CCR1974237RESOLUTION #237-74 AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS e WHEREAS, Section 65.05 (6) (b) of the Wisconsin Statutes permits the budgetary adjustments listed below by the Common Council, and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Finance Committee that several budgeted in 1974, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby direct the City Clerk-Comptroller to make the following transactions within the 1974 budget: e necessary departmental budget expenditures exceeded that amount To transfer $50,000.00 from Acct. # 292, Unappropriated Surplus,to Acct. #602.0490, Contingency Fund, and to transfer from Account 8602.0490, Contingency Fund, the amount of $107,061.00 to the following accounts: e 501.0110 502.0110 503.0110 504.0110 509.0260 510.0450 520.0110 520.0120 520.0170 520.0430 525.0110 525.0120 552.0110 552.0630 552.0670 558.0220 580.0110 580.0451 Mayor & Council - Salaries & Wages $ Clerk - Salaries & Wages Treasurer - Salary Assessor - Salaries & Wages Maintenance - Buildings, City Hall Printing & Codification Salaries & Wages - Patrolmen Salaries & Wages - Dispatchers Salaries - Janitorial, Police Dept. Gasoline, Oil & Lubr., Police Dept. Salaries & Wages - Bldg. & Plbg. Other Salaries, Clerical - Bldg. Insp’n Salaries & Wages - Hwy. Dept. Sand, Stone & Gravel Culvert Pipe & Drain Tile Garage, Utility & Heat Salaries & Wages - Library Books & Magazines 3,350.00 3,500.00 300.00 1,675.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 45,000.00 4,000.00 486.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 22,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 4,500.00 750.00 e BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk-Comptroller is authorized to make the above transfer. DATED THIS DAY OF 6~- , 1974. FINANCE COMMITTEE “4 Edwin P. Dumke e ATTEST : - City Clerk STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ss. Duane Dunham, being duly Sworn, doth depose and say that he is.a~n authorized representative of The . Sun .... Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a ... ......... a newspaper published at . .NYSS%Q . . ..... true copy, taken from ... ......... ....... ..................... (SEAL) CITY OF MUSKEM Offichl Notice RESOLUTION #237-I4 AUTHORIZING THETRANSFER OF FUNDS, of the Wisconsin Statutes permits WHEREAS, Section 65.05 (6)(b) the budgetary adjustments listed below by the Common Council, and mined by the Finance Committee WHEREAS, it has been deter- tal budget expenditures exceeded that several necessarydepartmen- that amount budgeted in 1914, SOLVED that the Common Coun- THEREFORE, BE IT RE- hereby. direct the City Clerk- cil of the City of Muskego does Comptroller to make the following transactions within the 1974 bud- get: To trqnsfer $50,000.00 from plus, to Acct. #602.0490, Contin- Acct. Y292, Unappropriated Sur- (Signed) Subscribed and .. of ... My Commission expires b~&/, ....... ,1974 gency Fund, and to transfer from Account 8632.0490;., Contingency to the following accounts: Fund, the amount of $107,061.00 aries & Wages-$3.350.00; 501.0110-Mayor & Council-Sai- Wages - $3,500 00; 503.0110- 502.0110 - Clerk-Salaries & Treasurer - Salaiy-$300.00; 504.0110 - Assessor-Salaries & Wages. $1,675.00; 509.0260-Main- tenance - Buildings, City Hall- $3,000.00; 510.0450-Printing & Codification. $1.500.00. 520.0110-Salaries & Wages-.Pa- Salaries & Wages-Dispatchers- trolmen, $45,000.00; 520.0120- Janitorial. Police Dept.--$486.00 $4,000.00; 520.0110 - Salaries- 520.0430-Gasoline. Oil & Lubr.. Pollce Dept.-$5.000.00:525.OllO- Salaries & Wages-Bldg. & Plbg.- $2,500.00: 525,0120-Other Salar- ies, Clerical-Bldg. 1nsp'n.- $3,000.00. Hwy. Dept.-$22,000.00; 552.0630- 552.0110-Salaries & Wages- Sand, Stone .$ Grave1-$2,000.00; Tile-$3,000.00; 558.0220-Garage. 552.0670-Culvert Pipe- & Drain 580.0110 - Salaries & Wages-Li- Utility & Heat - $1,500.00; brary-$4,500.00; 580.0451-Books & Magazines-$750.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk-Comptroller is authorized lo make the above transfer. DATED.THlS 8th DAY OF Oc- tober, 1974. FINANCE COhlMlTTEE Charles P. Foldy Paul J. Schaumberg ATTEST. Edwin P. Dumke /s/Bette J. Dowyer. City Clerk