CCR1973093ESOLUT I ON #93 -73 RESOLUTION FEQUESTltG DISTRIBUTION LIST FOR TAXABLE YEARS 1970 AND 1971 RESOLVED, THAT THE Clty of Muskego, Waukesha County, request the Wlsconsln Department of Revenue to furnish to the Clty Of HClskego a copy of the Income tax dlstrlbutlon prlnt- out data for the years shown below: (Corporation and lndlvlduall Taxab I e Year I970 I971 Appl les to Dlstrlbutlon Yssr 1971 I972 Thls resolution Is passed In order to comply with Chapter 488, Laws of 1963, Chapter 71.11 144) (CM), Wlsconsln Statutes. Jerome J. Gottfrled, Mayor I hereby certlfy that the above resolution s passed by the Comnon Council of the City of Wskego on G~//lcp- /Ae 1973. p 1 // Bette J. Bowyer, Clty Clerk 6/73 a