CCR1965049RESOLUTION #49 HWA r 24 - CONTROLLED ACCESSES (TO BE RETURNED BY THE STATE) / ................................. 4 a s,f :,we- ;;~mm;: I pnrtiun of til,. I~.:I 3~rw: or 11ixi)w::y irlc,ltific,.rl :!s --J!LsGGLC-DK~.YC l';h.-:v:a , ih Sl:>l,. !iixil.>: .y Cvmt~~i. iul: n'i:-colthin. h~r,,imiwr dcsim>nkd :IS thd Commission, proposes thc control ........................................................................................................... ........................................................ .................................................., in s~~,:,v~i~~:~~':, wi!;, ~n:::rr,~:,-,~-;\ecc..s rrojcct _.CXOaJ.BLl> Jvr..::x*ita,r clt.:;i~n:,tccl :,s thc Projcet, in thc -_:-ci.!Y ...................................... of .......... .---___________, (town, village or city) Muskego ........................................... liaukesha County, Wisconsin, which Project is located and further described as follows: Extending fron a point on the east lirnits of the Village of Big Bend on the north and south one-quarter line and approximately 786 feet, south of ,the north one-quarter corner of Section 24, Township 5 North, Range 19 East, easterly to- the Waukesba-Milwaukee County Rmge 20 East Line near the south one-sixteenth corner on the east line of Section 36, Township 6 North, M'hcrcx, Section 84;?5(9), Wisconsin Statutes, provides for cooperntive agreements between the Commission and ; and c1131.,~cs thc Conmission to do all things necessary to carry out the cooperation contenplated and provided for by this section; the ,-orcl.ning bodies of x city, county, town or village respecting the control of access on local streets or highways, and KoW, Therefore, Be It Resolved, for and in consideration of the Commission's undertaking of this project under the CeYned the cixXQf-jhSk%--- assents to the requirements of Section S4.25 of the Statutes and pledges its good faith to requirenleilts of Section 84.25 of the Statutes, that insofar as its legal jurisdiction over the local street or highway is con. controlled by the Commission along the above-described street or highway &m- cnl.l.Ying out the purposes stipulated therein, and to this end the -~itJ.QiLf_MUSkp~-- hereby agrees that access be within 150 feet, as measured dong the centerline of said local street or highwzy, (from the existing center- line of original 6G-foot right of way.) and affecting the adjacent properties located in the southwest one-quarter of the southwest one-quarter of Section 9, Township 5 North, Rage 20 East. I, ............... ____, Clerk of the ....... G1-Q .................................. of '\ STATE OF WISCONSIN Register's OEce #-Lived for nccord this _._.__._._.._. "".."""".""".""" county ,hV of ............................ A.D., 19 _____, :)t ___.______ o'clork 2nd r~ordrd in Vol. ...... oi ............... 0:) I':::,.u ................................... e ----- Register of Dccdz ........................................ Deputy Registev of Decda The foregoing resolution is hereby at- cepted and ratified by the State Highway ~ Commission of Wisconsin, pursuant to 3. motion madc. seconded, and enrricd an the ._..~?~dny of ___.____. bXsi ___._, , r. :;3SOLUTION AGREEIKG TO CCNTROL OF -ACCESS -4i.OSC LOC..\L STREET OK KIGB\V.tT IN COXXTECTI3N WITH J A COSTXLI.E:D-.ACCESS PKQJECT OF THE ST.4TE KKIXW4Y C.OMMISSION OF WISCONSIN OC :!CCFFC nlanl: n portion of thc locnl strcct or highnxy idcntificd ns ~.__Ol?b_lli_f._h_i_~h.~~~-~.~~e.nd~.n~..~O~.~~e~a~~.~~lY \Vhcrc:~s. thc Stxtc I?igh\r.y Commission of Wisconsin, hcrcinnftcr dcsignztcd 3s thc Commission. prol~oscs thc contml from S.T.H. 24. the point of intersection beinc. 1140 feet north 2nd 1390 feet west of the """"""""".I".... ...................................................................... in co:tncctinn uith Controllcd-Access Projcet .-ch.o8>-efLl--~ _...__.---.--.--. - -.--..-_--.._._--.--____________________, hcrein:lftcr dcsi,-n:ltcc! ne rhc Project, In the ..___._______-.___._ c&.!Y-.-_- ~~~~___~~-.~~.~__ of .--- :?!!i&!?B? ..--.-._____, __....._._. I.!cukesha ~ ...__.....__._.._.._____________ County, Wisconsin, which Project is locnted and further described as follows: .s_out~..~~~.~eu~rre~..fo.~ner.~.~__S_f__ct_i_on._9,.T~~~~shie._5__North,.R.~-ge.2~-.E~.~~~--~K~~>y.Dr~~~~ ___, .. (town, rillaze or city) Excelding from 2 point on the east limits of the Village of Big Bend on the north and south one-quarter line and approximately 786 feet south of the north one-quarter comer of Section 24, Township 5 North, Range 19 East, easte.rly to the Waukeska-XIwaukee County North, Range 20 East Line p.ezr the south one-sixteenth comer on the 'east line of Section 36, Township 6 ; and Whcrens, Section 64.25(9), Wisconsin Statutes, provides for cooperative agreements between the Commission and the go\-erning bodies of a city, county, town or village respecting the control of access on local streets or.highways, and charges the Commission to do all things necessary to carry out the cooperation contemplated and provided for by this Section; requircments of Section 84.25 of the Statutes, that insofar as its legal jurisdiction over the local street or highway is con- ' !Vow, Therefore, Be It Resolved, for and in consideration of the Commission's undertaking of this Project under the cerned the .CiQ.Qf_l!hSkegQ_-- assents to the requirements of Section 84.25 of the Statutes and pledges its good faith to controlled by the Commission along the above-described street or highway rn,hlrlb~<km within 150 feet, as carrying oct the purposes stipulated therein, and to this end the _cj~_af_kSk&gCa__- hereby agxes that access will be mzesured along the centerline of said local street or highway, (from the existing center- line of original 66-foot right of.way), ."""""""""""""""""."" Register of Deeds """."..""."""""""""""" Deputy Register of Deeds STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN RESOLUTION AGREEISG TO CCNTROL OF ACCESS J .4I.OXC, LOCAL STREET OR HIGHWAY IN CGNKECTIQN WIT8 A COSTROLLED-ACCSSS PROJECT OF THE ST-ITE HIGHWAY COillMISSION OF WISCONSIN 3 ~Vl~e~c;~s. thc Stntc IIi6.h\cq Commission of Wisconsin, hrein:ftcr desiynatcd as the Commission, proposcs the control or :ICCCSR along n portion of thc Ioc31 strcct or highwy idcntifiud 3s .!~~hF&!Z-D~&f? .._._.___.._.._._________________ ---"""""."_""-""".""""""."""""""""."".~""""""""""""""""""~""""""" in connection with Cont?ollcd-Access Project ____ %_0818-~~)~ ._..._._..-________.____________________------".---------, hercinnfter dcsignntcd 3s thc Projcct, in the _________ _c_i_CY .__..___._...._.___._____________ of .__..__ !US!'!?X"___._____, -------.----...-.._.--.-.--__-..-_--__.---.- County, Wisconsin, which Project is located 2nd further described as follows: Extending fron a point on the east limits of the Village of Big Bend on the north nd of Section 24, Township 5 North, Xaoge 19 East, easterly to the Waukesha-Klvaukee County south one-quarter line and approximately 786 feet south of the north one-quarter corner Rage 20 East line near the south one-sixteenth corner on the east line of Section 36, Township 6 North, 0 (town, rillnze or city) 1Jaukesb.a Whcxas, Section 84.15(9), Wisconsin Statutes, provides for cooperative agreements between the Commission and ; and charges the Co:nnlission to do all things necessary to carry out the cooperation contemplated and provided for by this Section; the governing bodies of R city, county, town or village respecting the control of access on local streets or highways, and XOW, Therefore, Be It Resolved, for and in consideration of the Commission's undertaking of this Project under the rcquiremenis of Section 84.25 of the Statutes, that insofar as its legal jurisdiction over the.local street or highway is con. cerned the -c&_.Qf-M!&g~.__ assents to the requirements of Section 84.25 of thc Statutes and pledges its good faith to carrying out the purposes stipulated therein, and to this end the ~.~~y.-O~-~~.~~~~~--.- hereby agrees that access will be controlled by the Commission along the above-described street or highway -tag- within 150 feet, as measured along the centerline of said local street or highway, (from the existfng center- line of original 66-foot right of way), ,. and afiecting the adjacent properties located in the south one-half of the southwest one-quarter of Section 9, Townshi? 5 North, Range 2.0 East. a"" ""__"____"_"""""""."" Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds ".""""""""""""""""""- cepted and ratified, by the State Highway 'The foregoing resolution is hereby ac- Commission of Wlsconsin. DUTSUant to a motion made, seconded. and -carried on the STATE HIGHWAY conr~msrox OF WISCONSIN \ . .. - -/i J RESOLUTION .4GXZEING TO CONTROL OF ACCESS .4LQXG LOCAL STREZT CR EIGHWAY iN CONNECTION WITH A ('OST~CLLED-:\CC~SS PROJECT OF THE S'i.AT% HIGXW.4Y C391MISSION OF WISCONSIN \I'hcrc:ts, tho Stntc Highw2.y Commission oi Wisconsin, hcrcin-ftcr desipated 3s the Commission, proposcs tkc control of 3cccss :l\O:lg 3 portion of thc locd strcct or highw3y identificd as Y.alky_&iue ..__._..__...__._____________________ """"""""""."""""""""""""""""""""..""""""""""""""""""""""""""~ """""""""""".""..."".""""".""""""""""""".."""""""""."""""""""""., in con~~ecLion with Conlrollcd-Access Project _.__. @d8&?&1 ...___._._._____._._____________________~-~--.~~~-.-~-~-~~, hcreinnfter designtcd as the Project, in the ___.___.._ciEY ___.___....___._________________ of _._.__. ?&Sk'%ZO_ ____.____, I IJaukesha (town, rillage or city) "."_"..""....""""."""""""... County, Wisconsin, which Project is located and further described as follows: Zxtending from a point OR the east limits of the Village of Big Bend on the north and south one-quarter lioe and approximately 786 feet south of the north one-quarter corner Line near the south one-sixteenth comer on the east line of Section 36, Township 6 North, of Section 24, ToTmship 5 North, Range 19 East, easterly to the T.laulcesha-Mil~.~aukee County Range 20 East, WIxreas, Section 84.25(9), Wisconsin Statutes, provides foi- coopemtive agreemcnts between the Commission and ; and cl~ni~ses thr Commission to do all things necessary to CalTy out the coopeyation contemplated and provided for by this Section; the governing bodies of a city, county, town or village respecting the control of access on local streets or highways, and Koa.. Thercfore, Be It Resolved, for and in consideration of the Commission's undertaking of this Project under the requirements of Sectior: 84.25 of the Statutes, that insofar as its legal jurisdiction over the local street or highway is con- cerned thc .~~-~Y.-~~-.~~~.~~~~.-~ assents to the requirements of Section 84.25 of the Statutes and pledges its good faith to carrying out the purposes stipulated therein, and to this end the -.~~~Y_-Of_lusS._~~~-- hereby agrees that access will he controlled by the Commission along the above-described street or highway -&fmm within 150 feet, as masured along the centerline of said local street or highwsy, (from the existing center- line of original 66-foot. right of way)., and afiecting the adjacent properties located in the south one-hzlf of the southwest one-quarter of Section 9, Township 5 North, Range 20 East. STATE OF WISCONSIN i County of _._...__..__..._._._. Waukesha 0. STATE OF WISCOXSIN Register's Office .."""_"""""""""""" Register of Dceds ______...."."""""""""".""" Deputy Register of Deeds The foregoing resolution is hcreby ac- cepted and ratified hy the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin, pursuant to a motion made, seconded, and carried on the _...