ORD20071243. ~ . *AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1243 AN ORDINANCE REPEAL AND RECREATE THE Ct-IAPTER 17 ZONING CODE AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE GITY OF MUSKEGO The Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The Chapter 1 i' Zoning Code is hereby repealed and recreated and made a part of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego as adopted by Ordinance #1243. SE_CTIO~2: The Official Zoning Map is hereby repeal13d and recreated as *attached and adopted by Ordinance #'1243. SECTION 3: A Public Hearing was held regarding tl1e proposed amendments on December 11 , 2006 in front of the Common Council. SECTION 4: A copy of said Ordinance has been on file in the Office of the City Clerk- Treasurer and open to public inspection for not less than two weeks prior to the date of this Ordinance and said Ordinance is hereby incorporated into the Municipal Code of the City. SECTION 5: The several sHctions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid I unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinancH whose terms conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 6: This ordinancE! is in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 23rd DAY OF January ,2007. CITY OF MUSKEGO \ oh R. JOhnSO~ -- ATTEST: First reading: 12/12/06 Deferred: 01/09/07 Qil Published this 1 st day of February, 2007 . . . *AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1243 AN ORDINANCE REPEAL AND RECREATE THE CHAPTER 17 ZONING CODE AND THE OFFICIJ~L ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO The Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The Official Zoning Map is hereby repealed and recreated as *attached to this Ordinancl3. SECTION 2: The Chapter 17 Zoning Code is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapte.r 17 Zoning . Table of Contents . SECTION 1 INTR()DU CTION ................................ ......................................................... 1 1.01 AUTHORITY, AD~JPTION..... .............................. ......... .................... ........ .... ........... 1 1 .02 TITLE...................................................................................................................... 1 1.03 PURPOSE A.ND INTENT ........................................................................................ 1 1.04 ABROGATION I GREATER RESTRICTION........................................................... 1 1.05 INTERPRET A TICIN............ ....... .......... ................. ................ ............... ............. ....... 1 1.06 SEVERABILITY. ................ ..... ........... ............. .................. .................,......... ........... 1 1.07 DISCLAIMEHS OF LIABILITY................................................................................ 2 1.08 MUNICIPALITIES AND STATE AGENCIES R:EGULATED .................................... 2 1.09 REPEAL OF CONFLICTI NG................................................................................... 2 SECTION 2 ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT ................................................ 3 2.01 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DESIGNATED ........................................................... 3 2.02 BUILDI NG PERMITS REQUI RED.......................................................................... 4 2.03 ZONING USE PERMITS AND OCCUPANCY PERMITS .......................................5 2.04 OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS ESTABLISHED ............................................................ 7 2.05 A P PEALS........".. . ....... . . .. ..."..... .. ....." . . . .......... .. ......... . . . . . . ... ......... . . . . . . . . ... . . .. ......... . . ... 8 2.06 PUBLIC HEARINGS........."..................................................................................... 9 2.07 ENFORCEMENT & PENAL TI ES .......................................................................... 10 2.08 FEE S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 1 0 2.09 SEVERABILIT'(.. ......... ..... ...... ............. ........... ............ ........... ........... .......... .......... 11 SECTION 3 COM MISSIONS AND BOARDS ......... ...................................................... 12 3.01 PLAN COM~~ISSIION ............ ......... .............................. ........................ ........... ...... 12 3.02 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ..................... ...................................................... 16 SECTION 4 REQUIRED PLANS ...............................................................;................. 22 4.01 PURPOSE PIND INTENT ..............................;... """""""""" ..................... ........... 22 4.02 BSO EXEMPTIONS: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWS ........................................... 22 4.03 BUILDING SITE AND OPERATION PLAN REQUIRED ....................................... 22 SECTION 5 GENERAL PROVISIONS.................."...................................................... 34 5.01 USES REGLJLA TED............................................................................................. 34 5.02 BUILDING LOCA'TION............ ........................ .............. ......................... ......... ...... 34 5.03 BUILDING H EIG~-iT ... ........... ......... ................................ ...................... ........... ...... 39 5.04 BUILDING SIZE ."...... ............ ......... ........ ..................... .................. ............... ......... 40 5.05 LOT SIZE ................ ................... ................ ...."....... ...................... ................ ......... 41 5.06 RESIDENTIAL DENSITY... ........ ............... ......... .......................... ............. ............ 42 5.07 OPEN SPAC:E. .................. ....... ............. ........."... ................. ..... ......... ....... ............. 42 5.08 BASIC LOCA TIONAL REQUIREMENTS........ .................... .............. ....... ............. 43 5.09 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION............................................................................... 43 5.10 ENGINEERING FtEGULA TIONS ..........................................................................44 5.11 ADEQUATE PUBLIC F ACILITI ES ........................................................................ 45 . . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapter 17 Zoning SECTION 6 NON-COr~FORMITY ................................................................................ 52 6.01 EXISTING USE PERMITTED ........ ......................... ....... ...... ................ ............ ..... 52 6.02 CLASSIFICATION AND REGULATION................................................................ 52 SECTION 7 ZONI NG DISTRICTS ESTABLISHED ...................................................... 55 7.01 GENE RAL............................................................................................................. 55 7.02 FORMAT OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS AND SUMMARY................................. 55 7.03 BASE DISTFIICTS CREATED .............................................................................. 56 7.04 PLANNED DEVEI_OPMENT DISTRICTS CREATED ...........................................57 7.05 CONSERVATION PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS CREATED .............58 7.06 DESIGN OVERLAY DISTRICTS CREATED ........................................................ 59 7.07 WELLHEAD PROTECTION DISTRICT CREATED .............................................. 59 SECTION 8 BASE DISTRICTS ESTABLISHED ......................................................... 60 8.01 RCE COUNTRY ESTATE DISTRICT ................................................................... 60 8.02 RC-1 COUNTRY RESIDENCE DISTRICT............................................................ 65 8.03 RC-2 COUNTRY RESIDENCE DISTRICT........... ........................ ......................... 66 8.04 RC-3 COUNTRY RESIDENCE DISTRICT......... ..................... ............ ......... ......... 67 8.05 RSE SUBUF:BAN ESTATE DISTRICT .................................................................68 8.06 RS-1 SUBUF~BAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT.......................................................... 69 8.07 RS-2 SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT......... .................. ..................... .......... 70 8.08 RS-3 SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT....... ..................... .................... ...... .... 71 8.09 ERS-1 EXISTING SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT ..................................... 72 8.10 ERS-2 EXISTING SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT ..................................... 73 8.11 ERS-3 EXISTING SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT ..................................... 74 8.12 RL-1 EXISTING L.AKESHORE RESIDENCE DISTRICT ...................................... 75 8.13 RL-2 EXISTING L.AKESHORE RESIDENCE DISTRICT ...................................... 77 8.14 RL-3 EXISTING L.AKESHORE RESIDENCE DISTRICT ...................................... 79 8.15 BL-1 LAKESHORE BUSINESS DISTRICT...... ........ ""'" ................ ...................... 81 8.16 BL-2 LAKESHORE BUSINESS DISTRICT.......... ..... ....... ............... ...................... 83 . 8.17 RM-1 MULTI PLE FAMILY RESIDENCE............................................................... 85 8.18 RM-2 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ......... ....................................................... 87 8.19 RM-3 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ......... ...................................................... 89 8.20 ERM-1 EXISTING MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ........................................... 91 8.21 B-1 NEIGHBORHOOD CONVENIENCE DISTRICT............................................. 93 8.22 B-2 LOCAL SERVICE CENTER DISTRICT.......................................................... 95 8.23 B-3 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT.................................. ..'.............................. 97 8.24 B-4 HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT............ ................ ............... .................. ..... 99 8.25 BP-1 BUSINESS AND OFFICE PARK SUPPORT DISTRICT............................ 100 8.26 BP-2 OFFICE PARK DISTRICT.....................".................................................... 1 02 8.27 BP-3 BUSI NESS PARK DISTRICT..................................................................... 104 8.28 M-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT ................................................................... 107 8.29 M-2 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT ............................................................. 109 8.30 M-3 LANDFILL AI\JD EXTRACTIVE DISTRICT................................................... 110 8.31 SW-SHORELAND-WETLAND DISTRICT................. .................................... ....... 112 8.32 1-1 GOVERNMENT, INSTITUTIONAL AND PUBLIC SERVICE DISTRICT........ 125 II . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapte!r 17 Zoning 8.33 PI-1 PARK AND F~ECREATION LANDS DISTRICT ........................................... 127 8.34 CI-1 CONSERVATION LANDS DISTRICT ......................................................... 128 8.35 EA EXCLUSIVE AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT """""""""""""""""""""""""" 129 8.36 A-1 AGRICU L TUI~AL DISTRICT........................................................................ 131 8.37 HC-1 HISTORIC CROSSROADS DISTRICT........ .......... ......... ........ ................... 133 8.38 DR-1 DOWt\ITOWN REVIVAL DISTRICT....................... ........ ......... ............ ....... 136 SECTION 9 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS ............................................... 139 9.01 PURPOSE AND INTENT .................................................................................... 139 9.02 DISTRICT REQUI REMENTS............ ........... ........... ........................ .................... 139 9 .03 APPLICATION PHOCEDU RE ............................................................................ 141 9.04 BASIS FOR APPI~OV AL... ..... ..................... ........ ...... ....................... ............ ....... 141 9.05 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS REPEALED .......................................145 9.06 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS AND REQUIREMENTS..................... 145 9.07 PD-1 P ARKLAN[) ............". ........ .................. .................................. ...... .............. 146 9.08 PD-2 FREEDOM SQUARE ...................................... ............................. ........ ...... 147 9.09 PD-3 DURHAM MEADOWS............................................................................... 148 9.10 PD-4 HALE PARK MEADOWS........................................................................... 150 9.11 PD-5 PIONEER CENTRE .................................................................................... 151 9.12 PD-6 TUDOI~ OAKS ........................................................................................... 152 9.13 PD-7 LAKE LORE ESTATES................ ............ ............. ........... .......................... 153 9.14 PD-8 LAKE BRITTANY ESTATES........ ............... ........................... .................... 154 9.15 PD-9 GUERNSEY MEADOWS........................................................................... 155 9.16 PD-10 KRISTIN DOWNS.................................................................................... 157 9.17 PD-11 LAKE ..MEADOWS.................................................................................. 158 9.18 WOODCREST HEIGHTS ................................................................................... 159 9.19 PD-13 GOLDEN COUNTRY ESTATES.............................................................. 160 9.20 PD-14 BAY BREEZE .......................................................................................... 161 9.21 PD-15 MEADOW GREEN WEST....................................................................... 163 9.22 PD-16 BREANN HIDGE .......... .......... ......... ........................ .......... ........ ....... ....... 164 9.23 PD-17 OVEF~LOOK BAY......... "'" ................ ..~................................ .................... 165 9.24 PD-18 LAKE FOREST .................................. ............................... ""'" ...: ............. 166 9.25 PD-19 COLLEGE SQUARE................................................................................ 168 9.26 PD-20 WOODS FIOAD-DEBACK...........:............................................................ 169 9.27 PD-21 COUNTRY BROOK ESTATES... ................. ...................... ........... ........... 170 9.28 PD-22 STONEY CREEK................................................................. ........... ......... 171 9.29 PD-23 PLUM CREEK ............................................................................,............ 172 . 9.30 PD-24 PLUM CREEK EAST ............................................................................... 173 9.31 PD-25 MUSKEGO CENTRE............................................................................... 175 9.32 PD-26 DEEF{ CREEK ......................................................................................... 176 9.33 PD-27 REGENC'{ ............................................................................................... 177 9.34 PD-28 MILLER..."................................................................................................ 178 9.35 PD-29 PARK ESTATES...................................................................................... 179 9.36 PD-30 NORTH CAPE FARMS............................................................................ 180 9.37 PD-31 CHAMPIONS VILLAGE........................................................................... 181 9.38 PD-32 QUI ETWOOD CREEK............................................................................. 183 9.39 PD-33 PLEASANT VIEW....... ...... ........ ................ .................. .......... ....... ............ 184 iii . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 9.40 PD-34 DREj\ML.A,ND ....................... ...... ....... .......... ... ... .................... .................. 185 9.41 PD-35 SARAH ESTATES................................................................................... 186 9.42 PD-36 BIG MUSKEGO ESTATES...................................................................... 187 9.43 PD-37 CANDLEWOOD VILLAGE....................................................................... 188 9.44 PD-38 STOf\JEBFtIDGE....."................................................................................. 190 9.45 PD-39 SETTLEMENT ON WOODS.................................................................... 191 9.46 PD-40 LI ND/\LE""................................................................................................ 192 9.47 PD-41 FOREST C3LEN ............... ..................." ..... ................... .................... ........ 193 9.48 P D-42 BAS~; E .. . , "... , . .. .......... . ... . . . ............ . . . ..... ... ... .... ...... . . . . . . .......... . . .. . .. .... ...... . .. 194 9.49 PD-43 KENVVOOD PLACE ........... ..................... ................... .............. ................ 196 9.50 PD-44 ST. ANDREW'S VILLAGE ....................................................................... 197 9.51 PD-45 INPR() ...,,"...... .................... ...................... ...... ............ ............ .................. 198 9.52 PD-46 WOODLAND CREEK ESTATES............................................................. 199 SECTION 10 CONSERVATION PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS .................201 10.01 PURPOSE AND INTENT...................... .................. .............. ............. ................. 201 10.02 DISTRICT REQUI REMENTS................ ................ """""""" ............. ................. 201 1 0.03 APPLICATION PHOCEDURE ............................................................................ 203 10.04 BASIS FOR APPIROV AL..................................................................................... 204 10.05 CONSERVATIOf\J PLANNED DEVELOPMENIT DISTRICTS & REQUIREMENTS 206 10.06 CPD-1 MARTI N ESTATES................................................................................. 207 10.07 CPD-2 CHAIv1BEIRLAIN HILL.............................................................................. 209 10.08 CPD-3 BIG MUSKEGO ESTATES II ......................................".......................... 211 1 0.09 CPD-4 BOXHORN RESERVE............................................................................ 213 10.10 CPD-5 DENOON COUNTRY ESTATES NOR:TH............................................... 215 SECTION 11 DESIGN GUIDE OVERLAY DISTRICT .................................................. 217 11.01 DESIGN GUIDE OVERLAY DISTRICTS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 217 11 . 02 USE...............................................................".................................................... 217 11.03 PURPOSE........" ................................... ....... .."....... ....... ........... .................... ....... 217 11.04 ADOPTED DESIGN OVERLAY DISTRICTS ,.................................................... 217 SECTION 12 TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT ............................. 218 12.01 STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION...................".................................................... 218 12.02 PURPOSE........"............................................".................................................... 218 12.03 APPLICABILITY" .............................. """""""""""" ........ ......... .................... ....... 2,18 12.04 FEES .......... ....... .............................. .............."...... .......... ........ ...................... ...... 218 12.05 APPLICATION PIROCEDURE AND APPROVAL PROCESS ............................. 219 12.06 TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT DESIGN STANDARDS.... 224 12.07 ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS................. ....................................................... 236 12.08 LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING STANDARDS. ...........................................239 SECTION 13 WELLHE~~D PROTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICT ................................ 241 13.01 STATEMENT OF INTENT.................................................................................. 241 13.02 BASIC REG ULA TIONS ...................................................................................... 241 13.03 REQUIRED SEPARATION DISTANCES....... ............... ............ .......... ................ 241 iv . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapter 17 Zoning 13.04 PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT........................................................................... 242 13.05 PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES..................................................................... 242 13.06 USES PERMITTED BY CONDITIONAL GRANT ................................................ 242 13.07 OWP PROHI BITED USES......... .................................. ............. .............. ............ 243 13.08 SECONDARY ZONE PROHIBITED USES......................................................... 243 13.09 REQUIREMENTS FOR EXISTING PROHIBITED FACILITIES .......................... 244 SECTION 14 CONDITII)NAL USES............................................................................ 245 14.01 GENERAL.................. .................................................. ....................... ......... ....... 245 14.02 APPLICATION PIiOCEDURE ............................................... ............. .......... ...... 245 14.03 REQUIREMENT~)... .......... """""""""""""""""""""" ........., ............. ....... ......... 246 14.04 CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS TO APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE GRANTS 248 14.05 APPLICATION TO EXISTING USES.................................................................. 248 14.06 TERMINA TI()N .......... ....... .............. .......... ...... ........... ................... ....... .......... ..... 248 SECTION 15 ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES............................................. 249 15.01 GENERAL REOU I REMENTS ............................................................................. 249 15.02 HOME OCCUPATIONS ................... ............... .............. ............ ................. ......... 249 15.03 MOTHER-I N-LA \N UNITS................................................................................... 250 15.04 HOBBY KENNELS AND HOBBY FARMS .......................................................... 250 15.05 ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES ......... ............... ......... ........................ 252 15.06 STRUCTURI:=S OTHER THAN BUILDINGS... """"""""""""""" ....... ............... 257 15.07 UNDERGROUND BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES .........................................257 15.08 SEASONAL AGRICULTURAL SALES ........... .................................................... 257 15.09 VEHICLE S'"ORj\GE .......................................................................................... 257 15.10 ACCESSORY RESIDENCES ......................... .................................................... 258 SECTION 16 SIGt~S ...".............n............................".................................................... 259 16.01 PURPOSE AND INTENT """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 259 16.02 USE RESTR.ICTED........................................"..............................,..................... 259 16.03 EXEMPT MODIFIICA TIONS OF SIGNS................................... ..... ...... ........... ..... 259 16.04 EXEMPT SI<3NS ............................................".................................................... 260 16.05 PLACEMENT IN RIGHT OF WAY PROHIBITED .................;............................. 262 16.06 CERTAIN SIGNS PROHIBITED......................................................................... 262 16.07 APPLICATION PI~OCEDURES AND FEES ............................... ........... ............. 264 16.08 SIGN REGULATIONS...................... .................................................................. 265 16.09 OTHER PEHMANENT SIGNAGE REQUIREMENTS......................................... 268 16.10 TEMPORARY SIGNAGE ............................... .....................................................271 16.11 ADMINISTRATIVE & PLAN COMMISSION J\PPROVALS ................................ 273 16.12 COORDI NATED SIGN PLAN............................................................................. 273 16.13 INSPECTIOI\J ..... ........... ............ ....... .............. ............... ......... ............ ....... .......... 274 16.14 ENFORCENIENT ........... ........ ............. ........... ............... ........ ............. ........ ......... 274 16.15 MAl NTENANCE IN PERPITUITY ....................................................................... 274 16.16 COMPLIANC;E .................................................................................................... 275 16.17 APPEALS..."... ................. .......... ............ """'" ............. ........... ........... ........ .......... 275 v . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning SECTION 17 OFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING .............................................. 276 17.01 OFF STREET P ARKI NG..................................................................................... 276 17.02 OFF STREET LOADING AND UNLOADING............ ............................ .............. 280 SECTION 18 LIGI-ITI NC3 ..................................................... ............................. ............. 281 18.01 LIGHTING PLANS REQUIRED ...................... .................................................... 281 18.02 EXTERIOR LIGHTING PERFORMANCE STANDARDS .................................... 281 18.03 EXTERIOR LIGHTING PLAN REQUIREMENTS........................................ ........ 281 18.04 EXTERIOR LIGHTING FOR SPECIFIED OUTDOOR RECREATION USES..... 282 18.05 LIGHT MEASUREMENT.... .......... ........... ..... ........ ........ ....... .............. .................. 282 18.06 STREET LIGHTING.......... ...................... ....... ,........ ............. ..................... .......... 282 18.07 SEARCHLIGIHTS ........... ......................... ....... '..... ........ ....... ..................... ........... 283 18.08 ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS ............... ...... ......... ........ ............... ....... ................ 283 SECTION 19 FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTED ADULT ORIENTED EST AB LIS H M E NTS ......""...........................................".................................................... 284 19.01 FINDINGS (IF 1F,.l\CT ....... ..................... .........".. ........ .......... """"""""" .............. 284 19.02 LOCA TIONft.L RESTRICTIONS..................... ",................................................... 285 SECTION 20 PRIVATE OUTDOOR RECREATION FACILITIES ................................ 286 20.01 OUTDOOR RECREATION FACILITIES CLASSIFIED ....................................... 286 20.02 GENERAL..........,.......... ........... ......................,........ .................... ........................ 286 20.03 PUBLIC FACILlTIIES ................. .............. .......,....... ................... .......................... 286 20.04 PRIVATE COMMERCIAL F ACILITI ES ............................................................... 287 20.05 PRIVATE NON-COMMERCIAL FACILITIES.. ....... ...................... ....................... 287 20.06 PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL F ACILITI ES ................................................................ 287 20.07 SWIMMING POO'LS ......................................,.................................................... 287 SECTION 21 RUSTIC STRUCTURES....................".................................................... 289 21 .01 G ENE RAL.... ..... . ................ . . . . . . .. . ............. .. . . .. "... .. .. ..... ......... . . ... ............. .. .. . . . .. ... 289 21 .02 APPLICATION PI~OCEDURE ......................."............................................;...... 289 21.03 PERIODIC FIEVIEW .................... .................. ............... .'. ........ ............................ 289 21.04 TERMINA TI()N .. ........................... ........ ......... ................. .................................... 289 21.05 ALLOWANCE .... ................ ......... .... ......... ...... ................. .....................:........ ...... 289 SE CTION 22 DE FI NITI ONS........... ................. ........".................................................... 290 22.01 GENERAL.... ........ ............. ....... ........ .............. ........ ....... ........... ........................... 290 22.02 ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS.................................................................... 290 22.03 SPECIFIC WORDS AND PHRASES ..................................................................291 SECTION 23 CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS ........................................................... 309 23.01 AUTHORIT'{ ..................... ................... ........... ................ ................. .............. ..... 309 23.02 GENERAL AMENDMENT PROCEDURE ........................................................... 309 23.03 AMENDMENT PF~OCEDURES IN SHORELAND WETLAND MAPPING & TEXT 310 SECTION 24 ADOPTION AND EFFECTIVE DATE .................................................... 313 vi . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 24.01 REPEAL OF CONFLICTI NG..........................,.................................................... 313 24.02 PUBLIC HE,l\RINIGS ... ...... ............. ......... ....... ......... .............. .......... ......... ........... 313 24.03 PLAN COMMISSIION RECOMMENDATION ...................................................... 313 24.04 COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL ................... .................. ......................... ........ 313 24.05 EFFECTIVE DATE... ...................... ..................... ................ ....................... ......... 313 VII . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1.01 AUTHORITY, ADOPTION This Code is adoptød under the authority granted to the City of Muskego by Sections 962.2~3, 96~~.231, 962.234 and 9281.31 of the Wisconsin Statutes and amendments thereto and any other applicable laws or regulations. Therefore, the Common Council of the City of Muskego do ordain as follows: 1.02 TITLE This Code shall be known as, referred to, or cited as, "ZONING CODE, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN." 1.03 PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of this Code is to promote the health, safety, morals, prosperity, aesthetics, and genHral welfare of the City of Muskøgo, Wisconsin. Among other purposes, such provisions are intended, in accordance with a comprehensive plan, to lessen congestion in the streets; to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to promote health and general welfare; to provide adequate light, air and solar access; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerane, s.chools, parks and other public requirements. These regulations are madB with reasonable consideration, among other things of the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses, and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land thro'Jghout the City. 1.04 ABROGATION l GREATER RESTRICTION It is not intended for this Code to repeal, abrogate, annul, impair, or interfere with any existing easBments, covenants, deed restrictions, agreements, codes, ordinances, rules, re<gulations, or permits previously adopted or issued pursuant to laws. However" where this Code imposes greater restrictions, the provisions. of this Code shall govern. 1.05 INTERPRETATION In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this Code shall be held to be a minimum requirement and shall be liberally construed in favor of the City and shall not bB deemed a repeal of any other power granted by the Wisconsin Statutes. 1.06 SEVERABILITY Should any portion of this ordinance be declared invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected. 1 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 1.07 DISCLAIMERS OF LIABILITY (1) WETLANDS, DRAINAGE WAYS, AND SOILS. The City of Muske90 does not guarantee, warrant, or represent that only those areas delineated as wetlands or drainage ways from tests and / or mapping required by this Code will be subject to periodic inundation, nor does the City of Muskego guarantet3, warrant, or represent that the soils shown to be unsuited for a given land USI3 from tests and / or mapping required by this Code are the only unsuited soils within the jurisdiction of this Code. The City hereby asserts that there is no liability on the part of the City of Muskego, Common Council, Plan Commission, its agents, contractors, and employees for flooding problems or structural damages that may occur as a result of reliance upon, and conformance with, this Code. 1.08 MUNICIPALITIES AND STATE AGENCIES REGULATED Unless specifically exempted by law, all cities, villages, towns and counties are required to comply wilth this ordinance and obtain all necessary permits. 1.09 REPEAL OF CONFLICTING (1) The Chapter 39 "Traditional Neighborhood Development" of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin adopted on the 20th day of December 2001 and amendments thereto are hereby repealed. (2) All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Code are herE!by rE!pealed. 2 City of Muskego . SECTION 2 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning )~D~JlINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT 2.01 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DESIGNATED (1) PLANNING DIFiECTOR DESIGNATED The Planning Dirøctor is hereby designated as the administrative and enforcement officer for the provisions of this ordinance. For such duties he may be provided with the assistance of such additional persons as he may designate. A. . . Term. JillQQintment. and Duties. The Planning Director shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Common Council, for an indefinite term subject to removal. The Planning Director shall have the following powers and duties: 1. Shall bø the administrator of the Planning Department, and shall be responsible for the functions as outlined in the job description as approvød by the Common Council, and amended from time to time. Preparation of annual budget for the Planning Department. Acvise applicants of the provisions of this ordinance; assist them in preparing permit applications and appeals, and assure that the re!~ional flood elevation for the proposed development is shown on all permit applications. Promulnate policies and procedures as necessary to administer and enforce this Code., 2. 3. 4. 5. Issue the necessary Zoning Use Permit and Occupancy Permits required by the provisions of this ordinance, provided its provisions and those other codes and ordinances have been complied with. Keep records of all official actions such as: All permits issued, inspections made, work approved, maintain documentation of certified lowest floor and regional flood elevations for floodplain development, and maintain records of water surface profiles, floodplain zoning maps and ordinances, nonconforming uses and structures including changes, appeals, variances and amendments. 6. 7. Investigate, prepare reports, and report violations of this ordinance to the appropriate municipal zoning agency and the municipal attorney for prosecution. In case of any finding of a violation of a provision of this Code, notify in writing, the actual violator where known, owner of the property on which the violation has taken place and the Common Council, indicating the nature of the violation and the action necessary to correct it. Following such notice, issue citations for violations of this Code. 8. 9. Carry out such additional responsibilitììes as are hereinafter set forth by the provisions of this ordinance. 3 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapte.r 17 Zoning . B. c. . 10. Shall pl3rform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the Mayor, Common Council, or Plan Commission, or their ad..hoc committees. Authorit\~: In the enforcement of said ordinance, the Planning Director shall have the power and authority for the following: 1. At any masonable time and for any proper purpose to enter upon any public or private premises as provided by law and make inspection thereof. Upon reasonable cause or question as to proper compliance, to revoke as provided by law any Zoning Use Permits or occupancy permit, and issue cease and desist orders requiring the cessation of any bui'lding, moving, alteration or use which is in violation of the provisions of this ordinance, such revocation to be in effect until reinstated by the Planning Director or the Board of Appeals; or take any other action as directed by the Common Council to insure compliance with or to prevent violation of its provisions. 2. 3. In the name of the City and with authorization of the Common Council commence any legal proceedings necessary to enforce the provisions of this ordinance, including the collection of forfeitures provided for herein. Enforcement Procedures 1. Non-emergency matters. In the case, of violations of this chapter that do not constitute an emergency or require immediate attention, the Director shall give notice of the nature of the violation to the property owner or to any applicant for any relevant permit in the manner hereafter stated, after which the persons receiving notice shall have from 0 up to 30 days (Strictly up to Planning Director) to correct the violation before further enforcement action shall be taken. Notice shall be given in person, by mail unless the document is returned, or by posting notice on the premises. Notices of violation shall state the nature of the violation and the time period for compliance and may state the corrective steps necessary and thø nature of subsequent penalties and enforcement actions should thø situation not be corrected. 2. ErnergE~ncy matters. In the case of violations of this chapter that constitute an emergency as a result of safety or public concerns or violations that will create increased problems or costs if not remedied immediately, the City may use the enforcement powers available under this chapter without prior notice, but the Director shall attempt to give notice simultaneously with beginning enforcement action. Notice may be provided to the property owner and to applicants for any relevant permits. 2.02 BUILDING PERMITS REQUIRED . (1 ) Required: No structure six (6) inches or more above the surface of the ground, nor any structure classified as a building, nor any swimming pool, shall be 4 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . (2) erected, structurally altered, or relocated within the City of Muskego until a building permit has been issued by the Building Inspector certifying that such building as proposed, would be in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance and with the Building Code of the City. Procedure: An application for a Building Permit shall be made in conformity with the requirements of the Building Code of the City of Muskego and policies and procedures promulgated by the Building and Engineering Department in the administration and enforcement thereof. 2.03 ZONING USE PERMITS AND OCCUPANCY PERMITS (1 ) . (2) . Required: No 1Jacant land shall be occupied or used except for agricultural purposes, and no building shall be hereafter erected, structurally altered, relocated, used or occupied until a Zoning Use Permit and/or Occupancy Permit have been issued certifying that any such building, use, or occupancy complies with the provisions of this ordinance. Like permits shall be obtained before any change is made in the type of use, before any legal non-conforming use is resumed, changed, extended, or granted conditional use status, for any new fence, retaining wall, driveway (Including gravel and impervious surface additions, patios, etc.), structures not requiring official building permits from the Building Department but still required to follow zoning requirements herein, and miscellaneous screE!ning devices (Determination of what screening device needs a permit is solely up to the Planning Department. Examples include Carports, tents, etc.). Items sLich as fences, retaining walls, driveways, and miscellaneous screening devices must follow the basic location and architectural requirements set forth within the applicable Muskego Ordinances. Procedure: A. Applications for a Zoning Use Permit shall be made to the Planning Director prior to or at the same time as the application to the Director of Building and Engineering for a Building Permit and Occupancy Permit, or prior to the commencement of any use not involving a Building Permit. B. A Zoning Use Permit Application shall be prepared and filed with the Planninø DirE!ctor for a Zoning Permit. An application for Building and Occupancy Permits shall be prepared in duplicate and filed with the Director of Building and Engineering. Said applications to be filed with the department shall be filled out completely and all required data must be submitted with application. c. Within forty-eight (48) hours after the notification of the completion of the erection, alteration or relocation of the building or of intent to commence a use, tho Planning Director and/or Building Inspector shall make an inspection of the premises and any building thereon and if the building and the intended use thereof, and the proposed use of the premises comply with the requirements of this ordinance an Occupancy Permit shall be issued. D. Applications for a Zoning Permit for a fence, retaining wall, driveway (Including gravel and impervious surface additions, patios, etc.), 5 . . . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego structures not requiring official building permits from the Building Department but still required to follow zoning requirements herein, and miscellaneous screening devices shall be made to the Planning Director with the following submittal requirements: 1. The proposed should be clearly illustrated on a Plat of Survey for the property. All illustrations must be drawn to scale. A description or picture of the proposed must accompany all wbmittals. A narrative letter-stating if the proposed is temporary or perma.nent (Applicable to screening device zoning permits). WherE~ temporary, the narrative must note of when the structure will be removed. Note: A permanent screening device is subject to Plan Commission approval where the devicE! does not meet the location and/or architectural requirements described herein. 2. 3. (3) EXPIRATION. A. For all new single-family and two-family construction, Zoning Use Permits shall expire twenty-four (24) months after issuance if the dwelling exterior has not been completed. Said permit shall also expire if within twenty- four (24) months of the date of application no Occupancy Permit has been issued. Where such Zoning Use Permits have expired, the Plannin~1 Director shall make immediate investigation to ascertain that no use or occupancy has in fact commenced without proper authority. Upon showing of valid cause, the Planning Director may grant an extension of such pel'mit for a period not to exceed six (6) months. B. For all existing buildings, and any alterations thereto, new commercial buildings, accessory buildings, and accessory structures, the Zoning Use Permit shall become void unless operations have commenced within four (4) months from the date the permit is issued, or if the building or work authoriz'9d by such permit is suspendecl at any time after work is commenced, for a period of more than sixty (60) working days. Time periods referenced herein may be extended following the procedures established ~n Section 30.08(2)(a). Failure to comply with the agreed upon timetable may result in the revocation of the permit and the issuancH of a citation for the offense. . C. For all new fences, retaining walls, driveways (Including gravel and impervious surface additions), and miscellaneous screening devices, Zoning Permits shall expire twenty-four (24) months after issuance if the permitted item has not been completed. 