CCR2009094COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #094-2009 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2008 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, pursuant to Wis. Stats. 65.90(5)(a), the Common Council of the City of Muskego is permitted to approve budget amendments to its 2008 budget, and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the budget amendments on the following page. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk-Treasurer is directed to publish a Class 1 Notice in accordance with Section 65.90(5)(a) within 10 days of adoption of this Resolution. DATED THIS __23ND _ DAY OF _ JUNE_____, 2009 SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Noah Fiedler Ald. Tracy Snead Ald. Keith Werner This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #094-2009 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. _________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 6/2009sem Published on the 2nd Day of July, 2009. CITY OF MUSKEGO 2008 BUDGET AMENDMENT June, 2009 Amended 2008 Budget Final GENERAL AND DEBT Prior to June, 2009 Amended SERVICE FUNDS Amendments 2008 Budget TAXES $ 11,710,351 $ 11,710,351 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 1,667,420 1,667,420 LICENSES AND PERMITS 670,975 750,209 FINES, FORFEITURES AND PENALTIES 173,000 173,000 PUBLIC CHARGES FOR SERVICES 626,401 626,401 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHRGS FOR SERV 125,619 125,619 MISCELLANEOUS 631,200 631,200 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHRGS FOR SERV 90,500 90,500 TOTAL REVENUES $ 15,695,466 $ 15,774,700 GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 2,389,866 $ 2,389,866 PUBLIC SAFETY 5,949,236 5,949,236 HEALTH AND SANITATION 4,150 5,150 PUBLIC WORKS 1,888,207 2,063,207 EDUCATION AND RECREATION 2,293,565 2,293,565 CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT 370,252 370,252 CAPITAL OUTLAY 673,370 723,370 UNCLASSIFIED 147,250 0 DEBT SERVICE 2,784,186 2,894,486 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 16,500,081 $ 16,689,131 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS/ADVANCES 860,444 970,260 TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS (55,829) (55,829) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES $ 804,615 $ 914,431 CITY OF MUSKEGO SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2008 BUDGET AMENDMENT 2008 2008 Adopted Final Amended Budget Budget Revenues General property taxes $160,000 $162,405 Intergovernmental revenues- State Computer Replacement Operating grants 109,200 134,500 Public charges for services 1,124,950 1,124,950 Public improvement revenues: Sewer connection fees - - Special assessments - - Subdividers fees - - Commercial revenues: Interest earned 376,448 377,448 Other 1,481,477 1,514,495 Donations - - Total revenues $3,252,075 $3,313,798 Expenditures $2,871,273 $3,160,003 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures $380,802 $153,795 Other financing sources (uses) Interfund transfer - - Transfer to Debt Service Fund (498,000) (498,000) Transfer from General Fund 55,829 55,829 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund Transfer from Capital Projects Fund - - Transfer to General Fund (105,854) (105,854) Transfer to Utility - City subsidy - - Capital contribution to sewer - - Transfer to Capital Equipment Fund (227,039) (227,039) Transfer from RCA Funds - - Transfer to Other Government Entities - - Total other financing sources (uses) (775,064) (775,064) Excess of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other uses (394,262) (621,269) Fund balances, beginning of period 9,028,177 9,638,820 Fund balance, end of period $8,633,915 $9,017,551 CITY OF MUSKEGO CAPITAL BUDGET 2008 BUDGET AMENDMENT 2008 2006 Adopted Amended 7/10/2006 Final Amended Budget Budget Amendment CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FUND General Government Assessor 5,000 5,000 59,934 Clerk-Treasurer - - Information Systems 71,545 71,545 Cable TV 5,000 5,000 Building - - Conservatopm Planning 28,900 28,900 Public Safety Police 15,000 15,000 Tess Corners Volunteer Fire Department - - Volunteer Fire Departments - - 42,000 Transportation Public Works Department 90,000 90,000 Education & Recreation Parks and Recreation 11,594 11,594 Total Reimbursement from Capital Expenditure $227,039 $227,039 $101,934 CAPITAL BORROWING FUND Public Safety Police - - Tess Corners VFD 367,000 Muskego VFD 715,310 Transportation Public Works Department 54,000 Storm Water Engineering - - 214,080 Total Reimbursement from Capital Borrowing $1,136,310 $- $214,080 Total 2008 Capital Budget $1,363,349 #REF! #REF!