CCR1965110RESOLUTION #llO a 4. RESOLUTION PRCVIDING FOR THE ADVERTISING OF EIDS FOR THE CLFABING OF MUSKEGO CREEK EET:IEEN WOODS ROAD AND BIG MUSKEG0 LAKE WHEREAS, previous bids for the cleaning and straightening have been rejected by the Council of Muskego Creek between Noods Read and Big Muskego Lake WHEREAS, new specifications have been prepared and it is the reconmendetion of t.he Dublic Works Cormittee t.hat the City of Muskego readvert.ise for bids on the project THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEE that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby acthorize the Public Works Com!Lttee to advertise for bids on the cleaning and Biz Muskegc Lake. straight,ening of Muskego Creek from Woods Road south to PUBLIC WORKS COMKITTEE City Clerk