$Q&ay of _______. ~YLLLJ ______, 19"GS /' ST.4TE HIGHWAY COMhlISSION OF WISCONSIN RESOLUTIQN AGREEING TO CONTROL OF ACCESS J .4 COSTXOLLED-JCCESS PROJECT OF THE STATE EIGHW.4Y COWMISSION OF WISCONSIN ALONG LOC.4L STREET OR HIGHWAY IN CONNECTION WITH \Vhcrc::a, thc Stntc Highway Comnlission of Wisconsin, hcreinsCics tlesigmtetl :IS thc Cornmission, proposcs the control 0: :ICCCE ?long :L portion of thc local strcct or highway identificd 3s .Par_k_.D.KiYS _._.__._.____...._____________________ ........................................................................ in connection with Controlicd-.tccees Project _____ @.o-f&~i~> --.- ---- ..-.-...- - ..__..---._.- - ...--...._-- County, Wisconsin, which Project is locatcd and further described as follows: Idaukcsha Extending from a point on the east limits of the Village of Big Bend on the north ad south one-quarter line 2nd zpproximately 786 feet south of the north one-quarter corner of Section 24, Township 5 North, Range 19 Ezst, easterly to the ldaukesha-Yill.cJa&ee County Line nezr the south one-sixteenth corner on the east line of Section 36, Tovmship 6 North, knge 20 Esst, " " Whereas, Section S4.25(9), Wisconsin Statutes, provides for cooperative agreements between the Commission and ; and the governing bodics of x city, county, town or village respecting the control of access. on local streets or highways, and charges thP Commission to do all things necessary to carry out the cooperation contemplated and provided for by this Section; XOX, Therefore, Be It Resolved, for and in consideration of the Commission's undertaking of this Project under the requirements of Section S4.25 of the Statutes, that insofar as its legal jurisdiction over the local street or highway is con- cerned the ci.~Y_.~,f_l~~.~~~~"- assents to the requirements of Section 84.25 of the Statutes and pledges its good faith to controlled by the Commission along the above-described street or highway &xfm%@&E5!5 vithin 150 feet, as carrying out the purposes stipulated therein, and to this end the C%_~f-!!!?%~..~- hereby agrees that access will be x2asured along the centerline of said local street or highvay, (from the existing center- ,line of original 66 foot right of way), and affecting the adjacent properties located in the northeast one-quarter of the southeast one-quarter of SectiCn 9, Tot.mship 5 North, Ilange 20 East. STATE OF WISCONSIN Register's Ofice ".""""""~~""""".""" Register of Deeds _""___"..".."""""""""""" Deputy Register of Deeds cepted and ratified by the State Highway The foregoing resolution is hereby ac- Commission of Wisconsin, pursuant to a motion made. seconded. and carried on the STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN RES3LUTION .iGREElNG TO CONTROL OF ACCESS i\i.OSC LOCAL STREZT OR NIG:IWAY IN CONNECTION WITH :i COSTROLLED-.4CCXSS PRO.IECT OF THE STATE HIGHWAY CO>Ii',lISSION OF WISCONSIN 3 \Vl~crcns, thc Stntc Highway Commission of Wisconsin, hcrcimftcr designntcd as thc Commission, proposcs the control uT :ICCCSS :dong n portion of thc loc:!l strect or highway ldentlficd :IS _._. Mi.Ci?..DKi% ._..._--_._____-.-_________________ .. "_____""_"."_.."."""""""".""""""""""."".""""".""-~""".""""""""""""."- in connection with Conttollcd-Access Project _.__.___. cA.081~8_(1_1 ..._..__-_._____.._....-..~.~.~~~~.-.-..~~~..--~--~~~, hercln:\fter designzted 3s rhc Project, in the _.__..____ CiXX ._..__...._.._------..----.---~ of ____.._. l!!?k'?%!! ._____._, ............................................ Naukesha County, Wisconsin, which Project is loczted and further described as follows: Extending from a point on the east linits of the Village of Big Bend on the north and south one-quarter iine and zpproximtely 786 feet south of the north one-quarter comer of Section 24, Tomship 5 North, Range 19 East, easterly to the Idaukesha-Milrraukee County Line near the south one-sixteenth corner on the east line of Section 36, Township 6 North, Rang2 20 East, (town, village or city) Whereas, Section 84.25(9), Wisconsin Statutes, provides fo;. cooperntive agreements between the Commission and ; and charges the Commission to do all things necessary to carry out the cooperation contemplated and provided for by this Section; the governing bodies of a city, county, town or village respecting the control of access on local streets or highways, and ;\ow, Therefore, Be It Resolved, for and in consideration of the Commission's undertaking of this Project under the iemed the .ci~y~O.