CCR1965109RESOLUTION NO. 109 TRANSFER OF FUNDS FilOM THE GENERAL FULQ TO SPECIFIC ACCOUNTS OF THE BUDGET FOR 1965 a WHEREAS, several accounts in the Budget for 1965 show a deficit due to added unforeseeable expenses, actions taken by the Council during the year of 1965, and expenditures vhich were not set forth in the 1965 Budget. transfer of funds - WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended said ocly and does not involve the expenditure of fund.s - WHEREAS, the transfer of funds is a bookkeeping entry THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ?,hat the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Clerk-Treasurer to make the needed bookkeeping entree?: from the General Fund to the following accounts. Account Amount League Dues $ 55.00 Salaries - City Officials 613.12 Other Salaries & Wages 208.80 Office Supplies Other Salaries Boar? of Review Legal Fees Equipment lrlorkmens Comp. Bldg. & Contents Liability & Prop. Ins. Burglary Ins. FICA Tax Officials Bonds Health Ins. Other Salaries Utilities-Telephone Heating Humane Officer Supplies Fire Dept. Radio Faintenance Fire Dept. Other Salaries Supplies Mileage House numbers Conferences Zoning Eoard of Appeals Professions1 Services Other Sala~ries Blood Bank Engineerins Service Legal (Sewer) Supplies k Expenses Oil & Asphalt Ice Control Culverts Sealing Program 307.50 365.00 6.5’1- 35 785.41 219.58 41.00 236.50 42.78 162 .%3 182.00 34.89 58.10 71.95 72-51 618.59 641.60 .35 304.69 949.08 57.94 227.31 100.00 12.66 246.00 57 .Qa 716.97 .67 198.75 498.00 19.66 11,400.75 256.30 4.00 790.70 1,052.0.5 1,287.88 431.65 Page 2. - Co6e Account. 817 8J43 Electricity Tess Corners Bridge 862 Other Salaries 867 868 Gas SC Oil Equipment 915 Library Equf-pment 913 Library 934 Supplies 036 Nmorj.al Day- 9 -37 Puddles 97 6 977 Dog Fees Errcr-Income Taxes .-. Amoupt 492.00 14-36 52.50 3,609.?2