6 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 2.04 OFFICIAL ZONIING MAPS ESTABLISHED (1) DISTRICTS MAPPED. The City of Mus.kego is hereby divided into zoning districts as shown upon a map designated as the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego and made part of this Ordinance and all the notations, references and other information shown thereon shall be as much a part of this ordinance as if thø matters and information set forth by said map were all fully described herein. (2) ZONING MAP CHANGES The Zoning Map shalll be kept current at all times. (3) REPLACEMENT OF ZONING MAP. In the event that the Zoning Map becomes damaged, destroyed, lost or difficult to interpret because of the nature or number of changes and additions the Common Council may by resolution, adopt a new Zoning Map, which shall supersede the prior Zoning Map. The new Zoning Map may correct drafting or other errors or omissions in the prior Zoning Map, but no such correction shall have the effect of amending the original zoning ordinance or any subsequent amendment thereof. . (4) DETERMINATION OF ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES District boundaries shall be determined by measurement from and as shown on the Zoning Map, and in case of any question as to the interpretation of such boundary lines the Plan Commission shall interpret the map according to the reasonable intent of this Ordinance. A. Unless otherwise specifically indicated or dimensioned on the map, the district boundaries are normally lot lines; section, quarter section, or sixteenth section lines; or the center lines of streets, highways, railways or alleys. B. The shoreland-wetland zoning district includes those implemented on the Official Zoning Map, which includes a majority of the wetlands in the municipality which are shown on the final Wetland Inventory Map that has been adopted and made a part of this ordinance and which are: 1. Within one thousand (1000) feet of the ordinary high-water mark of navigable lakes, ponds or flowages. Lakes, ponds or flowages ill the municipality shall be presumed to be navigable if they are shown on the United States GeoloQlical Survey quadrangle Maps or other zoning base maps which have been incorporated by reference and made a part of this ordinance. 2. Within three hundred (300) feet of the ordinary high-water mark of navigable rivers or streams, or to the landward side of the floodplain, whichever distance is çlreater. Rivers and streams shall be presumed to be navigable if they are designated as either continuous or intermittent watel"Vl/ays on the United States Geological Survey quadrangle maps or other zoning base maps which have been incorporated by reference and made a part of . 7 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . this ordinance. Floodplain zoning maps as adopted by the City shall be used to determine the exten~t of floodplain areas. 3. When an apparent discrepancy exists between the shoreland- wetland district boundary shown on the official zoning maps and B:ctual field conditions at the time the maps were adopted, the 20ninø administrator shall contact the appropriate district office of the Department to determine if the shoreland-wetland district boundary as mapped, is in error. If Department staff concur with the zoning administrator that a particular area was incorrectly mappBd as a wetland, the zoning administrator shall have the authority to immediately grant or deny a zoning permit in accordance with the regulations applicable to the correct zoning district In order to correct wetland mapping errors shown on the official shoreland-wetland zoning maps, the zoning administrator shall be responsible for initiating a map amendment within a r'9asonable period. (5) ADDITIONAL MAPS ADOPTED The following maps are hereby adopted and made part of this ordinance and are on file in the office of the Planning Department: A. Floodplain zoning maps titled Flood Boundary & Floodway Map, dated December 1, 1982 and as amended from time to time. . (6) IDENTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL ORDINANCE AND MAP. The text of the zoning regulations and the corresponding zoning map shall be kept on file in the offiices of the City and any other copies thereof shall be purely informational and shall not have the status of law. 2.05 APPEALS (1) RIGHT TO APPEAL Any person ag!~rievød, or any officer, department, board or bureau of the City affected by a decision of the Planning Director or of the Plan Commission may appeal such decision to the Board of Appeals as hereinafter established, provided such appeal be taken within a reasonable time, as provided by the rules of said Board o'~ Appeals, and provided such appeal falls within the classification as set forth under thE! powers of the Appeal Board. . . (2) APPEALS RESTRICTED. Unless a variance from the basic zoning regulations is sought (e.g. a request for a 30 foot building setback where a 50 foot setback is required by the regulations of the applicable zoning district), this section shall not apply to decisions of the Plan Commission relating to the following: Building, Site and Operation Plans; Signs of a temporary or permanent nature; Residential Accessory Structures; Conditional USE! requests. In a case where a variance from the basic zoning regulations is sought, the Plan Commission may file a recommendation with the 8 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . Board of Appeals outlining its opinion and findings as they relate to the issue(s) being appealed. (3) PROCEDURE. Refer to Section 3 ot this Code" (4) ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL. Any person ag!~rievE~d by any decision by the Common Council for the City of Muskego with regards to this ordinance may rl9quest such review of such decision in accordance with the procedures as set forth in Chapter 27 of the Municipal Code for the City of Muskego and/or Chapter 68 of the Wisconsin Statutes. (5) FURTHER APPEAl_. Any person or persons aggrieved by any decision of the Board of Appeals, or any taxpayer, or any officer, department, board or bureau of the municipality may appeal from a decision of the Board of Appeals within 30 days after the filing of the decision in the office of the Board of Appeals in the manner provided in Section 962.23(7)(e) 1 0 of the Wisconsin Statutes. 2.06 PUBLIC HEARINGS . (1) NOTICE Notice of the proposød change and hearing thereon shall be given by publication in the official paper once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks the last of which shall be at least one week before the hearin~l, and in cases of petitions requesting changes in the zoning district classification of any property, granting of conditional uses, or approval of planned development districts, the Planning Director shall mail notice of the public hearing to the owners of all lands within 300 feet of any part of the land included in such proposed change or conditional use at least ten (10) days before such public hearing. The failure of such notice to reach any pmpenty owner provided such failure be not intentional, shall not invalidate any amending ordinance, or grant of conditional use of planned development. SLich mailed notice shall not be required where the Common Council determines that the change is of such comprehensive nature that such notice would involvE~ excessive administrative ef1fort and expense and is not necessary for reasonable notification of affected property owners. At least ten (10) days prior written notice of changes in the district plan shall also be given to the Clerk of any municipality whose boundaries are within 1,000 feet of the .Iand to be affected by the proposed change. Failure to give such notice shall not invalidate any such change. . (2) INFORMATION Such notices shall state the time and place of such public hearing and the purpose for wh ich the hearing is held, and shall include, in the case of map changes a description of the area involved and in the case of text changes a description of the proposed change, in sufficiEmt detail for general public identification. F~eference shall also be made to the fact that detailed descriptions are available fm public inspection at the Planning Department. 9 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . (3) PETITIONS NOT INVOLVING ZONING CHANGE Where such hearing is required by the provisions of this ordinance as a result of a request for other than a zoning change or appearance before the Board of Appeals, such request shall be presented to the Planning Department in writing, and shall be accompanied by a map or description clearly identifying the property involved and by a fee payable to the City, as from time to time established by Resolution of the Common Council, to defray the cost of notification and holding of a public hearing. (4) INFORMAL HEARINGS Hearings not specifically required under the provisions of this ordinance may be noticed as deemed appropriate by the body holding the hearing. 2.07 ENFORCEMENT & PENALTIES (1) ENFORCING OFFICER The Planning Director or their designee shall be the enforcing officer of this Code. . (2) PENALTIES Any person, firm, company, or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with, or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be subject to a forfeiture of not less than $10.00 and not to exceed the sum of $200.00 for each offense, together with the costs of the action, and in default of the payment thereof, shall be imprisoned in the County Jail of Waukesha County, for a period not to exceed 6 months, or until such forfeiture and the subsequent costs have been paid. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate violation and be punishable as such. (3) DECLARED NUISANCES Any building erected, structurally altered, or placed on å lot, or any use carried on in violation of the provisions of this ordinance is hereby declared to be a nuisance per se, and the City may apply to any Court of competent jurisdiction to retain or abate such nuisance. (4) ENFORCEMENT BY INJUNCTION Compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance may also be enforced by injunction order at the suit of the City or one or more owners of real estate situated within an area affected by the regulations of this ordinance. 2.08 FEES For the purpose of defraying the cost of inspection and administrative processing, the City may charge fees as established from time to time by resolution of the Common Council. . 10 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt!r 17 Zoning 2.09 SEVERABILITY The several sections, subsections, and paragraphs 01 this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. If any section, subsection, paragraph, or subparagraph of this ordinance shall be declared by a decision of a Court o'f competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the othør provisions of this ordinance, or of the section of which the invalid portion or paragraph may be a part. 11 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning SECTION 3 (:;OIViMISSIONS AND BOARDS 3.01 PLAN COMMISSION (1) ESTABLISHMENT There is hereby established a Plan Commission for the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, purs,uant to Section 962.23 of the Wisconsin Statutes. (2) MEMBERSHIP A. Composition" The Plan Commission shall consist of seven (7) members as outlined hørein and each member must be a resident of the City: 1. The Mayor. 2. A member of the Parks and Recreation Board. 3. An A.lderrnan appointed by the Council. 4. Four (4) citizen members of recognized experience and qualifications. B. Appointment: 1. blderonanic Member. The Aldermanic member of the Plan Commission shall be elected annually at the Common Council reorganization meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Common Council. Park and Recreation Board Member. The Park and Recreation Board representative shall be approved by the Park and Hecreation Board as outlined in Chapter 1.05(6) of the Municipal Code. 2. 3. Citizen Members. Citizen members shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by a majority vote of the Common Council. Presidina Officer and Chairman. The presiding officer - and Chairman shall be the Mayor. In .the absence of the Mayor, the Aldermanic representative shall be the presiding officer. In the a,b$ence of the Mayor and Aldermanic representative, the citizen member with the longest tenure shall be the presiding officer. Official Oaths. All members, according to Section 919.01 of Wisconsin Statutes, shall take the official oaths within ten (10) clays of receiving notice of their appÒintments. 4. 5. 12 City of Muskego . C. Terms. 1. Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 2. t\lderonanic Member. The Alderman member of the Plan Commission shall serve for one (1) year, unless the position becomes vacant, in which case the Common Council shall elect a new representative as outlined in 3.01 (2)(B) 1 above. Park and Recreation Board MembE~r. The Park and Recreation Board member shall serve for Ont3 (1) year, unless his office becomes vacant, in which case the Park and Recreation Board shall E!lect a new representative. Citizen Members. Terms for the citizen members shall be staggmed and each term shall be for a three (3) year period. ~;ecreltillY. The Planning Director shall be the secretary of the Plan Commission. In the absence of the Planning Director, other Planning Staff employed by the City of Muskego may fill said role. Hecordinq Secretary. The Planning Director shall select the recording secretary in accordance with policies and procedures established by the Common Council from time to time. 3. 4. 5. (3) ORGANIZATION The Plan Commission shall organize and adopt rules for its own government according to the provisions of this Ordinance. A. Meetinq:~. The Plan Commission shall set its own meeting schedule, generally to be twice per month. Special Meetings may be held at the call of the Chairman. . B. C. D. E. Standinq and Special Sub-Committees. The Chairman may appoint standinÇl and special sub-committees. Quorum. Quorum shall be four (4) members, and all actions shall require approval of a. majority of the members presE:nt. ProXY VotinQ. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted. Minutes, Minutes shall be kept showing all actions taken, resolutions, findings, detE!rminations, transactions, and recommendations made. A copy of the minutes shall be filed with the City Clerk in accordance with policies as may be adopted by the Common Council from time to time. (4) POWERS The Plan Commission shall have such powers as may be necessary to enable it to perform its functions and duties and promotø municipal planning. Such powers shall include, but not be limited to, the following: A. EmployrnenU)f Experts. To employ experts and Staff and to pay for their services, supplies, equipment, and other such expenses as may be necessary and proper, not to exceed the appropriations and regulations as may be made by the Common Council from time to time. . 13 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapte!r 17 Zoning Reports and I~ecommendations. To make reports and recommendations relating to the planning and development of the municipality to public officials, agencies, utilities, and other organizations and citizens. Reauest Available Information. To request available information from any public official to be furnished within a reasonable time. (5) DUTIES AND REFERRl~.LS . . . B. C. The Plan Commission shall have the following functions and duties: A. Prepare and I~ecommend a ComprehensivH Plan. To make and adopt a Comprehensive Plan for the physical development of the municipality, in accordance with Section ~62.23 and ~66.1 001 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Prepare and !Recommend an Official Map. To make and recommend an Official Map to the Common Council according to Section ~ 62.23 of Wisconsin Statutes. Prepare and- Recommend a Zonina District Plan and Reaulations. To prepare and recommend a zoning district plan and regulations to the Common COIlJllcil according to Section ~62.~~3 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Prepare and Recommend Land Division Fleaulations. To prepare and recommend land division regulations to the Common Council according to Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Hear and Determine Appropriateness of Buildina Site and Operation Plan Applications. The granting of petitioner for Building Site and Operation Plan approvall shall be the sole responsibility of the Plan Commission and will not requine the approval of the Common Council. Chanaes to Adopted Plans. Make and/or recommend changes to adopted plans and to recommend said changes or amendments to the Common Council concørning the Official Map and Official Map Ordinance, Zoning and Land Divilsion Ordinance, and other Ordlinances as deemed related. Matters Ref~rred to the Plan Commissiorl. To consider and report or recommend on all matters referred to them including, but not limited to, Conditional Use Permits. . B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Exceptions to the Land Division and Plattinc1 Provisions of Chapter 18.40 "Land Division Ordinance" of the City of Muskeao Municipal Code. The granting of exceptions to land division and platting related aspects of Chapter 18 "Land Division Ordinance" of the City of Muskego Municipal Code shall bEi the sole charge of the Plan Commission. Determination of Use. The Plan Commission shall make a determination for all uses that are not specifically classified as permitted by right, as accessory to a permitted primary use, or permitted by Conditional Use Grant. Conditional ~Ise Grant Recommendations. The Plan Commission shall hear petitions for Conditional Use Grants and make the determinations. Conditional Use Grant Terminations. The Plan Commission shall only provide recommendations for termination of conditional uses to the Common Council. I. J. K. 14 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . L. Hold Public Hearinas and Informational Meetinas. To hold public hearing~, and informational meeting on matters referred to the Plan Commission. (6) REFERRALS The Common Councilor other public body or officer of the City, having final authority thereon, shall refer to the Plan Commission, for its consideration and report before final action is taken, the following matters: A. Public Buildin9.2. Location and architectural design of any public building. B. Statues and Memorials. Location of any statue or other memorial. D. Streets, Alleys, or Other Public Way, Park, Plavaround, Airport, or other Memorial/Public Grounds. Location, acceptance, extension, alteration, vacation, abandonment, change of use, sale, acquisition, or lease of land for any street, alley, or other public way, park, playground, airport, parking area, or other memorial or public grounds. Annexations. Incorporations, or Consolidations. incorporations, or consolidations affecting the City. Division of Land. All division of lands within the City's extraterritorial platting jurisdiction. Chanaes an~1 Amendments. All proposed or requested changes and amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan and adopted components thereof, Official Map, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision, Land Division Ordinances, and Comprehensive Planning. (7) ADDITIONAL POWERS AND DUTIES . E. Other. Location, character and extent or acquisition, leasing or sale of lands for public or semipublic housing, slum clearance, relief of congestion, or vacation camps for children. Public Utilitie:~. Location, extension, abandonment, or authorization for any public utility whether publicly or privately owned. D. E. All annexations, F. G. The Plan Commission shall have all additional powers and duties granted or' assigned by the Common Councilor by City ordinances. All the powers and duties granted or assigned by the Wisconsin Statutes to Plan Commissions and any amendments thereto are hereby granted or assigned to the Plan Commission and such statutes are hereby adopted by reference. (8) ACTIONS OF PLAI\J COMMISSION PROHIBITED The Plan Commission shall not: A. Grant variances to the terms of this ordinance in place of action by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Amend the text of this Code, or zoning map, in place of action by the Common Council. B. . (9) COMPENSATION The members of the Plan Commission shall receive such compensation as the Common Council shall from time to time designate. 15 City of Muskego . (10) Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning FEES FOR PU\N COMMISSION MEETINGS OR HEARINGS Fees associated with Plan Commission petitions shall be paid by the petitioner prior to the item beinq added to the agenda. The sum shall set forth in the City of Muskego "Fee Schødule," and amended from time to time by the Common Council. 3.02 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS (1) ESTABLISHMENT (2) MEMBERSHIP A. Composition" The Zoning Board of Appeals shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council per Sections ~~62.23(7)( e )2. Wisconsin Statutes. T erms. Terms of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be staggered three (3) year periods. Alternate members shall serve staggered terms of three (3) years. Chairman. TI1e Mayor shall designate the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board, except that in the øvent of their absence or disability, the Vice-Chair shall preside. In the absence of both the Chair and the Vice-Chair, the longest standing: Board Member shall preside. Alternate MeJTlbers. The Mayor may appoint, for staggered terms of 3 years, 2 alternate members of such board, in addition to the 5 members above provided for. Annually, the mayor shall designate one of the alternatE~ members as 1 st alternate and thE~ other as 2nd alternate. The 1 st alternate shall act, with full power, only when a member of the board refuses to vote because of interest or when a member is absent. The 2nd alternate shalll so act only when the 1 st alternate so refuses or is absent or when more than one member of the board so refuses or is absent. The Associat'9 Planner shall attend all meetings of the Board of Appeals for providing the City's case. In the event of the absence of the Associate Planner, the Planning Director or other Staff as may be provided by the Common Council shall substitute. . There is hereby established a Zoning Board of Appeals in the City of Muskego in accordance with Section 962.23(7)(e) of Wisconsin State Statutes for hearing appeals and applications, and granting variations and exceptions to the provisions of this Ordinance in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. B. C. D. E. Official Oath:~:. Official Oaths shall be taken by all members of the Board of Appeals according to Section 19.01 of the Wisconsin Statutes within ten (10) days of receiving notice of their appointment. Vacancies. Vacancies of the Board of Appeals shall be filled for the remaining terl11 in the same manner as appointments for a full term. (3) ORGANIZATION . F. G. 16 Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning City of Muskego The Board of Appeals shall organize and adopt rules of procedure for its own government according to the provisions of this Ordinance. A. Meetinq:~. Meetings of the Board shall be held at the call of the chairman and at such other times as the Board may determine. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. Minutes, Minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Appeals and a record of all actions shall be kept by the F~ecording Secretary, showing the vote of each member upon every question, the reasons for the Board of Appeals' determination, and its findings of facts. These records shall be immediately filed in the office of the Board of Appeals and shall be a public rE~cord. Recordil~ecretarv. A Recording Secretary is provided by City Administration to record minutes for the Board of Appeals. This position is not a Board appointed employee pursuant to Section 962.23(7)e.2. Wisconsin Statutes. . B. C. (4) POWERS OF THE BOARD The Board of Appeals shall have the following powers: A. To hear and decide appeals where it is alle~Jed there is error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement of this ordinance. . . B. To hear and decide special exceptions to the terms of this ordinance upon which slJch Board is required to pass under this ordinance. To authorize upon appeal in specific cases such variances from the terms of this ordinance as will not be contrary to the public interest, where owing to special conditions a literal enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance willi result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship, so that the spirit of this ordinance shall be observed, public safety and welfare secured, and substantial justice done. To hear and decide applications for interpretation of the zoning regulations and the boundaries of the zoning districts after the Plan Commission has made a review and recommendation. To permit, in appropriate cases, and subject to appropriate conditions and ~afeguards in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the ordinance, a building or premises to be erected or used for such public utility purposes in any location which is reasonably necessary for the public convenience and welfare. The Board of Appeals may reverse, affirm wholly or partly, modify the requirements appealed from, and may issue or direct the issue of a permit. The Board (rf Appeals may request assistance from other City officers, departments, commissions, and boards. An appeal shall stay all legal proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from, unless the officer from whom the appeal is taken certifies to the Board of Appeals after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with him, thalt by reason of facts stated in the certificate a stay would, in C. D. E. F. G. 17 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 City of Muskego (5) ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS A. General Application Requirements. Appeals from the decision of the Zoning Admiinistrator and/or the Building Inspector concerning the literal enforcement of this Ordinance may be made by any person aggrieved, or by any officer, department, board, or bureau of the City. Such appeals shall be filed! with the Planning Department within twenty (20) days after the datø of written notice of the decision or order of the Zoning Administrator or Building Inspector. Applications may be made by the owner or lessee of the structure, land, or water to be affected anytime and shall be filed. with the Planning Department. Such appeals and application shall include that information and data as outlined in the Board of Appeals Rules of Procedure. Applications Relating to Shoreland Wetland Related Mapping Disputes. See the provisions of Section 8 "Shoreland-Wetland District" of the City of Muskego Municipal Goele. (6) DIMENSIONAL VARIANCES A. PurposE:. The Board of Appeals, after a public hearing, may determine and vary the regulations of this Ordinance in harmony wHh their general purpose anel intent, only in the specific instances hereinafter set forth, where the Board of Appeals makes findings of fact according to the standards hereinafter prescribed, and further finds that there are practical difficulties or particular hardships in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the regulations of this Ordinance. Application éU1d Notice of Hearina. An application for a variance shall be filed in writing with the Planning Department. The application shall contain such information as outlined in the Board of Appeals Rules of Procedure. Before decisions on such petitions, the Board of Appeals shall hoid a public hearing thereon pursuant to the requirements set forth in the Board of Appeals Rules of Procedure. Findinas of _Facts. No variance to the provisions of this Ordinance (except as otherwise provided) shall be granted by the Board of Appeals unless it finds that if the variance is granted it would not be contrary to the public interest; a literal enforcement of the Ordinance provisions would . . . Zoning H. his opinion, cause imminent peril to life or property. In such cases, proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than by a restraining order which may bE~ granted by the Board of Appeals or by a Court of record on application, on notice to the officer from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause shown. Oaths: The Vice-Chair of the Board of AppE!als may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. Rules of Procedure: The Board may adopt such rules of procedure as it deems necessary for the conduct of its proceedings. Variances to the Subdivision, Land Division, and Platting Provisions: The granting of variances to the land division and platting related issues of Chapter 18 "Land Division Ordinance" of the City of Muskego Municipal Code shall be the sole charge of the Plan Commission. I. J. B. B. C. 18 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship due to special conditions; the spirit ot the Ordinance is preserved; public safety and welfare are secured and substantial justlice done. In reviewing the application anld evidence relating to a variance the Board of Appeals shall consider the findings statements set forth this Section of this Ordinance. Authorized \~ariances. Variances from the zoning regulations of this Ordinance shall be the authority of the Board of Appeals only according to the standards established in this Section, and may be granted only in the followin9 instances and in no others. This section shall not apply to decisions of tlhe Plan Commission relating to the following: Building, Site and Operational Plans; Signs of a temporary or permanent nature; Residential Outbuildings; Conditional Use requests. In a case where a variance from the basic zoning regulations is sought, the Plan Commission may file a recommendation with the Board of Appeals outlining its opinion and findings as they relate to the issue(s) being appealed. (7) PUBLIC HEARINGS A. General. Thø Board of Appeals shall hold a public hearing upon each variance within a reasonable time of the datø of filing. Giving notice of the date, time, place of such hearing, and the matter to be presented at the hearing oy publication in the City of a Class 1 notice under Chapter 985 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Notice of the public hearing shall be given to the Zoning Admiinistrator or Building Inspector and mailed to all parties-in- interest at least ten (1 O) days before the hearing. Parties-in-interest shall be defined as the petitioner, the clerk of any municipality within one hundred (100) feet of any lands included in the petition, and the owners of all lands included in the petition and all lands lying within three hundred (300) feet at lands included in the petition. The Planning Department shall set the elate for the public hearing(s). At the hearing the appellant or applicant may appear in person, by agent, or by attorney. Conduct of Public Hearing. The Vice-Chair of the Board of Appeals shall place all witnesses under oath. The Board of Appeals shall hear all relevant evidence presented for and a9ainst the application. . The Chairman of the Board of Appeals may rule on exceptions to evidence and permit e:)(amination of witnesses. D. . B. . (8) FINDINGS The Board of Appeals shall grant no variance to the provisions of this Ordinance unless it finds that the following facts and conditions exist when applicable and so indicates in the minutes of its proceedings. A. Preservation~::>f Intent. No variance shall be, granted that is not consistent with the purpose and intent of the regulations for the district in which the development is located. No variance shall permit a use in any district that is not a statE!d permitted use, accessory use, or conditional use in that particula r district. Exceptional Çircumstances. There must be exceptional, extraordinary, or unusual circumstances or conditions applying to the lot or parcel, structurEJ, usø, or intended use that do not apply generally to other B. 19 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . C. properties or uses in the same district and the granting of the variance would not be of so general or recurrent nature as to suggest that the Zoning Ordinance should be changed. Economic ~!ardship and Self-Imposed Hardship Not Grounds for Variance. No variance shall be granted solely based on economic gain or loss. Self-imposed hardships shall not be considered as grounds for the granting of the variance. Preservation ..:Df Property Riqhts. The variance must be necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights possessed by other properties in the same district and same vicinity. AbsenCE! of j)etriment. No variance shall be granted that will create substantial detriment to adjacent property and will materially impair or be contrary to the purpose and spirit of this Ordinance or the public interest. Additional ~equirements in Shoreland-Wetland Districts. See the provisions of Section 8 "Shoreland-Wetland District" of the City of Muskego Municipal Code. D. E. F. (9) DECISION The Board of Appeals shall render its decision in writing within fifteen (15) days after the completion of the hearing thereon. A. Required Vote. The concurring vote of the majority of a quorum (A quorum bein~J 4 or more members) of the Board of Appeals shall be necessary to grant a variance, exception, or substitution. . (10) (11 ) . B. Finding Of Fact. Every Finding of Fact shall be signed by the Chair or Vice-Chair and attested to by the Board Secretary as evidence of the action of the Board. The original Finding of Fact letter shall be sent to the Appellant. Copies of each Finding of Fact letter shall be filed with the Board's record of the case, the property file, and the Administrative Officer by thE~ Recording Secretary Conditions. Conditions may be placed upon any Zoning Permit ordered or authorized by the Board of Appeals. RESUBMITT AL C. No appeal that has been dismissed or denied shall be considered again within one year except: on a motion to reconsider the vote made by a member voting with the majority within thirty (30) days of the date of the decision, or on a request for are-hearing. RE-HEARING No request to grant a re-hearing shall be entertained unless substantial new evidence is submitted which could not reasonably have been presented at the previous hearing. In all cases, the request for a re-hearing shall be in writing listing the reascns for the request, and shall be duly verified and accompanied by the necessary data and diagrams. The party requesting the re-hearing shall be notified to appear be1rore the Board on a date to be set by the Board, of which the requestor shall be notified. If a motion to grant a re-hearing receives the affirmative vote8 of four or more members of the BDard, the case shall be put on 20 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning (12) (13) the calendar for are-hearing. Re-hearings shall be subject to the same requirements as the original hearing. REVIEW BY COURT OF RECORD Any person or persons aggrieved by any decision of the Board of Appeals may present to the court of record a petition duly verified setting forth that such decision is illegal and specifying the grounds of thø illegality. Such petition shall be presented tc the Gourt within thirty (30) days afiter the filing of the decision in the Planning Office of the Board of Appeals, which is the Planning Department of the City of Muskego. COMPENSATION The members of the Board of Appeals shall serve without compensation. 21 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . SECTION 4 REQUIRED PLANS 4.01 PURPOSE AND INTENT In order that the physical environment of the City be developed in a way that will provide the maximum degree of aesthetic satisfaction through architectural and natural beauty and harmony and thereby provide most satisfyingly for the well being and contentment of its inhabitants as well as for greater economic stability through preservation and enhancement of propeliy values, it is deemed necessary to exercise regulation over the architectural appearance and construction of buildings erected, remodeled or in any way placed within the City. Such regulations are herein known as Building, Site, and Operation (BSO) Plans. The Building Site and Operation Plan is not intended to impose a pattern of regimented conformity to any specific architectural style or taste established by the governing body, a review board, or the existing residents of any area; but is intended solely to prevent any development which would substantially affect adversely the existing or potential beauty and character of the neighborhood, reduce its desirability, and depreciate surrounding property values. 4.02 BSO EXEMPTIONS: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWS . (1) SINGLE FAMILY AND TWO FAMILY USES Single-family or two-.family residential development activity on unplatted lands, or associated with an approved final plat of a subdivision or certified survey map shall be exempt from Plan Commission Buildin!~ Site and Operational Plan approval. All plans for single-family or two-family residential development activity shall be approved administratively in accordance with rules and procedures promulgated by the Planning Department and the Building and Engineering Department. (2) SIGNS Where in the determination of the Planning Director of their designee, a proposed change to an approv'3d sign is deemed non-substantial, said changes may, in the sole determination of the Planning Director, be exempted from Plan Commission Building Site and Op13rational Plan approval. 4.03 BUILDING SITE AND OPERATION PLAN REQUIRED . (1) PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to specify the requirements and procedures for the review and approval of site plan applications. The provisions of this Section are designed to ensure that all proposed land use and development activity complies with the requirements of this Ordinance. Specifically, this Section requires that the initiation of all development activity (including building permits, zoning certificates, occupancy permits for a change of use of an existing lot or structure where there is contemplated a site plan revision, clear cutting, grading or filling) require the appmval of Building, Site and Operational Plans (herein referred to as BSO Plans) by the City staff before the building, occupancy, and zoning permits can be issued. 22 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning (2) APPLICATION PROCEDURE A. Initiatior. of Request for BSO Plan Approval: Procedures for approval of a site plan shall be initiated by the owner(s) of the subject property, or their legally authorized representative(s). Pre-Application Meeting: The petitioner is øncouraged, but not required, to first meet with the Planning Director and other applicable City Staff to discuss preliminary concepts and plans for the development. Guidance will be provided to the Petitioner on technical requirements and procedures, and a timetable for project review may be discussed. . B. (3) APPLICATION REOUIREMENTS Petitioner shall submit a complete BSO Plan application, accompanied by all fees and deposits, which from time to time may be adapted by the Common Council and in effect at the time of submittal. A complete application shall be comprised of all of the following: A. Written Des(~ription of the intended use døscribing in reasonable detail the: 1. 2. . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. . Full name and contact information of the petitioner and / or agent, and property owner, if different; Full name and contact information of petitioner's engineers / surveyors / architects, and other design professionals used in BSO Plan preparation; Existing zoning district(s) and proposed zoning district(s) if different; Current land uses present on the subject property; Proposed land uses for the subject property Land use designation(s) as depicted on the adopted Comprehensive Plan; . Descriiption of existing environmental features as defined by Section this Code; Projected number of residents, employees, and / or daily customers; Proposed amount of dwelling units, floor area, Open Space area, and landscape surface area, expressed in square feet and acreage to the nearest one-hundredth of an acre; F~esul1:ing site density, Floor Area r~atio as calculated using the criteria established in this Code; Open Space Ratio, and Landscape Surface Area Ratio, as defined in this Code; Operational considerations relating to hours of operation, projected normall and peak water usage, sanitary sewer or septic loadings, Traffic generation; Operational considerations relating to potential nuisance creation pertaiining to the appropriate design of street access, traffic visibility, parking, loading, exterior storage, exterior lighting, vibration, noise, air pollution, odor, electromagnetic radiation, glare and heat, fire and explosion, toxic or noxious materials, waste materials, drainage, and hazardous materials. 23 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all materials anticipated to be USE!d or stored on site; Exterior building and fencing materials; Possible future expansion and related implications for (a) to (m), abovE~, and: Any other information pertinent to adequate understanding by the Plan Commission of the intended use and its relation to nearby proper1ies. B. Property Site Plan drawing which includes: 1 . A title block which provides all contact information for the petitioner and / or agent, and property owner if different; Full name and contact information of petitioner's engineers / surveyors / architects, and other design professionals used in BSO Plan preparation; The date of the original plan and the latest date of revision to the plan; A north arrow and a graphic scale. Said scale shall be in E!nginE!ering scales, and shall not be smaller than one inch equals 100 feet unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director or his designee prior to submittal; A legal description of the subject property; All property lines and existing and proposed right-of-way lines with bearings and dimensions clearly labeled; All existing and proposed easement lines and dimensions with a k:ey provided and explained on the margins of the plan as to ownership and purpose; . All required building setback and offset lines; All existing and proposed buildings, structures, and paved areas, including building entrances, walks, drives, decks, patios, fences, walls, All existing and proposed utility and drainage systems, connections and fixtures; All requirements of the Muskego Fire Code; The location and dimension of all access points onto public streets including cross-section çJrawings of the entry throat; The location and dimension of all on-site parking (and off-site parking provisions if they are to be employed), including a summary of the number of parking stalls provided versus required by this Code: The location and dimension of all loading and service areas on the subject property and labels indicating the dimension of such areas; The location of all outdoor storage and refuse disposal areas and the design of all screening devices; The location, type, height, size and lighting of all signage on the subject property; City of Muskego 14. . 15. 16. 17. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 16. 24 The location, height, design/type, illumination power and orientation of all øxterior lighting on the subject property -- including the clear demonstration of compliance with Section 18 of this Code; The location and type of any permanently protected green space areas; The location of existing and proposed drainage facilities; and I n the legend, data for the subject property: a. Lot Area measured in square feet and acres to the nearest one-hundredth of an acre; Floor Area measured in square feet using the criteria of Section 5 of this Ordinance; Floor Area Ratio as defined in Section 5 and as calculated using the criteria of this Code; Open Space Area as defined in Section 5 and as calculated using the criteria of this Code; Open Space Ratio as defined in Section 5 and as calculated using the criteria of this Code; Building Height as defined in Section 5 and as calculated using the criteria of this Code. A Detailed L~mdscaDina Plan of the subject property, at the same scale as the site plan showing: 1. The name and address of the property owner, the landscape architect or designer who prepared the plan. The name of the proposed project. The plan preparation date and the date of any revisions thereto. A graphic scale and a north arrow. . A leg.al description of the property. A plait of survey, or a sketch drawn to scale approved by the Planning Director or his designee. The location, caliper (size), and common name of all existing deciduous trees six (6) inches or larger in diameter at breast height (d.b.h.), all existing coniferous trees 10 feet or greater in height, and the boundaries of any existing woodlots. Identification of all trees inventoriE,d as required by this Code which are to be moved or destroyed. The location of all proposed plantings. A planting schedule showing all symbols intended to represent plantings, quantities of plant materials, and common and botanical namE!S of plant materials, size and caliper of plant materials, root specifications, and special planting instructions. Typical Sections and details of fences, tie walls, planting boxes, retaining walls, berms, and other landscape improvements. Typical Sections of landscape islands and planter beds identifying materials to be used. Details of planting beds and foundation plantings. City of Muskego . 