~.~~~ke~O~o____ assents to the requirements of Section 84.25 of the Statutes and pledges its good faith to requiremcnts of Section 84.25 of the Statutes, that insofar as its legal jurisdiction over the local street or highway is con- .carrying out the purposes stipulated therein, and to this end the .c%cY. ..Qf-&EikSi'?- hereby agrees that access will be controlled by the Commission along the above-described street or highwaymjxrdiWPew within 150 feet, as measured along the centerline of said local street or highway, (from the existing center- ..line of original 66 foot right of way) , and hffecting the adjacent properties located in the northeast one-quarter of the southeast one-quarter of Secticn 9, Tomship 5 North, Range 20 East. STATE OF WISCONSIN Vaukesha County of _._. 1 ___-..__._._. i ss STATE OF WISCONSIX Register's Office e """ __..."..""_"".""""".."- Register of Deeds STATE HIGHWAY CONIMISSION OF WISCONSIN ""__..".."""."""."..""""" Deputy Resister of Deeds fij c RZSOLUTIOh' AGXEEIXG TO CONTROL OF' ACCZSS ALOSG LOCAL STREET OR I-:IGKW..\Y IN CONNECTION WITH A C3X'?XGLLED-ACCZSS PROJECT OF Tai? ST.4TE FZGHWSY COXMISSION OF WISCONSIN \Vhcrc:ls, thc State Highway Commission of Wisconsin, hereinafter designates as the Commission, proposes the control oi :tccrss dong n portion of the local street or highway idcntificd as .IkSDK.Od..kiM2 _._.__._..._..._..._..-~~~~..~~.~ -""...-"".""""..""""".""".""""""""..."""""""""""""".""""."""""""""~, """..""""""."""...""""""."""."""....."".."""""".""""."""".""""""".""~ in connection with Controlled-Access Project CA 0818(1) hercln:lfrcr dcsignatcd as the Project, in the _______._.__ City ._.__..____._._.._._______________ of _._._.._______..._________I I~fuskego -__.....-_._-.......____________________---- 1.7a1kesha County, Wisconsin, which Project is located and further described as follows: (town. village or city) Extending from a point on the east limits of the Village of Big Bend on the north 2nd of Sec:ion 24, Tomship 5 North, Range 19 East, easterly to the Wadcesha-Milwaukee County south one-quarter Line and approzi~nately 786 feet south of the north one-quarter corner Lice near tk south one-sixteenth comer on the east line of Section 36, Township 6 North, Raqe 20 East Whcrczs, Section 84.25(9), Wisconsin Statutes, provides for cooperxtive agreements between the Commission and ; and the governing bodies of x city, county, town or village respecting the control of access on local streets or highways, and ch2r$es the. Commission to do all things necessary to carry out the cooperation contemplated and provided for by this Section; KO\\., Therefore, Be It Resolved, for and in consideration of the Commission's undertaking of this project the requirements of Section S4.25 of the Statutes, that insofar as its legal jurisdiction over the local street or highway is con. cerned the _ChtU2f.hSkfZgQ_._ assents to the requirements of Section 84.25 of the Statutes and pledges its good faith to carrying out the purposes stipulated therein, and to this end the _.~l~Y.-Of_MuS~~~p" hereby agrees that access will be controlled by the Commission along the above-described street or highway a?GW%gc~Lym within 150 feet, as 0 measured along the centerline of said local street of highlgay, (from the existing center- line of original 66 foot tight of way) and affecting the adjacent properties located in the northeast one-quarter of the southeast one-quarter of Section 9, Township 5 North, Range 20 East. STATE OF WISCONSIK Register's Office """"""""..."""..""" Register of Deeds "."".""""