CCR1967099- " .. - RESOLUTION jL.99-67 AUTHORIZING A STUDY FOR REMOVAL OF SEDIMENTATION AND MUCK FROM LITTLE MUSKEG0 LAKE WHEXEAS the Citizens Little Muskego Lake Committee has reported that prior to any final decision 2s to the possibility of draining and 0 cleaning Little Muskego Lake, 2 feasibility study would be necessary, end whereas, a. propose1 has been presented by Mr. Casey Kendziorski, Jr. for 2 feasibility study for removal of sedimentption and muck from Little Muskego Lake, 2nd WHEREAS, the study F70Uld encompass the following: 1 : "* 1. To approxim2te the location of the muck 2nd sedimentstion deposits ancl their depths. 2. To determine the chemic21 composition 2nd elements of the muck and sediments. 3. To determine end propose the best methods and procedures for removing the muck. 4. To determine where the removed' materials can be deposited. 5. To confer with the Conservption Department and the Public 0 Service Commission regprding the mstter. €. To estimete the project cost. 7. To estimate the time required. C. To prepare a plpnt to initiate, implement 2nd comolete the project. 9. To appe9.r before the individual property owners an6 explain the project. 10. To evpluste pny problems which might be encountered vith property owners and neighboring communities. WHEREAS, the feasibility study would be completed pt 9. cost of $2,000.00, WHEREAS, the Little Muskego Committee hss requested consi2errtion bc end given by the Council to authorize such study, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby puthorize e feasibility study for Little Muskego 0 Lake by Kr. Cpsey Kendziorski, Jr., cost not to exceed $~2,000.00. BE IT FURTHEX XSOLVED thpt the Finance Committee is directed to review e progress report to be presented by Mr. Kendziorski, Jr., efter the expenditure of $1,000.00 to determine whether PdditionPl fun& shall be expended. BE IT FURTHER XSOLVED thrt the Comon Council does hereby authorize the City Clerk end the Mpyor to execute the necessary documents in the 1 I nome of the City, ATTEST: 0 City Clerk e%\-. Sivier L. J