CCR2008026-Dedication-Settlement COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #026-2008 DEDICATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE SETTLEMENT ON WOODS ROAD SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT LOCATED SOUTH OF WOODS ROAD AND WEST OF RACINE AVENUE (C.T.H. Y) WHEREAS, The Settlement on Woods Road, LLC, hereafter called “DEVELOPER” has constructed the following public improvements: sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, curb and gutter and asphalt pavement in Settlement Court, Timberbrook Drive, Wind Crest Court, Windover Court, Windover Drive, and Deerfield Drive at the following development: Being a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) and the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 20, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 88°18'06" West along the north line of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) 22.650 feet to the west line and its extension of an existing Certified Survey Map with no number, recorded as Document 682388 in Volume 3, Pages 302 - 303 and to the place of beginning of the lands hereinafter to be described: thence South 01°24'53" East along the west line of said CSM 544.387 feet to the south line of said CSM; thence North 8°35'07" East along the south line of said CSM 480.000 feet to the east line of said CSM; thence North 01°24'53" West along the east line of said CSM 544.50 feet to the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4); thence North 88°35'07" East along the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) 894.144 feet; thence South 01°21'19" East 1334.888 feet; thence South 88°27'45" West 1343.902 feet; thence South 88°21'08" West 646.231 feet; thence North 01°40'29" West 1284.210 feet; thence North 43°18'48" East 14.145 feet; thence North 88°18'06" East 401.056 feet; thence North 01°40'57" West 43.000 feet to the north line of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4); thence North 88°18'06" East along the north line of said Northwest (NW 1/4) 212.350 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 2,383,623 square feet or 54.7205 Acres of land. WHEREAS, the DEVELOPER has completed the construction and installation of the following improvements: Sanitary Sewer 4611.6 LF at $49.00/LF of 8” diameter pvc sanitary sewer pipe 2283.0 LF at $31.00/LF of 6” diameter pvc sanitary sewer service laterals 31 EACH at $2,500.00/LFof 48” diameter concrete sanitary sewer manholes 1 EACH at $100,600.00/EACH of dual pump sewage lift station 3340.4 LF at $33.00/LF of 6” diameter pvc sanitary force main sewer Reso. #026-2008 Page 2 Water Main 5355.5 LF at $32.00/LF of 8” diameter pvc water main pipe 412.0 LF at $27.00/LF of 6” diameter pvc water main and hydrant lead pipe 23 EACH at $725.00/EACH of 8” diameter butterfly valves with valve boxes 17 EACH at $600/EACH of 6” diameter butterfly valves on hydrant lead pipe 18 EACH at $1,500.00/EACH of fire hydrants 2446.7 LF at $19.00/LF of 1-1/4” diameter type “K”copper water service pipe 58 EACH at $175.00/EACH of 1-1/4” diameter valves and valve boxes on service connections Storm Sewer 7.7 LF at $24.00/LF of 8” diameter pvc storm sewer pipe 1872.0 LF at $32.00/LF of 12” diameter reinforced concrete storm sewer pipe 765.3 LF at $32.00/LF of 15” diameter reinforced concrete storm sewer pipe 559.3 LF at $35.00/LF of 18” diameter reinforced concrete storm sewer pipe 67.4 LF at $35.00/LF of 21” diameter reinforced concrete storm sewer pipe 591.4 LF at $46.00/LF of 24” diameter reinforced concrete storm sewer pipe 542.9 LF at $46.00/LF of 27” diameter reinforced concrete storm sewer pipe 1254.4 LF at $16.00/LFof 6” diameter pvc storm sewer laterals 1212.0 LF at $12.00/LF of 6” diameter pvc storm sewer pipe for clean-outs 35 EACH at $1,300.00/EACH of concrete storm sewer manholes 32 EACH at $1,100.00/EACH of storm sewer catch basins 14 EACH at $750.00/EACH of storm sewer end sections 9 EACH at $350.00/EACH of storm sewer clean-outs and appurtenances (collectively called “IMPROVEMENTS”) in accordance with the provision of Chapter 18 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, hereafter called the “CITY” and the City Engineer has certified the systems’ acceptability; and WHEREAS, it is the Developer’s intent to, without charge to the CITY, unconditionally give, grant, convey and fully dedicate the IMPROVEMENTS to the CITY, free and clear of all encumbrances, and together with mains, conduits, pipes, plants, machinery, equipment and appurtenances which relate directly to the utilization of such utilities; and WHEREAS, the DEVELOPER shall guarantee the public improvements to be dedicated against any defects due to faulty materials or workmanship which appear within a period of one (1) year from the date of dedication and shall pay for any damages resulting therefrom to the CITY property and shall indemnify the CITY against any claims, suits, or liabilities brought against the CITY at any time arising out of the alleged defects or other failure of this guarantee. Reso. #026-2008 Page 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby accept dedication of the public improvements within The Settlement on Woods Road Development. ND DATED THIS 22 DAY of JANUARY , 2008 SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Keith Werner This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #026-2008 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. _____________________________ Janice Moyer, Clerk-Treasurer