CCR1965079RESOLUTION #79 PURCHASE OF SOIL MAP cf WKEREAS the Muskego Plan Commission has need of an enlarged Soil Data Map to show suitability for Septic Systems, su,it- ability for Residential Development with Pu,blic Sewers, and mitability for Roads and Bu,ildings, WHEREAS such a map can be prepared by the Southeastern Wis- consin Regional Planning Commission for approximately $400.00, WHEREAS the Plan Commission budget will not cover such an expenditure and funds must be transferred from the General Fu,nd . THEREFORE be it resolved that the Common Cou,ncil of the City Map for the Plan Commission, of Muskego does hereby authorize the purchase of a Soil Data BE it further resolved that the sum of $400.00 shall be trans- ferred from the General Fund to the Plan Commission Fmd (Code #677) for this pu,rpose. @ I I FINANCE COMMITTEE 7/65 jas