17. 19. 20. C. . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. . Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning 18. b. c. d. e. f. 11. 12. 13. 25 City of Muskego . . . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning D. Delineation of sodded areas, seeded areas, and wilderness areas indicating square footage, materials to be used, and seed mixtures. Whew landscape or man-made materials are used to provide requin~d screening or buffers from adjacent properties or public rights-of-way, a cross-section shall be provided drawn to a recognized engineering scale illustrating the prospective of the site from the neighboring property and property line elevation. All other design elements found in the adopted City of Muskego General Design Guide. A Gradirl9..1!ud Erosion Control Plan to be approved by the Engineering / Building Inspection Director and / or Public Works Committee pursuant to Chapters 29 and 34 of the Municipal Code. Said plans are not subject to Plan Commission review but are required to be submitted concurrent with BSO Pia n applications in order for the submittal to be complete. Elevation DrawinQs of proposed buildings or proposed remodeling of existing builclings showing finished exterior treatment, with adequate labels providl3d to clearly depict exterior materials, texture, color and overall appearance. Color Renderinqs and Perspective Renderir~ One copy no smaller than 24" x 36" and eighteen (18) 11" x 17" photo-reduced copies of the color renderings of the proposed project and/or photos of similar structures shall be submitted, unless waived by the Planning Director, or his designee. The Plan Commission reserves the right to require perspective renderings, but not in lieu of adequate drawings showing the actual intended appearance of the bllildin!~ls. All renderings shall be produced in CAD, acrylic, tempera, or watercolor. Marker or colored pencil procluced renderings generally are not acceptable unless the Planning Department determines that sufficient detail is conveyed. All renderings shall become the property of the City and will not be returned. Photo Simulí~tions ~nd 3-D virtual visualizations of the proposed project and/or photos of similar structures may be voluntarily submitted and may be required by the Plan Commission, but not in lieu of adequate drawings showing the actual intended appearance of the buildings. A Plat of Su.[vev shall be required for all projects. The survey shall be prepared by a Registered Land Surveyor and shall depict property lines, and existing and proposed buildings, structures, and paved areas. The Engineering l Building Inspection Director may "",aive this requirement where the application includes a Certified Survey Map or Preliminary Plat prepared in accordance with Chapter 236 of Wisconsin Statutes, or where otherwise authorized by the policies of the Public Works Committee A Detailed Sit,e Analvsis per the following: 1. Purpose: The detailed site analysis required by this Section is designed to provide the clear identification of permanently protected 9reen space areas on a site, which is proposed for development. The detailed survey work required to identify these areas accurately on a map is not required prior to the initiation of development concept plans for an area. 14. 15. 16. E. F. G. H. I. 26 City of Muskego . 2. 3. . . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning When Required: A detailed site analysis shall be performed in conjunction with required land division documents or Building, Site and Operational Plan for any and all properties containing: 8. Permanently protected natural resource areas defined as required protected areas under State or Federal regulations, All environmental corridor components and areas identified by the adopted Comprehensive Plan and / or by the Southeast Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. Environmental features identified in the adopted Conservation Plan. Description: The detailed site analysis shall be shown on a map of the subject property which depicts the location of all protected natural resource areas and environmental corridor components, as definE~d by the provisions of this Section, and as located by an on- site pmperty survey. The detailed site analysis shall meet the following requirements: Cl. Scale: A minimum scale of one-inch equals 200 feet shall be used unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director or his designee prior to submittal; Topography: Topographic information is not required for any property that does not contain steep slopes. For such properties, topographic information with a minimum contour interval of two feet is required" Specific Natural Resources Areas: All areas subject to the provisions of this Code shall be accurately outlined and clearly labeled. Particular care as to clarity shall be taken in areas where different resource types overlap with one- another. Development Pads: All site disruption (including selective cutting) proposed to occur within permanently protected natural resource areas shall be limited to development pads. Development pads shall be depicted on the detailed site analysis map, BSO Plans, and Preliminary Plat of Subdivision (if applicable) or Certified Survey Map (if applicable). i. Site disruption activììties shall not compact soil covering tree roots, or otherwise damage trees beyond the area from which trees. are to be removed. The use of snow fences and other barriers to outline development pads during disruption activity is strongly recommended to limit the extent of inadvertent compaction or other disturbance of earth, and collision damage to vegetation intended for protection. Such barriers should be placed no closer to protected trees than a point on the ground directly under their outer canopy edge. b. c. b. c. d. 27 . . . Mitigation Areas: All mitigation areas shall be depicted on the detailed site analysis map with notations provided which describe the mitigation techniques employed. Hequiired Procedure for Submission and Review of Detailed Site Analysis 8. Required Timing of Submission: The detailed site analysis map shall be submitted to the Planning Director or his designee for review concurrE!nt with the submission of the BSO Plan. A concept plan of the proposed development may be submitted prior to the submission of the detailed site analysis map, however, in no way does the acceptance and/or general approval of the concept plan indicate the approval of natural resource feature locations. Review by City: The Planning Director or his designees shall review the submitted detailed site analysis map for general compliance with this Ordinance. Such review may include data sources including but not limited to the following examples: i. The Official Zoning Map; II. Applicable USGS 7.5 minute topographic maps for the City of Muskego and its environs or other USGS Quads and sources of topographic information; iii. Orthophotos of the subject property; iv. Applicable FEMA and related floodplain maps; v. Applicable Federal and State Wetland Inventory Maps; vi. The City of Muskego Comprehensive Plan; vii. Official Sjlreet System Map; viii. Site visits. City of Muskego 4. b. Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning ii. Modification of Detailed Site Analysis Map: If necessary, as -determined by Plan Commission, revised detailed site analysis maps shall be prepared and submitted for review until a version is deemed accBptable. Integration of Detailed Site Analysis Information with Required Devellopment and/or Land Division Documents: Information contaïned on the detailed site analysis map relating to the boundaries of permanently protected green space areas (including natural resource protection areas, other permanently protected ~Jreen space areas, and required mitigation areas) shall be recorded as a deed restriction which permanently runs with the land. Said areas shall be clearly depicted on any and all site plans required as a precondition for application for any development permit which occurs subsequent to BSO Plan approval (such as a Building Permit) and on any proposBd Final Plat of Subdivision or Certifil3d Survey Map. c. 5. 28 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego (4) REVIEW BY PLAN COMMISSION A. The Plan Commission, in its consideration of the submitted BSO Plan application, shall take into account the basic intent of the Zoning Ordinance to ensure attractive, efficient, and appropriate development of land in the community, and to ensure particularly that every reasonable step has been taken to avoid depreciating effects on surrounding property and the natural environment. Beyond protection of the public health, safety and welfare, and morals, this Section shall enable the Plan Commission to consider factors related to community aesthetics, urban design, and architectural consistency withlln the community. The Plan Commission" in reviewing the application may require such additional measures and/or modifications to any or all elements of the site plan as described in the application submittal required per Section 4.03(3) as it deems necessary to accomplish this objective. If such additional measures and/or modifications are required, the Plan Commission may withhold approval of the BSO Plan until a revision depicting such additional measures and / or modifications are submitted to the satisfaclion of the Plan Commission, or may approve the application subject to the provision of a revised application reflecting the direction of the Plan Commission to the satisfaction o'f the PI.anning Director or his designe,e. Such amended plans and conditions applicable to the proposed usø shall be made a part of the official record, and development activity on the subject property may not proceed until the revised application has been approved pursuant to the procedures described herein. In reviewing said application the Plan Commission shall make findings on each of the 'following criteria to determine whether the submitted BSO Plan shall be approved, approved with modification, or denied: 1. The public health and safety is not endangered; a. All standards of the Zoning Ordinance and other applicable City, State and Federal regulations are met; 2. Adequate Public Facilities are provided; a. Adequate control of stormwater and erosion are addressed through submittals to be reviewed and approved by the Engineering / Building Inspection Director and / or Public Works Committee pursuant to Chapters 29 and 34 of the Municipal Code; . . . J. A Developer~ì Deposit in an amount required by adopted policies of the Finance Committee, as may be amended from time to time. The purpose of the Developers Deposit is to provide a surety to address all charges required to biB paid by a petitioner under Section 3.085 of the Municipal Code. The mquirement for submittal of a Developers Deposit for specific projects may be modified or waived by action of the Finance Committee. A Suret,~ in a form approved by the Finance Committee. Said surety shall be provided to secure the replacement of all trees with calipers exceeding 6 inches, whosø canopies are located adjacent to disturbed areas, which die within a period of five years following site disruption, and to secure the restoratian of all mitigation areas identified on the Detailed Site Analysis. K. B. 29 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . The disruption of existing topography, drainage patterns, and vegetative cover is minimized insofar as is practical; 3. Appropriate traffic control and parking are provided; a. Appropriate landscaping and open space areas are provided; The appearance of structurÐS maintains a consistency of design, materials, colors, which comply with the general architectural guidelines adopted by the Plan Commission as Detail Plan components of thH Comprehensive Plan. 4. Architectural Control; In order that the physical environment of the City is developed in a way that will provide the maximum degree of aesthetic satisfaction; through architectural and natural beauty, harmony with adjacent facilities, and thereby provide the most appealing development for the well being, and contentment of its inhabitants. In addition, to promote greater economic stability through preservation and enhancement of property values, it is deemed necessary to exercise regulation over the architectural appearance and construction of buildings erected, remodeled, or in any way placed within the City. Such regulations are not intended to impose a pattern of Iregimented conformity to any specific architectural style or taste established by the Plan Commission, review board, or the existing residents of any area; but is intended solely to prevent any development which would substantially adversely affect tlhe existing or potential beauty and value to the community, the characteristics of the neighborhood- potentially re~ducing its desirability and depreciating surrounding property values. b. b. . To implement and design criteria for the purposes stated above, to promote Four Sided Architecture and Quality in Design Standards, the followinn standards are established: . a. No building shall be permitted a design or exterior appeârance which is unorthodox or abnormal character in relation to the surrounding properties as to be unsightly or offensivl3 to generally accepted tastes . of the community and professional judgment of the Planning Corrmission and its Staff. b. No building shall be permitted the design or exterior appearance of which is so identical with those adjoining as to create excessive monotony or drab. . . c. No building shall be permitted where any exterior surface is not constructed or faced with a finished material which is esthetically compatible with the exterior surface of adjacent buildings and presents an attractive appearance to the public and to surrounding properties. d. No building shall be permitted to be sighted on the property in a manner which would unnecessarily destroy or substantially damage the natural beauty of the area, particularly insofar as it would advE!rsely affect values incident to ownership of land in that area or which would unreasonably affect adversely the beauty and general enjoyment of existing residences on adjoining properties. 30 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning e. No building or addition to any building shall be permitted to be sited on the property in a manner, which would interfere with the peaceful enjoyment and natural light of adjacent buildings. f. All buildings and the proposed materials, shape, and colors should follow the adopted City General Design Guide. (5) INITIATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Except with the written permission of the Plannin!~ Director and the Director of Building and Engineering or their designees, absolutely no land use or development activity, shall occur on the subject property prior to the approval of the required BSO Plan or BSO Plan Amendment. Any such activity prior to such approval shall be a violation of this Chapter and shall be subject to all applicable enforcement mechanisms and penalties. (6) COMPLIANCE IN PERPETUITY Any BSO Plan granted through the authority of this Section shall be perpetually binding upon the development and all aspects of the approval given shall be followed. Further, BSO Plan shall be perpetually binding to the extent that: A. All buildings and structures shall be maintained in a tasteful, safe and appropriate manner as they were originally approved for. All landscaping shall be periodically groomed and/or replaced when necessary . All drives, parking and pedestrian areas shall be kept in a safe and passable condition. This includes the maintaining of the appropriate pavement markings and the refinishing of the asphalt or concrete when it should become deteriorated. All natural areas and environmental areas identified for protection shall be maintained in manner which preserves their aesthetic and natural function All repairs and maintenance shall be executed in a timely manner. B. C. D. E. 31 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . (8) PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL FOllOW THRU INSPECTION The Planning Director or designee shall make a final inspection of all new buildings, building sites, additions and alterations of properties that have received Plan Commission approvals in order to assure all approvals from Planning Commission have been accomplished. The inspection shall be made at the same time final inspections are requested as part of building permits or, in the case building permits aren't required for the improvements, the inspection shall be made upon Ule developer notifying the Plan Department that the improvements have been accomplished. If all approvals have been followed, a certificate of occupancy will be allowed. If further improvements are required, the certificate of occupancy will be withheld until such time the improvements are completed. A Gertiticate of occupancy may be issued subject to certain items being completed within a given amount of time, however, if the items are not completed within the given timeframe, the certificate of occupancy can be revoked as per Section 30.07(5)a of the Municipal Building Code. Revocation of the certificate of occupancy requires all business use of the property to cease immediately un1i1 such time a new certificate of occupancy is given. . (8) MODIFICATIONS TO APPROVED PLANS Where modification to an approved BSO Plan is requested, the Planning Director or his designee is authorized, upon review of the proposal, to make a determination that the modification is either a non-substantial change or a substantial change to the approved BSO Plan. Where it is determined that the modification is non-substantial, the Planning Director or his designee may approve the modification. Where it is determined that the, modification is a substantial change to the approved BSO Plan, said Plan shall be revised and review by the Plan Commission pursuant to the procedures of this Section above, so as to clearly and completely depict any and all proposed modifications to the previously approved BSO Plan, prior to the initiation of said modifications. . (9) EXPIRATION Plan commission approvals granted for building, site and operation plans, signs, second garage structures, temporary structures and sketch land divisions in which the petitioner has not commenced construction activity. or preparation of the land, or has not submitted a Certified Survey Map or Preliminary Plat within the past 24 months of the date of approval, said approval will expire and reapplication will be required. A reapplication shall be limited solely to reasonable compliance with current design, locational, and operational requirements. A reapplication shall not involve the basic permissibility of the use where such use is permitted by right at the timH of reapplication. The Plan Commission may grant one six-month extension if requested 30 days prior to the pending expiration date provided that the applicant demonstrates a valid cause. REVIEW FEES A minimum review fee, as from time to time established by Resolution of the Common Council, shall be charged for all applications to the Plan Commission where a fee has not been otherwise established by the zoning ordinance. The review fee shall be applicable for, but not limited to the following: Sign Approvals, landscape Plan Reviews, Kennel Permit Renewals, and Fireworks Stand Permits. Fees for other applications to the Plan Commission for, but not limited to Building Site and Operation Plan Review, Truck Parking Review, (10) 32 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning Second GaragE! Structure Requests, and Legal Lot Determinations shall be, as from time to time, established by Resolution of the Common Council. 33 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . SECTION 5 GENERAL PROVISIONS 5.01 USES REGULATED (1) USES RESTRICTED No structure or land shall be used and no structure shall be hereafter erected, structurally altered, or relocated except for a use as permitted and in compliance with the regulations hereinafter established for the district in which it is located. . (2) USES CLASSIFIED For the purpose of this ordinance all uses shall be classified according to the following categories: A. Permitted Uses by Right: Principal uses the permissibility of which is a predetermined right anywhere in the district which located subject only to the regulations established governing such use. Permitted Accessory Uses: Uses incidental, customary to, and commonly associated with a permitted principal use. Permitted Uses by Conditional Grant: Uses, the nature, character, or circumslances of which are so unique, or so dependent upon the specific contemporary conditions, that predetermination of permissibility by right, or the detailing the ordinance of the specific standards, regulations, or conditions m~cessary or appropriate to such permissibility are not practical; but which may be permitted in thø districts where listed subject to certain conditions and requirements as høreinafter specified. B. C. (3) UNCLASSIFIED USES Any use not specifically listed as a permitted use shall be considered to be prohibited except as may be otherwise specifically provided hereinafter. In case of questions as to the classification of a use, the question shall be submitted to the Plan Commission for determination. (4) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Any use, in any district, which becomes hazardous, harmful, noxious, offensive or a nuisance to the- surrounding neighborhood, may be required to be corrected or improved by sLlch measures as are directE!d by the Common Council consistent with reasonable technological and economic practically. 5.02 BUILDING LOCATION (1) LOCATION RESTHICTE:D No building shall bE~ hereafter erected, structurally altered or relocated on a lot except in conformity with the following locational regulations as hereinafter specified for the district in which it is located. . (2) SETBACKS The proximity of a building to a public street or way is regulated by setback provisions as follows: 34 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . . . A. Base Setback Lines are hereby established parallel to the center line of all public strel9ts and ways as follows: 1. On all principle traffic arteries as designated by the City of Muskego Arterial Street System Plan and as set forth in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, thø base setback line shall be located a distance from the center line of the right-of-way equal to one-half the width of the right-of-way as referred to above. On all other streets, which shall be designated as "local streets" the Base Setback Line shall be located 30 feet from the center line of such street or 60 feet from the center point of a cul-de-sac unless specifically designated otherwise by action of the Common Council. I n the case of frontage streets along principal traffic arteries the Base Setback Line shall be located on the property line as established by the frontage street. No building shall hereafter be erected, structurally altered, or relocated so that it is closer to the Base Setback Line than the setback distance hereinafter specified by the regulations of the district in which it is located with thl9 following exceptions applicable only where the setback requirements affecting all properties are identical and provided that in no case shall any building be permitted forward of the Base Setback Line or a garag'9 be permitted closer than twenty (20) feet to the Base Setback Line: 2. 3. B. C. Where the nearest existing principal on one side of said building is within 500 feet and has less than the required setback, the averaqe between such existing setbacks and the required setback shall apply. Where the nearest principal building on both sides of said building are within 500 feet of said building but not closer than 300 feet to each other and have less than the required setback, the average of such existing setbacks and the required setback, the average between such existing setbacks shall apply. Where the nearest principal buildings on both sides of said building are within 300 feet of each other and have less than the required setback, the average between such. existing setbacks shall apply. In the case of a proposed addition to an existing building which has less than the required setback, such existing building may be considered the "nearest existing building" in order to apply the aforesaid exceptions in determining required setback for the proposed addition. The setback as required by B above shall be measured from the nearest enclosed or roofed portion of a building, provided, however, that the first two (2) feet of an overhanging eave and gutter shall not be included. The only structure permitted within such setback area shall be necessary highway and traffic signs, public utility lines and poles, walls and fences, as regulated by this Code, rural mailboxes, signs as permitted under the individual dis1trict regulations, or as permittE!d by Section 16 of this Code, 1. 2. 3. 4. D. 35 . . . City of Muskego E. F. Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning structures other than buildings as regulated by this Code, temporary structures and underground buildings as re9ulated by this Code. Additions to and replacements of existing structures lying between the Base SI3tback Line and the existing street right-of-way may be made subject to approval of the Plan Commission and provided the owner will file with the City and record as part of the deed for such property an agreemønt in writing to the effect that the owner will remove all new construction, additions and replacements erected after the adoption of this Ordinance at his expense, when necessary for the improvement of the streHt anel will claim no damage for the same. Vision Setback Lines at the intersections of public streets and of a street with a railroad, where the grade is not separated, are hereby established as follows: 1. Across each sector between the intersection of a street with a railroad a Vision Setback Line shall be established by a straight line connecting points on the Base Setback Line and the railroad right-of-way line, which points are located 120 feet from the intersøction of the Base Setback Line and the railroad right-of-way line. Across each section between intersecting streets, both of which have a designated width of 100 feet or greater, a Vision Setback Line shall be established by a straiqht line connecting two points on the intersecting Base Setback Lines, which points are located 60 fel;:!t from the intersection of said Base Setback Lines. 2. c===== [-------- ~:L::- -'~ - - - - - - - - ----- s_, c====- I I I I '100' :/ : Right-d-Woy In, -.- 60' x 60' Vision /' Comer Easement 36 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning Across each section between intersecting streets, one which has él designated width of 100 feet or greater, a Vision Setback Line shall be established by a straight line connecting two points on the intersecting Base Setback Lines, which points are located 60 feet from the intersection of said Base SE!tback Lines for the street with t1e width of 100 feet or greater and ~~O feet from the intersection of s.aid Base Setback Lines for the street with the width of less than 100 feet. 3. = E-u Mod"" F~~'.."~~ 1 00' R"", --- --- C""""oed 'do' s-..,,= -.- ------- R;ght-o!-Way u., 60' x 30' Vision / Gomer Easement I~ ~~- -----~--~-- ----------- Across each sector between any other intersecting street a Vision Setback Line shall be established by a straight line connecting two points on the intersecting Base Setback Lines, which points are located 30 feet from the intersection of said Base Setback Lines. 4. ~ Right-of-Way lJna 3D' x 30' VIsion / Corner Easement I I , I , 60'1 37 '~ ~g ~ i Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego (3) OFFSETS The proximity of a building to any other lot line than a street line is regulated by offset provisions as follows: A. No building shall hereafter be erected, structurally altered, or relocated so that it is closør to any lot line than the offset distance hereinafter specified by the mgulations for the district in which it is located except as follows: 1. 111 thÐ case of any lot of record which has a minimum average width less than that required by the district in which it is located, the offset from a side lot line may be reduced proportionately to tile ra.tio between the actual minimum average width and the required minimum average width provided, however, that no offset shall in any case be less than 1/2 the required offset. WherE~ a lot abuts a district boundary line, the offset from such line in thE~ district of less restrictive use shall not be less than that required for the district of more restrictive use. . 111 the case of single family attached, multiple family, commercial, or industrial use structures two or more buildings on adjoining lots may be erected with common or directly adjoining walls provided the requirements of the State Industrial Code relative to such construction are complied with and provided that at both ends of such "row" type buildings the applicable offset requirements shall be complied with. How Measured: The offset shall be measured from the roofed or enclosed portion of a building: including overhanging eaves, except that the first two (2) feet of an overhanging eave gutter shall not be included. Maintenance and Use of Setback and Offset Areas: Any such required setback or offset area shall be landscaped and kept clean and free from the accumulation of debris or refuse, and shall not be used for storage or display of equipment, products, vehicles, or any other material except as may be specifically otherwise permitted under this ordinance. . . (4) (5) . G. 'n the Vision Setback Area no structure of any kind shall be permitted which exceeds a height of two and one-half (2%) feet above the elevation of the center of the intersection, except for necessary highway and traffic signs, public utility lines, and open fences through which there is clear vision, nor shall any plant material or natural growth be permitted which obscures safe vision of the approaches to the intersection. Vision Setback Area encumbrances may be allowed in certain zoning districts that allow reduced setbacks if determined that the proposed development does not impede safety. On corner lots, of record as of the date of this Ordinance, the effect of the setback regulations shall not reduce the buildable width of such corner lot to less than ::10 feet. Vision Setback Area encumbrances may be allowed in certain zoning districts that allow reduced setbacks if determined that the proposed development does not impede safety. Vision Setba.ck Area variations may be allowed if found by the Public Works Committee that a proposed development does not impede safety at both the present and future time. H. I. 2. 3. 38 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . (6) Accessory Building Location: No accessory building shall be erected, structurally altered, or relocated so that any roofed or enclosed portion thereof is closer than ten (10) feet to the principal building on the lot, although locations can be as close as 5 feet if building codes are met in relation to firewalls. 5.03 BUILDING HEIGHT (1) MAXIMUM HEIGHT RESTRICTED In any district no building or structure shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered to a height in excess of that hereinafter specified by the regulations for that district, except as may be modified by this Code. (2) EXCEPTIONS The following shall bø excepted from the height regulations of all districts: A. Chimney and flues. B. Electric, telephone and telegraph and distribution facilities; fire siren towers, and emergency weather sirens. Subject to the- approval of the Plan Commission: Cooling towers, elevator bulkheads, fire towers, monuments, penthouses, stacks, scenery lofts, tanks, water towers, ornamental towers, spires, masts, aerials, and necessary mechanical appurtenances. C. . (3) HOW MEASURED For one and two family principal structures and their accessory structures, and for all commercial and industrial structures, height is measured from the average finished grade at the front building line to the highest point of: A. the coping of a flat roof; B. the deck line of a false mansard roof, or C. the midpoint of the highest gable of a traditional mansard, gambrel, hip, or pitch roof. Mid point is determined by drawing a horizontal (zero degrees) line between the points where the walls intersect the roof deck or an average themof. Then draw a perpendicular line from the horizontal line to the hi'ghest point of the gable. The midpoint of the vertical line shall be the height of the gable roof for the purposes of this ordinance. ~- { t /-------------- ~ - 7' . Mid-Point ..~- 1- ... .~lltlliJlll1J] BI- T ^~~.G'M. Single Story Example . J -~ . - - - >,._~ - - - - ==----- - - - - - - - - - - - 6' T Mid-Point = ~ 8] m m] .-: 26' ff!n m I~_m 1 ^w,-- Two-Story Example 39 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . (4) The height of any other structure shall be defined as the total height of the structure measured with a vertical line from the average finished grade at the front line of the structure to the highest point of the structure. 5.04 BUILDING SIZE . (1) MINIMUM REQUIRED Any building intended in whole or part for residential purposes shall provide a minimum floor area as hereinafter specified by thÐ regulations for the district in which such building is located. A. The minimum required floor area is stated in terms of minimum total usable n3sidE!I1tiai floor area per family in a single floor building. In the case of any residential building in a single family detached district, which has more than a single floor level, the total of all livable floor area which is not over any other livable floor shall be called the Principal Floor Area may be reduced 1.5 square feet for every foot added to the minimum required total floor area. In the case of any building designed for two (2) or less dwelling units and not having a basement of at least 300 square feet in area, the minimum required floor area shall be increased by 200 square feet. In any case INhere the Principal Floor Area is less than 1,000 square feet, an attached !~arage, breezeway, porch or other enclosed area shall be required so Ulat the total ground area is in no case less than 1,000 square feet. . B. C. D. (2) MAXIMUM PERMITTED F.A.R. The maximum total floor area of the buildings on a lot shall not exceed that permitted under the floor area ratio (F.A.R.) as hereinafter specified by the regulations for the district in which such building is located. (3) HOW F.A.R. IS MEASUf~ED Floor area shall be measured at each level from outside of wall to outside of wall, but for the purpose of determining minimum required floor area shall not include any area having an average height of less than seven (7) feet, basements, attached garages, open porches, attics or storage areas. Attic areas shall not be included in determining permitted F.A.R. Basements shall not be included in determining permitted F.A.R. unless they are exposed and remodeled for habitation uses. For the purposes of minimum and maximum floor area regulations, in the case of floor levels built into a hillside (Exposures), the floor area subject to measurement shall be computed as one-half the remodeled floor area within the I3xposure. . (4) F.A.R. EXCEPTIONS A. The Board of Appeals may grant an exception to permit a building of less than thÐ required minimum floor area whl3re such grant would not be contrary to thl3 spirit or intent of the ordinance, and provided the proposed building would be compatible in character and quality to the general neighborhood, and would not depreciate the property values of the 40 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning B. surrounding area, and provided further that in no case shall a reduction greater than ~~5% be permitted. Properti'3s within the RL-1, RL-2, and RL-3 I_akeshore Residence Districts are exempt from maximum F.A.R. requirem'3nts. The area contained in a Rustic Structure, granted Conditional Use status by the Plan Commission, shall not be included in the calculation of the maximum FAR for the parcel. C. 5.05 LOT SIZE (1) MINIMUMS REQUIRED No building shall bE~ erected on a lot of less area or of minimum average width less than hereinafter specified by the regulations of the district in which such building is located. (2) LOT AREA - HOW MEPI.SURED For the purposH of this ordinance, the lot area shall be measured from the Base Setback Line and shall be exclusive of the area between the Base Setback Line and the existing property line ultimately to be included in the street, but may include land zoned "wetland-floodplain" subject to compliance with this Code. (3) WIDTH - HOW MEASUF~ED In determining the minimum average width of a lot such measurement shall be made by a line perpemdicular to the line establishing the average depth of the lot, at any point wh'3re one-half (Y2) the required minimum lot area would fall on each side of such line establishing the minimum average width. Minimum of)~ of the ReqJired Lot Area Minimum of ~ of the Required Lot Area ~ C ~i:li~U~ V~id~~ -- ~ Minimum Width~ - I- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - Minimum Of)2 of the Req Jired Lot Area Minimum of ~ of the Required Lot Area J<.-BO'----.J< Minimum ~ Ri!~ht-of-Way Minimum Width Right.{)f-Way 41 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . (4) REDUCTION No lot area shall be Ireduced by any means so as to create a lot of less than the required size or so that the existing offsets, setbacks, open space or lot area would be reduced below that required by the regulations for the district in which such lot is located. 5.06 RESIDENTIAL DENSITY (1) PURPOSE OF CONTROL The regulatory techniques controlling the distribution of population throughout the community are intended to achieve the desired environmental character as set forth in the General Plan and to achieve a practical economical and functional relationship between the residential use of land and its consequent impact upon traffic circulation, sewage disposal, school facilities, and other service demands. (2) METHOD OF CONTROL In single-family detached development the density is established by the minimum required lot SiZI3. In single family attached, or multiple family development, no minimum lot size is established; but the allowabl13 density is established by a required ratio of lot area to each dwelling unit. In planned residential development projects the density is established by a special factor giving the number of dwelling units permitted per acre based on the underlying zoning. . (3) HOW COMPUTED The determination of the number of allowable dwelling units on a given property being developed with single family attached or multiple family units shall be made a follows: A. Single Family' Attached and Multip1e Family - by dividing the net area of the parcel to be so developed by the number of square feet required per dwelling unit. Planned DevE~lopment Projects - by applying the percentage factor to the gross area of the project as hereinafter set "forth in this Code on the basis of the underlying zoning. B. 5.07 OPEN SPACE (1) MINIMUM REQUIF.ED No building shall bE! erected, structurally altered or relocated on a lot so as to reduce the usable open area of such lot to less than that hereinafter specified by the regulations for that district. . (2) HOW MEASURED To be considered usable, such open area shall be readily accessible and of a size and shape which can be reasonably considemd to provide for the amenities and necessities of Ii!Jht, air, play space, drying yard, garden, etc., but shall not include parking are,:3IS, drives, and other impervious areas. Crop pasture and wooded land may be included in computing such open area. 42 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning (3) OVERLAPPING No part of the open space provided for any building shall be included as part of the open spacE' required for another building, except as hereinafter provided for planned development projects. (4) EXEMPTIONS The area contained by a Rustic Structure authorized by Conditional Use Grant shall not be counted against the amount of open arøa on a parcel. 5.08 BASIC LOGATIONAL REQUIREMENTS (1) BUILDING MUST BE ON A LOT Every building hereafter erected, structurally altered, or relocated shall be placed on a lot as herein defined. (2) ONLY ONE PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE BUILDING ON ft. LOT Except as spøcifically otherwise provided herein for attached single family dwellings, apartment, farms, or planned development projects only one principal residence building shall be permitted on a lot, provided however that the Board of Appeals may grant an exception to permit more than one principal building on a lot where such grant would not be contrary to the spirit or intent of the Ordinance or to the regulations applicable to the specific district, and provided that a sufficient lot ama is provided and the buildings so located as to permit individual compliance in the case of future division with the lot size, density, building location, and open space requirements of the district in which located. 5.09 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION (1) ONE AND TWO FAMILY CONSTRUCTION One and Two Family Built-on-site Construction: all such construction shall conform. to the standards as set forth in Chapter 30 Building Code for the City of Muskego, Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapters COMM 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, & 25 otherwise known as the Uniform Dwelling Code. (2) ONE AND TWO FAMILY BUlL T-OFF-SITE MANUFACTURED HOMES OR DWELLINGS OR MOSDULAR HOUSING One and Two Family Built-off-site Manufactured Homes or Dwellings or Modular Housing as defined by COMM 20.07,27 and Section 9101.91 Wisconsin Statutes: such structures shall be certified as such under 42 USC Sections 5401 to 5426, which, when placed or remodeled on site: A. Shall bE' set on an enclosed foundation in accordance with Chapter 30, the Building Code for the City of Muskego, and Wisconsin Administrative Code ChaptBrs COMM Chapters 21 through 25 as applicable. The Building Inspector may require a plan to be certified by a registered architect or engineer to ensure proper support for the home. 43 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning B. Shall bø permanently installed on a foundation in accordance with manufactures instructions a copy of which shall be provided to Building Inspector at time of application. Shall be properly/permanently connected to utilities in accordance with all State and local regulations. Shall have a floor area equal to or greater than that required in the zoning district in which it is to be located. Shall have all chassis components removed prior to issuance of an occupancy permit. Shall be a minimum 25' in width and no less than two (2) sections. C. D. E. F. (3) COMMERCIAL CONSTF~UCTION Commercial construction shall conform to Chapter 30 Building Code for the City of Muskego, Chapt~:~r 32 Fire Code for the City of Muskego, and Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapters COMM 50, 51, 52, ~j3, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, and 65, and shall conform to the Wisconsin Enrolled Commercial Building Code Volume 1 and 2. 5.10 ENGINEERING REGULATIONS (1) Establishment of Grades: Every building hereafter erected, structurally altered or relocated shall be at a grade approved by the Building Inspector as being in satisfactory relationship with the established street grades or with the existing street grade where none is established, with particular consideration for proper drainage and safe vehicular access. (2) Drainage A. Adequate Drainage Required: No principal building shall be erected, structurally altered, or relocated on land which is not adequately drained at all times nor which is subject to periodic flooding, nor so that the lowest floor level is less than 2 feet above the highest anticipated seasonal ground water level. An Occl,Jpancy Permit and Use Permit shall not be issued for any lot where the gradin!~ plan approved for that lot at the time of its platting has not been accom plished. B. Obstruction to Drainage Prohibited: The damming, filling, relocating or otherwise interfering with the natural flow of sUl1ace water along any surface water drainage channel or natural water course shall not be permitted except with approval of the Plan Commission C. Building Restricted Adjacent to Drainage Chalnnels or Watercourses: No building other than a bridge, dam, boathouse, or revetment subject to the aforesaid approval, shall be erected, structurally altered or relocated within 10 feet of the ordinary high water line of surface water, drainage channel or 20 feet of the ordinary high water line of a natural watercourse nor so that the lowest floor of said building is less than 2 feet above possible flood stage as determined by thE~ Engineering/Building Inspection Director. (3) Preservation of Topography: (Rep. & Recr. #219) A. In order to protect the property owner from possible damage due to change in the existing gradl3 of adjoining lands and to aiel in preserving and protecting 44 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning the natural beauty and character of the landscape, no change in the existing topography of any land shall be made which would result in increasing any portion of the slope to a ratio greater than :2 feet horizontal to one foot vertical. In no case shall any change in top09raphy be made which would likely result in soil erosion. B. Retaining walls may be permitted in accordance with Section 15.05(8)0. C. No change in topography shall be made which would adversely affect the adjoining property. O. If any chançle in nrade is made, the following provisions shall be required: 1. Adequate drainage to streets, ditches, storm sewers, or other approved areas must be provided directly from the property. 