(Northhest Districk, F-6 Assessilent District, Area 1)
WHEREAS, the Comon Council has made its final deter-
mination of special assessments and it is necessary to notice
the same;
1.1011, THEXEFORE, BE IT INSOLVED that the City Clerk shall
give notice of such final determination, in the form attached here-
to as Exhibit "A", by publishing the same in the Tri-Town Hub, the
official City newspaper which has a general circulation in the
City and in the assessment district known as Northwest District,
F-6, Assessment District, Area 1, and is hereby found to be likely
to give notice to the persons affected thereby, and by mailing a
address is known, or can with reasonable flligence be ascertained.
copy of the same to every jnterested person whose post office
?I;:A,::: TA:X .'OTIS that the following is a final resolutiorl
elatin2 to the adoption of plans and specicications POP a sanitary eevjci. collection systerl in said City. f~copy of said final resolution, together wit11 all docu!,lents mentioned therein, is on file in the ofzice or' the City Clerk, :is0 27732 Pioneer Drive, J;us:tego, iis-
consin, and is open ;'or public inspection between the 11our.s oc
9:OO A..i..and 5:OO P.::., daily.
-, ,,. L.,,...iK,, the Coi:u:lon Council 05 the City of ;iusl;ego on the
20th day 0.: .;ay, 1970, adopted a Preli:.linary '::esolution nu:xbered
powers in relation to the construction of a sanitary sever system a?.. 117-70, ex7ressing its intent to exercise its special assessuent
in the followin5 area:
All that part 0.f Sections G, 5, and E;, Tom 5 ,!orth, :lanze 20 East,
City of ;:usliep, 'aulcesha County, 'isconsin, described as fo1lo:;s:
All or' Je:-!el Crest Nubdivision except Lot 5, ?lock 24; all of Lendale
ekizhts. Subdivision; all of Oak Lidze Zu'division (unrecorded); all
of Lenbezcder Grove I:ubdivision (unrecorded); all of ;;anske's Subdi- vision (unrecorded); the follor:.inz lot6 in 1usl:ego Shores :;ubdivision:
Lots 1 through 3, ;lock 2, all of i3locl; 3, all 02 31oci: 4, all or'
i.ij.11 Valley :ei,nhts ':ubdivision (unrecorded) except Lot '3; all of 3loclc 5, Lots 1 throush 5, 31ocl; 6, Lots 1 through 5, :.>lock 7; all Of
.'entland's Addition .3ubdivision (unrecorded); all 01 Loclrhurs: Plat; all of :lillvievf l'arn Plat; all of .:illview Zubdivision except Lots 31,.
sion: tot '1 Block 1, Lots 1 through 5, Block 2; all unplatted land 32, 33 3fl and 35; the following lots in 3ay :;bore Zstates Zubdivi-
in the following locations; along Martin Drive from College Avenue
to the East % line of Section 4; along the entire length of Topaz
Drive; along the entire length of Zanch Road; along the entire length of Hardtke Drive; along the entire length of Garnet Drive; along
Island Drive from the East line of Oak Ridge Subdivision (unrecorded)
Gold Drive except that part of School Drive; along the entire
to a point approximately 100 feet East; along the entire length of
length of Preston Lane; along the entire length of School Drive; along Xillendale Drive from Spring Road to a point approximately 300 feet
South of School Drive; along the entire length of a North-South Pri-
vate iload at the East end of Wentland Drive; along Wentland Drive from
East end to a point approximately 750 feet West; along the entire
Drive to Racine Avenue.
report of the City Engineer containing certain plans and specifica- tions for the construction of said sewer system, and an estimate of
the cost of the installation of said system; and
given as required by iiesolution #117-70, and as appears from the records of the City Clerk, held a public hearing on the 24th day of June, 1970, concerning the matters contained in the Preliminary Reso- lution and the report of the City Engineer.
ength of Hillview Drive; along Lochcrest Boulevard from Richdorf
WHEXEAS, the Common Council has tentatively adopted the
WEEAS, the Common Council, pursuant to notice properly
estimated cost of said improvement and the schedule of 1. The said Report, including the statement as to the
be and the samehereby is finally determined to be correct amounts assessed as to each parcel of said real estate,
and is finally approved and adopted, and said statement of
cost and schedule of assessments are hereby finally de- termined to be correct and are finally approved and adopted
as heretofore modified.
e Xeport are hereby finally determined to be correct and 2. The Plans and Specifications incorporated into said
are hereby finally approved and adopted as heretofore
e 3. The work contemplated in said Report shall be carried out in accordance with said Xeport as finally approved and the payment of the portion of the cost therefor which
will be paid by special assessments shall be made as set forth in the said Xeport.
Dated this c/ day of , 1970.
City Clerk