Grievance No: 09-652 Date of Grievance: December 15, 2009
WPPA/LEER Local: Muskego Police Telecommunicator Unit Local # 443
Name of Grievant: Association Grievance
Contract Sections Violated (including, but not limited to):
Article 17 – Insurance
Section 17.01 - The Employer may offer additional insurance programs during the term
of this Agreement provided it continues existing basic health insurance coverage.
Premium Co-Payment. Effective January 1, 2009 employees will contribute eight percent
(8%) of the applicable monthly premium for health insurance up to a maximum contribution
of $90.00 per month for family coverage, $68.00 per month for limited family coverage, and
$45.00 per month for single coverage. Effective January 1, 2010 employees will
contribute eight percent (8%) of the applicable monthly premium for health insurance
up to a maximum contribution of $110.00 per month for family coverage, $78.00 per
month for limited family coverage, and $50.00 per month for single coverage. These
deductions will be made on a pre-tax basis pursuant to the City’s premium only cafeteria
plan. The insurance plan will be the Humana Plan, National POS, as discussed. The City
will continue the current Health Reimbursement Account based on the deductible limits
which were in effect during the 2006-2008 contract.
Describe the Grievance:
Did the City violate the collective bargaining agreement when it offered the same WPS
Plan and charged two different premium co-payments?
Remedy for Grievance:
1. Make all employees whole by reimbursing the Out-of-Network costs associated
with the Aurora Network of Physicians.
2. Make all employees whole by refunding any additional premium co-payment paid
in excess of the agreed upon contractual amounts.
Grievant: Association Grievance
WPPA/LEER Representative: John Dillon WPPA/LEER