2. Safe disposall of runoff caused by rooftops, pavements, and straightened waterways stlall be provided. E. Any materia I conveyed to or from a lot or site for the purpose of changing the topography of said lot or site shall have City approval. (4) Protection of Solar Access. (Ord. #411 - 6-23-81) A. No planting::; shall be planted which would shade an existing solar collector on adjoining properties. 5.11 ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES (1) AUTHORITY This Section is adopted pursuant to Section ~62.23(7)(a), (b), and (c) Wisconsin Statutes. Said statutes include enabling legislation including, but not limited, to the authority to ".. Jacilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements..." (2) PURPOSE In order to prevent the improper development of land which might pose a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the community at large, or the occupants of land in particular éllreas of the City of Muskego, it is hereby declared that developments shall not be approved unless certain public facilities are available or will be made available at adequate levels to serve said developments. The purpose of this Section is to ensure that, to the maximum extent practical, new developments will be approved only when it can reasonably be expected that Adequate Public Facilities as defined herein, will be available to accommodate such new developments. No portion of this Section shall be interpreted or deemed to affect any rights which have been vested prior to the enactment of this Code. (3) CERTIFICATE REOUIF:EO No Building Site ancl Operation Plan, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, Certified Survey Map, or Conditional Use Grant shall be approved unless on the date of such approval there Bxists a valid and current CAPF applicable to the project for which approval is sou!~ht. 45 (4) EXEMPTIONS The following shall bB exempt from Certification Requirements: 1. Rezonin~1itions, provided that the requested rezoning is consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan. Final Plats of which a Preliminary Plat has been approved by the Common Council prior to enactment of this Section, provided that said Preliminary Pilat approval has not expired. Amendments to approved BSOs and CUGs provided that the Planning Director or their designee has determined that said amendments will not increase the demand for public facilities covered by this Section. (5) CERTIFICATION OF ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES (CAPF) AUTOMATIC CERTI FICA TIONS A. The Plélnnin~) Director or their designee is authorized to issue an Automatic Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities for Applicants which meet the following: 1. Small and Low Density Developments, where the Planning Director or their designee has determined that all of the following criteria are met: éL The Average Daily Traffic (ADT) will not increase more than 40. Where within an adopted sanitary sewer service area, that sanitary sewer is immedialtely available to adequately serve the property, or; Where outside of an adopted sanitary sewer service area, that the Waukesha County Department of Land Use has reviewed the proposal and determined that the subject lands are suitable for a private on-site wastewater treatment system pursuant to Chapter COMM 83 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. Where within an adopted Water Capacity Assessment District, that municipal water is immediately available to adequately serve the property, or; Where outside of an adopted Water Capacity Assessment District, that private on-site potable water source is available pursuant to the requirements of Chapter NR 812 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. The development is exempt from Chapter 34 of the Municipal Code, Storm Water Management. Automatic CBrtificates shall be exempt from the requirements of this Section of this Code, but may be required to submit Application materials deemed neo9ssary by the Planning Director to make an exemption determination. City of Muskego . 2. 3. . B. Municipal Code Chapte~r 17 Zoning b. c. d. (6) CAPF APPLICATION PF~OCEDURE 1. Materials Required. Applicants shall submit the following information to the Planning Department for review and determination: A. Complete application form provided by the Planning Department. No form shall be deemed complete, unless signed and dated by . 46 City of Muskego . 2. . Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning the ,LI,pplicant and property owner (if different). Application form can bl9 the initial submittal of the land division or BSG if deemed concise by the Planning Director. Eightøen (18) copies of the Development Plan for the proposed development application for which the CAPF is requested. Other information as may be requested in writing by the Planning Director of their designee in order to assist in reviewing the application for CAPF. D. Fees as adopted by the Common Council from time to time. Summary of Procedure. The following shall be the general review process for an Application for CAPF. The Finance Committee may establish additional policies and procedures as deemed necessary from time to time in order to efficiently administer the application process. A. The Planning Director or their designee shall review the Application for CAPF in conjunction with the Development Plan. Upon completion of staff review and determination that the Application is complete and in an approvable form, the Application shall be forwarded to the Committees and Commissions having jurisdiction over components of said Application, including but not limited to the Public Utilities Committee, Public Works Committee, and Plan Commission, in accordance with the adopted Developers Procedure Guide, as may be amended from time to time. Development Plans which are eligible for Automatic Certifications pursuant to Section S.10(5) of this Code shall be processed administratively by the Planning Director or their designee. The Committees and Commissions of jurisdiction shall review the Application and staff recommendations. Said Committees and Commissions shall either recommend approval, recommend conditional approval, recommend denial, or shall refer the matter back to the Planning Director or - their designee for additional information, or to address specific concerns. Upon the Application's receipt of recommendation for approval, conditional approval, or denial, the Application and Development Plan shall be forwarded to the Common Council via the minutes of the Committee or Commission. Applications forwarded to the Common Council shall not require individual action and shall be approved by Council acceptance and / or filing of the minutes of th'9 Committee or Commission. Following said approval, the Planning Director or their designee shall ilssue the written Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities. B. C. B. C. D. (7) DETERMINING ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES The determination oif Adequate Public Facilities shall be made in accordance with the following criteria: A. Streets. The Development's street system shall connect to segments of the public roadway system. Said street segments shall be capable of handlin9 projiected traffic flow on an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) and peak . 47 City of Muskego . . . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning B. hour basis. The Developer is responsible for providing any Traffic Impact Analysis and related studies to the satisfaction of the Public Works Commit1ee. For purposes of this Section, a street shall be deemed "adequate" where projected traffic flow is not reduced below "C" for arterial and collector streets, and "C-minus" on local and minor streets, and the plans, specifications, and said traffic analysis have been approved by the Public Works Committee prior to or concurrent with the CAPF recommendation. Wastewater facilities. The Development's wastewater facilities shall be designed with adequate capacity to accommodate the type and flow from the proposed development, as well as any upstream development which may flow through the site in question. For purposes of this Section: 1. Developments within the City's adopted Sanitary Sewer Service Ama Bind / or Reserve Capacity Assessment District shall be deemed to have "adequate" wastewatør systems when connected to thE! municipal collection system in accordance with adopted design standards for municipal sanitary sewer systems, and plans and spt:~cifications relating thereto are approved by the Public Utilities Committee prior to or concurrent with the CAPF recommendation. Developments within the City's adopted Sanitary Sewer Service Ama and / or Reserve Capacity Assessment District may use the provisions of Section 17:5.10(7)(B)2 upon receipt of a waiver from thE~ Public Utilities Committee, as described in Section 17:5.10(11)B of this Code. 2. Developments located outside of the City's adopted Sanitary Sewer Service Area and / or Reserve Capacity Assessment District shall be deemed to have "adequate" wastewater systems when: a. Single use systems designed in accordance with Chapter COMM 83 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code are approved by the Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use. Engineering systems for multiple users designed in accordance with Chapter COMM 83 of the Wisconsin Administrativ'e Code are approved by the Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use and where the ownership and maintenancø duties of said engineered system are conveyed to a private trust or the City of Muskego by separate document, and where plans and specifications, relating thereto are approved by the Public Utilities Committee prior to or concurrent with the CAPF recommendation. Potable Watm:. The Development's potable water supply shall provide sufficient capacity for the proposed level of occupancy. For purposes of this Section: b. C. a. Developments within the City's adopted Water Capacity Assessment District Area shall be deemed to have "adequate" potable water systems when connected to the municipal distribution system in accordance with adopted design standards for municipal water systems, and plans and specifications relating 1hereto are approved by the 48 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 4. Public Utilities Committee prior to or concurrent with the CAPF recommendation. Developments within the City's adopted Water Capacity Assessment District may use the provisions of Section 17:5.10(7)(B)(3)b upon receipt of a waiver from the Public Utilitiøs Committee, as described in Section 17:5.10(11)C of this Code. Developments located outside of the City's adopted Water Capacity Assessment District shall be deemed to have "adequate" potable water systems when: i. Single use systems designed in accordance with Chapter NR812 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code are approved by the Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use. Engineering systems for multiple users are designed in accordance with Chapter NR811 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code are approved by the Wisconsin Depalrtment of Natural Resources and approved by the City of Muskego Utility Committee, and where the ownership and maintenance duties of said engineered system is conveyed to a privatø trust or the City of Muskego by separate document, and where plans and specifications relating thereto are approved by the Public Utilities Committee prior to or concurrent with the CAPF recommendation. prain~lae Systems and Storm Water Manaaement. The Development's drainage systems and storm water management élppUl1:enances shall be designed to convey runoff in accordance with Chapter 34 of the Municipal Code and Chapter 13 of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District regulations. For purposes of this Section: <:1. Developments subject to Chapter 34, Storm Water, meet the requirements established by that Chapter, and plans and specifications relating thereto are approved by the Public Works Committee prior to or concurrent with the CAPF recommendation. Developments exempt from Chapter 34, Storm Water have grading and drainage plans approved by the Building Inspection / Engineering Director or their designee prior to or concurrent with the CAPF recommendation. b. . ii. b. . (8) GRANT OF CERTWICATE Upon recommendation by all Committees and Commissions of jurisdiction, and the Common Council acceptance of their minutes, the Planning Director or their designee shall issue written findings which: A. Determine that Adequate Public Facilities are present, or B. That Applicant will take actions to make adequate public facilities present within the time frame established by this Section of Code, 49 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . And shall issue the written Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities within ten (10) days of said findings. Said Certificate may be in the form of a resolution and shall include any conditions required by the approvals of the Committees and Commissions o"f jurisdiction, and may include the Certificate's expiration dates as depicted in this Section of Code. If not mentioned, the expiration dates are the same as the expiration dates of the requested development as found in the Zoning or Land Division Codes. (9) EXPIRATION Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities issued pursuant to this Chapter, in which the petitioner has not commenced construction activity or preparation of the land, are valid for the following period of time, commenGÏng the date of the Common Council acceptance and / or filing of minutes of all Committees and Commissions of jurisdiction: T e of Devl~ Buildin Site and O( Conditional Use Gr,: Prelimina Plat Certified Survey Mé;~ Condominium Plat Final Plat lopment Months Valid: )eration Plan 24 months mt 24 months 24 months p 6 months 6 months 6 months . (10) TIME EXTENSIONS The Common Council may grant one or more time extensions to any approved CAPF, provided that such time extension coincides with a time extension or reapproval is concurrent with a time extension or reapproval authorized for the Development by Chapter 18, Land Division, and / 0Ir this Code. . (11) WAIVER OF CERTIFICATE In the event an Application does not establish that Adequate Public Facilities will be present pursuant to the 17:5.10(7) of this Code, and Applicant does not. propose to provide Adequate Public Facilities, approval of the Application may occur upon the Common Council's expressed findings by Resolution that one or more of the following apply: A. Due to the nature of the proposed Development, its occupants and the general citizenry of the City of Muskego will not be endangered, and the inadequacy of the particular Public Facility will not pose a threat to the health, safety, or general welfare of the citizens of Muskego. Where the Development is within the adopted Sanitary Sewer Service Area and / or Reserve Capacity Assessment District, and it is not economically feasible to extend Municipal sanitary sewers to serve a development, adequate facilities are provided pursuant to Section 17:5.1 0 of this Code. Where the Development is within the adopted Water Capacity Assessment District and it is not economically feasible to extend Municipal water mains to serve a development, adequate facilities are provided pursuant to Section 17:5.10 of this Code. B. C. 50 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning (12) FEES The Common Council may establish fees to be charged to Applicants for CAPFs. Said fees shall be established by Resolution from time to time as deemed necessary by tre Common Council. 51 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapter 17 Zoning . SECTION 6 NON-CONFORMIT~I 6.01 EXISTING USE PERMITTED The existing lawful use of a building or premises at the time, of the enactment of this ordinance or any amendment applicable thereto which is not in conformity with the provisions established by this ordinance may be continued in the manner and for the purpose then existent subject to the conditions hereinafter stated. 6.02 CLASSIFICATION AND REGULATION For the purpose of administration such nonconformity shall be classified and regulated as follows: (1) NON-CONFORMING USES A. No such use shall be expanded or enlarged. B. Where the structure in which such use is carried on is damaged to the extent of more than 50% of its current assessed value it shall not be restored for use except in conformity with the regulations of the district in which it is located. Structurø repairs and alterations to a structure housing such use shall not, as long as such use continues, exceed 50'}'o of the assessed value of the structum at tl1e time the use became nonconforming. Upon petition to and approval of the Plan Commission such use may be changed to another use provided the Plan Commission determines that the new usø would result in greater or no less degree of conformity and provided further that such new use shall thereafter determine the degree of legal nOl1conformity. Where any such use is discontinued for a period of twelve (12) consecutive or for eighteen (18) accumulative months during any three (3) year period, any future USt3 of the structure shall conform to the regulations of the district in which it is located. (2) NON-CONFORMING STRUCTURES For the purpose of administration such noncon1Ormity shall be classified and regulated as follows: A. No such structure shall be expanded or enlarged except in conformity with the regulations of the district in which it is located. When such structure is damaged to the extent of more than 50% of its current assessed value, it shall not be restored except in conformity with the regulations of the district in which it is located. Structure repairs and alterations to a non-conforming structure housing shall net, as. long as such use continues, exceed 50% of the assessed value of the structure at the time the use became nonconforming. Where any such use is discontinued for a period of twelve (12) consecutive or for eighteøn (18) accumulative months during any three (3) year period, any future use of the structure shall conform to the regulations of the district in which it is located. . . C. D. E. B. C. D. 52 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning (3) NON-CONFORMING PARCELS Where a lot has loss land area or width than required for the district in which it is located and was of record at the time of the passage of this Ordinance, such lot may be used for any purpose permitted in such district provided, however, that in no case shall the setback, or of1'set requirements be reduced oxcept by order of the Board of Appeals after due hearing, or as otherwise herein provided. The open space requirements in the casl:~~ of such lot may be reduced without appeal provided the open space area is equal to at least 75% of the actual lot area. . (4) NON-CONFORMING SIGNS The existing lawful use of a sign at the time of enactment of this ordinance or any amendment thereto ma.y be considered as a legal non-conforming structure or use, and regulations of Section 6.02 relating to their elimination shall apply. Disrepair and/or dangerous signs shall be removed. Exceptions to this section are as follows: A. Off-Premise Directional signage associated with an existing business. B. Abandoned signs as defined by Section 16.06 of this Code. (5) NONCONFORMITIES IN SHORELAND WETLAND AF:EAS A. These røgulations apply to the modification of, or addition to, any structure and to the use of any structure or premises in any mapped Shoreland Wetland District, and which was lawful before the passage of this ordinance or any amendment thereto. The lawful use of a building, structure or property which existed at the time this ordinancl3, or an applicable amendment to this ordinance, took effect and which is not in conformity with the provisions of the ordinance, includin9 the routine maintenance of such a building or structure, may be continuEJd, subject to the following conditions The shoreland-wetland provisions of this ordinance authorized by Section 962.231 Wisconsin Statutes shall not limit the repair, reconstruction, renovation, remodeling or expansion of a nonconforming structure in existence on the effective date .of the shoreland-wetland provisions, or of any environmental control facility in existence on May 7, 1982 related to such a structure. All other modifications to nonconforming structures are subject to Section 962.23(7)(h), Wisconsin Statutes, which limits total lifetime structural repairs and alterations to 50% of current fair market value. If a nonconirorming use or the use of a nonconforming structure is discontinued for twelve (12) consecutive months, any future use of the building structure or property shall conform to this ordinance. Any legal nonconforming use of property which does not involve the use of a structure and which existed at the time of the adoption or subsequent amendment of this ordinance adopted under Sections 961.351 or 962.231, Wisconsin Statutes may be continued although such use does not conform with the provisions of the ordinance. However, such nonconforming use may not be extended. . . B. C. D. E. 53 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt!r 17 Zoning F. The maintenance and repair of nonconforming boathouses which are located belo'i/V the ordinary high-water mark of any navigable waters shall comply with the requirements of Section 930.121, Wisconsin Statutes. Uses which are nuisances under common law shall not be permitted to continuE! as nonconforming uses. G. 54 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning SECTION 7 ZONING DISTRIC;TS ESTABLISHED 7.01 GENERAL The Regulations of the various Sections of this Code are made specifically applicable to each individual district as hereinafter set forth in the Individual District sections of this Code. 7.02 FORMAT 01= DiSTRICT REGULATIONS AND SUMMARY (1) BASIC DISTRICTS All property in the City has been placed on the basic districts created for the purpose of establishing the general pattern of intended land use consistent with the General Plan for Comprehensive Development. (2) PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS The Planned Development District is intended to allow for greater freedom, imagination, and flexibility in the development of land while insuring substantial compliance to the intent of the normal district regulations of this ordinance. (3) CONSERVATION PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS The Conservation Planned Development District is intended to provide development flexibili1ty, conserve a majority of a development site in permanent open space, and provide development incentives to meet conservation goals established by the City of Muskego. (4) OVERLAY DISTRICTS Overlay of "floating" districts are also established which provide for the possibility of superimposing upon a basic district certain additional permissive uses and regulatory standards. applicable thereto without disturbing the underlying basic' district regulations. The basic intent is similar to that upon which conditional use grants are premised and in effect represent the Qlranting of specifically defined special use rights in specifically defined areas. . (5) TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT The Traditional Neighborhood Development Chapter is an alternative set of standards for development within the City, and may apply to new developments or redevelopments of at least four (4) acres in total area, under the auspices of an PD - Planned Development District. (6) WELLHEAD PHOTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICT Wellhead Protection Districts are intended to discourage land use practices and activities, which may threaten or degrade groundwater quality. The City of Muskego's municipal water supply and well fields and private well head protection areas delineated in a Well Head Protection Plan accepted by the City. 55 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . (7) ORGANIZATION OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS For convenience and readability the uses as permitted in each district and the supplementary regulations thereto are presented in a summary tabular form consisting of the following: A. A statement of intent interpreting the intended purpose of the specific district classification. The specific numeric requirements of the provisions of this Code made applicable to the district. In case of an Overlay district the requirements listed apply to the uses permitted by virtue of the overlay and do not alter the application of the underlying district renulations to the use permitted therein. A list of permitted uses with a reference to related provisions of the OrdinanGe. B. C. . 7.03 BASE DISTI~ICTS CREATED The following Base Zoning Districts are hereby created: (1 ) AGRICULTURAL DISTHICTS A-1 Agricultural District (2) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS RC-1 Rural Country Estate District RC-2 Rural Country Estate District RC-3 Rural Country Estate District RCE Country Estate District RSE Suburban Estate District RS-1 Suburban Besidence District RS-2 Suburban Hesidence District RS-3 Suburban Residence District ERS-1 Existing Suburban Residence District ERS-2 Existing Suburban Residence District ERS-3 Existing Suburban Residence District (3) MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS RM-1 Multiple Family Residence District RM-2 Multiple Family Residence District RM-3 Multiple Family Residence District ERM-1 Existing Multiple Family Residence District (4) LAKE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS RL-1 Existing Lakeshore Residence District RL-2 Existing Lakeshore Residence District RL-3 Existing Lakeshore Residence District (5) LAKE COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS BL-1 Lakeshore Commercial District BL-2 Lakeshore Commercial District (6) COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS . 56 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . RB-1 Existing Residential Business District B-1 Neighborhood Business District B-2 Local SI3rvicø Center B-3 General Business District B-4 Highway Business District BP-1 Business Park and Office Park Support District BP-2 Office Park District BP-3 Business Park District (7) MIXED USE DISTFIICTS HC-1 Historic Crossroads District DR-1 Downtown Revival District (8) INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS M-1 Light I ndustrial District M-2 General Industrial District M-3 Landfill and Extractive Operations District (9) INSTITUTIONAL DISTRICT 1-1 Government and Institutional District (10) PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT PI-1 Parks and F~ecreation District (11) CONSERVATION DISTRICT CI-1 Conservation District (12) SHORELAND WETLAND DISTRICT SW Shoreland Wetland District . . 7.04 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS CREATED The following Planned Development Districts are hereby created: (1) PLANNED DEVELOPME:NT DISTRICTS PD-1 - Parkland (NW 14 of Section 10) PD-2 - FreÐdom Square (NW 14 of Section 10) PD-3 - Durham Meadows (SW 14 of Section 2) PD-4 - HalÐ Park: Meadows (SW 14 of Section 1) PD-5 - Pioneer Centre (NE 14 of Section 16) PD-6 - Tudor Oaks (SW 14 of Section 12) PD-7 - LakH Lon:! Estates (SW 14 of Section 12) PD-8 - LakH Brittany Estates (SE 14 of Section 12) PD-9 - Guernsey Meadows (NE 14 of Section 10) PD-10 - Kristin Downs (SE 14 of Section 9) PD-11 - Lake Meadows (NE 14 of Section 31) PD-12 - Woodcmst Heights (SW 14 of Section 16) PD-13 - Golden Country Estates (SW 14 of Section 2) PD-14 - Bay Breeze (SE 14 of Section 9) 57 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . PD-15 - Meadow Green West (NE 1,4 of Section 16) PD-16 - Bmann l=1idge (SW 1,4 of Section 10) PD-17 - Overlook Bay (SE1,4 of Section 8) PD-18 - Lake Forest (SW 1,4 of Section 8) PD-19 - College Square (NE 1,4 of Section 5) PD-20 - Woods Hoad-DeBack (SE 1,4 of Section 17) PD-21 - Country Brook Estates (SE 1,4 of Section 16) PD-22 - Stoney Creek (SW 1,4 of Section 1) PD-23 - Plum Creek (SW % of Section 17) PD-24 - Plum Creek East (SW 1,4 of Section 17) PD-25 - Muskego Centre (SE 1,4 of Section 8) PD-26 - Deer Creek (SW 1,4 of Section 10) PD-27 - Regency (SW 1,4 of Section 16) PD-28 - Miller (SE 1,4 of Section 5) PD-29 - Pal'k Estates (NE 1,4 of Section 18) PD-30 - North Cape Farms (SE 1,4 of Section 1 ~3) PD-31 - Champions Village (NE 1,4 of Section 25) PD-32 - Quietwood Creek (NE 1,4 of Section 10) PD-33 - Pleasant View (SE1,4 of Section 17) PD-34 - Dreamland (SW 1,4 of Section 2) . PD-35 - Sarah Estates (NW 1,4 of Section 15) PD-36 - Big Muskego Estates (SE 1,4 of Section 13) PD-37 - Candlewood Village (NW 1,4 of Section 11) PD-38 - Stonebridge (NW 1,4 of Section 25) PD-39 - Settlement on Woods (NE 1,4 of Section 20) PD-40 - Lindale (SE 1,4 of Section 3) PD-41 - Forest Glen (NW 1,4 of Section 10) PD-42 - Basse (NE 1,4 of Section 10) PD-43 - Kenwood Place (SE 1,4 of Section 5) PD-44 - S1. Andrews Village (NE 1,4 of Section ~~5) PD-45 - Inpro (!\IE 1,4 of Section 17) PD-46 - Woodland Creek Estates (NW 1,4 of Section 21) . 7.05 CONSERVATION PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS CREATED . The following Conservation Planned Development Districts are hereby created: (1) CONSERVATION PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS CPD-1 - Martin Estates Subdivision (NW 1,4 of Section 10) CPD-2 - Chamberlain Hill Subdivision (NW 1,4 of SE!ction 10) CPD-3 - Big Muskego Estates II Subdivision (NW % of Section 10) CPD-4 - Boxhorn Reserve Subdivision (NW 1,4 of Section 10) 58 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning CPD-5 - Denoon Country Estates North Subdivision (NW % of Section 10) 7.06 DESIGN OVERLAY DISTRICTS CREATED The following Design Overlay Districts are hereby created and each district has an adopted design guide document (Separate from this code) adopted under Chapter 41 that governs various dÐsign criteria for new and existing dE!Velopments: (1) DESIGN GUIDE OVERLAY DISTRICTS ODG-1 - Downtown Design District ODG-2 - Racine Avenue Gateway Design District ODG-3 - Durham Hill Design District ODG-4 - Moorland Corridor South Design District ODG-5 - T E~SS Corners Gateway Design District ODG-6 - General Design Guide District (Whole City) ODG-7 - Business Park Design and Development Standard District 7.07 WELLHEAD PROTECTION DISTRICT CREATED The following Wellhead Protection Overlay District is hereby created: (1) WELLHEAD PROTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICT OWP - Wellhead Protection Overlay District 59 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . SECTION 8 BASE DISTRICTS I:STABLISHED 8.01 RCE COUNTRY ESTATE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intended to preserve a rural setting of very low density and high quality for "estate" or "gentlemen's farm" type devE!lopment, while providing also for the continuance of commercial agriculture on properties of sufficient area to permit compatibility with surrounding residential development, in areas both intended and not intended to be served by municipal sewer or water facilities. BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (2) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mi Area Average Lot Area SI Width Per DIU Ba (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Pel Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (I (In Sq. Ft.) Fe, 120,000 Sq.Ft. 250 120,000 7é r (c.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Soace ,. Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) k Area DIU One All other Sinale Familv Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1 st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) ,0 40 40 1800 1800 - 15% 80,000 35 . c 11 iJ E . See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Single-family detached dwellings. 2. Public parks and recreation areas, but not including facilities for organized athletics except as a permitted conditional use. 3. Crop, dairy, cattle & tree farming subject to the following: . a. The keeping or raising of hogs, fur bearing animals, or goats shall not be permitted. b. The keeping or raising of poultry & domestic livestock, except for hogs & fur bearing animals, the raising of which is absolutely prohibited in this district, shall be permitted as part of a principal agricultural use of the premises on farms of at least 10 acres in area on the basis of not mom than 1 head of livestock per acre nor more than 50 fowl per acre, nor more than 2 goats on one farm. 4. Horticulture, but not including commercial greenhouses in excess of 1,000 square feet. 5. Public utility transmission & distribution linE~s, poles & other accessories provided that when a utility proposes a main intercity transmission facility, they shall give notice to the Plan Commission of such intention & of the date of hearing before the Public Service Commission, & before beginning construction of a specific route shall file with the Plan Commission mapped description of the route of such transmission line. . 60 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . . . B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Private gara~les subject to the provisions of Section 15 subject to the approval of the Zoning Administrator and upon payment of fees and receipt of peliïmits as required by the Common Council and amended from time to time. No private garage in a residence district shall be used for operation of any metal working, woodworking, masonry, carpentry, contracting, or repair business except as a permitted accessory use or home occupation. 2. One (1) private garden shed subject to the provisions of Section 15 subject to thG approval of the Zoning Administrator and upon payment of fees and receipt of permits as required by the Common Council and amended from time to time. 3. Other accessory structures subject to the provisions of Section 15 and subject to approval of the Plan Commission and upon payment of fees and recBipt of permits as required by the Common Council and amended from time to time. No accessory structure in a residential district shall be used for the carrying on of any metal working, woodworking, masonry, carpentry, contracting or repair business except as a permitted accessory use or home occupation. 4. The foliowin~;1 signs subject to the general re'gulations governing signs: a. A sinn identifying the property or the name of the owner or occupant not ill excess of 6 square feet. b. A "[\10 Hunting", "No Trespassing", or other similar sign and not in excess of 6 square feet in area. c. Signs pertaining to the lease or sale of the property on which located or any building thereon, not in excess of 20 square feet in area per sign and not more than 2 signs on any single parcel. 5. Home occupations and professional offices, when incident to the principal residential use, situated in the same building, and carried on by the residential occupant, subject to the 'following conditions (Home Occupations, when undetermined if they mHet the below restrictions, may be allowed Plan Commission determination and approval as necessary. Plan Commission may allow minor variations to the restrictions below by Conditional Use Grant only. However, the home occupation must demonstrate that it does not negatively affect the residential area): a. Such uses shall not ùccupy more than 20% of the Assessed Floor Area of the principal structure in which it is located. b. Such use shall not employ more than one person not a resident on the premises. c. No such use shall be permitted which normally necessitates the coming of the customer or client to the premises, or his presence on the premises while the service is being performed, or otherwise generates pedestrian or vehicular traffic incompatible with the rural or residential character of the neighborhood, except for teaching or tutoring academic subjects, or the studios where dancing, music or 61 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapte!r 17 Zoning . other art instruction is offered to no more than two (2) pupils at one time. d. Any off street parking area provided shall be maintained reasonably dustless, and adequately screened from adjoining residential properties. e. Such use shall not include the conduct of any retail or wholesale business on the premises, nor the removal of sand, gravel, stone, top- soil, or pE;~at moss for commercial purposes. f. Such use shall not include the operation of any machinery, tools or othel' appliances, or the outside storage of materials, or other operational activity which would create a nuisance or be otherwise incompatible to the surrounding residentiial area. g. A name plate not in excess of 3 square feet in area shall be permitted. 6. The keeping or raising of domestic livestock for show, breeding, or other use incidental to the principal use of the premises subject to the following: a. The keeping or raising of hogs, or fur bearing animals other than rabbits shall not be permitted. b. Not more than one head of livestock, and 20 fowl, shall be permitted per 40,000 square feet of lot area nor shall any such livestock or fowl be p'3rmiUed on a lot less than 120,000 square feet in area. 7. Private residential outdoor recreation facilitiE~s. . . 8. Service buildings and facilities normally incident to the use of a public park or recreation area. 9. Any other sltructure or use normally accessory to the principal uses permitted. 10. All those uses as listed in Chapter 12.03(~3), shall be permitted without Plan Commission approval unless traffic congestion is a concern or the residential lintegrity of the subject and adjacent properties is compromised. Agricultural produce sales shall be of a sE~asonal nature, grown by the seller, on a!;lricultural zoned property or agriculturally used property including the principal residence. 11. Hobby Kennels: On properties in the RCE zoning district, or on properties totaling a minimum of 120,000 sq. ft., one additional dog per acre, above the number of dogs permitted per household per Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, may be permitted upon written notice bøing !;Iiven by the Plan Commission to property owners within 100 feet of the property in question, and subject to building, site and operation plan approvall by the Plan Commission per Section 6.11 of the Zoning Ordinance. . 12. Mother-in-Law/Family Units: Any portion of a single family residence, intended to be occupied by a resident(s) related through blood, marriage or adoption to a host residence occupant, being no greater than 800 square feet in size, that has an independent wing or area that is self- 62 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . supporting in terms of livable needs (i.e. unit includes a kitchen, bath, den and bedroorn), but is dependent on utility infrastructure of the primary residence. Access to this wing or area may be obtained via one door to the outside and a second non-lockable door or passageway to the main portion of thø host residence. Access is permitted to a garage area having no service door. All such requests are subject to buildin~l, site, and operational plan approval of U,e Plan Commission following written notice being distributed by the Plan Commission to neighboring property owners within 100 feet of the subject property. 13. Vehicular storage space for not more than one vehicle may be rented to persons not resident on the lot, such space being defined as not more than 300 square feet, except that a maximum of two rental spaces may be permitted where they are the only spaces provided on said lot. 14. For lakeshorE! properties: One (1) boat house in addition to the accessory uses permitted, and subject to the approval of the Planning Director, or designet3, upon payment of fees and receipt of permits as required and amended from time to time, and subject to following: a. Location: minimum 20 feet from the ordinary high water mark and subject to the side yard offset provisions of the underlying district effective with new construction or relocations after November 15, 2001. b. Height: not greater than 15 feet above the lowest grade. c. Area: no ÇJreater than 525 square feet. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Public, private, commercial & private non-commercial group outdoor recreational facilities. . . 2. Public & Private Schools. 3. Churches & re~gious institutions. 4. Public adminiistrative offices & service buildings. 5. Private II)dge,s & clubs. 6. Commercial development of historic restorations. 7. Nursing & rest homes & homes for all aged, including daycares. 8. Summer theaters & outdoor music amphitheaters. 9. Public utility offices & installations. 10. Existing Dupløxes 11. Home Occupation not meeting the above accessory requirement. 12. Separatø quarters away from the main build Ing for: a. household or farm employees, provided that such quarters shall be occupied only by individuals employed "full time on the premises and their families. b. Persons related to the residents of the principal structure provided such structure shall not be rented or leased. 63 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning Said quarters shall be a minimum of 1,200 square feet. 13. Guest hOUSE)S on lots of at least 120,000 sq. ft. provided such structure shall not be rented or leased. Such structure shall be a minimum of 1,200 square feet. 14. Rustic Structures. 15. For lakeshon:;! properties: Boating and yacht clubs, marinas and launching sites, Lake msorts and individual cabins or cottages for rental on a limited seasonal basis and not for year round occupancy, Boat liveries. D. LAKEHSORE PROPERTY RESTRICTIONS 1. No lot shall by deed, covenant, easement or other device or agreement hereafter provide for the permitted uses or accession or incidental uses thereto, or for right of access, by other than the owner or legally resident occupant of the premises and invited gUE~StS, except in the case of a public park or way, public utility easement, patrons of a permitted commercial use, or of a permitted organizational use. 2. No builcling shall be permitted closer than 50 feet to the shore line of a lake shore lot except that no offset shall be required for piers or similar use areas and a boat house as permitted above. 64 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapt<<!r 17 Zoning . 8.02 RC-1 COUNTRY RESIDENCE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF II\lTEI\IT This district in intended to provide for high quality detached single family residential development of a semi..rural nature on a large lot, low density basis in areas both intended and not intended to be served by municipal SHwer or water facilities. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mi Area Average Lot Area S Width Per DIU Ba (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (II (In Sq. Ft.) Fe. 80,000 SQ.Ft. 200 80,000 4i r e c (c.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Resiclential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In E,q. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Area DIU One All other Single Family Multi Principal Accessory I Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) I 30 30 1600 1600 - 20% 60,000 30 . -:: . See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted by right in the RCE District. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES . 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District. . 65 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.03 RC-2 COUNTRY RESIDENCE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district in intended to provide for moderately high quality detached single family residential development of a semi-rural nature but at slightly higher density and permitting smaller lots and smaller houses than the RC-1 District in areas both intended and not intended to be served by municipal SHwer or water facilities. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mi Area Average Lot Area S" Width Per DIU Ba (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (II (In Sq. Ft.) Fel 60,000 Sq.Ft. 175 60,000 41 - r (C.) Building (D.) Builcling Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Resiclential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Area DIU One All other Sinqle Familv Multi Principal Accessory I Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 25 25 1400 1400 - 20% 40,000 30 * * See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted by right in the RCE District. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES . 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District. . 