(iJorthwest District, F3.6 Assessnent District, Area 1)
WHFABAS, Connon Council of the City of Muskego on the
26th day of i-iay adopted a preliminary Lesolution numbered 117-70 expressing its intent to exercise its special assessment powers
in relation to the construction of a sanitary sewer system in the following area:
* follows:
Ail that part of Sections 4, 5, and 8, Town 5 North, Aange 20
East, City of ihskego, !iaukesha County, Yisconsin, described as
A11 of Jewel Crest Subdivision except Lot 5, Mock 24; all of
Lendale Hei hts Subdivision; all of Oak 2idge Subdivision
(unrecorded!; all of kmbezeder Grove Subdivision (unrecorded); all of ihnske's Subdivision (unrecorded); the following lots in
)hskego Shores Subdivision: Lots 1 through 3, Block 2, all Of
alock 3, all of Block 4, all of Block 5, Lots 1 through 5,
Subdivision (unrecorded) except Lot 9; all of Pjentland's Addi-lt';
Block 6, Lots 1 through 5, Block 7; all of i:ill Valley Heiehts
tion Subdivision (unrecorded); all of Lockhurst Plat; all of
Hillview Farn Plat; all of Hillview Subdivision except lots 31,
32, 33! 34, and 35; the follorling lots in Bay Shore Estates Subdivision: Lot 1 Block 1 Lots 1 through 5, Block 2; all un-
platted land in the following locations; along Liartin Drive from
College Avenue to the East a line of Section 4; along the entire
along the entire length of Hardtke Drive; along the entire lenL?tkJ length of Topaz Drive; along the entire length of ..lanch ;toad;
of Garnet Drive; along Island Drive from the East line of Gak
Mdge Subdivision (unrecorded) to a point approximately 100 feet
&St; along the entire length of Gold Drive except that part
North of School Drive; along the entire length of Preston h?cI
from Spring Road to a point approximately 300 feet South of along the entire length of School Drive; along Hillendale Drive
School Drive; along the entire length of a North-South Private
Xoad at the East end of IJentland Drive; along V!entland Drive
from its Sast end to a point approximately 750 feet :'lest; along
the entire length of Hillview Drive; along Lochcrest Boulevard
from Richdorf Drive to Xacine Avenue.
Of the City Engineer containing certain plans and specifications
for the construction of said sewer system, and an estimate Of the cost of the installation of said system; and
as required by T.esolution ,.?117"70, and as appears from records Of
the City Clerk, held a public hearing on the 24th day of June, 1970,
the report of the City Engineer.
"S, the Common Council has tentatively adopted the report
b!HEREAS, the Comon Council, pursuant to notice properly given
6 concerning the matters contained in the Preliminary Xesolution and
1. The said Xeport, including the atatenent as to.rthe esti-
mated cost of said improvement and the schedule of anOUntS
assessed as to each parcel of said real estate, be and the
same hereby is finally determined to be correct and is finally
approved and adopted, and said statement of cost and schedule
Of assessments are hereby finally determined to be Correct and are finally approved and adopted as heretofore modified.
Zeport are hereby finally determined to be correct and are
2. The Plans and Specifications incorporated into Said
hereby finally approved and adopted as heretofore modified.
3. The work contemplated in said Report shall be carried
out in accordance vdth said I:eport as finally approved and the payment of the portion of the cost therefor which will
be paid by special assessments shall be made as set forth in
said Xeport.
Dated this 4 day o
(Northwest 3intrict, ?-G /e.sessi:ient District, Area 1)
IJOTICE IS €E2EEBY GIVEd that a contract is about to be let
Tor the installation of a collection systen includinz laterals, lift
stations and appurtenances to the Severage Systein in the City 02 hske
,:aukesha County, !isconsin, in the follovling area:
that part of qections 4.+ 5, and 8, Town 5 dorth, ':anze 20 East, City of i:us!:ego, 'aultesha Countyi .:isconsin, described as f01101~:5:
A11 of .Jewel Crest subdivision except Lot 5, 3lock 24; all of Lendale '~Ieights Zubdivision; all or' Cak Y.idCc ?;ubdivision (unrecorded); ;all
of Lenbezcder Grove Subdivision (unrecorded); all of :;anskcts SUbdi- vision (unrecorded); the fol1ot;iy lots in ;luskego Shores Subdivision:
Lots 1 throuzh 3, ?lock 2, all ox 3lock 3, all of Dlock 4, all of
:;ill Valley ':eights Subdivision (unrecorded) except Lot 9; all 0:'
;lock 5, Lots 1 through 5, Mock 6, Lots 1 throuzh 5, 31ock 7; a:L1 of
all of !illview ?arm Tlat; all of .:illview Subdivision except Lots 31,
'entland's Addition Subdivision (unrecorded); all of Lockhurst Plat;
32, 33, 34.. and 35; the follolring lots in Gay :.;bore Xstates .;ubd:ivi- sion: Lot i ~locl~ 1, Lots 1 through 5, 310ck 2; all unplatted land in the followin; locations; alon5 &:artin Drive Cro;.,I Colleze !tvenne
to the Zast 1. line of Section 4.; alonz t!le entire length of Topaz 2ive; .. along the entire len,oth of :anch Load; along the entire length
or' .ardtlte Drive; alon: the entire length 02 Garnet Lirivc; along
Island drive fron the :iast line of Cak ::idge Subdivision (unrecorded)
Gold 3)rive except that part ilortll 0: dchool Drive; alonz the entire
to a point app-o::ir81ately 100 feet East; alons the entire length of
length of Preston Lane; along the entire length of jchool ilrive; along .illendale >rive fron /iprinz 2oaci to a point appraxiaately 300 feet
:iouth of School :>rive; along the entire length of a ilorth-South i'ri- vate .oad at the .last end of ~.'entland :>rive; along ,'entland !)rive froi.1
its .:ast end to a point approximately 750 feet .'est; alonz the entire
hive to Yiacine Avenue. lenzth of ZllvievJ >rive; along Lochcrest 3oulevard frosl _lichdorf
and that the amount of the special acsessinent therefor has been cleter-
rhed as to each parcel of real estate azfected thereby and a statemeni
01 the sane is on file !-!ith the City Clerk of said City; it is proposec
to collect the same in ten (10) installnents, as provided by Section
66.54, I-lisconsin :;tatutes, with interest thereon at 8 per cent per
annuc1; that all assessments will be collected in installments as above
provided except such assessr~ents on property where the ovner 0: t:he
sane shall file with the City Clerk vithin thirty (30) days from the
date of this notice a written notice that he elects to pay the special
assessment on his property, describing the sase, to the City Treasurer
on or before the next succeeding ..iovenber 1. If after nakinc such elcc- a tion, said property owner fails to make paynent to the City Treas,urer,
the City Cleric shall place the entire assessblent, together with inter-
est, on the next succeeding tax roU7
Dated this & day of k& ~ , 1970.
City Clerk of the City of ;.luske,"o '!aukesha County, ,.1sconsin
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