CCR1972249RESOLUTION #249-72
(As Amended)
WHEREAS, the developers. of the Mus-Kee-Quac Planned Development
have received prellminary approval from the Plan Commission of
the presented concept, and
WHEREAS, thelr recomnendation for publlc hearing is being with-
held subject to the approval of the city of the proposed relo-
cation of McShane Road and the construction of a public road by
the developers on lands presently owned by the city which are
located on the east end of the former Bluhm property, and
WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has recomnended that the
City enter into an agreement with the developers of the Mus-Kee-Quac
Planned Development approving the proposed relocation of McShane
which wi 11 be bull t on ci ty-owned land and the sale of remnant
Road and the proposed roadway at the west end of their property
parcels to the developers for $1,000.00.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Comnon Council of the City of
Muskego does hereby decl.are its intent to enter into an agree-
ment with the developers of the Mus-Kee-Guac Planned Development
regarding the relocation of McShane Road and the building of a
road on city property subject to the following:
1. The clty will dedicate the necessary land for Street"A''.
2. The city will deed approximately one acre additional land
east of Street "A" to the developer for the purpose of
creating buildable lake lots in exchan e for which the
developer shall pay the city the sum 07 $1,000.00.
3. The developer will construct Street "A" in strict
accordance with city specifications.
4. The developer will install and bear the total cost of
the necessary sewer and water along Street "A".
5. The developer will create a grade to the west of Street "A"
acceptable to the city engineer or its consulting engineers.
6. The developer will provide sewer and water hook-ups at
no cost to the city for any future municipal use within
city lands adjacent to Street "A".
7. If at a future date the city should decide to develop lots
on its property adjacent to Street "A" instead of using
tionate share of the cost of sewer and water.
It for Municipal purposes, the city will pay a propor-
8. The resolutlon of other requirements for planned develop-
ment as provided in the Zonlng Ordlnance of the City of
Muskego as they relate to sewer, water, landscaping,
density, etc.
DATED THIS 26th. DAY OF December I 1972 *