66 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning . 8.04 RC-3 CQUNITR"\" RESIDENCE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district in intendE:~d to provide for medium quality detached single family residential development of a semi-rural nature, but at slightly higher density and permitting smaller lots and smaller houses than the. RC-2 District in areas both intended and not intended to be served by municipal SHwer or water facilities. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mil Area Average Lot Area S,: Width Per DIU Ba, (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (Ii (In Sq. Ft.) Fel 40,000 Sq.Ft. 150 40,000 4i * See Section 5 (c.) Building (D.) Builcling Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Resiclential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Area DIU One All other Sinale Familv Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 20 20 1200 1200 - 20% 30,000 30 * (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as perm itted by right in the RCE District. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES . 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditionall.lse permitted in the RCE District. . 67 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.05 RSE SUBUF~BAN ESTATE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district in intended to provide for low density, high quality detached single family residential development of a suburban "estate" character in areas both intended and not intended to be servE!d by municipal sewer facilities. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) .. (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density (C.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space Minimum Min. Residential Min. Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted Area Average Lot Area Søt Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) Width Per DIU Back Area DIU (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Pel One All other SinQle Familv Multi Principal Accessory Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (in Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structure structure (In Sq. Ft.) Fe,)t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 40,000 SQ.Ft. 150' 40,000' 40 25 25 1800 1800 . 25% 30,000' 30 ** . Double for development witho Jt municipal sewer ** See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted by right in the RCE District. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES . 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District. . 68 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.06 RS-1 SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district in intended to provide for high quality detached single family residential development of a suburban character on a moderately large lot, moderately low density basis in areas intended to be served by municipal sewer facilities. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mil Area Average Lot Area Sf: Width Per DIU Bal (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Pel Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (II (In Sq. Ft.) Fe. 30,000 SQ.Ft. 120' 30,000' 4( "'- (c.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space ,. Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) k Area DIU One All other Sinqle Familv Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 151 Total per Ratio structure structure I) (In (In Feel) floor DIU Feet) 20 20" 1600 1600 - 25% 20,000' 30 ... ) . Double for development withoJt municipal sewer .. 50-foot lakeshore offset for parcels abutting a lakeshore ... See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as perrni:tted by right in the RCE District. . B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District. 2. Boathouses as permitted in the RL Districts if the parcel abuts a lakeshore. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District. . 69 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.07 RS-2 SUBUIRBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district in intended to provide for a moderately high quality detached single family residential dEwelopment of a suburban charactel', but of slightly higher density and permitting smaller lots and smaller houses than the RS-1 District and intended to be served by municipal ;s,ewer facilities. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (8.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mil Area Average Lot Area SI: Width Per DIU Bal (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (II (In Sq. Ft.) Fe" 20,000 SQ.Ft. 110' 20,000' 4( ) , Double for development without municipal sewer .. 50-foot lakeshore offset for parcels abutting a lakeshore .., See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT (c.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space ,. Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) k Area DIU One All other SinQle Family Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 15 20" 1400 1400 - 25% 15,000' 30 ,.. . 1. Any use as permiltted by right in the RCE District. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District. 2. Boathouses as pl3rmitted in the RL Districts if the parcel abuts a lakeshore. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District. . 70 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapb~r 17 Zoning . 8.08 RS-3 SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF II\JTENT This district is intEmdeci to provide for a medium quality detached single family residential development of a suburban character, but of slightly higher density and permitting smaller lots and smaller houses than the RS-2 District and intended to be served by municipal sewer facilities. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mi Area Average Lot Area S Width Per DIU Ba (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Peo Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (I (In Sq. Ft.) Fe 1S,000 Sq.Ft. 100' 1S,000' 4 r F.. (C.) Building (D.) Builcling Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Resiclential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Area DIU One All other Sinale Familv Multi Principal Accessory I Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) I 10 1S" 1200 1200 - 2S% 10,000' 30 ... H c . Double for development without municipal sewer .. SO-foot lakeshore offset for parcels abutting a lakeshore ... See Section S (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT . 1. Any use as permitted by right in the RCE District. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District. 2. Boathouses as permitted in the RL Districts if the parcel abuts a lakeshore. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District. . 71 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.09 ERS-1 EXISTINIG SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intended to provide for a detached single-family residential development of a suburban character. This district is newly created as a result of the zoning code modifications in 2006. Many parcels of this density and type existed when Muskego's zoning code was originally implemented. The density, widths, and building location measures listed below are to guide parcels currently zoned this district. The City will not rezone new areas to this zoning district. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mi! Area Average Lot Area S" Width Per DIU Ba (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (II (In Sq. Ft.) Fe 22,500 So.Ft. 90 22,500 41 1 e (c.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Area DIU One All other Sinale Familv Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1 '" Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 15 15 1200 1200 - 25% 15,000 SF 30 * ] . * See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES 13Y RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted by right in the RCE District. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District. D. REZONING RESTRICTIONS 1. The City will not rezone new areas to this zoning district as the district is in place for the conformity of existing parcels that were developed under the original City of Muskego Zoning Code. . 72 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.10 ERS-2 EXISTING SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intended to provide for a detached single-family residential development of a suburban character. This district is newly created as a result of the zoning code modifications in 2006. Many parcels of this density and type existed when Muskego's zonin9 code was originally implemented. The density, widths, and building location measures listed below are to guide parcels currently zoned this district. The City wi'll not rezone new areas to this zoning district. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mil Area Average Lot Area SI; Width Per DIU Ba, (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (II (In Sq. Ft.) Fe, 15,000 Sq.Ft. 82.5 15,000 4( (C.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) k Area DIU One All other Sinqle Familv Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1 '" Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet} 11.25 15 1200 1200 - 25% 11,250 SF 30 . ) . . See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permi:tted by right in the RCE District. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District. D. REZONING RESTRIICTIONS 1. The City will not rezone new areas to this zoning district as the district is in place for the conformity of existing parcels that were developed under the original City of Muskego Zoning Code. . . 73 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning . 8.11 ERS-3 EXISTING SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intended to provide for a detached single-family residential development of a suburban character. This district is newly created as a result of the zoning code modifications in 2006. Many parcels of this density and type existed when Muskego's zonin9 code was originally implemented. The density, widths, and building location measures listed below are to guide parcels currently zoned this district. The City will not rezone new areas to this zoning district. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mil Area Average Lot Area SI: Width Per DIU Ba (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (II (In Sq. Ft.) Fe" 11,250 So.Ft. 75 11,250 4( c (C.) Building (D.) Builciing Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space ,. Minimum Resiclential Floor Min per Max. Permitted I Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) k Area DIU One All other Sinole Familv Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 151 Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 7.5 11.25 1200 1200 - 25% 7,500 SF 30 * * See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted by right in the RCE District. . B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District. D. REZONING RESTR~CTIONS 1. The City will not rezone new areas to this zoning district as the district is in place for the conformity of existing parcels that were developed under the original City of Muskego Zoning Code. . . 74 . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 8.12 RL-1 EXISTING LAKESHORE RESIDENCE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intended to apply to lakeshore properties with specialized regulations appropriate of their unique character; with particular recognition of the disproportionately high land value of lake frontage, the problems of over intensive exploitation of such fmntage resulting from excessive demand, the extreme vulnerability of lakeshore properties to nuisance and to adverse effect on property value, and the problems of pollution and public safety resulting from over use. This district is newly created as a result of the zoning Gode modifications in 2006. A few parcels of this density and type existed when Muskego's zoning code was originally implemented. The density, widths, and building location measures listed below are to guide parcels currently zoned this district. The City will not rezone new parcels to this zoning district or create new parcels of this size. All parcels proposing land divisions within this district must meet the minimum guidelines of the RS-1 zoning district or a residøntial district with greater regulations. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Area Average Lot Area Width Per DIU (In Sq. Ft Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (In Sq. Fl.) (c.) Building (E.) Location (D.) Building Size Open (F.) Height Space Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted It Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Fl.) "Iesidenti (In Feet) k Area al DIU One All other Sinole Familv Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1~ Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 16.7 16.7 1800 1800 . Exempt 20,000 30 .. Mill Sø BaG (111 Feo 26,666 S .Ft 100 2!l . New land divisions in this zoning district must follow the RSE zoning district regulations .. See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted by right in the RCE District. 2. Public outcloor recreational facilities subject to Commission of building, site and operational plans. . approval by the Plan B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District. 2. Any other use normally incident or accessory to the permitted uses subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, si1te and operational plans. 3. One (1) boat house in addition to the accessory uses permitted by the underlying district, and subject to the approval of the Planning Director, or designee, upon payment of fees and receipt of permits as required and amended from time to time, and subject to following: a. Location: minimum 20 feet from the ordinary high water mark and subject to the side yard offset provisions of the underlying district effective with new construction or relocations after November 15, 2001. b. Height: not greater than 15 feet above the lowest grade. 75 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning c. Area: no greater than 525 square feet. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District. 2. Boating and yacht clubs, marinas and launclhing sites. 3. Private commercial and private non-commercial recreational facilities. group outdoor 4. Lake resorts and individual cabins or cottages for rental on a limited seasonal basis and not for year round occupancy. 5. Boat liveries. D. SINGLE USE 1. No lot in this district shall by deed, covenan1t, easement or other device or agreement hereafter provide for the permitted uses or accession or incidental USI:=~S thereto, or for right of access, by other than the owner or legally resident occupant of the premises and invited guests, except in the case of a public park or way, public utility easement, patrons of a permitted commercial use, or of a permitted organizational use. E. LAKE SHORE OFFSET F. 1. No building shall be permitted closer than 50 feet to the shore line of a lake shore lot except that no offset shall be required for piers or similar use areas and a boat house as permitted above. REZONING AND LAND DIVISION RESTRICTIONS 1. The City will not rezone new areas to this zoning district as the district is in place for the conformity of existing parce~ls that were developed under the original City of Muskego Zoning Code. All parcels proposing land divisions wittlin this district must meet the minimum guidelines of the RS- 1 zoning distnict or a residential district with greater regulations. 76 . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 8.13 RL-2 EXISTING LAKESHORE RESIDENCE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intended to apply to lakeshore propertiÐs with specialized regulations appropriate of their unique character; with particular recognition of the disproportionately high land value of lake frontage, the problems of over intensive exploitation of su:::h frontage resulting from excessive demand, the extreme vulnerability of lakeshore properties to nuisance and to adverse effect on property value, and the problems of pollution and public safety n3sulting from over use. This district is newly crE!ated as a result of the zonin!~ code modifications in 2006. Many parcels of this density and type existed when Muskego's zoning code was originally implemented. The density, widths, and building location measures listed below are to guide parcE!ls currently zoned this district. The City will not rezone new parcels to this zoning district or create new parcels of this size. All parcels proposing land divisions within this district must meet the minimum guidelines of the RS-2 zoning district or a residEmtial district with greater regulations. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (C.) Building Location (F.) Height Area (E.) Open S ace Min per esidenti al DIU Max. Permitted (In Feet) (B.) Density (D.) Building Size Minimum Area Min. Average Width Residential Lot Area Per DIU Lot Area Per DIU (In Sq. Ft.) Min. Søl Back Minimum Residential Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Floor Minimum Offset (In Sq. Ft. Or Acres) One (Ill Side Fe,~t) (In Feet 13,333 S .Ft. 73.3 2!> 10 13.3 1400 1400 . New land divisions in this zoning district must follow the RS.2 zoning district re9ulations .. See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted by right in the RCE District. 2. Public outdoor recreational facilities subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District. 2. .Any other use normally incident or accessory to the permitted uses subject to approval by the Fllan Commission of building, site and operational plans. 3. One (1) boat house in addition to the accessory uses permitted by the underlying district, and subject to the approval of the Planning Director, or designee, upon payment of fees and receipt of permits as required and amended from time to time, and subject to following: a. Location: minimum 20 feet from the ordinarv high water mark and subject to the side yard offset provisions of the underlying district effective with new construction or relocations after November 15, 2001. b. Height: not greater than 15 feet above the lowest grade. All other sides (In Feet) Multi per DIU Ratio Principal Accessory structure structure (In Feet) . Exem t 10,000 30 77 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning c. Area: no greater than 525 square feet. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District. 2. Boating and yacht clubs, marinas and launchin~1 sites. 3. Private commercial and private non-commercial group outdoor recreational facilities. 4. Lake resorts and individual cabins or cottages fDr rental on a limited seasonal basis and not for year round occupancy. 5. Boat liveries. D. SINGLE USE 1. No lot in this district shall by deed, covenant, easement or other device or agreement hereafter provide for the permitted uses or accession or incidental uses thereto, or for right of access, by other than the owner or legally resident occupant of the premises and invited guests, except in the case of a public park or way, public utility easement, patrons of al permitted commercial use, or of a permitted or~lanizational use. E. LAKE SHORE OFFSET 1. No building shall be permitted closer than 50 feet to the shore line of a lake shore lot except that no offset shall be required for piers or similar use areas and a boat house as permitted above. F. REZONING AND LAND DIVISION RESTRICTIONS 1. The City will not rezone new areas to this zoning district as the district is in place for the conformity of existing parcels that were developed under the original City of Muskego Zoning Code. All parcels proposing land divisions within this district must meet the minimum guidelines of the RS-2 zoning district or a residemtial district with greater regulations. 78 . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 8.14 RL-3 EXISTING LAKESHORE RESIDENCE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF II\JTENT This district is intended to apply to lakeshore properties with specialized regulations appropriate of their unique character; with particular recognition of the disproportionately high land value of lake frontage, the problems of over intensive exploitation of such frontage resulting from excessive demand, the extreme vulnerability of lakHshore properties to nuisance and to adverse effect on property value, and the problems of pollution and public safety msulting from over use. This district is newly created as a result of the zonin9 code modifications in 2006. Many parcels of this density and type existed when Muskego's zoning code was originally implemented. The density, widths, and building location measures listed below are to guide parcels currently zoned this district. The City will not rezone new parcels to this zoning district or create new parcels of this size. All parcels proposing land divisions within this district must meet the minimum guidelines of the RS-3 zoning district or a l'esidential district with greater regulations. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (c.) Building Location (F.) Height Area (E.) Open S ace Min per esidenti al DIU Max. Permitted (In Feet) (B.) Density (D.) Building Size Minimum Area Residential Lot Area Per DIU Lot Area Per DIU (In Sq. Ft.) Min. Average Width Min. Set Back Minimum Residential Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Floor Minimum Offset (In Sq. Ft. Or Acres) One (In Side Fel3t) (In Feet 10,OOOS .Ft. 66.6 2!5 6.7 10 1200 1200 * New land divisions in this zoning district must follow the RS-3 zoning district re9ulations ** See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USI=S BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted by right in the RCE District. 2. Public outdoor recreational facilities subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District. 2. Any other use normally incident or accessory to the permitted uses subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. 3. One (1) boat house in addition to the accessory uses permitted by the underlying district, and subject to the approval of the Planning Director, or designee, lIpon payment of fees and receipt of permits as required and amended from time to time, and subject to following: a. Location: minimum 20 feet from the ordinary high water mark and subject to the side yard offset provisions of the underlying district effective with new construction or relocations after November 15, 2001. b. Height: not greater than 15 feet above the lowest grade. All other sides (In Feet) Multi per DIU Ratio Principal Accessory structure structure (In Feet) Exem t 6,666 30 79 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning c. Area: no greater than 525 square feet. C. PERMITTED USI:=S BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District. 2. Boating and yacht clubs, marinas and launchin~1 sites. 3. Private commercial and private non-commercial group outdoor recreational facilities. 4. Lake resorts and individual cabins or cottages for rental on a limited seasonal basis and not for year round occupancy. 5. Boat liveries. D. SINGLE USE 1. No lot in this district shall by deed, covenant, easement or other device or agreement hereafter provide for the permitted uses or accession or incidental uses thereto, or for right of access, by other than the owner or legally resident occupant of the premises and invited guests, except in the case of a public park or way, public utility easement, patrons of a permitted commercial use, or of a permitted organizational use. E. LAKE SHORE OFFSET 1. No building shall be permitted closer than 50 fHet to the shore line of a lake shore lot except that no offset shall be required for piers or similar use areas and a boat house as permitted above. F. REZONING AND LAND DIVISION RESTRICTIONS 1. The City will: not rezone new areas to this zonin!~ district as the district is in place for the con10rmity of existing parcels that were developed under the original City of Muskego Zoning Code. All parcels proposing land divisions within this district must meet the minimum guidølines of the RS-3 zoning district or a residential district with greater regulations. 80 . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 8.15 BL-1 LAKESHORE BUSINESS DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intended to provide for the limited and controlled development of commercial recreational facilities related and appropriate to water bodies. The district also is intended to apply to lakeshore properties with specialized regulations appropriate of their unique character; with particular recognition of the disproportionately high land value of lake frontage, the problems of over intensive exploitation of SUGh frontage resulting from excessive demand, the extreme vulnerability of lakeshore properties to nuisance and to adverse effect on property value, and the problems of pollution and public safety resulting from over use. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mil Area Average Lot Area Sf: Width Per DIU Bal (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (II" (In Sq. Ft.) Fe( 20,000 Sq.Ft. 110 20,000 4( . . (C.) Building (E.) Location (D.) Building Size Open (F.) Height Space Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) ~esidenti (In Feet) k Area al DIU One All other Sinqle Familv Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1 '" Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 30 40 1400 1400 - 30% 15,000 30 .. SF' ~ , Open Space is as per approvød BSO Plan for Commercial use "See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as aerrnitted by right in the RCE District and RL districts. 2. The followin~) subject to approval by the Plan Commission of the building, site and operational plans. a. Lake shore n::!sorts, picnic grounds, and bathing beaches. b. Boat livE!ries. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District and RL districts. 2. Concession stands not serving alcoholic beverages, bath-houses, boathouses, outdoor recreational facilities no involving mechanical equipment . and similar facilities normally accessory to the permitted overlay use subject to approval by the Plan Commission of the building, site and operational plans. 3. Freestanding, projecting and flat wall signs as permitted in B-1 District. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District and RL districts. 2. Restaurants, super clubs, taverns, dance paviliions, amusement rides, water skiing facilities, power boat rentals or sight seeing cruises, and similar facilities related to but not as usual as the permitted accessory uses in B above. 81 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning 3. Residential as part of the commercial use. 82 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.16 BL-2 LAKESHOIRE BUSINESS DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intE'nded to provide for the limited and controlled development of commercial recreational facilities related and appropriate to water bodies. The district also is intended to apply to lakeshore propertiE~s with specialized regulations appropriate of their unique character; with particular recognition of the disproportionately high land value of lake frontage, the problems of over intensive exploitation of such frontage resulting from excessive demand, the extreme vulnerability of lakeshol'"i3 properties to nuisance and to adverse effect on property value, and the problems of pollution and public safety resulting from over use. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mi Area Average Lot Area S" Width Per DIU Ba, (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In 'Feet) DIU (II (In Sq. Ft.) Fel 15,000 Sq.Ft. 100 15,000 41 (C,) Building (E.) Location (D.) Building Size Open (F.) Height Space I. Minimum Resiclential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residenti (In Feet) :k Area al DIU One All other SinQle Family Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1~ Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 20 30 1200 1200 - 30% 10,000 30 .. SF' , Open Space is as per approv~d BSO Plan for Commercial use "See Section 5 . (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES 13Y RIGHT . 1. Any use as permitted by right in the RCE District and RL districts. 2. The foliowin!J subject to approval by the Plan Commission of the building, site and operational plans. a. Lake shore røsorts, picnic grounds, and bathing beaches. b. Boat livmies. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District and RL districts. 2. Concession stands not serving alcoholic beverages, bath-houses, boathouses, outdoor recreational facilities no involving mechanical equipment and similar facilities normally accessory to the permitted overlay use subject to approval by the Plan Commission of the building, site and operational plans. 3. Freestanding, projecting and flat wall signs as permitted in B-1 District. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District and RL districts. 2. Restaurants, super clubs, taverns, dance pavilions, amusement rides, water skiing facilities, power boat rentals or sight seeing cruises, and similar 83 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning facilities related 1to but not as usual as the permitted accessory uses in B above. 3. Residential as part of the commercial use. 84 . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 8.17 RM-1 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intÐnded to provide for residential development of "walk-up" type buildings housing ~~ or more families, where all dwelling units do not have ground level occupancy or private entrance, at relatively low density. This district shall be found where such devEdopment would be compatible with surrounding uses, the density would not create service problems, and in areas intended or not intended to be served by municipal sewer. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mil Area Average Lot Area SI: Width Per DIU Bal (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (I' (In Sq. Ft.) Fe,; None None 5,000 4( . . (C.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space ". Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) k Area DIU One All other Sinqle Family Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1 st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feel) 20 20 - - - 30% 4,000 30 * * See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Multiple family dwellings of 2 or more units, but nor more than 16 dwellings units per structure subject to approval of building, site and operational plans by the Plan Commission. 2. Public parks anel recreation areas but not including facilities for organized athletics except as a permitted conditional use. 3. Public utility transmission and distribution lines, poles, and other accessories provided that when a utility proposes a main intercity transmission facility, they shall give notice to the Plan Commission of .such intention and of the date of hearing before the Public Service Commission, and before beginning construction of a specific route shall file with the Plan Commission mapped description of the route of such transmission lines. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Private garages, carports, and paved parking areas when located on the same lot and not involving the conduct of business, except as conditional uses, provicled that no such garage shall be erected prior to the erection of the principal building to which it is accessory. 2. The following signs subject to the general regulations governing signs: a. A sign identifying the property not in excess of 6 square feet in area. b. A name plate" not in excess of 1 square fooit, identifying the occupant of a dwelling unit. c. Signs pertaining to the lease or sale of the property on which located or any building thereon, not in excess of 20 square feet in area per sign and not more than 2 signs on any single parcel. 85 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptf~r 17 Zoning 3. Private residential and private non-commercial group outdoor recreational facilities. 4. Service buildings and facilities normally incident to the use of a public park or recreation area. 5. Any other structure or use normally accessory to the principal uses permitted. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Public and private commercial outdoor recreational facilities 2. Private lodges and clubs 3. Rustic Structures 86 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.18 RM-2 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE (1) STATEMENT OF INTEf'H This district is intended to provide for multi-family residential development of single family homes of thø attached "row" type in groupings compatible to the character of surrounding uses, and/or duplexes which are attractivøly designed and arranged on the site with appropriate development of the common grounds in terms of amenities and landscaping, and in areas intended or not intended to be served by municipal sewer. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mil Area Average Lot Area S" Width Per DIU Ba, (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (Ii (In Sq. Ft.) Fel None None 10,000 41 (C.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Area DIU One All other Sinqle Family Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1 st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 15 15 - 1000 - 30% 7,000 30 . . . See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Single family attached dwellings, in row buildings of at least 2 but not more than 8 dwelling units per structure and/or duplexes, subject to approval of building, site and operational plans by the Plan Commission. 2. Public parks and recreation areas but not including facilities for organized athletics except as a permitted conditional use. 3. Public utility transmission and distribution lines, poles, and other accessories provided that when a utility proposes a main intercity transmission facility, they shall give notice to the Plan Commission of such intention and Of the date of heal'ing before the Public Service Commission, and before beginning . construction of a specific route shall file with the Plan Commission mapped description of the route of such transmission linøs. . B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1 . Private garages, carports, and paved parkin9 areas when located on the same lot and not involving the conduct of business, except as conditional uses, provided that no such garage shall be erected prior to the erection of the principal building to which it is accessory. 2. The following signs subject to the general regulations governing signs: a. A sign identifying the property not in excess of 6 square feet in area. b. A name platH, not in excess of 1 square foot, identifying the occupant of a dwelling unit.. c. Signs pørtaining to the lease or sale of the property on which located or any building thereon, not in excess of 20 square feet in area per sign and not mom than 2 signs on any single parcel. 87 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 3. Private residential and private non-commercial group outdoor recreational facilities. 4. Service buildings and facilities normally incident to the use of a public park or recreation area. 5. Any other structure or use normally accessory to the principal uses permitted. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Public and privatE! commercial outdoor recreational facilities 2. Private lodges and clubs 3. Rustic Structures 88 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.19 RM-3 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE (1) STATEMENT OF I!\JTEt\IT This district is intended to provide for two-family residential development of duplexes which are attractively designed and arranged on the site with appropriate development of the common grounds in terms of amenities and landscaping, in areas intended or not intended to be served by municipal sewer. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mi Area Average Lot Area S" Width Per DIU Ba (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Pel. Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (II (In Sq. Ft.) Fel None None 10,000 41 1 (c.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Area DIU One All other Sinale Familv Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1 st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 15 15 - 1000 - 30% 7,000 30 . . . See Section 5 (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Single family attached dwellings, in row buildin~Js of not more than 2 dwelling units per stlructure and/or duplexes, subject to approval of building, site and operational plans by the Plan Commission. 2. Public parks and recreation areas but not including facilities for organized athletics except as a permitted conditional use. 3. Public utility transmission and distribution lines, poles, and other accessories provided that when a utility proposes a main intercity transmission facility, they shall ~Iive notice to the Plan Commission of such intention and of the date of hearing before the Public Service Commission, and before beginning construction of a specific route shall file with the Plan Commission mapped description of thø route of such transmission lines. . B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Private garages, carports, and paved parking! areas when located on the same lot and not involving the conduct of business, except as conditional uses, provided that no such garage shall be erected prior to the erection of the principal building to which it is accessory. 2. The followin9 signs subject to the general regulations governing signs: a. A sign identifying the property not in excess of 6 square feet in area. b. A name platE:!, not in excess of 1 square foot, identifying the occupant of a dwelling unit. c. Signs pl3rtaining to the lease or sale of the property on which located or any building thereon, not in excess of 20 square feet in area per sign and not mom than 2 signs on any single parcel. 3. Private residential and private non-commercial group outdoor recreational facilities. 89 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning 4. Service buildings and facilities normally incident to the use of a public park or recreation area. 5. Any other structure or use normally accessory to the principal uses permitted. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Public and private commercial outdoor recreational facilities 2. Private lodges and clubs 3. Rustic Structures. 90 . . Minimum Area (In Sq. Ft. Or Acres) City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 8.20 ERM-1 EXISTING MULTIPLE FAMILY F~ESIDENCE (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intended to provide for two-family residential development of single family homes of the attached "row" type in groupings compatible to the character of surrounding uses, and/or duplexes which are attractively designed and arranged on the site with appropriate development of the common grounds in terms of amenities and landscaping, a.nd in areas intended or not intended to be served by municipal sewer. This district is newly created as a result of the zoning code modifications in 2006. A few residential parcels existed with the City's old OD Duplex Overlay District and the City has now combined those parcels into the ERM-1 zoning district. It is the City's intention to allow the continuation of existing duplex/multi-family uses via the ERM-1 District, although it is not the intention of the City to rezone areas to the ERM-1 District. Any proposed rezonings allowing multi-family uses should follow the RM zoning districts and the City shall review those proposed rezonings as how they will affect the surrounding character of the neighborhood. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (c.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Resiclential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Area DIU One All other Single Family Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 15 20 1400 1400 1000 25% 15,000 30 15 (B.) Density Residential Lot Area Per DIU Lot Area Per DIU (In Sq. Ft.) Min. Average Width Mir S"~ Bac (In Feet) (In Fee 40,000' 220' 20,000 41~ . Plan Commission may grant up to a 15% variance where existing buildings are on the lot. (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES 13Y RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted by right in the RCE District. 2. Duplex, with Plan Commission approval of the building, site and operational plan. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE District. 2. Minimum Requirements: a. Two-car garagE!. b. Off-street parking (4 spaces). 3. Signs as permitted in RCE C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE District. D. LAKE SHORE SETBJ\CKS/OFFSETS 91 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 1. In the special circumstance where the ERM District exists abutting a lake body, the Sélme regulations apply as above, with the following modifications: a. The minimum lot size shall be 26,666 square feet with a minimum width of 146.6 feet. b. The minimum setback is 25 feet. c. The min imum offsets are 10 feet on one side and 13.3 feet on all other sides (ModifiE~d if width of lot is less than 1413.6 feet). d. No builcling shall be permitted closer than 50 feet to the shore line of a lake shore lot except that no offset shall be required for piers or similar use areas and a boat house as permitted as per below. e. One (1) boat house in addition to the accessory uses permitted by the underlying district, and subject to the approval of the Planning Director, or designee, upon payment of fees and receipt of permits as required and amended from time to time, and subject to a location of a minimum of 20 feet from the ordinary high water mark and subject to the side yard offset provisions, with a height not greater than 15 feet above the lowest grade and an area no greater than 525 square feet. f. No lot abutting a lakeshore in this district shall by deed, covenant, easement or other device or agreement hereafter provide for the permitted usøs or accession or incidental uses thereto, or for right of access, by other than the owner or legally resident occupant of the premises and invited guests, except in the case of a public park or way, public utility easement, patrons of a permi<tted commercial use, or of a permitted or9anizational use. 92 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.21 B-1 NEIGHBOR:HOOD CONVENIENCE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intl3nded to provide for individual or small groups of retail and customer service establishments serving primarily the convenience of a local neighborhood and the character, appearance and operation of which are compatible with the character of the surrounding area. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mil Area Average Lot Area SI: Width Per DIU Ba( (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (If (In Sq. Ft.) Fe, 30,000 So.Ft. 150 - 4( ) * Except signs as regulated under Permitted Accessory Uses (c.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) k Area DIU One All other Sinole Familv Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 10 15 - 900 - 40% 16,000 30 15" . (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any uses as pE!rmitted by right in the RCE District, with the exception of single-family detached dwellings. 2. The followinn subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans" a. Retail stores and shops offering convenience goods and personal services and not exceeding 1500 square feE!t of primary floor area. b. Business, professional or public service office not exceeding 1000 square feet of primary floor area. c. CustomHr service establishments such as restaurants, shoe repair, barber and beauty shops, studios and similar uses not exceeding 1000 square feet of primary floor area. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. The foilowin~J subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. a. Garages for storage of vehicles used in conjunction with the operation of the business. b. Off-streE!t parking and loading areas. Free standinq and projecting signs; subject to the following: (i) OffsHts - No sign shall be closer than 3 ft. To any other property line. (ii) Setback.. No sign shall be permitted in the road right-of-way nor in the basE setback area. c. . 93 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning (iii) Size - A "10 sq. ft. Sign may be permitted at the base setback line on a lot that has 50 ft. Of frontage, and may be increased by one square foot .for every 10ft. Additional lot fronta~,e, up to a maximum of 300 ft. Lot width; and may also be increased one square foot for every two feet additional setback from the base setback line up to a maximum 40 ft. Setback. But, in no case shall the area to be used for calculation be more than 300 ft. Lot width with a 40 ft. Setback. (a) On corner lots, width of the lot shalll be determined by using the width of the frontage where the sign is to be located. (iv) Height - Maximum of 20 ft. in height from the ground to the top. (v) Only one freestanding sign per site. d. Flat wall signs, subject to the following: (i) Size - ~I% 0"1 the wall area on which the sign is to be located. (ii) Height - No sign shall extend beyond the height or width of the building. e. Any othE!r structure or use normally accHssory to the principal uses permitted. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permit in the RCE District except second residential structures. 2. Any use permitted by right in the B-2 District. 3. Gasoline SE!rvicH stations. 4. Residential quartørs located in the same building as the business. 94 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning . 8.22 B-2 LOCAL SEHVICE CENTER DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intendE)d to provide for the orderly and attractive grouping at appropriate locations of retail stores, shops, offices> and service establishments serving the daily needs of the surrounding local community area. The size and location of such districts shall be based upon evidence of justifiable community need, of adequate customer potential, of satisfactory relationship to the circulation system and other related facilities, and of potential contribution to the economic welfare of the community. No such district should be less than 100,000 square feet in area. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mil Area Average Lot Area SI: Width Per DIU Bal (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (II (In Sq. Ft.) Fe.. 20,000 Sq.Ft. 100 - 4( 9 (c.) Building (D.) Builcling Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Resiclential Floor Min per Max. Permitted I Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) k Area DIU One All other SinQle Familv Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 10 15 900 - 50% 10,000 30 15' ) 'Except signs as regulated under Permitted Accessory Uses . (3) Permitted Uses (SE'e Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any uses as permitted by right in the B-1 District. 2. The following subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. a. Retail stores and shops. b. Community and customer service establishments such as, but not limited to, the following: (i) Business, professional, public service, banking and savings and loan offices. 8 (ii) Restaurants, taverns and other commercial entertainment facilities. (iii) Laundromats, coin operated dry cleaning establishments and laundry or dry cleaning pick-up stations. (iv) Dental and medical clinics. c. Commercial studios, display galleries and training schools. d. Public utility offices and installations. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use as permitted in the B-1 District. 2. The following subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. 95 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapt4!r 17 Zoning a. Free standinçJ and projecting signs; subject to the following: (i) Offsl3ts - No sign shall be closer than 3 1t. To any other property line. (ii) Setback.. No sign shall be permitted in the road right-of-way nor in the base setback area. (iii) Size - A :30 sq. ft. Sign may be permitted at the base setback line on a lot that has 50 ft. Of frontage, and may be increased by one square foot for every 10ft. Additional lot fronta~Je, up to a maximum of 300 ft. Lot width; and may also be increased one square foot for every two feet additional setback from the base setback line up to a maximum 40 1t. Setback. But, in no case shall the area to be used for calculation be more than 300 ft. Lot width with a 40 f1. Setback. On c:ornE~1r lots, width of the lot shall be determined by using the width of the frontage where the sign is to be located. (iv) Height - IV1aximum of 20 ft. In height from the ground to the top. (v) Only one free standing sign per site. b. Flat wall signs, subject to the following: (i) Size - 50;,:) of the wall area on which the sign is to be located. (ii) Height - No sign shall extend beyond the height or width of the builcling. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the B-1 District. 2. Any use permitted by right in the B-3 District. 3. Animal hospitals. 4. Appliance and small machinery repair establishments. 5. Private commercial outdoor recreational facilities on sites of not less than 120,000 square feet. 6. Mini-warehouses. 96 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.23 B-3 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intended to provide for the orderly and attractive grouping at appropriate locations of commercial activities of a more general retail and wholesale nature, and of the office and service facilities serving a larger community trade area. The size and location of such districts shall be based upon relationship of the community need and economy. No such district should be less than 300,000 square feet in area. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mil Area Average Lot Area S,: Width Per DIU Bal (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Pel Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (II (In Sq. Ft.) Fe! 20,000 Sq.Ft. 100 - 4: ) . Except signs as regulated under Permitted Accessory Uses. (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any uses as permitted by right in the B-2 District. 2. The following subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. a. General merchandising and wholesaling establishments. b. Hotels c. Transportation terminals, not including trucking. d. Commel'cial parking facilities. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use as permitted in the B-2 District. 2. The following subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. a. Free standin9, projecting and flat wall signs; as permitted in B-2 District. (C.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) k Area DIU One All other Sinqle Family Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1 st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 10 15 900 - 60% 10,000 30 15* . . C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the B-2 District. 2. Lumber and builcling supply yards. 3. Experimental, testing and research laboratories. 4. General wamhousing. 5. Service and sales establishments for automobiles, including body repair shops and used car lots but not including the storage of junked or wrecked automobiles and parts. 97 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 6. Printing and pub~ìshing houses and related activities. 98 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . 8.24 8-4 HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intendE:!d to provide for the orderly and attractive grouping at appropriate locations along principal highway routE!S of those businesses and customer services which are logically related to and dHpendent upon highway traffic or which are specifically designed to serve the needs 01f such traffic. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mil Area Average Lot Area SI: Width Per DIU Ba. (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (It (In Sq. Ft.) Fel 30,000 SQ.Ft. 150 . 41 ) * Except signs as regulated uncer Permitted Accessory Uses. (3) Permitted Uses (See Section 5) A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any uses as permitted by right in the B-3 District. 2. The following subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. a. Drive-in est.a.blishments providing service to customers without the necessity of their entering the building. b. Hotels and motels (C.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) k Area DIU One All other SinQle Family Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1 st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 10 15 900 - 30% 10,000 30 15* . c. Outdoor sales areas such as garden shops. d. Building supply stores. e. Transportation terminals not including trucking. . B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use as permitted in the B-3 District. 2. The following subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. a. Free standin!;I, projecting and flat wall signs; as permitted in B-2 District. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Service and sales establishments for automobiles including body repair shops and used car lots, but not including the storage of junked or wrecked automobiles and parts. 2. Public, private commercial, and private non-commercial group outdoor recreational facilities. 3. Outdoor theaters, summer theaters and outdoor music amphitheaters. 3. Any conditional use permitted in the B-3 District. 99 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.25 BP-1 BUSINIESS AND OFFICE PARK SUPPORT DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTEf'H This District is intended to provide space for mixed retail, office and commercial uses which are customarily found adjacent to high quality office park and business park developments. This District encompasses high visibility lands typical of office park entryways and community gateways. 2 BASIC REGULATIONS Sewered (2)Lot Width (3)Unit Density (4)Open Space 150 feet nfa 33% Unsewered (6)Lot Width I (7)Unit Density (8)Open Space 150 nfa 33% Multi 151 Family Minimum One All Other Total per Max. Principal Accessory Setback Side Sides Floor D.U. F.A. R. Structure Structure .- 40 20 20 nla nla nla 65% 30 30 . (3) Permitted Uses A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT The following uses subject to approval by the Plan Commission of a Building Site and Operation Plan: 1. Administrative and public service offices. 2. Single or multiple tenant professional offices of an architect, landscape architect,. lawyer, doctor, dentist, professional engineer, or other similar recognized pro1ression. 3. Medical clinics and hospitals. 4. Finance, insurance, and real estate offices. . 5. Public Utility o1'f'ices and installations. 6. Hotels. 7. Banquet and meeting facilities 8. Restaurants IJ\l'ithout drive through facilities and without in-vehicle dining accommodations. 9. Specialized retail or customer service establishments of less than 20,000 square feet in Ifloor area, and of a generally restrictive nature including but not limited to the following: a. Printing. b. Delicatessen or coffee shop. c. Florist shop. 100 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt!r 17 Zoning d. Gift shop. e. Interior Decorator. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Off-street parking, service and loading facilities. 2. Signs as permitted by of this Code. 3. Structums and uses ancillary to an approved Permitted Use by Right, and approved by the Plan Commission as part of a Building Site and Operation Plan. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Specialized retail or customer service establishments which are in excess of 20,000 square feet of floor area. 2. Service and sales establishments for automobiles including body repair shops and used car lots, but not including the storage of junked or wreckecl automobiles and parts. Day Care facilities. Research Laboratories. 3. 4. 5. 6. Indoor health and fitness facilities. Rustic Structures. 101 City of Muskego . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 8.26 BP-2 OFFICE PARK DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This District is intended to provide space where high quality office and professional uses are arranged in campus like settings in an attractive and orderly grouping. This District is further intended to prohibit uses, which am high impact with regards to noise, visible emissions, odors, and vibration which are typical of intensive industrial developments. 2 BASIC REGULATIONS (l)BuildinQ Location Minimu Minimum One Setback Side 40 20 . (3) Permitted Uses Sewered <[B)Lot Width 200 ft I Unsewered I (G)Unit Density n/a (H)Open Space 90% (C)Unit Density n/a (D)Open Space 40% (F)Lot Width 500 ft 20 (J)BuildinQ Size (K)Building Height et Min. Floor Area Multi Family her 1st Floor per Max. Principal Accessory s Total D.U. FAR. Structure Structure 5,000 n/a n/a 80% 40 30 m Off~:; All 01 Sidl3 A. PERMITTED IJSES BY RIGHT The following uses subject to approval by the Plan Commission of a Building Site and Operation Plan: 1. Administrative and public service offices. Single or multiple tenant professional offices of an architect, landscape architect, la'.lvyer, doctor, dentist, professional engineer, or other similar recognized profession. 3. Finance, insurance, and real estate offices. 4. Public Utility offices and installations. 5. Hotels. 6. Banquet and meeting facilities 7. Any uses pellmitted by right in the BP-1 District B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Off-street parking, service and loading facilities. 2. Signs as permitted by this Code. 3. Structur,es and uses ancillary to an approved Use Permitted by Right, approval by the Plan Commission of a Building Site and Operation Plan 2. . C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 102 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 1 . Day Care facilities. 2. Research Laboratories. 3. Indoor health and fitness facilities. 4. Rustic Structures. 5. Any conditional use permitted in the BP-1 District D. OFF STREET PAF{KING LOCATION RESTRICTED 1. A maximum :20% of a parcel's off street parking shall be permitted between the right of way and principal structure. 103 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.27 BP-3 BUSINIESS PARK DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This District is intended to pmvide space where high quality office and professional uses are commingled with light manufacturing uses, and arranged in campus like settings in an attractive and orderly grouping. This District is further intended to restrict uses which are high impact with regards to noise, visible emissions, odors, and vibration which are typical of intensive industrial developments by implementation of performance standards. 2 BASIC REGULATIONS Sewered (B)Lot Width 150 ft (C)Unit Density nfa (D)Open Space 33% I Unsewered I (G)Unit Density nfa (H)Open Space 90% {F)Lot Width 500 ft (l)BuíldinCl Locatior Minimu Minimum One Setback Side 40 20 AllOt! Sid!') (J)BuildinCl Size (K)BuildinCl HeiClht et Min. Floor Area Multi Family ler 1st Floor per Max. Principal Accessory Total s D.U. FAR. Structure Structure 5,000 nfa nfa 80% 40 30 I m Ofts 20 . (3) Permitted Uses . A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT The following uses subject to approval by the Plan Commission of a Building Site and Operation Plan: 1. Administrative and public service offices. 2. Single or multiple tenant professional offices of an architect, landscape architect, lawyelr, doctor,. dentist, professional engineer, or other similar recognized profE!ssion. 3. Finance, insurance, and real estate offices. 4. Public Utility offices and installations. 5. Hotels. 6. Banquet and meeting facilities 7. Single or multiplle tenant, non-smoke stack facilities for light manufacturing, assembly, fabrication including indoor storage and warehousing of related materials, warehouse facilities less than 50,000 square feet, excluding activities such as: heavy machining and stamping; foundries; smelting; drop forging; mini-warehousing; hazardous and medical waste disposal where such activity is a primary function of the facility; truck and transportation terminals; motor vehicle assembly; petroleum products refining; raw materials processing; and plating. Manufacturing and assembly activities and facilities 104 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . which, upon revil3w by the Plan Commission jfor detailed Building Site and Operation Plans" may meet the intent of this district are: millwork; machine tools; papE!r containers; patterns; die casting; light metal fabrication; appliances; printing; lithographing; blueprinting: photocopying; food and milk processing; soft drink bottling; dry cleaning and dyeing; precision instruments; radio, television and electronics assembly no closer than 500 feet to any residential district; mail order houses; sporting goods; apparel; plastic products; shoes or other similar activities and facilities. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES The following uses subject to approval by the Plan Commission of a Building Site and Operation Plan: 1. Any accessory uses customarily associated with the permitted use, but excluding those involving outside storage or display, or accessory structures such as garages or sheds. 2. Signs as permitted by this Code. C. PERMITTED IJSES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT . The following uses may be permitted by way of Conditional Use Grant as approved by the Plan Commission: 1. Day Care facilities. 2. Research Laboratories. 3. Indoor health and fitness facilities. 4. Warehousin~11 and distribution facilities 50,000 square feet or greater in size, exGluding mini warehousing. Industrial supply sales. Wholesalers. 5. 6. 7. primary Factory direct or seconds stores as an accessory use to the manufaGturin!~ and/or assembly operation. 8. Technical schools and training cet:1ters. 9. Rustic Structures. D. OFF STREET PARKING LOCATION RESTRICTED 1. A maximum 20%, of a parcel's off street parking shall be permitted between the right of way and principal structure. . E. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. Vibration: no operation or activity of, or related to the facility in question, shall transmit any physical vibration that is above the vibration perception threshold of an individual at or beyond the property line of the source. Vibration p,erception threshold means the minimum ground or structure vibration motion necessary to cause a normal person to be aware of the vibration by such direct means as, but not limited to, sensation by touch or visual observation of moving objects. 2. Lighting: All outdoor lighting must be designed so as not to produce any intense glare or lighting with the source directly visible beyond the boundary 105 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . of the subject facility. High pressure sodium vapor, down cast, cut off fixtures are requirec:. No light source(s) or object(s) of illumination shall be in excess of 12 foot candles, nor create a glare, reflecltion or radiance so as to be determined a nuisance per Section 10 of thE~ City Of Muskego Municipal Code, nor shall they be detectable, at or beyond a five foot high vertical plane along the property line of the source, at a value greater than .5 foot candles. 3. Odor: No operation or activity shall emit any substance or combination of substances in such quantities that create an objectionable odor as defined in Chapter NR 400..499, Wis. Adm. Code. 4. Particulate Emissions: No operation or activity shall emit into the ambient air from any direction or portable source any matter that will affect visibility in excess of the limitations established in Chapter NR 415, Wis. Adm. Code. 5. Visible Emissions: No operation shall emit into the ambient air from any direct or portable sOUirce any matter that will affect visibility in excess of the limitations established in Chapter NR 431, Wis. Adm. Code. 6. Hazardous Pollutants: No operation or activity shall emit any hazardous substances in such a quantity, concentration or duration as to be injurious to human health or property, and all emissions of hazardous substances shall not exceed the limitations established in Chapte,r NR 445, Wis. Adm. Code. 7. Noise: No continuous or intermittent noise from operations based, non- transient noise shall be detectable at or beyond the property line of the source to a level greater than 65 dBA between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and to a level greater than 55 dBA between the hours of 6:01 p.m. to 6:59 a.m. . 8. The storage or use of chemicals either solid, liquid or gas, shall be in compliance with all federal, state and local regulations and subject to the following conditions: a. The storage, utilization or manufacturing of materials or products ranging from incombustible to moderate burning is permitted. b. The storage, utilization or manufacturing of materials or products ranging from free to active burning is permitted provided that said materials or products shall be stored, utilized or manufactured within completely enclosed buildings having incombustible exterior walls and protected throughout by an automatic fire extinguishing system. c. The manufacturing of flammable materials which produce explosive vapors or gases is prohibited. . 106 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.28 M-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF II>.JTENT This district is intended to provide for the orderly and attractive grouping in appropriately landscaped grounds of any manufacturing or industrial operation which, on the basis of actual physical and operational characteristics, would not be detrimental to the surrounding area or to the community as a whole by reason of noise, dust, smoke, odor, traffic, physical appearance or other similar factor; and to establish such regulatOlY controls as will reasonably insure compatibility with the surrounding area in this respect. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mi Area Average Lot Area S,: Width Per DIU Ba (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (Ii (In Sq. Ft.) Fel 40.000 Sq.Ft. 150 nla 51 ] * Ord. #715 - 5/23/91. Supersejes 01'<1. #411 6/23/81 (3) Permitted Uses A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any uses as permitted by right in the B-3 District. 2. Non-COmmE!rcial Horticulture. 3. Agriculture and r::elated Activities. 4. Commercial Horlticulture. (C.) Building (D.) Builcing Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Resic!ential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Area DIU One All other Single Family Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 15* 15* nla nla nla 50% nla 30 50 . . 5. Public utility transmission and distribution lines, poles and other accessories. 6. The followin!~ sub.iect to approval by the Plan Commission of the specific use, and of the buildinfJ, site and operational plans. a. Manufacture, assembly, fabrication and proct3ssing plants and similar type industrial operations, but not including any of the following: (i) Manufacture of éement, lime, gypsum, plaster of paris, acid, explosives, fertilizers or glue. (ii) Renderin~~ plants, refineries, tanneries, or incinerators. (iii) Stockyards or slaughterhouses (iv) Junk or salvage yards. (v) Drop for~It3S or foundries. (vi) Storage of explosives except as incidental to a permitted use, and storage (If gasoline or petroleum in excess of 50,000 gallons. b. Transportation terminals, including trucking. c. General warehousing. d. Experimental, testing, and research laboratories. 107 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning e. Lumber and building supply yards. f. Printing and publishing houses and related activities. g. Public utility offices and installations. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use as permitted in the B-3 District. 2. The following subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. a. Office, storage, power supply and other such uses normally auxiliary to the principal industrial use. b. Garages for storage of vehicles used in conjunction with the operation of the business. c. Off-street parking, service and loading facilities d. Signs. e. Residential quarters for guards or caretakers. f. Any other structure or use normally accessory to the principal uses permitted. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the B-3 District. 2. Automobile bod}' repair shops, but not inclucling the storage of junked or wrecked automobiles and parts. 3. Animal hospitals, kennels, and laboratories using animal products. 4. "Adult oriented 19stablishments," as defined in this ordinance. D. ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES REQUIRED No Building Site and Operation Plan, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, Certified Survey Map, or Conditional Use Grant shall be approved in the M-1 District unless on the date of such approval there exists a valid and current Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities granted, and applicable to the project for which approval is sought. 108 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.29 M-2 GENEFtAL IINDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intended to provide for the same type of manufacturing and industrial development as in the MI.. 1 District, but in those areas where the relationship to surrounding land use would create fewer problems of compatibility and would not necessitate as stringent re!~ulatory controls. Such districts should not normally abut directly upon Residence Districts. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mi Area Average Lot Area S, Width Per DIU Ba (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (It (In Sq. Ft.) Fel 40,000 Sq.Ft. 150 nla 51 (C.) Building (D.) Builcing Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Resiclential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Area DIU One All other Sinale Familv Multi Principal Accessory I Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) I 15* 15* nla nla nla 70% nla 35 70 . * 200 feet adjoining a residence district with min. 15 ft wide by 6 ft high planting screen. (3) Permitted Uses A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted by right in M-1 District. 2. The followin~~ subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. a. Automobile body shop, but not including the storage of junked or wrecked automobiles and parts. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use as permitted in the M-1 Distl'ict. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the M-1 District 2. Junk or salvage yards. 3. Rendering plants. 4. "Adult oriented establishment," as defined in this ordinance. D. ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES REQUIRED No Building Site and Operation Plan, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, Certified Survey Map, or Conditional Use Grant shall be approved in the M-2 District unless on the date of such approval there exists a valid and current Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities granted, and applicable to the project for which approval is sought. . 109 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.30 M-3 LANDFIILL AND EXTRACTIVE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intended to provide an environment capable of addressing the unique concerns associated with landfill and extractive operations. Such districts should not normally abut directly upon Residence Districts. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mi Area Average Lot Area S,' Width Per DIU Ba (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (Ii (In Sq. Ft.) Fe! 200,000 SQ.Ft. 300 nla 7! ) . 200 feet adjoining a residence district with min. 15 ft wide by 6 ft high planting screen. (3) Permitted Uses A. PERMITTED USES 13Y RIGHT (C.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space ,. Minimum Residential Floor Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) (In Feet) :k Area One All other Sinqle Family Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 30 30 nla nla nla 10% 90% 30 70 . 1. Non-commercial Horticulture. 2. Agriculture and H:elated Activities. 3. Commercial Horticulture. 4. Public utility transmission and distribution lines, poles and other accessories. 5. The following subject to approval by the Plan Commission of Building, Site and Operational Plans: a. Nonmetallic mining and associated extractive operations pursuant to Chapter NR135 Wisconsin Administrative Code. b. Sanitary landfill operations pursuant Wisconsin Administrative Code. c. Offices and administrative d. Public utility offices and installations. e. Public safety offices and installations, including training facilities. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES . The following subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. 1. Office, storage, power supply and other such uses normally auxiliary to the principal industrial use. 2. Garages for storage of vehicles used in conjunction with the operation of the business, pursuant to this Code. 3. Off-street parkin9, service and loading facilities. 4. Signs pursuant to this code. 5. Residential quarters for guards or caretakers. 6. Any other structure or use normally accessory to the principal uses permitted. C. PERMITTED USI::S BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 110 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 1. Facilities including turbines and other generatin;} equipment associated with cogeneration of ølectric power. 2. Asphalt plants. 3. Service for automobiles trucks, and heavy equipment related to the principal use, excluding including body repair shops and the storage of junked or wrecked automobiles and parts. 4. Public and private commercial group outdoor recreational facilities pursuant to this Code. 5. Research Laboratories. D. ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES REQUIRED No Building Site and Operation Plan, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, Certified Survey Map, or Conditional Use Grant shall be approved in the M-3 District unless on the date of such approval there exists a valid and current Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities granted pursuant to this Code, and applicable to the project for which approval is sought. D. ANNUAL REVIEW F~EQUIRED An annual review is rE~quired in front of the Planning Commission for all newly approved uses after January 1, 2006 within the M-3 zoning District. The annual review will ensure that all approvals are being followed and that complaints are being dealt with appropriately. Additional requirements may be imposed during annual reviews under Planning Commission discretion. 111 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 8.31 SW-SHORELAND-WETLAND DISTRICT (1) STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION This ordinance is adopted pursuant to the authorization in sections 62.23 and 62.231 for cites and 87.30 and '144.26, Wis. Stats. (2) FINDING OF FACT AND PURPOSE Uncontrolled use o'f the shore land-wetlands and pollution of the navigable waters of the municipality would adversely affect the public health, safety, convenience and general welfare and impair the tax base. The Legislature of Wisconsin has delegated responsibility to all municipalities to: A. Promote the public health, safety, convenience and general welfare; B. Maintain the storm a.nd flood water storage capacity of wetlands; C. Prevent and control water pollution by preserving wetlands which filter or store sediments, nutrients, heavy metals or organic compounds that would otherwise drain into navigable waters; D. Protect fish, their spawning grounds, other aquatic life and wildlife by preserving wetlands and other aquatic habitat; E. Prohibit certain uses detrimental to the shoreland-wetland area; and F. Preserve shore cover and natural beauty by restricting the removal of natural shoreland cover and controlling shoreland-wetland excavation, filling and other earth moving activiti~:!s. . (3) GENERAL PROVISIONS A. COMPLIANCE: The use of wetlands and the alteration of wetlands within the shoreland area of the municipality shall be in full compliance with the terms of this ordinance and other applicable local, state or f,ederal regulations. (However, see this ordinance below, for the standards applicable to nonconforming uses.) All permitted development shall require the issuance of a zoning permit unless otherwise expressly excluded by a provision of this ordinance. B. MUNICIPALITIES AND STATE AGENCIES REGULATED: Unless specifically exempted by law, a~11 cities, villages, towns and counties are required to comply with this ordinance and obtain all necessary permits. State agencies are, required to comply if section 13.48(13), Wis. Stats. applies. The construction, reconstruction, maintenance and repair of state highways and bridges by the Wisconsin Departmønt of Transportation are exempt when section 30.12(4)(a), Wis. Stats. Applies. C. ABROGATION AND GFIEA TER RESTRICTIONS 1. This ordina.nce superseded all the provisions of any municipal zoning ordinance enacÌ<i:!d under sections 62.23 or 87.:30, Wis. Stats., which relate to floodplains and shoreland-wetlands, except that where another municipal zoning ordinancl;; is more restrictive than this ordinance, that ordinance shall continue in 'full force and effect to the extent of the greater restrictions, but not otherwise. . 112 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 2. This ordinance is not intended to repeal, abrogate or impair any existing deed restrictions, covenants or easements. However, where this ordinance imposes grE!ater restrictions, the provisions of this ordinance shall prevail. (4) INTERPRETATION In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this ordinance shall be held to be minimum requimments and shall be liberally construed in favor of the municipality and shall not be deemüd a limitation or repeal of any other powers granted by the Wisconsin Statutes. Where a provision of this ordinance is required by a standard in chapter NR 117, Wis. Adm. Code, and where the ordinance provision is unclear, the provision shall be interpreted in light of the chapter NR 117 standards in effect on the date of the adoption of this ordinance or in effect on the date of the most recent text amendment to this ordinance. (5) SEVERABILITY Should any portion of this ordinance be declared invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisd:ction, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected. . (6) SHORELAND-WETLAND ZONING DISTRICT A. SHORELAND-WETLAND ZONING MAPS The following maps are hereby adopted and made part of this ordinance and are on file in the office of the Planning Department: 1. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 1995 Wisconsin Wetland Inventory maps (Digital file). 2. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Wisconsin Wetland Inventory maps stamped "FINAL" on January 31,1986. 2. Floodplain zonin!~ maps titled Flood Boundary & Floodway Map and dated December 1, 1982. B. DISTRICT BOUNDÞ,RIES 1. The shoreland-\Nl3tland zoning district includes all wetlands in the municipality which are shown on the final Wetland Inventory Map that has been adopted and made a part of this ordinance and which are: . a. Within one thousand (1000) feet of the ordinary high-water mark of navigable la~(es, ponds or flowages. Lak'9s, ponds or flowages in the municipality shall be presumed to be navigable if they are shown on the United States Geological Survey quadrangle maps or other zoning base maps which have been incorporated by reference and made a part of this ordinance. b. Within threo hundred (300) feet of the ordinary high-water mark of navigable rivl3rs or streams, or to the landward side of the floodplain, whichever distance is greater. Rivers and streams shall be presumed to be navi9able if they are designated as either continuous or intermittent waterways on the United States Geological Survey quadrangle maps or other zoning base maps which have been incorporated by reference and made a part of this ordinance. Floodplain zoning maps adopted in this ordinance shall be used to determine the extent of floodplain areas. 113 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . 2. Determinations of navigability and ordinary high-water mark location shall initially be made by the zoning administrator. When questions arise, the zoning administrator shall contact the appropriate district office of the Department for a final determination of navigability or ordinary high-water mark. 3. When an appamnt discrepancy exists between the shore land-wetland district boundary shown on the official zoning maps and actual field conditions at the time the maps were adopted, the zoning administrator shall contact the appropriate district office of the Department to determine if the shoreland- wetland district boundary as mapped, is in error. If Department staff concur with the zoning administrator that a particular area was incorrectly mapped as a wetland, I[he z:oning administrator shall have the authority to immediately grant or deny a zoning permit in accordance with the regulations applicable to the correct zoning district. In order to correct wetland mapping errors shown on the official shoreland-wetland zoning maps, the zoning administrator shall be responsible for initiating a map amendment within a reasonable period. . C. PERMITTED USES The following uses are permitted subject to the provisions of chapters 30 and 31, Wis. Stats. and the provisions of other local, state Bind federal laws, if applicable. Activities and uses which do not require the issuance of a zoning permit, provided that no wetland alteration occurs: 1. Hiking, fishing, trapping hunting, swimming and snowmobiling and boating; 2. The harvesting of wild crops, such as marsh hay, ferns, moss, wild rice, berries, tree fruits and tree seeds, in-a manner that is not injurious to the natural reproduction of such crops; 3. The practice of silviculture, including the planting, thinning and harvesting of timber; 4. The pasturing of livestock; 5. The cultivation of agricultural crops; and 6. The construction and maintenance of duck blinds. Uses which do not require the issuance of a zoning permit and which may involve wetland altell"ations only to the extent specifically provided below: 1. The practice of silviculture, including limited temporary water level stabilization measures which are necessary to alleviate abnormally wet or dry conditions that would have an adverse impact on the conduct of silvicultural activities if not corrected. . 2. The cultivation 01: cranberries, including limited wetland alterations necessary for the purpose of growing and harvesting cranberries; 3. The maintenance and repair of existing drainage systems to restore preexisting levels of drainage, including the minimum amount of filling necessary 10 dispose of dredged spoil, provided that the filling is otherwise permissible and that dredged spoil is placed on existing spoil banks where possible; 114 City of Muskego . . . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 4. The construction and maintenance of fences for the pasturing of livestock, including limited excavating and filling necessary for such construction or maintenanc'9; 5. The construction and maintenance of piers, docks, walkways, observation decks and trail bridges built on pilings, inciudin!;:J limited excavating and filling necessary for such construction or maintenance; 6. The installation and maintenance of sealed tiles for the purpose of' draining lands outside the shore land-wetland zoning district provided that such installation or maintenance is done in a manner designed to minimize adverse impacts upon the natural functions of the shoreland-wetland listed in this ordinance; and 7. The maintenance, repair, replacement and reconstruction of existing highways and bridges, including limited excavating and filling necessary for such maintE!nance, repair, replacement or reconstruction. Uses which are allowed upon the issuance of a Conditional Use permit and which may include wetland alterations only to the extent specifically provided below: 1. The construction and maintenance of roads which are necessary for the continuity of the municipal street system, the pmvision of essential utility and emergency servììces or to provide access to uses permitted under this ordinance, provided that: a. The road cannot, as a practical matter, be located outside the wetland; b. The road is designed and constructed to minimize adverse impacts upon the natural functions of the wetland listed in this ordinance; c. The road is designed and constructed with the minimum cross sectional area practical to serve the intended use; d. Road construction activities are carried out in the immediate area of the roadbed only:; and e. Any wetland alteration must be necessary for the construction or maintenanCE! of the road. 2. The construction and maintenance of nonresidential buildings provided that: a. The building is used solely in conjunction with a use permitted in the shoreland-wetland district or for the raising of waterfowl, minnows or other wetland or aquatic animals; b. The building cannot, as a practical matter, be located outside the wetland; c. The building does not exceed 500 square fE!et in floor area; and d. Only limited 'filling and excavating necessary to provide structural support for the building is allowed The establishment and development of public and private parks and recreation areas, outdoor education areas, historic, natural and scientific areas, game refuges and closed areas, fish and wildlife habitat improvement projects, game bird and animal farms, wildlife preserves and public boat launching ramps, provided that: 3. 115 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . a. Any private development allowed under this paragraph shall be used exclusivl31y for the permitted purpose; b. Only limited filling and excavating necessary for the development of public boat launching ramps, swimming beaches or the construction of park shedters or similar structures is allowed; c. The construction and maintenance of roads necessary for the uses permitted under this paragraph are allowed only where such construction and maintena.nce meets the construction and maintenance section above in this ordinance; and d. Wetland alterations in game refuges and closed areas, fish and wildlife habitat improvement projects, game bird and animal farms and wildlife preserves shall be for the purpose of improving wildlife habitat or to otherwise enhance wetland values. 4. The construction and maintenance of electric and telephone transmission lines, water and ~Jas distribution lines and sewage collection lines and related facilities and the Gonstruction and maintenance of railroad lines provided that: a. The utility transmission and distribution facilities and railroad lines cannot, as a practical matter, be located outside the wetland; b. Only limited filling or excavating necessary for such construction or maintenance is allowed; and c. Such construction or maintenance is done in a manner designed to the natural functions of the wetland listed in this ordinance. . . D. PROHIBITED USES 1. Any use not listed in this ordinance is prohibited, unless the wetland or a portion of the wøtland has been rezoned by amendment in accordance with this ordinance. 2. The use of a boathouse for human habitation and the construction or placement of a boathouse or fixed boathouse below the ordinary high-water mark of any naviÇJable waters are prohibited. E. NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES AND USES 1. The lawful use of a building, structure or prop,arty which existed at the time this ordinance, or an applicable amendment to this ordinance, took effect and which is nol: in conformity with the provisions of the ordinance, including the routine maint~nance of such a building or structure, may be continued, subject to the following conditions 2. The shore land-wetland provisions of this ordinance authorized by 62.231 Wis. Stats. shall not limit the repair, reconstruction, renovation, remodeling or expansion of a nonconforming structure in existence on the effective date of the shoreland-wetland provisions, or of any environmental control facility in existence on May 7, 1982 related to such a structure. All other modifications to nonconformin~J structures are subject to s.E32.23(7)(h), Wis. Stats. which limits total lifetime structural repairs and alterations to 50% of current fair market value. . 116 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 3. If a nonconforming use or the use of a nonconforming structure is discontinued for twelve (12) consecutive months, any future use of the building, structure or property shall conform to this ordinance. 4. Any legal nonconforming use of property which does not involve the use of a structure and l,vlhich existed at the time of the adoption or subsequent amendment of this ordinance adopted under sÐctions 61.351 or 62.231, Wis. Stats. may be continued although such use does not conform with the provisions of thE! ordinance. However, such nonconforming use may not be extended. 5. The maintenance and repair of nonconforming boathouses which are located below the ordinary high-water mark of any navigable waters shall comply with the requirements of section 30.121, Wis. Stats. 6. Uses which are nuisances under common law shall not be permitted to continue as nonconforming uses, . (7) ZONING ADMINISTRATOR The Building Inspector is appointed zoning administrator for the purpose of administering and enforcing this ordinancE:J. The zoning administrator shall have the following duties and powers: A. Advise applicants as to the provisions of this ordinance and assist in preparing permit applications and appeal forms. B. Issue permits and inspect properties for compliance with this ordinance. C. Keep records of all permits issued, inspections made, work approved and other official actions. D. Have access to any structure or premises betwE!en the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. for the purpose of performing these duties. E. Submit copies of decisions on variances, conditional use permits, appeals for a map or text interpretation, and map or text amendments within 10 days after they are granted or denied, to the appropriate district office of the Department. F. Investigate and report violations of this ordinance to the appropriate municipal planning agency and the district attorney, corporation counselor municipal attorney, (8) ZONING USE PERMITS A. WHEN REQUIRED Unless another section of this ordinance specifically exempts certain types of development from this requirement, a zoning permit shall be obtained from the zoning administrator before any new development or any change in the use of an existing buildin';;1 or structure is initiated. B. APPLICATIOI\J . An application for a zoning permit shall be made to the zoning administrator upon forms furnished by the municipality and shall include, for the purpose of proper enforcement of these regulations, the following information: 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 117 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . a. Name, addmss, and telephone number of applicant, property owner and contractor, where applicable. b. Legal description of the property and a general description of the proposed USI:! or development, c. Whether or not a private water supply or sewage system is to be installed 2. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The site development plan shall be submitted as a part of the permit application and shall. contain the following information drawn to scale: a. Dimensions and area of the lot; b. Location of any structures with distances measured from the lot lines and center line of all abutting streets or highways; c. Description of any existing or proposed on-site sewage systems or private water supply systems; d. Location of the ordinary high-water marl< of any abutting navigable waterways; e. Boundaries uf all wetlands; f. Existing and proposed topographic and drainage features and vegetative cover; . g. Location of flloodplain and floodway limits on the property as determined from floodplain zoning maps; h. Location of existing or future access roads; and i. Specifications and dimensions for areas of proposed wetland alteration. (9) EXPIRATION All permits Issued under thl:~ authority of this ordinance shall expire 12 months from the date of issuance. (10) CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE Except where no zoning pl::!rmit or conditional use permit is required, no land shall be occupied or used, and no building which is hereafter constructed, altered, added to, modified, rebuilt or replaced shall be occupied, until a certificate of compliance is issued by the zoning administrator subject to the following provisions: A. The certificate of compliance shall show that the building or premises or part thereof, and t'1e proposed use thereof, conform to the provisions of this ordinance, B. Application for such certificate shall be concurrent with the application for a zoning or conditional use permit. C. The certificate of compliance shall be issued within 10 days after notification of the completion of the work specified in the zonlìng or conditional use permit providing the buildin9 or premises and proposed use thereof conform with all the provisions of this ordinance. . 118 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . D. The zoning adminisitrator may issue a temporary certificate of compliance for a building, premises or part thereof pursuant to rules and regulations established by the municipal governing body. E. Upon written requE:!st from the owner, the zoning administrator shall issue a certificate of compliance for any building or premises existing at the time of ordinance adoptions certifying after inspection, thE~ extent and type of use made of the building or premises and whether or not such use conforms to the provisions of tris ordinance. (11) CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS A. APPLICATION . Any use listed as a conditional use in this ordinance shall be permitted only after an application has b,een submitted to the zoning administrator and a conditional use permit has been granted by the Plan Commission following the procedures in sections (15)b, (15)c, and (15)d of this ordinance. B. CONDITIONS Upon consideration of the permit application and the standards applicable to the conditional uses designated in this ordinance, the Plan Commission shall attach such conditions to a conditional use permit, in addition to those required elsewhere in this mdinance, as are necessary to further the purposes of this ordinance as listed above. Such conditions may include specifications for, without limitaticn be'cause of specific enumeration: type of shore cover; erosion controls, increased setbacks; specific sewage disposal and water supply facilities; landscaping and planting screens; period of operation; operational control; sureties; deed restrictions; location of piers, docks, parking areas and signs; and type of construction. To secure information upon which to base its determination, the Plan Commission may requim the applicant to furnish, in addition to th3 information required for a zoning permit, other pertinent information which is necessary to determine if the proposed use is consistent with the purpose of 1this ordinance. (12) FEES . The municipal governing body may by resolution, adopt fees for the following: A. Zoning permits B. Certificates of compliance C. Public Hearings D. Legal notice publications E. Conditional useoerrnits F. Rezoning petitions (13) RECORDING Where a zoning permit, or conditional use permit is approved, an appropriate record shall be made by the zoninn administrator of the land use and structures permitted. (14) REVOCATION . 119 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . Where the conditions of a zoning permit or conditional use permit are violated, the permit shall be revoked by the! Plan Commission. (15) BOARD OF APPEALS The City Mayor shall appoint a Board of Appeals under section 62.23(7)(e), Wis. Stats. consisting of five members subject to confirmation by the municipal governing body. The Board of Appeals shalll adopt rules for the conduct of its business as required by section 63.23 (7)(e)3., Wis. Stats. A. POWERS AND DUTIES . The Board of Appeals: 1. Shall hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement or administration of this ordinance. 2. Shall hear a.nd dBcide applications for conditional use permits. 3. May authorize upon appeal a variance from the dimensional standards of this ordinance where an applicant convincingly demonstrates: a. That litHral Bnforcement of the terms of the ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship for the applicant. b. That the hardship is due to special conditions unique to the property; and is not self-cmated or based solely on economic gain or loss; c. That such variance is not contrary to the public interest as expressed by the purpose of this ordinance and; d. That such variance not grant or increase any use of property which is prohibitBd in the zoning district. B. APPEALS TO THE BOARD . Appeals to the Board of Appeals may be taken by any person aggrieved or by an officer, department, board or bureau of the community affected by any order, requirement, decision, or determination of the zoning administrator or other administrative officials. Such appeals shall be taken within a reasonable time, as provided by the rules of the Board by filing with the official whose decision is in question, and with the Board of Appeals, a notice of appeal specifying the reasons for the appeal. The zoning administrator or other official whose decision is in question shall transmit to the Board all the papers constituting the record on the matter appealed. C. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Before making a decision on an appeal or application, the Board of Appeals shall, within a masonable period of time, hold a public hearing. The Board shall give public notice of the hearing by publishing a class 2 notice under Ch. 985, Stats. specifying the date, time and place of the hearing and the matters to come before the Board. At the public hearing, any party may present testimony in person, by agent or by attorney. 2. A copy of such notice shall be mailed to the parties in interest and the appropriate district office of the Department at least 10 days prior to all public hearings on issues involving shoreland-wetland zoning. 120 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . . . D. DECISIONS 1. The final disposition of an appeal for a conditional use permit before the Board of Appeals shall be in the form of a written decision, made within a reasonable time after the public hearing and signed by the Board chairperson. Such decision shall state the specific facts which are the basis of the Board's clI3termination and shall either affirm, reverse, or modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed, in whole or in part, dismiss the- appeal for lack of jurisdiction or prosecution, or grant the application 10r a conditional use. 2. A copy of such decision shall be mailed to the parties in interest and the appropriate district office of the Department within 10 days after the decision is issued. (16) AMENDING SHORELAND-WETLAND ZONING REGS A. The municipal governing body may alter, supplement or change the district boundaries and the regulations contained in this ordinance in accordance with the requiremønts of section 62.23 (7)(d)2., Wis.. Stats., NR 117, Wis. Adm. Code, and thE! items below; B. A copy of each proposed map amendment shall be submitted to the appropriate district office of the Department within 5 days of the submission of the proposed amøndment to the municipal planning agency. C. All proposed text and map amendments to the shoreland-wetland zoning regulations shall be referred to the municipal planning agency, and a public hearing shall be held after class II notice as required by Section 62.23(7)(d)2., Wis. Stats. The appropriate district office of the Department shall be provided with written notice of the public hearing at least 1 () days prior to such hearing. D. In order to insure that this ordinance will remain consistent with shoreland protection objectives of section 144.26, Wis. Stats. the municipal governing body may not rezone a wetland in a shoreland-wetland zoning district, or any portion thereof, where the proposed rezoning may result in a significant adverse impact upon any of the following wetland functions: 1. Storm and flood water storage capacity; 2. Maintenance of dry season stream flow or the discharge of groundwater to a wetland, the recharge of groundwater from a wetland to another area or the flow O'f groundwater through a wetland; 3. Filtering or storage of sediments, nutrients, heavy metals or organic compounds that would otherwise drain into navigable waters; 4. Shoreline protection against erosion; 5. Fish spawning, breeding, nursery or feeding çlrounds; 6. Wildlife habitat; or 7. Areas of special recreational, scenic or scientific interest, including scarce wetland types and habitat of endangered species. E. Where the district office of the Department determines that a proposed rezoning may have a significant adverse impact upon any of the criteria listed in section ("16)d, of this ordinance, the Department shall so notify the 121 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . municipality of its determination either prior to or during the public hearing held on the proposed amendment. F. The appropria.te district office of the Department s.hall be provided with: 1. A copy of the recommendation and report, if any, of the municipal planning agency on a proposed text or map amendment, within 10 days after the submission of those recommendations to the municipal governing body. 2. Written notice of the action on the proposed text or map amendment within 10 days after the action is taken. G. If the Department notifies the municipal planning agency in writing that a proposed aml3ndment may have a significant adverse impact upon any of the criteria listed in section (16)d, of this ordinance, that proposed amendment, if approved by the municipal governing body, shall not become effective until more than 30 days have elapsed since written notice of the municipal approval was mailed to the Department, as required by section (16)(F)2 of this ordinance. If within the 30 day period, the Department notifies the municipality that the Department intends to adopt a superseding shoreland-wetland zoning ordinance for the municipality as provided by sections 62.231 (6) and 61.351 (6), Wis. Stats. the proposed amendment shall not become effective until the ordinance adoption procedure under section ß2.231 (6) or 61.351 (6), Wis. Stats. is completed or otherwise terminated. (17) ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES . Any development, building or structure or accessory building or structure constructed, altered added to, modified, rebuilt or replaced or any use or accessory use established after the effective date of this ordinance in violation of the provisions of this ordinance, by any person, firm, association, corporation (including building contractors or their agents) shall be deemed a violation, and subject to the penalties and enforcement provisions of the City of Mw;kego Zoning Ordinance. Each day of continued violation shall constitute a separate offense. Every violation of this ordinance is a public nuisance and the creation thereof may be enjoined and the mai.ntenance thereof may bø abated by action at suit of U1e, municipality, the state, or any citizen thereof pursuant to section 87.30(2), Wis. Stats. (18) DEFINITIONS A. For the purpose of administering and enforcing this ordinance, the terms or words used herein shall be interpreted as follows: Words used in the present tense include the future; words in the singular number include the plural number; words in the plural number include the singular number. The word "shall" is mandatory, . not permissive. Alii distances unless otherwise specified, shall be measured horizontally. B. The following terms used in this ordinance mean: "Accessory structure or use" means a detached subordinate structure or a use which is clearly incidental to, and customarily found in connection with, the principle structure or use to which it is related and which is located on the same lot as that of the principle structure or use. "Boathouse" as defined in section 30.121 (1), Wis. Stats. means a permanent structure used for the storage of watercraft and associated materials and includes all . 122 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . structures which are totally enclosed, have roofs or walls or any combination of structural parts. "Class 2 public notice" means publication of a public hearing notice under chapter 985, Wis. Stats., in a newspaper or circulation in the affected area. Publication is required on two consecutive weeks, the last at least seven days prior to the hearing. "Conditional use" means a use which is permitted by this ordinance provided that certain conditions specified in the ordinance are met and that a permit is granted by the Plan Commission. "Department" means the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. "Development" means any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to, the construction of buildings, structures or accessory structures; the construction of additions or substantial alterations to buildings, structures or accessory~:,tructures; the placement of buildings or structures; ditching, lagooning, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations; and the deposition or extraclrion of earthen materials. "Drainage system" means one or more artificial ditches, tile drains or similar devices which collect surface runoff or groundwater and convey it to a point of discharge. "Environmental control facility" means any facility, temporary or permanent, which is reasonably expected to .:3lbate, reduce or aid in the prevention, measurement, control or monitoring of noise, air or water pollutants, solid waste and thermal pollution, radiation or other pollutants, including facilities installed principally to supplement or to replace existing property or equipment not meeting or allegedly not meeting acceptable pollution control standards or which are to be supplemented or replaced by other pollution control facilities. "Fixed houseboat" as de1ined in section 30.121(1), Wis. Stats. means a structure not actually used for navigation which extends beyond the ordinary high-water mark of a navigable waterway and is retained in place either by cables to the shoreline or by anchors or spudpoles attached to the bed of the waterway. "Navigable waters" meél.lnS 'Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, all. natural inland lakes within Wisconsin, and all streams, ponds, sloughs, flowages and other waters within the territorial limits of this state, including the Wisconsin portion of boundary waters, which are navigable under the laws of the state. Under section 144.26(2)(d), Wis. Stats: not withstanding any other provision of law or administrative rule promulgated thereunder, shoreland ordinances required under sections 61.351 or 62.221, Wis. Stats. and chapter I\lR 117, Wis. Adm. Code, do not apply to lands adjacent to farm drainage ditches if; -Such lands are not adjacent to a natural navigable stream or river; -Those parts of such drainage ditches adjacent to such lands were not navigable streams before ditching; and -Such Lands are maintained in nonstructural aÇlricultural use. "Wisconsin's Supreme Court has declared navigable bodies of water that have a bed differentiated from adjacent uplands and levels or flow sufficient to support navigation by a recreational craft of the shallowest draft on an annually recurring basis [Muench v. Public Service Commission, 261 Wis. 492 (1952) and DeGaynor and Co. Inc., v. Department of Natural Resources, 70 Wis. 2d 936 (1975]. For example, a stream which navigable by skiff or canoe during normal spring high . . 123 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning water is navigablt3, in fact, under the laws of this state though it may be dry during other seasons." "Ordinary high-water mark" means the point on the bank or shore up to which the presence and action of surface water is so continuous as to leave a distinctive mark such as by erosion, destruction or prevention of terrestrial vegetation, predominance of aquatic vegetation, or other easily recognized characteristic. "Planning agency" means the municipal plan commlission created under section 62.23(1), Wis. Stats. a board of public land commissioners or a committee of the municipality's governing body which acts on matters pertaining to planning and zoning. "Shorelands" means lands within the following distances from the ordinary high-water mark of navigable waters; 1 000 feet from a lake, pond or flowage; and 300 feet from a river or stream or to the landward side of the floodplain, whichever distance is greater. "Shoreland-wetland district" means the zoning district created in this shoreland- wetland zoning ordil1ancH, comprised of shorelands that are designated as wetlands on the wetlands inventory maps which have been adopted and made a part of this ordinance. "Unnecessary hardship" means that circumstance where special conditions, which were not self-creatød, érffect a particular property and make strict conformity with restrictions governing area, setbacks, frontage height or density unnecessarily burdensome or unreasonable in light of the purposes of this ordinance. "Variance" means an authorization granted by the Board of Appeals to construct or alter a building or structure in a manner that deviates from the dimensional standards of this ordinance. "Wetlands" means tl'1ose areas where water is at, near or above the land surface long enough to support aqualtic or hydrophytic vegetation and which have soils indicative or wet conditions. "Wetland alteration" rnøans any filling, flooding, draining, dredging, ditching, excavating, temporary water level stabilization measures or dike and dam construction in a wetland area. 124 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapb~r 17 Zoning . 8.32 1-1 GOVERNMENT, INSTITUTIONAL AND PUBLIC SERVICE DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF II\JTENT This district is intended to specifically define arealS where churches, schools, libraries, and other uses of a public or institutional nature shall be permitted subject to such regulatory standards as will insure compatibility with the surrounding uses an area. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mi Area Average Lot Area S" Width Per DIU Ba (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (II (In Sq. Ft.) Fel 20,000 100 nla 41 (C.) Building (D.) Builcling Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Resiclential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Area DIU One All other SinQle Familv Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 20 30 nla 900. nla 40% nla 30 15 . . For accessory residence use. (3) Permitted Uses A. PERMITTED US ES BY RIGHT 1. The following uses subject to approval by the Plan Commission of the building, site, and operational plans: a. Public and private schools. b. ChurchE!s and religious institutions. c. Libraries, museums, art galleries, and concert halls. d. Public administrative offices and public service buildings. e. Public utility offices and installations f. Private lodges and clubs g. Public and priivate non-commercial group outdoor recreational facilities. h. Cemete'ies and mausoleums. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES . 1. Any other use normally incident or accessory to the permitted use subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. a. Bar, restaurant or other service facilities where accessory to a permitted principal use and intended solely for the convenience of members and guests and not operated as a business nor open to the general public. Where such facilities are accessory but are open to the public and operated as a business they may be permitted only as a conditional use as hereafter specified. b. Any other structure or use normally incident or accessory to the permitted overlay use. c. Freestandin~l, projecting and flat wall signs as permitted in B-1 District. C. PERMITTED USI=S BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Penal, reform, disciplinary, or mental institutions. 125 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt:!r 17 Zoning 2. Military installations. 3. Public service yards. 4. Radio and television transmission and relay towers. 5. Hospitals, nursinq and rest homes, and homes for the aged. 6. Bar, restaurant or other service facilities basically accessory to a permitted principal USl3 but open to the public and operatE~d as a business. 126 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning . 8.33 PI-1 PARK AND RECREATION LANDS DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT The PI-1 Park and Recreation Lands District is intended to provide areas where outdoor recreational needs of the citizens can be me,t. This district is intended to specifically define areas where park and recreation uses of a public or private nature shall be permitted subject to such regulatory standards as will insure compatibility with the surrounding uses an area. The district should be used for areas designated as parks in the adopted Muskego Park and Open Space Plan or other areas deemed necessary for parks by the Muskego Park Board and Common Council. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mi Area Average Lot Area S Width Per DIU Ba (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (I (In Sq. Ft.) Fe n/a n/a n/a 4 11 (c.) Building (D.) Builcing Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Resiclential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Area DIU One All other Sinqle Family Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 10 15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 30 15 .. r ø 13 I) . . For accessory residence use. (3) Permitted Uses A. PERMITTED USES 13Y RIGHT 1. Active and passive parks and recreational facilities 2. Educational facilities, interpretive centers, learning centers 3. Recreationa.l trails 4. Indoor recreational uses B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any other use normally incident or accessory to the permitted use subject to approval by the Park Board and/or Common Council and Plan Commission. C. PERMITTED USI=S BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Stealth Radio and television transmission and relay towers. 2. Public and privatE:~ schools. . 127 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . 8.34 CI-1 CONSERVATION LANDS DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT The CI-1 Conservation L.ands District is intended to provide areas where open space and limited outdoor recreational needs of the citizens can be met. This district is intended to specifically define areas where conservation uses of a public or private nature shall be permitted subject to such regulatory standards as will insure compatibility with the surrounding uses an area. The district should be used for areas designated as conservation priorities in the adopted Muskego Conservation Plan or those areas deemed necessary for preservation by the Muskego Conservation Commission and Common Council. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mil Area Average Lot Area S" Width Per DIU Ba, (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (II (In Sq. Ft.) Fel n/a n/a n/a 4,: (C.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Area DIU One All other Sinqle Family Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 10 15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 30 15 . . For accessory residence use. (3) Permitted Uses A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Natural resource conservation and preservation uses 2. Passive conservation facilities 3. Educational facilities, interpretive centers, learning centers 4. Recreational trails 5. Indoor conserva1tion uses B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any other use normally incident or accessory to the permitted use subject to approval by the Conservation Commission and/or Common Council and Plan Commission. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Stealth radio and television transmission and relay towers. 2. Public and private schools. . 128 . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning 8.35 EA EXCLUSIVE AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF II\JTENT The EA Exclusive Agricultural District is compatible with agriculture zoning and will only be developed to ffii::~et the law protecting farmland (State of Wisconsin Farmland Preservation Act). (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mi Area Average Lot Area S" Width Per DIU Ba (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (II (In Sq. Ft.) Fel 35 Acres 1275 35 Acres' 7! . . (C.) Building (D.) Building Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space I. Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permit1ed t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Area DIU One All other SinQle Family Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1 st Total per Ratio structure structure t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 75 30 1200 1200 - - 35 Acres 35 60 ) . May be reduced by Y2 in the case of Itwo family dwellings. (3) Permitted Uses A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Exclusive açJricultural uses with the following exceptions: a. On parcels ~:l5 acres or larger, the only residence allowed as permitted uses are those to be occupied by a person who, or a family at least one member of IJvhich, earns a substantial part of his or her livelihood from farm operations on the parcel, or is a parent or child of the operator of the farm. Pre-existing residences located in areas subject to zoning under this section which do not conform to this paragraph may be continued in residential use and may be exempted from any limitations imposed or authorizl3d under s. 62.23 (7)(h), if they comply with regulations of the RC-3 District. RC-3 Reg,ulations: Lot sizl3: Al"lea Width Density: Location: Setback Offset 40,000 SF 150ft. 40,000 SF 50 ft 20 ft 1200 SF 30,000 SF 30 ft 25 ft Size: Open Space: Height: Principal Access. b. Proposed division for purposes of farm consolidation and if permitted by local regulations, farm residences or structures which existed prior to the adoption of the ordinance may be separated from a larger farm parcel. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use, which is normal for agriculture purposes. 2. Any accessory use as permitted in the RCE District. Accessory structures for the explicit purposes of "Agriculture and Agricultural Activities" as defined in this Ordinance shall be exempt from the requirements outlined in Section 18. 129 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning C. PERMITTED USE BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Animal hospitals "for use primarily with farm animals. 2. Cheese factory. 3. Farm implementing business. 4. Blacksmith shop or machine shed for the maintenance and repair of farm machinery, equipment and vehicles. 5. Public and Private Schools. 6. Churches and Religious Institutions. 7. Public utility offices and installations. 8. Public and private non-commercial group outdoor recreational facilities. 9. Cemeteries and mausoleums. 10. Military installations. 11. Public service yards. 12. Radio and television transmission and relay towers. 13. Hospitals, nJrsin~J and rest homes, and homes for the aged. 14. General Warehousing, but specifically excludin9 mini-warehouse uses. 130 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapt~!r 17 Zoning . 8.36 A-1 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This district is intended to provide for agricultural and related uses in rural areas where non-farm residential development is not of si~Jnificant proportions presently nor anticipated or to be Emcouraged. (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (A.) Lot Size (B.) Density Minimum Min. Residential Mi Area Average Lot Area S, Width Per DIU Ba (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area Per Or Acres) (In Feet) DIU (II (In Sq. Ft.) Fe. 120,000 300 120,000* 7! (c.) Building (D.) Builcling Size (E.) Open (F.) Height Location Space t. Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted t Minimum Offset Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Area DIU One All other Sinqle Familv Multi Principal Accessory I Side sides 1 st Total per Ratio structure structure .t) (In (In Feet) floor DIU Feet) 30 30 1200 1200 900 20% 40,000 35 60 . * May be reduced by Y2 in the case of two family dwellings. (3) Permitted Uses A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as perrnitted by right in the RCE District. 2. All ordinary agricultural uses subject to the following: a. Farms primarily for the keeping or raising of fur bearing animals, hogs or goats shall not be p~rmitted except as conditional uses. b. The transient feeding or fattening of cattle or hogs for market in excess of 2 head per acre shall not be permitted. c. Dairy processing plants. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use as permitted in the RCE District. Accessory structures for the explicit purposes of "Agriculture and Agricultural Activities" as defined in this Ordinance shall be exempt from the requirements outlined in Section 18. 2. Roadside stands for the sale only of products raised on the premises, operated by the msident farmer and subject to the following: . a. Off-street parking for a minimum of 4 vehich~s shall be provided. b. No stand shall be permitted in a location where it would create a traffic hazard or nuisance; and where permitted, driveways shall be so located as to minimize possible interference with normal flow of highway traffic. c. No such stand shall be closer than 30 feE!t to the existing street line or closer than ~IO feet to any other lot line. d. Signs advertising produce shall be confined to a single neat display frame and shall not exceed 20 square feet in total area. e. A general sign to advertise the stand, not more than 12 square feet in area shall be permitted. 3. Blacksmith shop or machine shed for the maintenance and repair of farm machinery, equipment and vehicles. C. PERMITTED USE BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional Ulse as permitted in the RCE District. . 131 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt!r 17 Zoning 2. Hog, goat or fur Ifarms. 3. Animal hospitals, kennels, and laboratories using animals or animal products. 4. Airports. 5. Pea Vineries. 6. Experimenta.l, tl3sting and research laboratories related to agriculture or forestry. 7. Quarrying and grading operations. 8. Two family dwellings in buildings existing as of the date of this ordinance. 9. Indoor storage of boats, snowmobiles, recreational house trailers, riding lawnmowers, snowblowers, antique and small complete runnable sports cars, or other storablø objects or items owned by individual people that require temporary storane. D. SPECIAL REGULATIONS 1. More than one principle building may be permitted on a lot provided that the buildings are so located as to permit individual compliance, in the case of future division, with the lot size, density, building location, and open space, regulations of the district. Plan Commission approval is required prior to building permits being allowed for additional principle buildings. Land division documents shall be used wherever feasible. 132 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . 8.37 HC-1 HISTORIC CROSSROADS DISTFtlCT . (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This District is intendE~d to encourage mixed-use, compact development that is sensitive to the environmental characteristics of the land and facilitates the efficient use of services. The District diversifies and integrates land uses within close proximity to each other, and it provides for the daily retail and customer service needs of the residents. The District is designe,d to promote the development of land as a traditional neighborhood undH urban conventions that were the norm in the United States until the 1940's, characterizE~d by the following design elements: neighborhoods that are limited in size and oriented toward pedestrian activity; a variety of housing types, jobs, shopping, services, and public facilities; residences, shops, workplaces, and civic buildings intørwoven within the neighborhood, all within close proximity; compatibility of buildings and other improvements as determined by their arrangement, bulk, form, character, and landscaping to establish a livable, harmonious, and diverse environment; private buildings that form a consistent, distinct edge and clefinE:~ the border between the public street space and the private block interior; and architHcture and landscape that respond to the unique character of the region. The District is not intended for stand-alone parcels but for a larger grouping of parcels that together promote the characteristics abovE!. The Tess Corners area and Pioneer Drive area are examples of a good use of the Historic Crossroads District. (2) BULK REGULATIONS (A) Lot Size Minimum Min. Avera;}e Area Width 7,200 SF 60' 5,000 2,500 SF 10' (D) Primary Structure Building Location Max. Setback (from ROW) Minimum Offset One Side All Other Sides Lesser of 25' or average 5' 10' setback of abutting parcels Min. Setback (from ROW) . (E) Primary Min. Residential FI Single-Family 1 $1 Floor Total - 1,200 SF Struc t .1 ure Building Size (F) Building Height l3a Floor Area Ratio Maximum Permitted .Family (per Principal Accessory DIU) Structure Structure ,000 SF 40% 35' See 17:4.05 G) Accessory Structure Building Location oor AI" Multi 133 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 25' Max. Setback (from ROW) Minimum Offset One Side All Other Sides N/A 5' 10' Min. Setback (from ROW) . (3) USE REGULATIONS A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Single-family detached dwellings. 2. The following subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans: a. Single-family attached, Duplex, or Townhouse structures. b. Retail stores and shops offering convenience goods and personal services and not exceeding 5,000 square feet of primary floor area: i. Clothing Store ii. Delicatessen, Produce/Meat Market iii. Laundry/Dry Cleaning Services iv. Specialty Foods (Bakeries, Confection aries, etc.) v. Specialty Store (Books, Music, Toys, Sporting Goods, Stationery, etc.) vi. Variety Store vii. Other uses as determined by the Plan Commission as outlined in Section Ei of this Code. c. Business, professional, or public service offices not exceeding 3,000 square feet uf primary floor area: i. Accounting, Auditing, Bookkeeping, and Tax Preparation ii. Arch itectural, Engineering, Planning & Surveying Services iii. Bank, Bonding & Financial Institution/Facility (No Drive Thru Permitted) iv. Barber/B';~auty/Hair Salon & Related Personal Care v. Bed and Breakfast Establishments . vi. Business Offices vii. Cafè, Coffee Shop, Diner, Restaurant viii. Credit Reporting & Collection ix. Desktop Publishing & Graphic Design x. Institutional Office: Public, Private, Educational, & Religious xi. Insurancø, Stock Brokerages xii. Legal Services xiii. Lessons (Art, Dance, Music, etc.) 134 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning xiv. Medical/Dental Offices, including Veterinary xv. Photography Studio xvi. Real estate xvii. Tax Preparation xviii. Other uses as determined by the Plan Commission as outlined in Section !:i of this Code. d. Dwellinçl units accessory to commercial uses. e. Public administration offices and public service buildings. f. Public utility offices and installations. B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Private garages subject to the provisions of this Code subject to the approval of the Zoning Administrator and upon payment of fees and receipt of permits as required by tht3 Common Council and amended from time to time. 2. One (1) private !]arden shed subject to the provisions of this Code subject to the approval of the Zoning Administrator and upon payment of fees and receipt of permits as required by the Common Council and amended from time to time. 3. Any other structure or use normally accessory toO the principal uses permitted. 4. Home Occupations when incidental to the principal residential use, as outlined in this Code. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. The following subject to approval by the Plan Commission of Building Site and Operational 1:Jlans: . a. Pet Store. b. Retail stores and shops offering convenience goods and personal services and exceeding 5,000 square feet of primary floor area. c. Business, professional, or public service office exceeding 3,000 square feet of primary floor area. 135 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning 8.38 DR-1 DOWNTOVVN REVIVAL DISTRICT (1) STATEMENT OF INTENT This District is intended for the properties found along Janesville Road in Muskego's Downtown from Bay Lane Drive to Racine Avenue. The District was created to allow the revival and redevelopment of these propertiÐs in order to create new opportunities for thH parcel owners. The parcels in this area have or may be affected by future improvements along Janesville Road and it is the City of Muskego's objective to have a zoning district that allows property owners to have usability of their property in order to assure that the core of Muske!Jo's downtown is revived. This District is intl3nded to encourage mixed-use, compact development that is sensitive to the environmental characteristics of the land and facilitates the efficient use of services. The District diversifies and integrates land uses within close proximity to each other" and it provides for the daily retail and customer service needs of the residents. The District is desiøned to encourage pedestrian-frienclly designs, which respect and accommodate the community's dependency on the automobile. Higher standards of design with a renewed emphasis on community image and the cost~effective provision of public services are promoted. Widely accepted development and planning principles suggest that new development should help the downtown and City compete in an increasingly competitive and quality-conscious real estate environment, and provide alternative housing and shopping opportunities in close proximity. Design standards should closely follow those found in the City's adopted Downtown Design Guide. The Downtown Design Guide is characterized by the following design elements: Traditional town center/modern 'main~street'; Buildings squarely facing the street; Buildings closer to street; Pedestrian scale - walk able, accented storefronts; Variable roof-lines; Transitional massing blending with surrounding architecture; Se~se of place/downtown identity; Destination and convenience retail; Shared parking; Convenience. The District is intended for both stand-alone parcels and larger grouping of parcels as long as the objHctivE:~ is to promote the characteristics above. Commercial uses are encouraged from Bay Lane Drive to Pioneer DI'ive and residential uses are encouraged from PionE!er Drive to Racine Avenue as per the direction of the Muskego Comprehensive Plan. Rezoning requests for parcels that do not meet the intent of this zonin!J district should follow existing residential and commercial zoning districts. 136 .- * This District does not promote new parcels of this size, but allows parcels to be conforming if they meet these guidelines. Newly created parcels in this district should meet the size requirements of the B-2 Zoning District for commercial uses (Minimum Parcel Area = 20,000 SF; Minimum Parcel Width = 100 feet) and the size requirements of the RS-3 Zoning District for residlential uses (Minimum Parcel Area = 15,000 SF; Minimum Parcel Width = 100 feet). City of Muskego . (2) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) Lot Size ~.- Minimum Min. Averaøe .- Area Width 7,200 SF* 60'* .- Min. Setback (from ROW) 10' . (E) Prima~ Min. Residential FI( Single-Family 151 Floor Total - 1,200 SF Min. Setback (from RO\ 25' Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning (B) Density (C) Open Space Residential Lot Area Per DIU Minimum per Parcel Lot Area Per DIU 5,000 2,500 SF (D) Primary Structure Building Location Max. Setback (from ROW) Minimum Offset One Side All Other Sides - 5' 10' Jor ArE! ure Building Size (F) Building Height a Floor Area Ratio Maximum Permitted i-Family (per Principal Accessory Structure DIU) Structure ,000 SF 40% 35' See 17:4.05 (G) Accessory Structure Building Location Max. Setback (from ROW) Minimum Offset One Side All Other Sides N/A 5' 10' I Struct Mull! "I) (3) USE REGULATIONS A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Single-family detached dwellings. 2. The following subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans: a. Single-family attached, Duplex, or Townhouse structures. b. Retail stores and shops. c. Public administration offices and public service buildings. d. Community and customer service establishments such as, but not limited to, the following: i. Business, professional, public service, banking and savings and loan offices. ii. iii. . IV. Delicatessen, Produce/Meat Market Clothin~~ Store Restaurants, taverns and other commercial entertainment facilities 137 City of Muskego . . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning v. vi. Hotels Laundry/Dry Cleaning Services. Speciality Foods (Bakeries, Confectionaries, etc.) Specialty Store (Books, Music, Toys, Sporting Goods, etc:. ) Stationery, vii. viii. ix. Variety Store Commorcial studios, display galleries and training schools. Public utility offices and installations Accounting, Auditing, Bookkeeping, and Tax Preparation Architectural, Engineering, Planning & Surveying Services Barber/Beauty/Hair Salon & Related Personal Care Bed and Breakfast Establishments x. xi. xii. xiii. XIV. XV. xvi. Café, Coffee Shop, Diner, Restàurant xvii. Desktop Publishing & Graphic Design xviii. Legal Services xix. Lessons (Art, Dance, Music, etc.) xx. Medical/Dental Offices, including Veterinary xxi. Photography Studio xxii. RE!al estate xxiii. Tax Pn3paration xxiv. General Merchandising and wholesaling establishments B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Private garages subject to the provisions of this Code subject to the approval of the Zoning Administrator and upon payment of fees and receipt of permits as required by the Common Council and amended from time to time. 2. One (1) private !;Iarden shed subject to the provisions of this Code subject to the approval of the Zoning Administrator and upon payment of fees and receipt of permits as required by the Common Council and amended from time to time. 3. Any other structure or use normally accessory to the principal uses permitted. 4. Home Occupations when incidental to the principal residential use, as outlined in this Code. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. The following subject to approval by the Plan Commission of Building Site and Operational Plans: a. Dwellinu units accessory to commercial uses b. Gasoline and Automobile Service Stations . 138 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . SECTION 9 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS 9.01 (1 ) (2) PURPOSE AND INTENT This district is intended to allow for greater freedom, imagination, and flexibility in the development of land while insuring substantial compliance to the intent of the normal district regulations of this ordinance. To this intent it allows diversification and variation in the relationship of uses, structures, open spaces, and heights of structures in developments conceived, and planned as comprehensive and cohesive unified projects. It is further intended to encourage more rational and economic developmEmt with relationship to public services, and to encourage the preservation of open land. Permitted: The unified and planned development of a site, in single or corporate ownership at the time of development, may be permitted in a CPO Conservation Planned Development Overlay District, without the customary division into individual lots, or without specific compliance to the district regulations as applicable to individual lots, subject to the regulations as hereinafter provided in this Section. 