Internet and Electronic Mail Usage Policy
Effective: December 15, 2010
The City of Muskego provides staff with access to the internet and electronic mail (email)
to enhance their professional activities, improve communication, and improve overall job
function. Proper use of the internet and email will improve the quality, productivity, and
overall effectiveness of city functions.
This policy defines guidelines for acceptable internet and email usage, which are
necessary in order to maintain a stable, secure, and efficient infrastructure, while meeting
the business objectives of the city.
All City of Muskego employees are required to adhere to the Internet and Electronic Mail
Usage Policy. City employees are responsible to ensure that city contractors, volunteers,
vendors, consultants, or any other external city partners utilizing the internet, comply
with the Internet and Electronic Mail Usage Policy.
An employee may have a specific job function or task that requires an exemption from
specific guidelines within this policy. An exemption request must be made by the
Department Head and approved by the Mayor and the Director of Information
Employees shall abide at all times by all guidelines of this policy, and any future
amendments that may occur.
Employees of the City of Muskego are authorized to use the internet and email upon
approval of the Mayor or respective Department Head and the Director of Information
Technology. Each employee shall sign the Internet and Electronic Mail Usage Policy
acknowledgement prior to receiving access to the internet or email. All internet and email
access requests shall be coordinated with the Director of Information Technology.
The rights of the city with respect to internet and email include, but are not limited to
those set forth in this policy and applicable provisions of federal and state law and city
ordinances. The city, through its administrators, reserves the right to monitor and
supervise employee internet and email usage at any time without prior notification. The
city has the right to install filtering equipment and or blocking software on its computer
network, thereby limiting the content of the material to which users have access. The city
reserves the right to inspect any computer device, including computer workstation,
storage device, or removable storage media at any time in accordance with this policy.
The infrastructure associated with the computer network and email system is City of
Muskego property. All messages, transactions, or files composed, sent or received, are
the property of the city and are not considered private or property of any employee.
Emails and any electronic records that are sent, received, or deleted, are retained and
managed in accordance with Wisconsin Public Records law. Users should not have any
expectations of privacy with respect to internet or email usage. The city reserves the right
to disclose all messages, transactions, or files transmitted over its computer network
pursuant to the applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
A. Internet access is provided to staff for operational and business purposes
consistent with all applicable federal, state, local ordinances/laws, city
policies/procedures, and the mission of the City of Muskego. When accessing
the internet using city equipment and/or on city property, employees shall
limit all usage to job-related purposes.
B. Use of the internet must be related to organizational objectives and be
consistent with City of Muskego business with the following exception: With
supervisor approval, employees may use the internet for incidental personal
use during designated breaks, provided that the Internet and Electronic Mail
Usage Policy is adhered to. Personal internet use must not interfere with job
performance, create additional cost to the city, and must be limited to facilities
that are non-accessible to the public.
C. Intentional use of the internet to download, access, create, display, transmit or
store any material or communication that is obscene, discriminatory,
offensive, derogatory, profane, abusive, defamatory, threatening, or sexually
explicit is strictly prohibited.
D. Persons accessing the internet are representing the City of Muskego and
therefore, all actions and communications shall be conducted in a manner that
is consistent with the professional and courteous behavior that is expected of
all employees of the City of Muskego.
E. The transfer of information via the internet is not secure. Therefore,
transmittal of confidential city information via the internet should be done so
with extreme caution.
F. Intentional use of the internet to access, transmit or download files that are
dangerous and/or potentially destructive to the city computer network is
G. The following uses of the city internet are strictly prohibited:
1. Internet peer to peer file sharing applications
2. Instant messaging/Chat rooms
3. Social networking (Facebook, MySpace, etc.)
4. Gaming activities
5. Union activity
6. Transmission of unauthorized confidential or privileged
7. Uploading of software licensed to the City of Muskego
8. Download and installation of any software or plugin
9. Downloading of music, entertainment software or games
10. Commercial activities
11. Gambling
12. Political activity
H. The internet may not be used for the streaming of audio or video files for
personal use. Audio and video streaming represents significant data traffic
which can cause network congestion and compete with legitimate business
I. The safety and security of the city’s network and resources shall be considered
paramount when using the internet. Employee passwords are confidential. It is
the employee’s responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of their
J. All use of the internet shall be in compliance with all federal, state, and local
ordinances/laws and policies/procedures, including, but not limited to, those
pertaining to property protection, privacy, and misuse of city resources, sexual
harassment, information security, and confidentiality. Access to the internet
provided by the city shall not be used for any illegal, improper,
unprofessional, or illicit purpose or for personal or financial gain.