."""""""""""~ Deputy Register of Deeds The foregoing resolution IS hereby ae- cepted and ratified by the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin. nmrsuant to n 'J motion made, seconded, and 'carried on the ~ ~ ~~ .. - STATE HIGHWAY ComIssIox OF WISCONSIN ..- Document So. W S.H.C. of U'. Form 3.0. 631 ~~~ . " RES3LUT:ON AGREEIXG TO CONTROL OF ACCESS ALGXG LOCl4L STREET OR HIGHW.4Y IN CONNECTION WITH A COXTROLLED-ACCESS PROJECT OF THE STATE HIGHWAY comrss:os OF WISCONSIN Where:% ths Statc Highiuy Commission of Wisconsin, hereinafter designated as the Commission, proposes the control of 3ccesi dong n portion of the local straet or highway identified 2s ___.__. Center.IEb __._.._..__.________.~-~~~~-.~ """""""""__..."""""""""""""""""..""""""""""""""."""""."."""""""" in conncction with Controlled-hccess Project ____ CAA6M(U ._.....___.__.__.___...-..-~~~.~~~.~..~.~~~-.~~.-~~~-~-~--, Icremdter dcsignnted as the Project, in the _____ Cie; _______.______..._._________________ of __._ BUskegQ .___________, _-.-_._.._._______ VAUkShs _.__.__._.-___. County, Wisconsin, which Project is located and further described as fallows: a' (town, village or city) .Sxtendiag from a point on the east limits of the Village of Big Bend on the north and south one-quarter line and approximately 766 feet south of the north one-quarter corner 0: Section 24, Township 5 North, Range 19 East, easterly to the Waukesha-Milwaukee County-Line near the south one-sixteenth corner on the east line of Section 36, Township 6 !gorth, Range 20 East Whereas, Section 84.25(9), Wisconsin Statutes, provides for cooperative agreements between the Commission and : and char$es thp Commission to do all things necessary to carry out the cooperation contemplated and provided for by this Section; the go\"eming bodies of n city, county, town or village respecting the control of access on local streets or highways, and rcquiren!cnts of Section 84.25 of the Statutes, that insofar as its legal jurisdiction over the local street or highway is con- Sow, Therefore, Be It Resolved, for and in consideration of the Commission's undertaking of this Project under the cemed the .Llity-aLmeO___ assents to the requirements of Section 84.25 of the Statutes and pledges its good faith to ean'ying out the pulpuses stipulated therein, and to this end the _€i&.DI_f_MUSkegS_-__ hercby agrees that access will be measured along the centerline of said local street or highway, (from the existing controlled by the Commission along the above-described street or highwa$W%WGZ@E++> within 150 feet, as centerline of original 66 foot right of way) .I, , and afiecting the adjacent properties located in the northeast one-quarter of the southeast one-quarter of Section 9, Township 5 North, Range 20 E2st. STATE OF WISCOh'SIX Register's Ofiicc """""""".""""""""" Regjster of Deeds ""."."_"."__.""""""-"-""- Deputy Register of Deeds cepted and ratified by the State Highway 'The foregoini. resolution is hereby ac- Commission of Wisconsm. oursuant to a motion made. seconded. and 'carried on the STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN and affecting the adjacent properties located in the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter east one-querter of the northeast one-quarter and the northeast one-quarter of the south- and the northwest one-quarter of the southwest one-quarter of Section-10; and the south- east one-quarter of Section 9; all in Township 5 North, Range 20 East. __"""."""""""""""""""~ Register of Deeds """.""__"_".""""""""""~ Deputy Register of Deeds STATE OF WISCONSIX Register's OBce e -"-"-" "."_""""""""""""~ Register of Deeds """."_."