CCR1971098RESOLUTION #98 -7 1 PARTICIPATING IN THE LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES LABOR RELATIONS COMMUMCATIONS PROGBAM WHEBEAS, the League of Suburban Municipalities has inaugurated a Labor Relations Conrmunications Program, and WHEREAS, this Program would provide invaluable information as it relates to wages and fringe benefits paid in the surrounding communities, which in turn would aid the Neg- otiating Cmittee in their discussions with the different departments of the City on contracts for 1972, and WAEBEAS, the Finance Committee has reconrmended that the City of Huskego be included in the Program at a cost of $225.00, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Comnon Council of the City of Muskego does hereby agree to participate with the Labor Relations Communications Program as instituted by the League of Suburban Municipalities at a cost of $225.00. a BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be sent to Mr. Roger E. Walsh, Coordinator of the Program. DATED TlUS // MY OF a 7 , 1971. d FINANCE COMMITTEE Robert Burgbtmeister City Clerk v