CCR1965104RESOLUTION ACCEPTANCE OF ROADS IN HILLENDALE SUB Y IVISION WHEREAS, the Pub1 ic Works Committee of the City of Muskego has inspected the new roads in the Hillendale Subdivision and, a WHEREAS, they have recommended to the Common Council that said roads be accepted' as City streets of the City of Muskego, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Muskego does hereby accept the roads in Hillendale Subdivision; said roads being more accurately set forth on the plat attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the $6,000.00 bond which the City is now holding to guarantee fulfillment of the requirements as set forth in the subdivision control ordinance and the ordinance establishing <. . 0 specifications for streets in the City of Muskego, shall be released to the subdivider upon authorization of the Public Works Committee after they are satisfied that the mirlor items, such as reseeding of slopes, straightening of ditch lines in certain areas and the other requirements of tile vrdinances are complied with. PUBL I C WORKS COMM I TEE Adopted 11/9/65