__""""""""""""- Deputy Re8ster of Deeds The foregoing resolution is hereby ac- cepted and ratified by the State Highway motion made. seconded. and carried on the Commission of Wisconsin, pursuant to a STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN RE'SOL'JTION AGXEEING TO CONTROL OF ACCESS J -4 COXTROLLED-ACCESS PROJECT OF THE STSTE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN ALOXG L0CP.L STREET OR HIGHWAY 3N CONNECT'IQN WITH IYhercns, the Statc Hizhwvay Comnrission of Wisconsin, h2minaftcr designated as the Commission, proposes the control of access along T. portion of the local street or highway identified 3s F$d1.~ic?J<.&i!.?€ _._.___._..__._..._______________ --"--""---""---""".""""""""""""""."""""""""""..""""""""""""""""""" connection with Controlled-Access Project CA 0818(1) designated as the Pro~ect, m the ----_____.___. ___.__.___..._______..---...--.- oi _..__..______.____________l .. City Muskego (town, Yilhge or city) -----------------------..--.--------.-.----. County, Wisconsin, which Project is located and further described as follows: Waukesha Extending from 2 point on the easf limits of the Village of Big Bend on the north and south one-quarter line and approximately 766 feet south of the north one-quareer corner of Section 24, Tocmship 5 North, Rage 19 East, easterly to the Waukesha-?filwaukee County Range 20 East, Line near ehe south one-sixteenth comer on the east line of Section 36, Township 6 North, Whereas, Section 84.?5(9), Wisconsin Statutes, provides for cooperative agreements between the Commission and ; and C11ar.?.es the Commission to do all things necessary to carry out the cooperation contemplnted and provided for by this Sfction; the governing bodies of n city, county, town or village respecting the control of access on local streets or highways, and Yo\\., Therefore, Be It Resolved, for and in consideration of the Commission's undertaking of this Project under the requirements of Section 84.25 of the Statutes, that insofar as its legal jurisdiction over the local street or highway is eon- 'cerned the __citY_o_f_Musk~.~~-- assents to the requirements of Scction 84.35 of the Statutes and pledges its good faith to cnrrying out the purposes stipulated therein, and to this end the c-~tY__of.Musk~~e___ hereby agrees that access will be controlled by the Commission along the above-described street or highway mtiXqXE.?% b~ithin 150 feet, as .'"'measured along the centerline of said local street or highway, (from the existing center- line of original 66 foot right of say) and affecting the adjacent properties located in the southeast one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of Section 10, Township 5 North, Range 20 East. 'The foregoing resolution is hereby ac- ccpted and ratified by the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin, pursuant to a motion made, seconded, and carried on the --.$&Lday of _____ bbk -, ________, 19.457 h STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN and affecting the adjacent properties locatedin the east one-half of the northwest one-quarter of Section of said Section 10. 10, To\.mship 5 North, Range 20 East. and in the west one-half of the northeast one-quarter I RES3LUTiON AGREEING TO CONTRCL OF ACCESS ALQNG LOCAL STREET OR HIGIiWAY IN CONNECTION WITi4 -4 CQXTSCLL~D-ACCESS PROJECT OF THE STATE HIGYWAY COMPIISSION OF WISCONSIN e OC IICCFSS nlong a portion of the maPstreeL or hlghway identified 3s ._,?_~u~.~,li~..~i~!~~~.ay..~Np_r_t~._~~d.S.~~~.~~.~~._ \Vl:crcns, thc Statc Highwa Colnmiss'on of Wisconsin, hereinnfter dcsignatcd ss thf Comlnission, propo~e~ thc control s.r_3t_?_~~.LQ.he_~Q~trd.app~~~~~Y-~~'aa_~.~_~.~~..fe.e~~_.e_a~._t___sf__~.h~~~~~Y~.~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in connection with Controlled--4ccess Project ___________ c.kD.8L.6f.u __..____________________________________~~-~~~~~-~-, @?rcitl:lftcr designated as the Prolect, in the ____________ _C_j;ty _.._..__..______.__.__________ of ____ !l%-k%S ____________, ....._..._..-..-. - ------. --..---- ----.-.