CCR1969005RESOLUTION # 5-69 ESTABLISHING A POLICE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT WITH OTHER COMMUNITIES IN THE SOUTH EASTERN WISCONSIN AREA WHEREAS, Villages, cities, counties and other political subdivisions of the State of Wisconsin have the responsibility to provide for the total protection of life and property and the maintenance of law and order within their jurisdiction, and WHEREAS, it is not probable nor likely that any political subdivision can or will have the law enforcement capability to meet this respon- sibility in every eventuality without aid and assistance, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the safety and welfare of the people of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, that its elected legislative representatives take the best available action to meet this respon- sibility, and WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Wisconsin in Sections 59.24, 66.305, 66.315 and others of the statutes provide authority for law enforce- ment agencies of separate political subdivisions to aid and assist 4 one another in the performance of police or peace duties, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the members of the Common Council of the City of Muskego approve in principal the plan whereby municipal and county law enforcement agencies enter into reciprocal agreements to provide mutual assistance in the event of emergencies of such magnitude that the law enforcement agency of one particular municipality or county finds it impossible to handle, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief of Police of the City of Muskego is authorized and directed to in the name of the City, enter into a common agreement with the Chief of Police and the Sheriff of such other municipalities or counties as he deems advisable, a detailed plan to implement the general purpose stated herein, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event of emergency and when author- ized by the Chief of Police, or his subordinate command officer, members of the Muskego Police Department are a.uthorized and directed safety beyond the territorial limits of the City, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the plan or agreement negotiated by the Chief of Police shall establish procedures under which mutual assistance will be requested and furnished by the participating law enforcement agencies, and the agreement shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: 0 to perform enforcement work related to public health, welfare and 1. Compensation. All wages, disability payments, pension, workman's compensation claims, damage to clothing and equipment, medical expenses, and similar benefits shall be guaranteed by the political subdivision regularly employing the peace officer to whom the benefit accrues. a Resolution 1/3-69 Page 2. 2. Liability. Financial indebtedness incurred by any Chief of Police (or Sheriff) and his subordinates incurred in action under this agreement shall be guaranteed by the political subdivisions employing such peace officer, and final respon- sibility shall not be a deterrent to the Chief of Police to act, but shall be later resolved under law by the respective political subdivisions. e * 3. Organization and Operation. The Chief of Police shall have the responsibility and authority to determine the methods and means by which he will best seek and render reciprocal assistance to the benefit of the City of Muskego, and under this resolution shall have the authority to sign articles of agreement and procedures with participating departments. He shall report in writing to the City Board of Trustees each such agreement. 4. Effective and Termination Dates. Reciprocal aid agreements entered into by the Chief of Police shall be effective upon his signing and shall be terminated only with the approval by resolution of the City Board of Trustees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all City of Muskego officials and employees are hereby authorized and directed to do and perform all that is 6 necessary to successfully carry out the terms of this resolution. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE- A Roland Linck c.coo , Kennkth A. Cooley -&& P/L ' Walter Wo1lma.n ATTEST: -. City Clerk PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS /</ DAY OF 1969. PROPOSED April, 1968 Southeast Wisconsin Law Enforcement Agencies Mutual Aid in Police Emergency Operating Procedures * I. Purpose To establish the method by which mutual aid will be available to all participating communities, to establish methods and procedures in regard to how manpower and equipment pools will be created by participating communities. 11. Scope of Mutual Aid Services A. Dissemination of factual information B. Creation of strategic manpower task force 1. Standby alert status at municipal level 2. Called up reserve at municipal level 3. Mobilized force at county level 4. Mobilized force at Southeast Area Police Services level C. Distribution and assignment of manpower to the requesting county or municipal law enforcement agency. D. Creation of equipment pool and other support material necessary to implement mutual aid services as listed in I1 B. 111. Information Control A. B. C. D. All information concerning area interest received by any local police agency will be studied by it and checked to the extent possible for fact and reliability. 