CCR1965009Y RESOLUTION #9 -.. RESOLUT I ON DES I GNAT I NG SAUR I ES THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 FOR THE NON-ELECTED OFF1 Cl ALS OF BE IT RESOLVED that the salaries of the non-elected City of Muskego officials shall be as follows: a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. IO. 11. Assessor - $4,000.00 per annum Treasurer - $2,500.00 per annum Clerk - $5,500.00 per annum Building Inspector - $3,000.00 per year p allowance of $400.00 fees in excess 0.f $3 Ius 80% of ,000.00, p per year. all permit Ius a car Highway Superintendent - $7,770.00 per year, and in addition thereto, is allowed one cumulative sick day per month. Highway Maintenance Employees - Shall be paid at the same rate and on the same schedule as Town of Muskego prior to previously provided for by the incorporation. Weed Commissioner - $6.00 per diem, and in addition thereto, $3.00 per notice served by him. Dog Warden - $3.00 per call, plus $1.00 per day for each dog boarded. School Crossing Guards - $50.00 per month. Election Workers - $14.00 per day. Water Pol ice a. Officials assigned to Lake DeNoon, $lOO.OO per year. b. Officials assigned to Little Muskego, $500.00 per year. c. Officials assigned to Bass Bay, $500.00 per year. -- Passed this 2 day of dZ Approved this - /q day of , 1965. / , 1965.