CCR1969081RESOLUTION 1\81-69 CHANGE OF TITLE FOR TWO POSITIONS ON THE POLICE DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART WHEREAS, the Safety Committee on June 4, 1969, by motion, Lieutenants, and WHEREAS, after further discussion with several members of the Common Council it was determined that two Sergeant positions should be changed to that of Lieutenant, * recomhded a change of title for Police Sergeants to Police THEREFORE Personnel follows: BE IT RESOLVED that Ordinance 1\68-67, Establishing and Regulating Salaries, be amended to read as SECTION I, Police Department Lieutenants (2) Sergeants (1) 0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there will be no additional cost to the City and that the salary for the position of Lieutenant shall be the same as that specified in the 1969 Police Department Contract for Sergeants. DATED THIS jq DAY OF fl+ ,1969. ATTEST: