CCR1972033RESOLUTION 1/33-72
.I) WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that the City of Muskego
adopt a classification and compensation plan to aid both the city and
its employees in the establishing of a more effective relationship, and
WHEREAS, the State Bureau of Personnel has evaluated the existing job
WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has reviewed the recommendations and
recommends the adoption of such specifications,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego
does hereby adopt the .following rules for the administration of the
classification and compensation plan:
@ positions within the city and developed specifications for each position,
1. The authorized pay ranges shall be interpreted and applied as
follows: I
(a) Initial Employment: The hiring rate shall be the entrance
rate payable to any full-time employe on first appointment
to a job. If recruitment difficulties exist or if a
potential appointee possess unusual qualifications directly
related to the requirements of the position, appointment
may be authorized at any step in the pay range.
(b) Automatic Pay Increases: Regardless of time since last pay
increase, full-time employes hired at the Hiring Rate
shall have their pay increased to the 6 Month Rate after
completion of 6 months of employment and to the Job Rate
after completion of an additional 12 months of employment,
while employes hired at the 6 Month Rate shall have their
pay increased to the Job Rate after completion of 12
months of employment. Those employes hired at the Job Rate
(maximum) shall receive authorized annual pay increases
only. Automatic anniversary date pay adjustments shall be
made effective on the first day of the pay period following
(c) Maximum Rate: The compensation paid to the incumbent of
any position in a given classification shall not exceed
the Job Rate (maximum) that applies to their classification
and length of employment.
(d) Part-Time Employment: All rates prescribed in the pay
ranges are the rates authorized for full-time employment.
Part-time employes are normally paid an hourly rate which
is equivalent to or compatible with the hiring rates
established for similar full-time classifications.
(e) Reinstated Employes: Although any pay rate in the range
may be paid employes are generally 'reinstated (re-employed)
at their former pay modified by any general adjustments
(annual increases) that have been. granted in the interim
to other employes. If required future pay range adjust-
ments shall be applied as specified in l(b) above.
2. Changes in the classifications of employes shall be administered
as follows:
(.a) Promotion: Promotion is the movement of an employe from
one class to another class having a greater Job Rate
(maximum). When employes are promoted to a position
in a higher class they shall serve a three month trial
period. If during this period an employe demonstrates
ability to carry out the newly assigned duties and respon-
sibilities their pay shall be retroactively increased on
the first day of the pay period following promotion to the
next highest rate in the pay range for the higher class.
Subsequent pay increases, if required, shall be applied
as specified in l(b) above for the higher class. (Employes
whose performance does not meet acceptable standards shall
be restored to a position commensurate with their former
status for which they are qualified.)
(b) Transfer: Transfer is the movement of an employe from
one class to another class having the same Job Rate
(maximum). The,re shall be no change in the pay rate
of an employe who is transferred.
(c) Demotion: Demotion is the movement of an employe frdm
one class to another class having a lower Job Rate
(maximum). When an employe is demoted to a position in
a lower class, their pay may be adjusted to any rate
within the new pay range for the lower classification.
If the new pay rate is established at a rate below the
Job Rate (maximum) the rules identified in l(b) above
shall be used to apply future pay adjustments.
3. The authorized pay ranges shall be adjusted annually as follows:
Each year the City Council or its designated Committee or
representative shall determine after discussions and/or delib-
erations with employes and/or employe groups and their repre-
sentatives the kind and amount of pay increases that should be
granted to employes. The Committee or representative shall then
submit their recommendations to the City Council for action.
All approved annual pay increases shall be made effective on
January 1st of each year unless a resolution is passed before
this date, authorizing an alternative effective date.
a DATED THIS /G/ DAY OF , 1972.
oGCofl+ Lois Sapp
ATTEST: Frank Narlock
* 3/72