ORD20071246COMNION COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1246 AN ORDINANCE TO AIMEND CHAPTER 36, SECTIONS 36.04(4)a & 36.04(5)b OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The City of Muskego is recreating the existing Chapter 17 Zoning Code and certain code references require ,changes to match the new Chapter 17 Code Sections. SECTION 2: A Public Hearing was held regarding the proposed amendments on December 11, 2006 in front of the Common Council. SECTION 3: Chapter 36, Section 36.04(5)b of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to read as follows: 36.04(5)b Site lighting shall bl3 permitted in accordance with the standards identified in the City of Muskego Desion Manual. SECTION 4: The table found below Chapter 36, Section 36.04(4)a of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby I"emoved and replaced with the table attached to this ordinance. SECTION 5: The several slections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shaH be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unEmforc:eable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly spec:ifil3d in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the Ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinan<:es whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to 1 hose terms that conflict. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 23rd DAY OF Januarv ,2007. CITY OF MUSKEGO ~~ V - R. Johnson; ayor I .UL First reading: 12/'12/06 Deferred: 01/09/07 Published this 1st day of February, 2007 ATTEST: Ordinance #1246 Wirele Zoning District RCE, RC-l, RC-2 RC-3, RSE, RS-1, RS-2, & RS-3, RM-1, RM-2, & RM-3, ERM-1, ERS-1, ERS-2, ERS- 3, RL-1, RL-2, RL-3, BL-1, BL-2, HC-1, DR-1 B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4 a) stealtt structure> BP Districts a) stealtt structure> M-1lndustrial Park a) stealtt structure> b) new, r antenna structure M-2 General Industrial a) stealtt M-3 Landfill & Extractive structure> b) new, r antenna structure SW Shoreland Wetland A-1 Agriculture a) stealtt EA Exclusive Aariculture structure- 1-1 Gov!., Institutional, and a) stealtt, Public Service District structure- PI-1 Park and Recreation b) new, r CI-1 Conservation Lands antenna structure PD Planned Development District CPD Conservation Planned Development District OWP Wellhead Protection Overlav District 5S C,om Allow ~plac:em 3rrays 01 ~pla(:em 3rrays 01 > ~pla(:em arrays 0 Page 2 36.04(4)a Attachment Wireless Required l11unications Facility Communications Required Offsets Maximum ed by Right Facility Allowed by Setback (all sides) Height Conditional Use Grant none none same same 35 feet none none same same 30 feet ; mounted on existing none same same 30 feet ; mounted on existing none same same 40 feet ; mounted on existing a) new tower structure greater of greater of b) replacement tower 50 feet or 50 feet or ent, or colocation of structure 105% of 105% of 1 approved tower fall zone fall zone 50 feet ; mounted on existing a) new or replacement greater of greater of tower structures 50 feet or 50 feet or ent, or colocation of b) replacement tower 105% of 105% of 1 approved tower structure fall zone fall zone 70 feet none none 35 feet same same ; mounted on existing none same same 60 feet '; mounted on existing a) new or replacement greater of greater of towers tower structures underlying underlying permitted up ent, or colocation of b) replacement tOwel district or district or to 200 feet; 11 approved tower structure 105% of 105% of other fall zone fall zone structures per underlying zoning district per planned none none n la n la zoning district per underlying none none nla n la zonina district facilitie! facilitie! facilitie! facilitie! facilitiei facilitie, CO1\f\fL"TT'\' [iI] 1"r\ \"~T\\ PER" AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ! I " I I ~ --f Vl 0002647315 CITY OF MUSKEGO PO BOX 074 9 Muskeqo, WI 53150 Patti Guerrero hereby states that she lS authorized by Journal Sentinel Inc. to certify on behalf of Journal Sentinel Inc., publisher of Community Newspapers, public newspapers of general circulation, printed and publis:1ed in No Paper Assigned; was published in the My Community Now on 2/1/2007; tha:: said printed copy was taken from said printed newspaper (s) . Patti -Q State of Wisconsin) ) County of Milwaukee) ss: Subscribed and sworn be fore me this -41-. I .;:'". <9 day of Fe.\:::..~\~c"-. , 2007 . r \~ a0~~- \~ ,:uJC) ~ Notary Public State 0 f Wi sconsin L/ -í{ -ü 7 .\v.i'.'- :';:', .~'\.\\', ~ 'IN j .-:::;:'<"0"...,,.,. ;fA...'V.'" ", ~J.....'<:(",.., "', .... . ' ::::0: '"'" f, r" ~ " ",. := 0 Ere"", ), ." % ~ ~o . jÙ'i:f~::i . ~ \ ~ A"', ~.'f/."" ;"/,u ('/:...',. , My Commission Expires