--__ County, Wisconsin, vhich Project is located and further described as follows: Extending from a point on the east limits of the Village of Big Bend on the north and south one-quarter line and approximately 786 feet south of the north one-quarter corner of Section 24, Township 5 North, Range 19 East, easterly to the Waukesha-Milwaukee County Range 20 East. Line near the south one-sixteenth corner on the east line of Section 36, Township 6 North, Fro osed . ~s.it.eeliisTed-M.J~Nlar~-l,-lP6_6, .. (town, Yillagc OP city) Waukesha I ; and Whcreas, Section S4.25(9), Wisconsin Statutes, provides foi. cooperative ~~reements betv;een the Commission and th? governing bodies of a city, county, town or village respecting the control of access on loca! streets or highways, and charges the Commission to do all things necessary to carry out the cooperation contemphted and provided for by this Section; ?cquire~nents of Section S1.25 of the Statutes, that insofar as its leg31 jurisdiction over the local street or highway is con- Ton-, Therefore, Be It Reso!ved, for and in consideration of the Commission's undertaking of this Project under the cerned the ---cii2.D-f-KUSk%9- assents to the requirements of Section 84.25 of the Statutes and pledges its good faith to carrying out the purposes stipulated therein, and to this end the _.~i_ty_P_f_.MUsk~~~__ hereby agrees that access will be controlled by the Commission along the above-described street or highway extending from within 150 feet, as measured along the centerline of said local street or highway, (from the existing center- line of original 66 foot right of way). When Bay Lane is relocated, the existing Bay Lane will be closed off from direct connection with S.T.H. 24,. and affecting the adjacent properties located in the east one-half of the northwest one-quarter of Section 10, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, and in the west one-half of the northeast one-quarter of said Section 10. STATE OF WISCOXSIS Register's OEce "_.""_"""__"""""."""""" Deputy Register of Deeds cepted and. ratified by the State Highway The foregoing resolution is hereby ac- Commission of Wisconsin, pursuant to a motion made, seconded, and carried on the -...&).&day of 19./&- ST4TE HIGHWAY CObfMISSION OF WISCONSIN V. L. Fiedler i / Whereas, Section s4.?.5(9), Wisconsin Statutes, provides for cooperative agreements between tke Cammission ; and the governillg bodies of a city, county, town or village respecting the control of ~CC~SS on local streets or highxvays, znd ChurWs thr CO1mnission to do ail things necessary to carry out the cooperation contemplated and provided for by this Section; Nom. Therefore, Be It Resolved, for and in consideration of the Commission's undertaking of this Project under the cerned the --at%-OLhhO-- assents to the requirements of Section 84.25 of the Statutes and pledges its good faith to wuirei1~ents Of Section 84.25 of the Statutes, that insofar as it5 legal jurisdiction over tlhe local street or is con. carrying out the purposes stipulated therein, and to this end the citY-_Of_M.~~keg_O____ hereby apees that be controlled by the Commission along the above-described street or highway amrkg-from within 150 feet, as measured along the centerline of said local street or highway, (from the existing center- line of original 66 foot right of way). !hen Martin Drive is relocated, the existing ?fartin Drive vi11 be closed off from direct connection with S.T.H. 24. and affectinx the adjacent properties located in the south one-half of ,the southeast one. Section 3, and the north one-half of the northeast one-quarter of Section Township 5 Xorth, Range 20 East. -C J luarter of .O, all in 1 I I r STATE OF WISCONSIS Register's OEce "-."""__"_""_"""""""""" Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds ""....."".""""""""""""" cepted and ratified by the State Highway ~ The foregoing resolution is hereby ac- motion made, seconded, and carried on the Commission of Wisconsin, pursuant to a -.-3&Lday of ______ 19.k- ! STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN