CCR1968189RESOLUTION #189-68 AUTHORIZING THE ADVERTISING OF BIDS FOR BULK GASOLINE FOR THE POLICE DEPARZMENT WHEREAS the Common Council of the City of Muskego had approved the installation of a bulk gasoline storage tank and a gasoline pump for the police department, and WHEREAS the Finance Committee had been previously authorized . to advertise for bids to supply the police department with bulk gasoline, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City Muskego does hereby authorize the Finance Committee to advertise for bids to gasoline dealers to supply 100 octane premium gasoline for the police department for a six month period. PASSED AND AMPTED THIS 12th DAY OF November ,1968. FINANCE CWITTEE Edmund Budish ma/J Q,d Frank Narlock m8LZ-d Harold DeBack ATTEST: City Clerk