RESOLUTION #004-2011
WHEREAS, Nancy Borst is a willing seller of lands to the City at the earliest possible date (Tax Key
Nos. 2185.999, 2185.998, 2190.996.004, and 2190.995), and
WHEREAS, The Borst land contains approximately 134 undeveloped acres of significant
environmental features of oak savanna, oak woodlands, wetlands, and rolling glacial topography, and
WHEREAS, Spring seeps and wetlands on the land comprise headwaters to an unnamed tributary to
Jewel Creek that is important for the ecological health of Little Muskego Lake, and
WHEREAS, The land contains areas identified as conservation and acquisition priorities in the
adopted Parks & Conservation Plan and 2020 Comprehensive Plan, and
WHEREAS, Goals and objectives of the 2020 Comprehensive Plan include lake protection, and
preservation of significant natural features and rural character, and
WHEREAS, 2020 Comprehensive Plan recommends fee simple acquisition as a tool to conserve
such priority lands, and
WHEREAS, the City has requested and received a “Letter of Retroactivity” from the Wisconsin DNR,
pursuant to which the City may purchase the Borst land and receive post-purchase reimbursement
from the DNR for up to 50% of the fair market value of the property from the Knowles-Nelson
Stewardship Fund, and
Whereas, The City of Muskego has a strong interest in purchasing all or portions of the land depicted
on Exhibit A land for conservation purposes, including securing a convenient location for the disposal
of aquatic vegetation harvested from Little Muskego Lake, and
WHEREAS, Attached Exhibit A is an approximate depiction of the land Ms. Borst is willing to sell to
the City, and
WHEREAS, Attached Exhibit B depicts a memorandum of understanding stating the due diligence
that both parties will pursue during this process.
1. That this Resolution is a resolution of necessity in accordance with 32.06(1) and
32.07(2), Wisconsin Statutes;
2. That it is hereby determined that it is necessary for the City of Muskego to acquire
fee simple title for the purchase of land for conservation purposes;
3. That it is also necessary, in the furtherance of the above-stated public purpose, for
the City of Muskego to acquire fee simple title to the following described real estate:
See attached legal descriptions and map marked Exhibit A.
4. That the City of Muskego will acquire, by condemnation in accordance with Chapter
32, Wisconsin Statutes, if necessary, the above-described interest in the above-
Reso. #004-2011 Page 2
described real estate from the record owners thereof, and from any and all other
persons or entities who may have a record interest in said real estate.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That it is not the intention of the City of Muskego to utilize
condemnation for the purchase of the Borst properties. The resolution of necessity is a mechanism
to start the purchase process only. If a willing seller/willing buyer purchase agreement cannot be
made between the parties initially, the City of Muskego will not pursue the ultimate condemnation
process, as this procedure is not the method approved by the Common Council for this property
unless the Council takes further action to approve condemnation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council will meet to approve an offer to purchase and to
approve the funds for the purchase before an offer to purchase is deemed valid.
Mayor John R. Johnson
Deferred: 01/11/2011
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #004-2011 which was adopted by
the Common Council of Muskego.
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Reso. #004-2011 Page 4
Memorandum of Understanding
Between Nancy Borst and
The City of Muskego
Now, Therefore, It is understood and agreed, by and between the City of Muskego and Nancy
Borst that,
1. The City will continue to urgently advance its efforts to secure approval and financing to
purchase some or all of the Borst land as depicted on Exhibit A, including securing a full
narrative appraisal of the fair market value of the land, engaging in good faith
negotiations to agree upon a purchase price, identifying and or securing financing for
said purchase (including submitting an application to the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship
Fund), conducting due diligence, and working to find solutions to related issues including
assuring legal access to adjacent property owned by Ms. Borst.
2. With the understanding that Ms. Borst will remove the land depicted on Exhibit A from
the market in order to allow the City to secure final approval of the proposed purchase
(see Paragraph 5 herein), the City will require that a full narrative appraisal be completed
with good faith effort by March 1, 2011, at City expense, will make a good faith effort to
complete negotiations for the purchase of the property by April 1, 2011, and will seek to
close on the transaction, if negotiations are successful, by June 1, 2011.
3. It is understood by the parties that the City may purchase parcel A (+/- 74 acres), or
Parcels A & B (+/- 108.5 acres), and will secure an appraisal of both parcel A and
combined Parcels A & B.
4. It is understood by the parties that time is of the essence and that a good faith effort will
be made to conclude the purchase of the land by the city by the date set forth herein.
5. The parties agree that the City will require an access easement to enable access to the
land and to the adjacent Ridges property. The access shown on Exhibit A is for
illustrative purposes only; the precise location of this access will be agreed upon and the
parties will negotiate a price for the access.
6. Ms. Borst will remove from the market for sale those portions of the land that are now on
the market, until April 15, 2011, to permit the City to complete the work necessary to
secure final approval to purchase the land. This date may be changed for good cause
and by agreement of the parties, which good cause may include but is not limited to
consensus that the negotiations for sale to the city are moving forward satisfactorily and
agreement seems likely.
7. It is the intent of the City to purchase, and the intent of Ms. Borst to sell, the land
contingent upon agreement on a purchase price, agreement on boundaries, acquisition
of clear title, access to the adjacent land, and Ms. Borst’s ability to deliver title acceptable
to the city.
8. The City agrees to advance and promote its efforts with all deliberate speed, recognizing
that it is vital to Ms. Borst that the purchase close no later than June 1, 2011, and to hold
special meetings of its review committees and governing bodies as necessary to meet
this date.
9. The parties understand that pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 32.035 an agricultural impact
statement may be required and pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 32.19 and 32.25 a
relocation plan and benefits may be required and it may be required that they are
approved by the Wisconsin Department of Commerce.
10. The parties recognize that nothing contained herein is legally binding on either one of
them and this memorandum of understanding sets forth the present intentions of the