CCR1975059RESOLUTION #59 - 75 CONPION COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSIEGO RESOLUTION FIXING REFERENDUM DATE FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPXENT REVENUE BONDS, SERIES. A (MUSKEGO RENDEXING CO. INC. PROJECT) Y WHEREAS, in Resolution 176-73 adopted on October 23, 1973, this Colmon Council did agree (upon conditions) to issue industrial development revenue bonds pursuant to Section 66.521 of the \{isconsin Statutes for the purpose of financing an industrial project for Nuskego Rendering Co. Inc., a Wisconsin corporation; and 0 WHEREAS, in Resolution 143-74 adopted on July 23, 1974, this Common Council did approve the terms upon which the aforesaid Bonds were to be issued and, in conformity with Section 66.521(10) of the Wisconsin Statutes, did direct the ~ publication o€ notice to electors regarding the 'City's intention to issue the Bonds; and WHEREAS, the Notice to Electors was published on August 22, 1974, in The Sun, the City's official newspaper for the publication of legal notices; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk has advised that within 30 days following said publication, a petition s'igned by more than 5% of the registered electors of the City was filed with the City Clerk requesting a referendum upon the question of the issuance of the Bonds; and WEREAS, a referendum upon the question of the issuance of the Eonds was held at the general election in the City on November 5, 1974, and the vote on the referendum question was: For Bonds - 1.180; Against Eonds - 1,566; and WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined that Ihskego Rendering Co Inc. was induced by Resolution 176-73 to construct and equip an industrial project in the City and ' that City has and will continue to derive substantial municipal benefits by reason of the location of said project in the City, including by way of illustration but not limitation: the general employment of its citizens; the stimulation of the flow of private investment funds into the City; the preservation and enhancement of the City's tax base; and the betterment of the environment; and WEREAS, this Common Council has heretofore expressed and continues to express its desire to encourage the expansion of business enterprises such as Muskego Rendering Co. Inc in the City in order that the City may derive the public benefits aforenentioned, and this Common Council is resolute in its determination that the issuance of the aforesaid Bonds will provide such encouragement; and e ITHEREAS, in view of the aforesaid petition, Section 66.521(10) (c) of the Idisconsin Statu.?es provides that the bonds shall not be issued until approved by a majority of the electors of the munic.ipality voting hereon at a general or special election; and IJHERLG, notwithstanding the desire of this Comon Couacil that the. City issue the aforesaid Eonds, the City . cannot do so until said bond issue is approved by a majority of the electors; and a WHEREAS, it is,. therefore, appropriate to fix the procedures for the holding of such referendum; NO3 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COPPION COUNCIL - OF THE CITY OF NUSKEGO AS FOLLOWS: 1. The-re5erendum shall be held at the April 1, 1975, general election. 2. The notice and the ballot need not embody a copy of the aforesaid resolutions of this Common Council pertaining to the Bonds. 3. The question which shall appear on the ballot shall be: Shall the City of Muskego aid the Muskego Rendering Company, Inc., in financing the construction and equipping oi' a rendering plant located in the City by issuiag $1,000,000.00 of industrial development revenue bonds pursuant to Section G6.521 of the \Jisconsin Statutes, which bonds shall never constitute an indebtedness of the City and shall not constitute a charge against the general credit or taxing powers of the City? For Bonds 11 Against Bonds n -2- 4. Except as provided herein or in Section 66.521 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the referendum shall be noticed, called and conducted pursuant to Section 67.05(5) of the Wisconsin Statutes. PASSED ASD APPROVED ON MARCH 11. 1975. Mayor [SEAL OF MUNICIPALITY] Attest: Clerk i Recorded March 11, 1975. Clerk -3-