RESOLUTION 12 7 - 6 7
(Adopted at Meeting held 9/12/67 .......... ......... .~..., 19..67..)
Whereas, the City of .............................. MUSKEG0 ....................... ...... ~., ................................. Waukesha ..County,
3 Wisconsin (hereinafter called the "City"), is presently in need of funds aggregating $ ~, for the
ollowing purposes, to-wit: (Here state specifically and in detail each purpose for which funds are needed.)
For general and current municipal expenses,
; and
Whereas, the City Council deems it necessary and in the best interests of the City that, pursuant to the
provisions of Section 67.12 (12). Wisconsin Statutes, the sum of ~ ...... 00 J .......... 000 ? ....... 00 .be borrowed upon the terms and
conditions hereinafter set forth for the purposes hereinabove stated:
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that for the purposes hereinabove set forth the Mayor and Clerk be and
eey hereby are authorized, empowered and directed, pursuant to Section 67.12 (12), Wisconsin Statutes, to borrow
from. ......................................................................... ............................. .......
Wisconsin (hereinafter called the "Lender"), the aggregate sum of S..5o%ooo.e.o.o. ... .., and, to evidence such
indebtedness, said Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute and deliver to the Lender for and on behalf of the City
............ the Waukesha State Bank
............ ...p romissory note($ of the City in the principal amount($ and payable as follows:
$ 50,ooo.0o
50,000 .oo
50,000 .oo
............... ................
................................... a ..... 50.>.0(1$.,0 ......
....... 5G.,ee,.oo .........
....... 5.0 2 ........................... 000.00
....... 5Q!.,.eoQ..oo .........
.... .ljo,.ooo,o0 .........
April 15, 1968
April 15, 1969
April 15, 1970
April 15, 1971
April 15, 1972
................................................... April 15, 1973
April 15, 1974 ....................................................
................................................. April 15, 1975
April 15, 1976 .................................................
.......... APri1 ... 15,. .. 1977".
... .$. .50.?~000.,0P ....... ..... ?k .A. oJ.937 ... 50..
50,000 .oo 16 875 00 ........................................ .............. > ........ .! ........
................. 50 000 .... t..~ 00 ........ 15. 000 00 ........ 1 .......... , ........
..... .50,.000,.op ...... .......... 13 2 .................. 125 00
~0,000.00 11,250.00
50,000.00 9,375.00
50,000.00 7,500.00
50,000.00 5,625 .OO
50, ooo .oo 3,750.00
..................................... 50,000.00 1,875.00
................................ ................................
............................ ...................................
.................................... ..................................
...................................... ................................
...................................... ......................................
note(s) shall be in substantially the form hereto attached.
Be It Further Resolved, that there be, and there hereby is, levied on all the taxable property of said City
a direct annual irrepealable tax sufficient in amount to retire the principal and interest on said note($ as said note(s)
mature, said tax being as follows:
For the year 19 ... 62.,
For the year 19. 68r
For the year 19..~6.%,
.. , For the year 19 ... To..,
For the year 19 71.~,
For the year 19 ...2 z~.,
For the year 19.. 73,
For the year 19 ... Tg..,
For the year 19. 7.5,
For the year 19..~1.6..,
*@ In the event that the City exercises its prepayment privilege then no such direct annual tax shall be included
on the tax rolls for the prepayments so made and the amount of direct annual tax hereinabove levied shall be reduced
accordingly for the year or years with respect to which said note(s) were prepaid. c
In each of said years from 19-67.,. to 19 .. 7.". 6 ., inclusive, the direszannual tax hereinabove levied shall be carried
into the tax rolls each year and shall be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes of the City
for such years are collected. So long as any part of the principal of or interest on said note($ remains unpaid the
proceeds of said tax shall be segregated in a special fund used solely for the payment of the principal of and interest
on said note(s); and
Bert Further Resolved, that the said note(s) hereinabove authorized shall be dated ..... se~tembeF..15 .,
19 .6.7 ...; shall be executed as soon as may be after the adoption of this resolution; and shall be delivered to the Lender
upon receipt of the total principal amount of the loan evidenced thereby.