CCR2009039-Speed Limit -Memo CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Public Works Committee To: Public Works Committee From: Engineering Department, David Simpson, P.E., City Engineer Subject: Lake Drive Request to Reduce Speed Limit & Install Intersection Control Signs Date: March 18, 2009 Background Some City of Muskego residents that live in the area of Lake Drive, between Michi Drive and Lannon Drive, have submitted a petition (see attached) requesting certain traffic control provisions be implemented as follows: 1. The speed limit along Lake Drive, from Michi to Lannon be reduced from 25mph down to 15mph. 2. A stop or yield sign be installed at the end of Center Drive, where it intersects with Lake Drive. 3. A stop or yield sign be installed on Lake Drive, where it intersects with Michi Drive. I have looked at this section of roadway and believe that because it is constructed at a width of only 15 feet in some areas, and that it functions similarly to an alleyway, a reduced speed limit of 15mph would be appropriate. As for the stop/yield sign request, I have asked that the Police Department assist by determining the number of accidents at these intersections and also giving their professional opinion to the necessity of these signs. At the time of writing this memorandum, these items have not been examined, so I would request deferral as it relates to the signs at the intersections until these items can be completed. Recommendation for Action by PW & Council: Recommend reducing the speed limit on Lake Drive, from Michi Drive to Lannon Drive to 15 mph. Defer action on the installation of stop/yield signs at Center or Lake. C:\\Users\\bloudon.MUSKEGO\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\CCR2009039-Speed Limit -Memo_197444\\CCR2009039-Speed Limit -Memo.doc