CCR2009117-Policy-Temp Promotion-Attachment Temporary Promotion Policy Resolution 117-2009 Effective August 11, 2009 I. PURPOSE The City of Muskego recognizes that hiring the best, most qualified person for a city position is a very important task and that city employees are its most valuable resource. This policy sets forth the guidelines to be utilized by Mayor and department heads when it becomes necessary to temporarily promote existing staff whereby increasing work responsibilities to an existing employee because of an incumbent’s absence or resignation. II. POLICY Occasionally it may be necessary to temporarily assign an employee to a job other than his/her regular job. When significant changes in duties and responsibilities of a position occur on a temporary basis, an interim promotion or temporary upgrade may be requested by submitting an updated position description (if needed). Such a temporary reassignment shall normally be for no less than four (4) consecutive weeks and no more than twelve (12) consecutive months without approval of Mayor. Interim promotion occurs when the responsibilities being undertaken by the employee are those of another position that is vacant because of the incumbent's absence or resignation. Temporary upgrades occur when there is significant change in the duties and responsibilities of the incumbent’s position. The assignment to the interim position does not guarantee an eventual permanent assignment to the position or of the additional duties and responsibilities. If an interim promotion or temporary upgrade is approved by the Mayor and affected department head, the employee shall receive the entry rate of the new classification or an increase of 6% of his/her current pay for each pay grade, whichever is greater. The change in wages will be effective upon notification to and processing by the Finance Director, and is not applied retroactively. At the end of the temporary reassignment, the affected employee shall have his/her salary reduced to its original level including any salary increase that the employee would have received in his/her regular position. If the temporary assignment is to a lower-paid job, the employee's base salary will not be adjusted. Notification to the Employee When an employee is assigned to the interim position s/he will receive a memorandum reflecting the terms of the appointment from the appropriate Department Head/Mayor. This memorandum must include the following: the new salary and its effective date, approximate duration of the appointment, confirmation of responsibilities during this period, salary revision, and other relevant factors. A copy of the letter notifying the employee of the interim promotion/temporary upgrade must be sent to the Finance Director for placement in the employee's personnel file. S:\\Cityhall\\Masters\\Employee Policy Manual\\Temporary Promotion Policy