CCR1974138RESOLUTION #138-74 a a DIRECTING RUEKERT & MIELKE TO DRAFT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR INSTALLATION OF STORM SEWER BETWEEN WESTWOOD DRIVE AND WON DRIVE WHEREAS the Public Works Committee has recommended that bids be taken for the installation of storm sewer between Lannon Drive and Westwood Drive, a distance of approximately 900 feet, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby direct the Engineering Firm of Ruekert & Mielke to prepare plans and specifications and to advertise for bids for the installation of storm sewer between Lannon Drive and Westwood Drive, a distance of approximately 900 feet. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED directed to report its the Common Council. DATED THIS 7 DAY e ATTEST: that the Public Works Committee is findings and recommendations back to Edwin P. Dude