CCR1971196RESOLUTION #196-71 DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT ORDINANCE FOR REZONING IN SECTION 17 (Rudolph & Moore) the City Plan Commission has recommended that the former Calvary Evangelical Free Church property on Janesville Road, containing 2.20 acres of land be re- zoned from RS-2 to RS-2 with an 00s Overlay, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Attorney is hereby directed to draft the necessary implementing ordinance to rezone the following described property from RS-2 to RS-2 with an 00s Overlay: Part of the NWk of Section 17, Township 5 North, Rage 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing in the center of the High- way, South 87O 30' West of north line, 115.08'; thence south 37O 10' west, 329.25' to beginning; thence South 37' 10' West 200' ; thence South 52O 50' East 524.8'; thence North 54' 55' East 46.58' thence North 199.23'; thence North 52O 50' West 412.18' to beginning, except that part sold to the highway; containing 2.20 acres of land. DATED THIS 28th DAY OF September , 197 1. ATTEST: