CCR1973022RESOLUTION #22-73 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF LEASE WITH HAROLD DIEKFUSS BE IT RESOLYED, THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE HAROLD DIEKFUSS LEASE ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. DATED THIS 13 PAY OF 1973. JEROME J. GOTTFRIED, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK Y 2/7 3 TM This in&p~~~s Made this .................. .i".. ........... day of ..... ..Feb.r.u.a.ry ......... ....., 19 ... 7.3, by and between ........................................................ SKEGO 2 ................................................................................................................................. a municlp-al corporation of. .MU.S.~.CXCL .............. __., County of ...... h!a.Uk.e.~.h~? ., State of .... !di.s.c.o.n.s.in lessor, .......................................................... and ~~..H.a%?l.d .... !?.&.k..f.u.s.s .................................... of. ..MUS.k.e.gO. ........... ., county of. ......................................... Wa uke s ha ., State of .............................................. ........- lessee. and performed by the lessee, ha. by these presents demised and.leased to the lessee the following described Property, lying witness&, mat the lessor for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be kept and being in. .!!!!,?u.k&??.. ... .Gunty, State of. WiS.c.Q.n.s.1.n.. ., to-wit: .................................................. Wisconsin ................. ............................ ........... ... ... .... ......... ... .... To hold for the term of. ... -0.n.e. .y.ea.r ..... ~~., beginning on the. .h.t .... day of. .J.a.!.!u.%ry ..... ., 19. -7.7 .............................. 31s t day of. ............................ December ...., 19..??.., the lessee yielding and paying therefor .... .... .... 8 ........ .... wearinp thcreof and damage by accidental fire or other accidents not happening through the neglect of the lessee, ....... e til e nnrtics hereto, as follows: may bc, and thc provisions uf this instrument shall extcnd and apply to the hem, executors, adrnlnlstrators, legal repre- Thc words "lessor" a1111 "lesser" when used hcrcin shall be taken tn mcan either the sinylnr of the plural as the ease scntatives, successors and assigns of the respective parties. In Witness Whereof,the said partics have hercuuto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. SlGNED AND SEALED LN PRESENCE OF ................................................................................... , ........................................................ SEAT..) .................................................................................... .............................................................................. (SEAL) ..................................................................................... ....................................................... SEAL)