CCR1968169RESOLUTION #169-68 RELATING "0 FINAL DETERMINATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IN DISTRICT #2 WHEREAS, the Common Council on the 13th day of August 0 1968, adopted resolution # 148-68 expressing its intention to re- , consider and amend special assessments levied for the installation of sidewalks, driveway approaches, concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer in the following described Assessment District #2: All that part of Section 9, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wis- consin, described as follows: All that land abutting C.T.H. "Y" (Racine Avenue) from S.T.H. "24" to a point approximately 1750 feet South of S.T.H. "24"; and WHEREAS, the Common Council, pursuant to notice duly published and mailed to all persons interested, held a public hearing on said resolution I/ 148-68 on the 9th day of September. 1968. e NOW, THF,REFORE, the Common Council of the City of Muskego, pursuant to the authority vested in it by Section 66.60 Statutes, does hereby resolve as follows: 1.) That the schedule of final assessments filed by the City Engineer, be and the same hereby is finally determined to be correct, and is finally adopted and approved as an amended schedule of final assessments against each parcel of land assessed on said schedule. 2.) That wherever the final assessment as appears in said schedule is lower than the prior assessment, the Clerk shall reduce each such assessment proportionately, and wherever any assessments or installments have been paid, the excess over cost shall be applied to reduce succeeding unpaid installments, where the property owner has elected to pay in installments, or refunded to the property owner. 3.) That payment for said improvements be made by assessing the cost to the property benefited as indicated in said report. 4.) That benefits shown in the report are true and correct, have been determined on a reasonable basis and are hereby confirmed. 5.) That the assessments for all projects included in said report are hereby combined as a single assessment, but any interested property owner shall be entitled to object to each or purposes. assessment separately or both assessments jointly for any purpose 6.) That the assessments may be paid in cash or in five annual installments to the City Clerk, to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum on the unpaid balance. Installments or Page 2. assessments not paid when due shall bear additional interest on the amount due at the rate of six per cent per annum. 7.) The City Clerk is directed to publish this resolution as a class I notice in the assessment district. e 8.) The clerk is further directed to mail a copy of this resolution and a statement of the final assessment against his property to every property owner whose name appears on the assess- ment roll whose post office address is known or can with reasonable diligence be ascertained. - Dated this $f day of 1968. ATTEST: AJ City Clerk 9/68 .ie NOTICE OF FINAL DETERMINATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IN DISTRICT #2, CITY OF MUSKEG0 4- PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the following is a final resolu- tion relating to the levying of special assessments for sidewalks, driveway approaches, concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer: "RELATING TO FINAL DETERMINATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IN DISTRICT #2 W~REAS, , I i ng' its intent the Common Counci I on the 9 day of 1968, adopted resol ut ion #-&xpress- ion to reconsider and amend special assess- ments levied for the installation of sidewalks, driveway approaches, concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer in the following described Assessment District #2: All that part of Section 9, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wis- consin, described as follows: All that land abutting C.T.H. "Y" (Racine Avenue) from S.T.H. "24" to a point approx imatel y I750 feet South of S.T.H . "24"; and WHEREAS, the Common Council, pursuant to notice duly published nd mailed to all persons interested, pub1 ic he ing on said resolution #/%g on the day of , 1968; A hejd a NOW, THEREFORE, the Common Council of the City of Muskego, pursuant to the authority vested in it by qection 66.60 Statutes, does hereby resolve as follows: I.) That the schedule of final assessments filed by the City Engineer, be and the same hereby is finally de- termined to be correct, and is finally adopted and approved as an amended schedule of final assessments against each parcel of land assessed on said schedule. a 2.) That wherever the final assessment as appears in said schedule is lower than the prior assessment, the Clerk shall reduce each such assessment proportionately, and wherever any assessments or installments have been paid, the excess over cost shall be applied to reduce succeeding unpaid installment, where the property owner has elected to pay in installments, or refunded to the property owner. 3.) That payment for said improvements be made by assessing the cost to the property benefited as indicated :* in said report. 4.) That benefits shown in the report are true and correct, have been-determined on a reasonable basis and are herebv conf i rmed. 5.) That the assessments for all projects included in said report are hereby combined as a single assessment, but any interested property owner shall be entitled to object to each assessment separately or both assessments jointly for any purpose or purposes. 6.) That the assessments may be paid in cash or in five annual installments to the City Clerk, to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum on the unpaid balance. Installments or assessments not paid when due shall bear additional interest on the amount due at the rate of six per cent per annum. 7.) The City Clerk is directed to publish this resolu- tion as a class I notice in the assessment district. 8.) The clerk is further directed to mail a copy of this resolution and a statement of the final assessment against his property to every property owner whose name appears on the assessment roll whose post office address is known or can with reasonable dill ence be ascertained. 2 Dated this 7 day of ,A , 1968.’’ A s/ U!FUL- Donald E. Wieselrnann Mayor ATTEST: s/ Bette J. Bowyer City Clerk A copy of the final resolution together with the schedule of final assessments and other documents is on f i I e in the off ice of the City Clerk, W180 57732 Racine Avenue, Muskego, Wisconsin, and is open for public inspection between the hours of 8:OO A.M. and 5:OO P.M. daily A-q-5 1 Bette J. Bowver. Citv clerk City of Muskego