RESOLUTION #106-2009
(Tax Key Number MSKC 2198.991.002)
WHEREAS, As per Common Council Resolution #021-2005, the Common Council approved
giving the development rights of the developable portion of a parcel along Janesville Road
(Known as part of Tax Key Number MSKC 2198.991) to the Community Development
Authority to assure the appropriate development of the parcel consistent with the adopted
Redevelopment District #2 Plan; and
WHEREAS, The sale of the property was to be under the final authorization of the Common
Council and the Common Council was to have final approval authority of any resale of said
property; and
WHEREAS, A condition of the Council approval was that the Community Development
Authority will retain the proceeds resulting from sale of the property in a separate CDA account
for future development, grant matching, or bonding authority purposes; and
WHEREAS, The Community Development Authority has approved of a automobile service
facility development meeting the guidelines of the Redevelopment District #2 Plan along with
TID incentives for the project; and
WHEREAS, The Council approved TID #8 document does appropriate incentives for the parcel
in question in the event development is to occur; and
WHEREAS, The proposed development meets the guidelines outlined in the TID #8 document
for this parcel to have a automobile service facility where incentives were expected to be
allowed; and
WHEREAS, The TID analysis for the project includes the following known variables:
1. The plan includes a 8,653 square foot automobile service facility;
2. The estimated development value of the development is approximately
$1,400,000 million, which is to be initiated in 2009 and completed in 2010;
3. A request from the Developer for assistance from TID No. 8 in the amount of
$50,000 for Land Acquisition, Demolition, and Site Improvement costs;
4. Purchase of a parcel of land from the CDA for $100,000; and
WHEREAS, The proposed development provides for an approximate 28:1 ratio of developer
dollars to City used TIF dollars; and
WHEREAS, The City TIF Policies note the following:
A. Preference will be given to projects that meet good public policy criteria as determined
by the City Council, including:
High project quality (e.g. sound architectural design, quality construction and
Projects that are in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance,
Economic Development Strategic Plan, Design Guides, and other redevelopment
plans of the City
Reso. #106-2009 Page 2
Projects that provide significant improvement to surrounding land uses, the
neighborhood, and/or the City
Projects that provide a significant increase in tax base
Projects that provide significant new, or retained, employment
Projects that meet financial feasibility criteria established by the City including but
not limited to: 1. Keeping a proposed TID District to 15 years or less and, 2.
Keeping the ratio of Developer dollars to TID dollars to around a 8:1 ratio (Ratio
may be allowed to be lower and years may be more if proposed TID meets other
requirements and fills an important need in the community)
Projects that provide the highest and best desired use of the property; and
WHEREAS, The proposed development would pay off the incentives requested and the
existing outstanding debt in the current TID by the year 2020, which is two years earlier than
currently scheduled for the TID 8.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego,
upon the recommendation of the Community Development Authority, does hereby approve the
TID Strategy and Incentives for the Parkland View Development as proposed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Developer’s Agreement outlining the TID payback
methods is approved by the Common Council as attached.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council finds the proposal meets the intentions of the
City’s TIF policies.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The City’s 2003 Adopted Economic Development Strategic
Plan identified major policy recommendations including, to “pursue new commercial
development catering to local customers,” and to “Create a genuine downtown, and encourage
distinctive neighborhood design,” and City therefore finds the use of economic development
incentives to be in the public interest.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The City’s 2003 Adopted Economic Development Strategic
Plan identified economic opportunities and constraints, one of which is “the city is severely
underserved with commercial development relative to other Waukesha County communities,”
and the City therefore finds the use of economic development incentives to be in the public
Ald. Keith Werner
Ald. Kert Harenda
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #106-2009 which was
adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego.