CCR1971080RESOLUTION #80-71
(Melvin Coe)
a WHEREAS, Melvin Coe, owner of a recorded parcel of land of
approximately two acres in size and 1oca.ted in an area
zoned for Agriculture which normally requires three acre
lots, has requested legal lot status from the Common Council,
WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has considered the request and
has recommended to the Common Council approval on the basis
that this particular parcel of land had been created by
division many years ago,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City
of Muskego does hereby accept the recommendation of the Plan
Commission and declares that the following described property
be designated as a legal lot in accordance with Section 18.28
of Chapter 18 of the Municipal Code: 0
All that part of the Southwest one quarter of
Section 18, township 5 North, range 20 east, City
of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, described as
follows; to-wit: Commencing at a point on the
South line of the said section distant South 88'45'
West 1324.62 feet from the South quarter corner
thereof and thence continuing South 88O45' West 277.86
feet to the center line of Crowbar Road; thence North
5'45' West on the said center line 284.76 feet; thence
North 75'45' East 275.10 feet; thence South 6O34'22"
East 347.27 feet to the point of beginning and con-
taining 1.99215 Acres of land more or less.
I. 4/71