1. Separate factual information from rumor, check source, etc. 2. Actual occurrences should be reported All facts or probable factual information will be immediately relayed by best controlled communication method to the County Information Center from which it will be disseminated to other local agencies within the county. The County Information Center will evaluate the information in relation to what is currently known at the center and if adviseable will relay the item to each of the other County Information Centers who in turn will be guided by I11 B above. The law enforcement agencies in each county are responsible for and urged to establish a County Information Center. Failure to do so will prohibit the relaying of mutual aid information to any agency in such non participating county. -1- IV. Command and Control of Operations Area A. Definitions 1. Operations Area That land, water and buildings which are within the legally established boundary lines of the governmental unit affected by the police emergency. 2. Command The responsibility and authority to issue lawful orders and directives to law enforcement personnel together with power to make compliance mandatory. 3. Control The authority to exercise restricting or directing in- fluence over police personnel for the purpose of governing and regulating their actions. B. The command and control of policing in the local operations area is unquestionable that of the chief law enforcement officer of the local area, and his authority shall not be usurped except as follows: 1. He transfers his authority to the Sheriff of the county . 2. He is removed from office by constituted authority which normally has such power. 3. If by reason of disability he is unable to perform and there is no automatic departmental line of succession, the County Sheriff may assume command and control. C. When the emergency encompasses more than one jurisdiction the command and control in each jurisdiction's operations area shall be as in IV B, except if circumstances obviously dicta.te that to be unworkable, in which case the control shall be as follows: 1. If within a single county, the sheriff shall coordinate police service as necessary and shall assume complete command and control only when local authority fails. 2. If in more than one county, but within the south east area the Police Services Area Director shall act in the manner set forth in IV, C, 1 above. V. The Strategic Task Force A. Because each participating agency must be confident that assistance will be forthcoming upon request, it is vital that an assured task force be available upon reasonable notice. For all practical purposes the following procedures will apply in developing the task force. -2- B. Each community will officially, by resolution, adopt these procedures and will enter into a blanket agreement with all other participating agencies to comply with the adopted procedures. Any community failing to enter into such agreement will not be eligible for assistance under this procedure. Any agency failing to fulfill its obligation upon call without justification will be denied future ~iigibility for aid under this procedure. C. Each agency will adopt an emergency system for alerting and recalling its personnel for immediate emergency service. D. Each agency will agree to assign a number of personnel to the task force, and will adhere to this agreement. E. Task force assignments shall be prorated according to authorized strength of department as follows: 1-4 man department - optional 5 - 10 11- 25 26 or more 'I I1 II II I1 II - 115 of strength - 114 I' - 113 I' 11 I1 F. Alerting for task force assembly will be as follows: Code 1 (Alert) = All personnel are alerted and must supply telephone number at which he can be reached on moments notice. Code 2 (Recall) = Personnel equal to number to be furnished are recalled to standby at local headquarters. Code 3 (Mobilize) = Standby task force is to report for duty at place and time indicated by this order. (NOTE: at this point each agency chief should determine his own need to recall men for local coverage) Code 4 (Action) = The movement of the Task Force into the area of operations where comnand and control passes to local agency. Any Code Alert might be the first alarm turned in, as example if a serious incident occurred without warning the first notice might be Code 2 or 3. G. Section V does not prevent or effect special and independent mutual aid contra.cts between agencies under which they assist each other in routine local situations such as fires, special events, etc. However, after the county or area wide mutual aid procedure is activated as set forth herein, it shall take precedence over individual pacts. VI. Activating Mutual Aid Response A. Whenever, in the opinion of the local chief law enforcement officer, a local situation is developing in which he will need assistance, he shall consult with the County Sheriff who will cause the necessary Code signal to the broadcast within the county. a B. The Sheriff shall also immediately cause the South East Area Police Services Director to be notified of the situation if Code 2 or 3 is broadcast in order that necessary Area coordinat- ing action may be planned. -3- C. The South East Area Police Service Director shall in turn notify the State Co-Director of Police Services. (Rudy Exner, Wis. Rapids) VI€. Equipment and Supplies A. Each agency will furnish its personnel assigned to the Task Force with the following minimum equipment. 1. Uniform and badge of office 2. Sidearm and 18 extra rounds ammunition 3. Handcuffs 4. Hard hat 5. Baton B. Each agency will furnish to the Task Force such other police equipment as is necessary for its personnel to function as follows: 1. Vehicles 2. Weapons 3. Communications 4. Food and drink b VIII. Financial Responsibility will be as set forth in Wisconsin Statute 66.305 end 66.315 as amended August 15, 1967. -4-