Effective September 15, 2010
This policy governs the use of mobile cellular telephones (cell phones) and other personal communication
devices such as Smartphones, for all full-time employees. For the purposes of this policy the term “cell
phone” will apply to all the above. The guidelines, prohibitions and information established in this policy are
meant to provide departments and employees with specific information regarding the intended use of cell
phones as well as procedures related to their procurement and use.
To provide efficiency through the use of technology, the city will provide a cell phone or a personal cell
phone allowance to authorized individuals. The use of a cellular device allows the employee to remain
available for work related communication while away from their office landline and enables them to
complete the essential functions of their job.
To meet the Internal Revenue Service rules relating to the taxability issue of personal use of city provided
cell phones, it is the goal of the city to eliminate personal use of city provided cell phones and offer a
personal cell phone allowance protocol. This protocol will give designated employees the option to receive
an allowance for conducting city business using a personal cellular phone.
The respective Department Heads are responsible for identifying the needs of their departments and
requesting needed equipment and services.
All requests for a cellular phone device or allowance shall be authorized by the Department Head and the
Mayor and must meet the following strict justification guidelines.
1. Employee has management responsibility which requires a cellular phone for operational tasks; or
2. Task Driven functions that require a cell phone
a) An identifiable and articulable need,
b) For a specific task or function,
c) The use of which will enhance efficiency or effectiveness of city operations.
Once a Department Head has determined a specific need for an employee to possess a cell phone for the
efficiency of city operations, and that employee either currently has a personal cell phone, or agrees to obtain
a cell phone at their own expense, that employee will receive a monthly allowance for the proposed use of
that phone for city business.
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Proposed Allowance:
$10 per month for employee designated for continuous availability during work hours with only
occasional calls expected during off duty hours.
$20 per month for employees designated for continuous availability during work hours and off duty.
An additional $20 per month for employees that require cellular internet access.
The allowance is for monthly cellular phone use only.
Employee Provided Cell Phone
An employee agreeing to use a personal cell phone for city business and receiving an allowance:
Agrees to have the city publish that personal cell phone number in any city directory.
Must respond to city business calls in accordance with the expectation levels established by the
Department Head or Mayor.
Must notify the Department Head immediately in the event of a cellular phone number change, the
cellular phone has become inoperable, or will be unreachable during a designated time period that
the employee is responsible for responding to city business calls as established by the Department
Employees will not be reimbursed for the cost of any lost, stolen or damaged personal cell phones.
City Provided Cell Phone
If an employee is required to have a cell phone for their job function and does not want to use a personal cell
phone for conducting city business and receive an allowance, then a city phone will be provided.
City owned cell phones are for work purposes only. No personal use of a city owned cell phone is allowed
except for emergency calls.
It is the responsibility of the Department Head to ensure that all city cell phone calls issued to an employee
are in compliance with this policy. An employee using a city owned cell phone may have their cell phone bill
monitored to ensure compliance.
Employee use of a personal cell phone for city business is prohibited for certain shared job functions or
positions as determined by the Department Head or Mayor, and a city provided cell phone will be issued to
the position rather than the employee.
Employees in possession of city equipment such as cell phones are expected to protect the equipment from
loss, damage or theft. Upon resignation or termination of employment or at anytime upon request, the
employee may be asked to produce the phone to return for inspection, upgrade or changes. Like all city
equipment, it is the employee’s responsibility to maintain and protect the equipment. In the event of damage
or loss, this should be reported immediately to the employee’s supervisor.
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Department Heads are responsible to identify the needs of their departments. Requests for needed equipment,
services, and allowances for designated employees will be approved by the Mayor’s Office.
The Information Systems department is assigned the responsibility to manage and administer cellular phone
contracts with vendors and place all orders for city provided cellular equipment. City provided cell phones
will be billed on one single city account and then separated by departments. The city will contract with a cell
phone provider for the limited number of city-provided cell phones.
Phone Usage
While at work, employees are to exercise the same discretion in using cell phones as they do for city landline
phones. Excessive personal calls or text messages during the workday, regardless of the phone used, can
interfere with employee productivity and can be distracting to others. Employees must limit personal calls
while on-duty or at work so that they do not interfere with the performance of their duties. Employees are
asked to make any personal calls on non-work time when possible and to ensure that friends and family
members are aware of the city’s policy.
Employees are not required to carry a cell phone, unless they have been authorized and approved to receive
an allowance or a city owned phone.
Safety Issues for Cell Phone Use
Using a cell phone while operating a vehicle may impact your driving abilities. It is the employee’s
responsibility to remain completely attentive to the task of driving while operating a vehicle.
Employees will be responsible for payment of any traffic violations resulting from the use of a cell phone
while driving.
An employee’s failure to follow the provisions of this policy, or any subordinate departmental policy, may
result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge.
Adopted 9/14/2010 - Resolution #096-2010