CCR1975079RESOLUTION #79-75 APPROVAL OF USE OF CITY HALL - LIBRARY FACILITIES BE IT RESOLVED that, upon the recmendation of the Public Welfare Cmittee, the Common Council.of the City of Muskego does hereby approve of the attached rules and regulations and agreement for the use of city hall - library facilities. BE IT FLJRTHER RESOLVED that said rules and regulations and agreement are the approval o DATED THIS DAY OF PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE Ald. Richard M. Knudsen Ald. Raymond A. Wallner ATTEST : U City Clerk RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE USE OF CITY HALL :,LIBRARY BUILDING FACILITIES e * e 'e e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.. 12. 13. 14. All reservations for the use of the meeting rooms in the city hall - library, other than official city functions, shall be made through the City Clerk's office. In making reservations each civic group or other organization shall list by letter to the City Clerk the names of two persons who have the right or responsibility for requesting reservations. Their responsibility shall include control of the group using the rooms and keeping the room clean. Meeting rooms shall be used only by civic groups which are City of Muskego oriented and whose efforts are directed to the civic welfare of the community, works of charity and general city interest and benefit. Exceptions to rule 3: - Other requests for the use of the city hall or the meeting rooms must be made in writing for approval by the Common Council. Individual or joint solicitations for funds, alms giving, sales of merchandise, seeking of gifts or requests, etc. for the purpose of profit is prohibited. 5a. Non-profit organizations are exempt from 5. No part of the upper or lower lobbies, the hallways connecting thereto, shall be used for displays or exhibits without prior permission of the City Clerk's office. Unless specific exceptions are made, only the official flags of the United State, the State of Wisconsin and the City of Muskego shall be hung, displayed, or otherwise presented for public exposure. This rule shall apply to the interior premises of the city hall and the immediate premises upon which the city hall is situated. The city hall meeting room shall be used only between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and midnight. The Cornon Council of the City of Muskego reserves the right herewith to hold any using organization or its members individ- ually or severally liable for damages to the building, the equip- ment and facilities contained therein. Smoking only in designated areas. Ash trays must be used and the organization members should be informed that damage caused by bums, soiling or carelessness will be their responsibility. In the event of minors using the meeting room they shall have at lease two chaperons present for every 25 minors using the facility. The chaperons shall attend the entire event. Anyone using the facilities or being on the premises of the city hall will be expected to exhibit proper behavior at all times. Failure to comply with this requirement can result in forfeiture of future use privileges. Disorderly conduct or acts of vandalism may result in irmnediate expulsion or arrest. Beer and other alcoholic beverages are prohibited on the premises. Procedure for reserving the meeting room. A. Reservations must be made in person. B. A reservation form must be filled out by a qualified officer of the organization. CITY OF MUSKEG0 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO USE CITY HALL - LIBRARY FACILITIES e Application in behalf of Name of Group Persons responsible for the facilities Name Street City Zip Phone number Date desired Time desired From To Which facilities to be used Purpose for which to be used Is custodian required? (If yes, a cash payment Yes No of $10.00 will be required) Have you ever used these facilities before? Yes No ,***********X*** AGREEMENT The undersigned applicants agree to abide by all rules and regulations adopted by the City of Muskego for the use of city hall and library facilities and to see that the same are carried out and obeyed by others, said rules and regulations being made a part and portion hereof by ref- @ erence to assume responsibility for and to make good any damage done to the building or equipment during the period of use to indemnify and to forever save harmless the City of Muskego of all claims of whatsoever kind, nature or description arising out of the use of any of the facilities controlled by said city, pursuant to the foregoing application or any mod- City Clerk Applicant