K. In addition to the parameters outlined in this policy, employees shall use the
internet in accordance with the direction of the employee’s supervisor.
L. The use of the internet for any illegal or unethical activities, or activity, which
could adversely affect the city, is prohibited
A. It is the policy of the City of Muskego to provide email for employees as a
communication tool in order to conduct city business. Email messages
authored or transmitted by employees must represent the city in a legal,
ethical, and professional manner.
B. The email system is maintained by city employees on city equipment, and is
public and not confidential or private. The City of Muskego provides email as
a business tool. Therefore, the city reserves the right to monitor email
messages without prior notification for the purpose of maintaining and
supporting the City of Muskego email system. Employees have no privacy
with respect to their access or use of the email system.
C. Email accounts are provided for official city business and shall only be used
for incidental personal use, and shall not be used for e-commerce, to conduct a
business, or for any other personal or financial gain. Work duties shall take
precedence over personal use. The city expects employees to conduct
themselves honestly and appropriately.
D. Intentional use of email to access, create, display, transmit or store any
material or communication that is obscene, discriminatory, offensive,
derogatory, profane, abusive, defamatory, threatening, or sexually explicit is
strictly prohibited.
E. The use of email for any illegal or unethical activities, or activity, is
F. Use of email and construction of messages must be consistent with the
professional and courteous behavior that is expected of employees of the City
of Muskego. If participating in forums, postings or listservs employees must
recognize their representation of the City of Muskego and the confidentiality
of city business.
G. No person without specific authorization shall read, alter, or delete any other
person’s computer files or email.
H. All email and electronic files obtained via email are public records and kept in
accordance with Wisconsin Public Records law and subject at all times to
inspection by the public.
I. Email attachments can contain files that are harmful and destructive to the city
computer network. If these attachments are opened, they can cause data and
system corruption. Therefore, employees shall not open and immediately
delete any email messages that are sent from an unrecognized or suspicious
sender. If an employee is uncertain if an email message is safe to open, the
Information Technology Department should be contacted immediately for
J. Emails and any transmitted files that contain confidential or privileged
information are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which
they are addressed and shall carry a statement of confidentiality.
K. Employees who are suspended, terminated, or laid off have no right to the
contents of their email messages and are prohibited from accessing the email
system. Administration may access an employee’s email records during an
absence or transfer in order to maintain continuity of city business.
L. Emails originating from, or directed to, City of Muskego Human Resources
shall be accessed only by employees authorized by the Mayor or Director of
Human Resources functions, so as to ensure and maintain confidentially of
records afforded the protection of non-disclosure.
M. All emails, sent or received, will be stored on an archiving system and kept in
accordance with the Wisconsin Public Records laws and applicable city
policies. Department heads are responsible for coordinating open records
requests. The archiving system will be available to employees as a tool to
assist with filling these requests. Emails should be reviewed regularly and
purged subject to the provisions of the Wisconsin Public Records laws, where
VIII. Security
The security of the City of Muskego’s computer network and associated data is
considered paramount when using the internet or email system. If a user thinks they have
discovered a security problem on the computer network the user must notify the
Information Technology Department immediately. Any user identified as a security risk
may face disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
VIIII. Enforcement
Every user is responsible for the integrity of city computer resources. Use of the internet
and email is a privilege, not a right. The City of Muskego maintains the right to limit
internet access of any employee at any time. Violations of this policy include, but are not
limited to, denial, revocation or suspension of internet use, employee disciplinary action,
including termination of employment, and legal or criminal action. Employees who need
help understanding this policy or who discover a violation of this policy are required to
notify their supervisor.
Adopted: 12/14/2010-Reso. #133-2010