CCR1971156RESO1,UTION 6156-71 DIRECTING CITY ATTOP.NEY TO INITIATE ACTION FOR VACATION OF PORTION OF PEARL DRIVE (JeT.iel Crest Subdivision) AS A?ITENDED WHERL?.P.S, The Public Works Committee has determined that as a result of the construction of Gold Drive it would be in the pub1i.c interest to vacate Pearl Drive from its intersection XGith Gold Drive to its intersection with Crest Drive and Emerald Drive from Agate Drive to its intersection with Gold Drive, and WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has recommended that the City Attorney prepare the necessary resolutions to present the matter at a public hearing, TF?i?REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the Citv of Pi1s1:ego does hereby direct the City Attorney to initiate whatever action is necessary in order that the question of vacating Pearl Drive from its intersection with Gold Drive Agate Drive to its intersection ~.~ith Gold Drive, can be to its intersection with Crest Drive and Emerald Drive from presented at a public hearing hefore the Common Council. DATED THIS 10th DAY OF August, 1971. e ATTEST : PUBLIC IJOPKS COEII.1ITTEE Robert Rureā€˜ermeister City Clerk 6/11/71