CCR1971163K'ESDLU-f I Ob! I 63 -7 I CITY 0; WSKEGO, WISCONSIN A RESOLUTION authorizing and providing for the bcrroning of $300,000. by the City of Musk?g/~, idi scans in, for tne Gurpose of temporary fund'ng of sewer expenditures pending rsc2ipt of prccocds of other notes. c WHEREAS, The City d Musk;.go, Waukesha County, Wisconsin (soinetimzs h!+reinafcer called thn "City") is presnntly in need of the silm of Ihree Hundred Thousand Dol lars (33C0,bOO) for t.he purpose to -wit:thetemporary funding of sewer expenditures pending thc. receipt of prsceeds of $600,303 in promissory notes scld to Continental Illinois - Bank !X Trust co. by conpet it i ve offers on kugust 17, 157 I . WHE?EHS, ths Coinmon Council of the City dsems it necessary a and in the b,zst int2rest of the City thzt purs.uant tc the provisions of Sec-Lion 67. the 12 ( Lzrms and conditions hereinafter providzd sum of $300,002 be bcrrowea 12) \$lis. S.tats., upon the NGW, 'THEREFORE, 3E IT ;IFSOLVED by the bmmon Counci I of th3 City of Muskego, \;daukesl-ia County, '?!isconsin, that: SECTION -. ." I. The City ,of Huskego, Waykesha County, !'Iisconsin, borrow ths anount of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars (5300,1330) froni the Sinking Fund established pursuant to Resolc!tion No. 144--71 vhich provided for a pronissory no?e in the anount of $530,003 maturing November 12, 1971 for the purpos? of paying currsnt szwer exqenses. I) SECTION 2. ~- To zvidence such indebtedness, the Mayor :,,ld City Clerk shall maku, execute andkiiver to said Sinking Fund, for " and. on behalf of the City one (I) q-:neral obligation promissory note of the City in the mount of l'hver-. tiundrfd Thousand Dol I ars ($300,000). Said note to be dt;tcd not latcr than August 17 , 1971, and to mature not later than ~~~~~b~~ i2 , l97! and 'to bSar @ intercst at the rc7.ie of 0% pcr snnum. The note sh.21 I be cat lab12 in accordance 'with the terms set forth on the form of n-Jte estab1 i shed in Secticn 3 h=.r,%o?. Note 5i:lking Fund and placed in said sccount upon receipt of thz borro:-ied funds, ~,ILIS accrued interesz to dat:? of 'dsl ivery and shal I ,. * be in substantial!^ thc fo.i.Iowinr~ form: -. . -2- (Form of i'!ote) i ty is I lect ion 'rssourc.zc, 0-F the Cit? af Mus'c~qo,, '!!auk shz County, Wisconsin, are hereby i rrevocal; 1.y p I edged. , -3 - This note is issued pursuant 67.12 (I?), \!isconsin Statutes, for the expenditures of the Citv, c.nd is author -4- 'a -5- ing Fund hereinafter du;. on the not- in ipal GF or interest CT; ss id no-ccIs rcna ins unpaid, the ?~~ce& of said ~SX shcl i be scgrcngated ic thl.? spc ical fund estab1 ished by Ssction 5 of this 3esolution and ! s::d scizly for the payclcn't of principal 2nd iCtzr.?st on said nste. If at any tine -thsri--i shzl i bs on hmd insufficient funds ?rem the afor.zsaid tax levy suificisnt to nmt principal and/or intsrest payrnz2nts an said noTe when due, the requisite amounts shall b.? paid fro3 ,sther funds of the City tll--.n avai iable, \which sums shai I b? r.?pI acd LJO; ihz cal icc'c'ion of the taxes herein Izvied. -6 - . Attesx:: -7 - "