CCR1971022RESOLUTION 1/22-71
WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the Mayor, under Ch. 7.30 Wis.
Statutes, to nominate election officials, and
WHEREAS, the governing body shall approve or disapprove of these
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of Muskego does
hereby submit to its Honorable Body the following list of nominees
for Wards I thru VI1 for a two year term, term to expire in 1973::
Ward I Wanda Olson, Insp.
Gloria Reamer, Insp.
Ward I1 Lois Guhr, Clk.
0 Ward I11 Deanna Klein, Clk.
Ward IV Ruth Froemming, Clk.
Ward V Ruth Vogel, Clk.
Ward VI Joyce Miles, Clk.
Ward VI1 Betty Teisl, Clk.
Loretta Yanny, Clk.
Gertrude Hoffman, Insp.
Hta Hunnner, Insp.
Wanda Schaefer, Insp.
Patricia Rabay, Insp.
Joan Zickert, Insp.
Elaine Modlinski, Insp.
Vivian Salla, Insp.
Mildred Wendlandt, Insp.
Mary S tefaniak, Insp.
Betty Tewes, Insp.
Diane Jansen, Insp.
Colette Schweitzer, Insp.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego
does hereby confirm the above nominees as election officials for the
City of Muskego.
DATED THIS 7 DAY OF TC?h/"LCCL b y , 1971.