepayment upon such
assessment plus one year‘s interest on the then unpaid principl
amount of such assessment.
Passed and aproved this /d day of 1975.