9.02 DISTRICT FtEQUIREMENTS (1) Size Allowed: For the purpose of this Ordinance all Planned Development Projects shall be classified as follows and be limited to parent parcels of not less than the size indicated: . Incl Min. Size of District ,idential 200,000 sq ft nmercial 200,000 sq ft ustrial No minim urn ed 200,000 sq ft .- Re~ Cor .- Mix (2) BASIC REGULATIONS A. B. Lot Size Density Buildin Min. Lot Min. Lot Area Mill. Area Avg. Per DIU SElt : Lot Back <: Width None None . ., C. D. E. F. j Location Building Size Open Height Space )ne All Min. Min. Min. Floor Min. Max. Ht Max. Ht ìide other floor floor floor Area open principal Accessory "ffset side area area area Ratio space structure structure offset 1 st total per per res floor DIU DIU multi - ... - . . . . . . . As required by this Section below. .. Along any boundary street no less than 50 feet unless otherwise modified by Plan Commission. ... Along any boundary line no less tran adjoining district unless otherwise modified by Plan Commission. . G. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 139 City of Muskego I. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the underlying basic district. 2. Any LIse permitted by right in any district. 3. Any accessory use permitted in any district. (3) Application of Regulations: A. Uses and Structures. In addition to the uses permitted in the underlying district any other use may be permitted as hereinafter designated above consistent with the criteria established in thÐ basis for approval below. Individual USE~S and structures in a Planned Development Project District need nct comply with the specific building location, height, building size, lot size, and open space requirements of the underlying basic district provided that the spirit and intent of such re!quirements are complied with in the total development plan for such project consistent with the criteria as establishe;,d in the basis for approval below. Applicable Underlying Zoning Districts. The PO Planned Development Overlay District may be applied to all zoning districts. Densitv: For specific project density computation, the allowable maximum unit density shall be determined by dividing the gross area of the planned development (Exclusive of existing public right-of-way or public open space easement) by the square feet per family as required by the district intended. In the case of mixed-use devE,lopments, a separate density calculation shall be computed for each defined use in the development (Ex. On an eO-acre planned development, 40 acres is intended for RM-1 uses and 40 acres are intended for RS-1 uses; the density computations would be run separately as follows: 1,742,400 square feet / 5,000.square feet per unit for RM-1 and 1,742,400 square feet /30,000 square feet per unit for HS-1). Densitv Bor~lJs: The total allowable maximum density in a planned developmen1: may increase no more than 10% above the amount of units calculated in Section 9.02(3)0 above upon recommendation of the Plan Commission that the increased density is justified in terms of the relationship to open areas, service demand, and the total quality and character of the project. 'n no case, however, shall the provisions of Section 9.04 be waived. . . . Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning Any LIse as permitted in the underlying basic district but subject to the conditional regulation as to the manner in which permitted as provided hereinafter. Traditional Neighborhood Developments as permitted by Section 12 of this Ordinance. H. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. J.~ny accessory use permitted in the underlying basic district but subject to the conditional regulation as to the manner in which permiitted as provided hereinafter. 1. 2. B. C. D. E. 140 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 9.03 APPLICATION PROCEDURE (1 ) (2) Petition: Petition may be made to the Common Council by the owner or agent of property proposed "for such development, to amend the zoning map by the overlaying of a PO District in order to permit the application of the provisions of this section to such development. Such petition shall be accompanied by a fee, as from time to time established by Resolution of the Common Council, and the following information: A. A statement describing the general character of intended development along with such other pertinent information as may bE~ necessary to a determination that the contemplated arrangement or use makes it desirable to apply regulations and requirements differing from those ordinarily applicable under this ordinance. B. A general development plan of the project showing the intended use or uses of land, the dimensions and location of proposed structures and of areas to be reserved for vehicular and pedestrian circulation, parking, public uses such as schools, and playgrounds, parks, landscaping, and other open spaces and architectural drawings and sketches illustrating the design and character of the proposed uses and the physical relationship of the use. Referral to Plan Commission: Such petition slhall be referred to the Plan Commission and processed as any other petition for zoning change. Upon completion of necessary study and investigation the Plan Commission shall make its recommendation to the Common Council as to the appropriateness and desirability of the proposed zoning change, the suitability of the building, site and development plans, and any additional conditions which it may feel necessary or appropriate. Public Hearing: Upon receipt of the Plan Commission's recommendations the Common Council s~lall cause a public hearing to be held pursuant to Section 2 of this Ordinance. (3) (4) Where a proposed development includes uses permitted only as conditional grants pursuant to Section 14, compliance with the procedural and general " requirements set forth as the basis for approval under this section shall supplant the requirement for separate processing of a petition for conditional use grant pursuant to Section '14. At the time the PD planned unit development is presented to the City Plan Commission for final approval, the developer shall pay to the City the costs incurred by the City for planning and engineering fees, including but not limited to costs for checking plans, field checking and consultations. (5) 9.04 BASIS FOR APPROVAL (1 ) Basis for Approval: The Plan Commission in making its recommendations and the Common Council in making its determination shall give consideration and satisfy themselves as to the following: A. That the proponents of the proposed development have demonstrated that they intend to start construction within a reasonable period following the approval of the project and requested overlay of the PO District, that the project appears economically sound, that adequate financing is 141 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning t8 . . possible, and that the development will be carried out according to a reasonable construction schedule satisfactory to the City. That thE! proposed development is consistEmt in all respects to the spirit and intent ojl this Ordinance, is in conformity with the general plans for community development, would not be contrary to the general welfare and economic prosperity of the City or of the immediate neighborhood, that the specific development plans have been prepared with competent professional advice and guidance, and that the benefits and improved design of thE! resultant development justifies the variation from the normal requirements of this Ordinance through the application of the PO Planned Developmenlt Overlay District. In the case of proposed residential developments: 1. That such development will create an attractive residential Ðnvironment of sustained desirability and economic stability, compatible with the character established for the area by the community Comprehensive Plan, and where the economic impact of the development in terms of income levels, property values, and service demands is at least as beneficial to the community as that which could be anticipated under the, base zoning. The population composition of the development will not alter adversely the impact upon school or other municipal service requilrements as anticipated under the existing basic zoning and Comprehensive Plan. That the project will not create traffic or parking demand incompatible with that anticipated under the Comprehensive Plan. That the total average residential density of the project will be compatible with the Comprehensive Plan, except as may be rnodi1'ied by this Section. That 1the aggregate open space 01 the development will be no II~ss, than would have resulted from the applicafion of open space requili",ements of the underlying districts. That adequate guarantee is providÐd for permanent retention as "open space area" of the residual open land area resulting from the application of these regulations, either by private reservation for the use of the residents within the development or by dedication to the public. . In thtE! case of an PO Planned Development District, private preservation of the open space area shall be guaranteed and shall be protected against building and development by conveying to the municipality as Section of the conditions for project approval an open space easement over such open areas restricting the area against any future building or use except as is consistent with that of providing landscaped open space for the esthetic and recreational benefit of the surrouncling residences. Buildings or uses for non-commercial recreational or cultural purposes compatible with the open-space obj'ective may be permitted only B. C. 2. 3. 4. 7. 5. 6. 142 where specifically authorized as Section of the project plan or subsequently with the express approval of the Common Council following approval of building, site and operational plans by the Plan Commission. The care and maintenance of such open space reservations shall be insured either by establishment of appropriate management organization for the project or by agreement with the municipality for establishment of a special service district for the project area where the municipality shall provide the necessary maintenance service and levy the cost thereof as special assessment on the tax bills of properties within the projøct area. In any case the Common Council shall have the right to carry out and levy an assessment for the cost of any maintenance, which it feels necessary if it is not otherwise taken care of to the satisfaction of the Common Council. The manner of assuring maintenance and assessing such cost to individual properties shall be determined prior to the approval of the final projE!ct plans and shall be included in the title to each property. Ownership and tax liability of private open space reservation shall be established in a manner acceptable to the municipality and made a Section of the conditions of the plan approval. In the case of proposed PD Planned Development Overlays for commercial developments: 1. That the economic practicality of the proposed development can be justified on the basis of purchasing potential, competitive relationship and demonstrated tenant interest. City of Muskego . D. . Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning 8. 9. 2. That the proposed development will be adequately served by off-street parking and truck service facilities. 3. That thE~ locations for entrances and exits have been designed to prevent unnecessary interference with the safe and efficient movement of traffic on surrounding streets, and that the development will not create an effect upon the general traffic pattern of the area incompatible with that anticipated under the Comprehensive Plan. 4. That thE! architectural design, landscaping, control of lighting, and general site development will result in an attractive and harmonious service area compatible v.rith and not creating an effect upon the property values of the surrounding neighborhood incompatible whit that anticipated under the Comprehensive Plan E. In the case of PD Planned Development Overlays for mixed use developments: 1. That the proposed mixture of uses produces a unified composite which is compatible within itself and which as a total developmental entity is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and consistent with the general objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. That the various types of uses conform to the general requirements as herein set forth, applicable to projects of such use character. . 143 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning 3. The allowable maximum residential density may be computed by dividing the gross an:Ja of the planned development by the square feet per family as required by the district intended (This is inclusive of the area of the other proposed uses in the development)(Ex. PD on 12 acres of land with 8 acres for multi-family residential and 4 acres for commercial still equals approximately 104 units (12 acres / 5,000 square feet per unit) upon recommendation of the Plan Commission that the increased density is justified in türms of the relationship to the denser area, the commercial area, open éureas, service demand, and the total quality and character of the project. 4. The total allowable maximum density may increase no more than 10% above the amount of units calculated abovE~ upon recommendation of the Plan Commission that the increased density is justified in terms of the relationship to open areas, service demand, and the total quality and charactm of the project. (2) Determination: A. The Common Council after due consideration may deny the petition, approve the petition as submitted or approve the petition subject to additional conditions. . . . B. The approval of a petition and consequent amending of the zoning map by overlay of the PD District shall be based on and include as conditions thereto the Building, Site and Operational (BSO) Plans for the development as well as all other commitments offered or required with regard to project value, character or other factor pertinent to assuring that the project will be developed basically as presented in the official submittal plans as approved by the Common Council and shall be mapped and recorded as provided for conditional uses under Section 14 of this Ordinance. Such plans, however, need not necessarily be completely detailed at the time of Overlay zoning provided they are of sufficient detail to satisfy the Plan Commission and Common Council as to the genoral character, scope, and appearance of the proposed development, Such preliminary plan shall at least designate the pattern of- proposecll streets, the basic pattern of larid use, the size and arrangement of lots, and illustrate a "typical" example of the development proposed. The approval of such preliminary plan shall be conditioned upon thl3 subsequent submittal and approval of more specific and detailed plans as the development progresses. Any subsequent change or addition to the plans or use shall first be submitted for approval to the Common Council and if in the opinion of the Common Council upon recommendation of the Plan Commission such change or addition constitutes a substantial alteration of the original plan, a public hearing before the Common Council shall be required and notice thereof <;liven pursuant to Section 2 of this Ordinance. The provisions of Section 14 governing termination of the conditional grant shall apply to such group project development. Application for a Planned Development. In order to fulfill the requirements of the Planned Development provisions, the City Planning C. D. E. 144 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning OeSectionment may utilize additional policies and procedures along with required checklists, letters of intent, necessary inspections, follow-ups, bonding requirements, and other legal assurances that the provisions of planned development are carried out systematically and on a uniform basis. 9.05 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS REPEALED (1) The revision of this Zoning Ordinance in 2006 repealed a few past-approved POs due to no development occurring in those areas. The POs found in Section 9.06 and below are the districts that continue to operate as approved. 9.06 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS AND REQUIREMENTS (1 ) Approved Planned Development districts shall be found below in this Section and shall state the development requirements and parameters as approved by the Common Council. The actual text description outlining the parameters for each planned development sl1all be approved with the rezonin9 ordinance if all are known. Zoning Code text dÐscriptions may be approved at a later time with the final plat and/or developer's agreement by resolution of the Common Council if needed in order to account for all aspects and parametms of an individual planned development (Note: When a rezoning of a PO is approved before the final plat and developer's agreement approvals for a development, the rezoning ordinance will state "That the ordinance is in full force and t3ffect from and after passage and publication subject to approval of the Final Plat, Subdivider's Agreement and the zoning ordinance language that specifically outlines the parameters of the PO"). The lan9uag':3~ that outlines the specifics of the PO will be passed by resolution of the Common Council concurrent with the final plat and developer's agreement approvals. (2) (3) Amendments to existing PO text descriptions shall be approved by ordinance of the Common Council concurrent with the determination of non-substantial change resolutions. 145 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . 9.07 PD-1 PARK.LAND (1 ) The Parkland Planned Development consists of approximately 55 acres containing 117 singlla-family parcels and 6 outlots. The development is made of three plats, Parkland No's 1, 2, and 3 Subdivisions all generally located NW 1Jt of Section 10 and the SW 1Jt of Section 3 west of Lannon Drive. The Parkland No. 1 development consists of 45 single-family parcels and two outlots, the Parkland NO.2 development consists of 43 single-family parcels and three outlots, and the Parkland NO.3 development consists of 29 single-family parcels and one outlot. All developments were constructed in one phase each and are serviced by City sewer and water. The six total outlots for the development are for open space preservation and stormwater management. . The planned development was originally created as Section of a larger planned development known as Parkland Plaza. The original planned development reserved future planned development areas as RS-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District and B-4/PD Highway Business District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The majority of the commercial portion of the original Parkland Plaza PD was dissolved as the commercial entities were closed and razed. The remaining areas are the Freedom Square PI) and the Parkland PD. Each facet of the original planned development is incorporated into separate distinct PDs upon final plat, condominium plat, or Building, Site, and Operational Plan approvals. The Parkland plannE~d development was originally created under the zoning of RS-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square footages and widths on a few of the lots while preservin~1 the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PD also changed a few of the requirements of the underlying zoning including having front setbacks be reduced to 25 feet, side offsets reduced to 6 and 8 feet and rear offsets be ;;2:0 feet (In the case a parcel has multiple street setbacks the setback on one street corner can be 15 feet with thl9 rear offsets being 8 feet and 20 feet). The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consistl9nt with the Parkland proposal. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 10/26/1964 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 11/1964 Plan Commission Parkland NO.1 Final Plat Approva.l: 10/20/1970 Common Council Parkland No.1 Final Plat Approval: 12/08/1970 Resolution #256-1970 Plan Commission Parkland No.2 Final Plat Approva.l: 09/07/1971 Common Council Parkland NO.2 Final Plat Approval per Resolution #177-1971 Plan Commission Parkland No.3 Final Plat Approval: 03/07/1972 . 146 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . Common Council Parkland No.3 Final Plat Approval: 03/14/1972 Resolution #029-1972 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density E: Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 2.1 15-25 C) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht lrd Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU .8 20 700-1200 nla 25% 75% 30 . uildinu pi b *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY FHGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 9.08 PD-2 FREEDOM SQUARE (1 ) . The Freedom Square Planned Development consists of approximately 8 acres on 3 parcels. Freedom Square is a condominium complex that is generally located north 01 Jam!sville Road off of Briargate Lane between Lannon Drive and Parkland Drive. The planned development contains a total of 60 units with 2 twelve-family structures, 4 eight-family structures, and 1 four-family structure along with associated drainage facilities, accessory structures, parking, landscaping, and access ways. The development was developed in a number of phases and is all serviced by City sewer and water. The planned development was originally created as SeC?tion of a larger planned development known as Parkland Plaza. The Parkland Plaza was the first PO created in the City of Muskego. The original planned development reserved future planned development areas as RS-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District and B-4/I=>D Highway Business District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The majority of the commercial portion of the original Parkland Plaza PO was dissolved as the commercial entities were closed and razed. The remaining areas are the Freedom Square PO and the Parkland PD. Each facet of the ori~Jinal planned development is incorporated into separate distinct PDs upon final plat, condominium plat, or Building, Site, and Operational Plan approvals. The Freedom Square planned development was originally created under the zoning of B-4/PD Highway Business District with a Planned Development Overlay District. Tho Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the amount of units disbursed throughout the developed area while preservinq the' required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PO 147 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . also allowed various structure placements for the residential uses within the flexibility of the underlying code subject to Planning Commission BSO approvals. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for multi-family residential development consistent with the Freedom Square proposal. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 10/26/1964 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 11/1964 Plan Commission BSO Approval: 12/17/1971 BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density E Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 7.5 - ( uildinç C) (D) (E) (F) I Location Building Size Open Height Space ,de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht a.rd Yard area 1 st area total Area open pri nci pal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU .- .' - - nla - - 30 15 .- ~ . (3) PERMITTED USES BY F~IGHT 1. Any USE as permitted in the RM-1 district subject to BSO approvals and zoning substantial change hearings if requirød. (4) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RM-1 district subject to 8S0 approvals and zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RM-1 district subject to BSO approvals and zoning substantial change hE~arings if required. 9.09 PD-3 DURHAM MEADOWS (1 ) The Durham Meadows Planned Development contains approximately 50 acres with 236 total living units consisting of 62 parcels for two-family structures (124 units), 1 parcel containing 8 four-family structures (32 units), 7 parcels containing 10 eight-family structures (80 units), and one outlot The development is located along Durham Drive and Janesville Road just southwest of the Janesville Road / Woodland Place intersection. The development is constructed in multiple phases and is serviced by sewer and water. The Durham Meadows subdivision was originally approved with various CSMs, aSection ment complexes, and condo plats succeeded the final plat creating the now Durham Meadows Planned Development. The multiple family developments were approved with the appropriate access ways and accessory structures. The one outlot in the development is for the preservation of open space. . 148 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapb!r 17 Zoning . The planned d:welopment was originally created under the zoning of RSAlPD Attached Single-Family Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the amount of units disbursed throughout the developed area while preservinq the, required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PO also changed various requirements of the underlying zoning including front setbacks reduced to 25 feet, all side offsets be reduced to 10 feet, and rear offsets to be 30 feÐt (Reduced to 10 feet for garages). The development is maximized on the amounts of units allowed as all open space and square footage has been used. Various Developer's Agreements are approved with the Final Plat, CSMs, and Building, Site, and Operation Plans for the development by the City's Common Council outlinin~ the! individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Common Council Rezoning Approval: 05/09/1972 per Ordinance #221 Plan Commission F~ezoning Amendment Approval: 11/21/1995 per Resolution #182-1985 Common Council F~ezoning Amendment Approval: 11/28/1995 per Resolution #226-1992 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 07/18/1972 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 07/25/1972 per Resolution #155-1972 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS . (A) (B) : , Lot Size Density Buildinn Min. Min. DIU Per Min. S' Lot Avg. Acre Set Yi' Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 4.72 25 I ~) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht rds Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structu re structure per res DIU 0 1 0-30 - - - 7000 30 15 sq. ft. (4) PERMITTED USES BY IRIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RM-1 district for the multi-family parcels and RM-2 district for the two-family parcels subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RM-1 district for the multi-family parcels and RM-2 district for the two-family parcels subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RM.1 district for the multi-family parcels and F~M-2 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 149 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 9.10 PD-4 HALE PAI~K MEADOWS (1 ) . The Hale Park Meadows Planned Development consists of approximately 90 acres containing 166 single-family parcels, 14 two-family parcels (Lots 1-5 of Block 1, Lots 1..2 of Block 2, and Lots 1-6 of Block 3) and 6 outlots (Totaling 194 units). The development was made of one plat and is generally located off of the north side of Tess Corners Drive between Woods Road and Janesville Road. The developmEmt is constructed in one phase and is serviced by sewer and water. The six outlots for the development are for open space preservation, stormwater management, and dedication to the City for park purposes. The planned døvelopment was originally created under the zoning of RS-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square footages and widths on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PD also allowed a mixed-use devøloprnent to allow two-family structures on certain parcels. The PD changed various requirements of the unde,rlying zoning including front setbacks reduced to 25 feet, side offsets reduced to 10 feet and rear offsets increased to 30 feet (Reduced to 10 feet for garages). The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consistent with the Hale Park proposal. A Subdivider's Agreement was approved with the Final Plat for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Common Council RE:Jzoning Approval: 05/09/1972 per Ordinance #222 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 07/18/1972 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 09/12/1972 per Resolution #148-1972 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density E Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Wiclth Varies Varies 2.15 25 . o. I luildinn C) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht rds Yard area 1 st area per Area open principal Accessory floor unit Ratio space structure structure (Single- (Two- per res Family) Family) DIU 0 10-30 1000-1400 1000 25% 75% 30 . ~C:;i Ya "\ *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY IRIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district for the single-family parcels subject to zoning substantial change hearin';Js if required. Any usø as permitted in the RM-2 district for the two-family parcels subject to zoning substantial change hearinqs if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district for the single-family parcels subjnct to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 2. 150 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning Any accessory use permitted in the RM-2 district for the two-family parcels subjE:ict to zoning substantial changH hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district for the single-family parcels subject to zoning substantial changH hearings if required. Any conditional use permitted in the RM-2 district for the two-family parcels subject to zoning substantial changH hearings if required. 2. 2. 9.11 PD-5 PIONEER CENTRE (1 ) The Pioneer Centre Planned Development contains approximately 9.25 acres with 2 parcels for multi-family residential use loc8lted off the east side Pioneer Drive just north of the Pioneer Drive / Racine Avenue intersection. The northern parcel contains a complex that includes two structures with 12 one-bedroom units each (Total o1r 24 units). The complex was approved with accessory structures, landscaping, and appropriate access and parking. The southern parcel contains a condominium complex that includes 2 two-unit structures, 6 four-unit structures, and 3 six-unit structures (Total of 46 units). The apartment complex was approved with accessory structures, landscaping, and appropriate access and parking. Both developments also havl3 pools explicitly for the use of the tenants (Th9 condominium development was also approved with a commons building). Ovel'all, tl1e planned development contains a total of 70 units in 13 structures. The development is constructed in multiple phases and is serviced by City sewer and water. The planned døvelopment was originally created under the zoning of RSM/PD Multiple-Family Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the amount 01' units disbursed throughout the developed area while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The originally approved PD allowed no more than 70 living units. The PD also allowed various structure placements for the residential uses within the flexibility of the underlying code subject to Plan ning Commission BSO approvals. A Developer's Agreement is approved for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTIION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: OS/2/1972 Common Council Rüzoning Approval: 07/11/1972 per Ordinance #226 Plan Commission BSO Approval: 09/19/1972 Plan Commission BSO Approval: 04/03/1973 per Resolution #041-1973 Plan Commission Phase II BSO Approval: 10/21/1 Sl75 per Resolution #113-1975 Plan Commission Phase II BSO Approval: 11/18/1SI75 per Resolution #124-1975 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS I ~!~~ I (A) Lot Size (B) Density IC) E uildin9 Location (D) Building Size (F) Height 151 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaph~r 17 Zoning Min. Min. DIU Per Min. S Lot Avg. Acre Set Yo: Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 7.56 Varies V. " . de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht rds Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU I'ies Varies - . 30% 4000 30 15 sq. ft. (4) PERMITTED USES BY '~IGHT 1. Any USE! as permitted in the RM-1 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RM-1 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RM-1 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 9.12 PD-6 TUDOR OAKS (1 ) . The Tudor Oaks Planned Development contains approximately 110 acres within 2 parcels for single-family residential and institutional uses located off the south side McShane DrivE! just east of Durham Drive. The development was originally part of the Mus-KeE!..Guac development. Tudor Oaks is constructed in multiple phases and is serviiGed by sewer and water. The lands consist of one large structure with living units and nursing facilities and have approvals for associated landscaping, access., accessory structures, and parking. The planned døvelopment was originally created under the zoning of RS-2/PD Suburban Residencl:~ District with a Planned DevE,lopment Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to provide an institutional mixed-use environment for senior citizen living and care. The development is subject to the developers rec'3iving Planning Commission Building, Site, and Operation Plan (BSO) approval for site specifics as long as the PO does not exceed the following: . No mow than 50 single-family home sites south of McShane Road . No mow than 300 apartments and a 60 bed health care facility A Developer's Agreement is approved for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Common Council Rezoning Approval: 04/24/1973 per Ordinance #250 Common Council Revised PO Approval: 06/25/1974 per Resolution #116-1974 Common Council PD Agreement Approval: 04/08/1975 per Resolution #099- 1975 Plan Commission BSO Approval: 07/02/1974 per Resolution #086-1974 Plan Commission Þlmended BSO Approval: 01/17/2006 per Resolution #136- 2005 . 152 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) IC) (D) (E) Open (F) Lot Size Densitv Euildino Location Building Size Space Heiaht Min. Min. Max Min. Side Rear Min. Min. floor Floor Min. open Min. Ht Min. Ht Lot Avg. Allowed = Set Yards Yard floor area total Area space for principal Accessory Area Lot 350 units/ Back area R3.tio development structure structure Width 110 acres 1st floor Varies Varies 3.18 Varies Vanes Varies . . 25% 75% . . .. (4) PERMITTED USES BY I~IGHT 1. Any USE! as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 9.13 PD-7 LAKE LORE ESTATES (1 ) The Lake Lore Planned Development consists of approximately 33 acres containing 26 single-family parcels and 3 outlots. The development was made of one plat and a plat redivision and is generally located off of the north side of McShane DrivH n0l'1h of the Tudor Oaks development. The development is constructed in one phase and is serviced by sewer and water. The three outlots for the development are for open space preservation, stormwater management, and a well site. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RSA/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned DevE!lopment Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square ~ootages and widths on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PD also changed various requirements of the underlying zoning including front setbacks, and side/rear offsets (Ea.ch lot varies, as such, see covEmants). The 2010 CQmprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consistent with the Lake Lore proposal. A Subdivider's Agreement was approved with the Final Plat for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Common Council Rezoning Approval: 04/24/1973 per Ordinance #250 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 07/06/1976 per Resolution #075-1976 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 08/10/1976 per Resolution #134-1976 . 153 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 City of Muskego Zoning Plan Commission Hedivision Final Plat Approvall: 06/07/1977 per Resolution #075-1977 Common Council Fledivision Final Plat Approval: 06/14/1977 per Resolution #138-1977 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS . (A) (B) Lot Size Density B Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies .8 ~ ;) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space je Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht I'ds Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU venants 1100-1600 1600+ 25% 75% 30 . (C uildin~1 PiC L 3ee Co *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY 1=tIGHT 1. Any USE! as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 9.14 PD-B LAKE BRITTANY ESTATES (1 ) . The Lake Brittany Planned Development consists of approximately 82 acres containing 99 s!rngle.-family parcels and 2 outlots. The development was made of three plats and is ~Jenerally located off of the north side of McShane Drive between the Muskego border to the east and Cheviot Road to the west. The Lake Brittany Final plat included 76 single-family parcels and two outlots. The Lake Brittany A.ddition #1 Final plat was a redivision of outlots from the original Lake Brittany development and included 20 single-family parcels and one outlot. The Lake Brittany Addition #2 Final plat was a rE~division of an outlot from the Lake Brittany A.ddition #1 development and includød 3 single-family parcels and one outlot. The development is constructed in one phase and is serviced by sewer and water. The outlots for the development are for open space preservation and stolrmwater management. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RSA/PD Suburban ResidenCH District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to aillow the developer's to use the reduced lot square 1:ootages and widths on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PD also changed a few of the requirem ents of the underlying zoning including having front setbacks be 35 feet, side offsets be 10 feet and rear offsets be ~~O feet. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consistent with the Lake Brittany proposal. A Subdivider's 154 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt!r 17 Zoning . Agreement was approved with the Final Plat for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Common Council Rezoning Approval: 11/27/1973 per Ordinance #263 Plan Commission SW Rezoning Approval: 12/06/H)88 per Resolution #107-1988 Common Council SVIJ Rezoning Approval: 05/04/1 Sl89 per Ordinance #644 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 06/07/1977 per Resolution #072-1977 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 06/14/1977 per Resolution #137-1977 Plan Commission Add. #1 Final Plat Approval: 07/21/1987 per Resolution #100- 1987 Common Council Acid. #1 Final Plat Approval: 07/28/1987 per Resolution #153- 1987 Plan Commission Add. #2 Final Plat Approval: 12/05/1989 per Resolution #219- 1989 Common Council Acid. #2 Final Plat Approval: 12/12/1989 per Resolution #323- 1989 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS . (A) (B) Lot Size Density E Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 1.21 35 o. I, luildinq C) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht rds Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU 0 20 - 1800-2200 25% 75% 30 . r"~ ~,I Y,) 1 *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any USB as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 9.15 PD-9 GUEF:NSEY MEADOWS (1) The Guernsey Meadows Planned Development consists of approximately 54.5 acres containing 10'1 single-family parcels. The development was made of two plats, Country Brook Estates and one addition, both generally located off of the south side of Janesville Road between Martin Drive and Bay Lane Drive. The 155 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . Guernsey Meadows development consists of 70 single-family parcels and 3 outlots and thE! Guernsey Meadows Addition #1 development consists of 31 single-family parcels and one outlot. All developments were constructed in one phase each and arE! serviced by City sewer and water. The four total outlots for the development are for open space preservation, City park dedication, and public utilities. The planned d'3velopment was originally created under the zoning of RS-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square footages and widths on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan, The PD also changed a few of the requirements of the underlying zoning including having front setbacks be reduced to 30 teet (:25 feet in the case of multiple street setbacks on one side), side offsets reduced to 10 feet and rear offsets incrl3ased to 30 feet. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consisIent with the Guernsey Meadows proposal. A Subdivider's Agreement was approved with the Final Plats for each development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. . (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Common Council Rezoning Approval: 02/11/1975 per Ordinance #297 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 09/02/1975 per Resolution #089-1975 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 09/23/1975 per Resolution #212-1975 Plan Commission )~ddition #1 Final Plat Approval: 05/17/1977 per Resolution #061-1977 Common Council ,l~ddition #1 Final Plat Approval: 01/03/1978 per Resolution #002-1978 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density - EI Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 1.85 25-30 I uildinq C) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht ud Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU 0 30 1000-1400 1400-1600 25% 75% 30 * ~:.~ ~,I 'I, 1 *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any c01ditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 156 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . 9.16 PD-10 KRISTIN DOWNS (1 ) . The Kristin Downs Planned Development consists of approximately 49 acres containing 83 single-family parcels and 4 outlots. The development is generally located south of Janesville Road and east of Pioneer Drive. The development was constructed in one phase and is serviced by City sewer and water. The 4 outlots are rE!served for open space preservation including stormwater management areas, well house areas, and subdivision recreation areas including tennis courts and a pool. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RS-3/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square footages and widths on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PD also changed a few of the requirements of the underlying zoning including having front setbacks be reduced to 30 feet (:25 feet in the case of multiple street setbacks on one side), side offsets reduced to 10 feet and rear offsets incmased to 30 feet. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consistent with the Kristin Downs proposal. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Røzoning Approval: 09/03/1974 per Resolution #127-1974 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 06/24/1975 per Ordinance #304 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 04/20/1976 per Resolution #032-1976 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 05/11/1976 per Resolution #059-1976 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS .. ( uildinø (A) (B) Lot Size Density B Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 1.7 25-3C . C) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht Ird Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU 0 30 1000-1400 1400-1600 25% 75% 30 * 1:..~ ~,I '(1 1 *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 157 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 City of Muskego Zoning . 9.17 PD-11 LAKE MEADOWS (1 ) . The Lake Meadows Planned Development consists of approximately 132.5 acres containing 206 singIE~-family parcels and one outlot. The development is located off of Kelsey Drive just east of Crowbar Drive and stretches south from Kelsey to Lake Denoon. The Final Plat included one outlot that was dedicated to the City for Park purposes and is now zoned for a City Park. The development was constructed in one phase and is serviced by the Norway Sewer Service District and a private water trust. The planned dHvelopment was originally created under the zoning of RS-2/PD Suburban Residencø District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square footages while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PD also changed a fE!w of the requirements of the underlying zoning including reducing all front setbacks to 35 feet, reducing side offsets to 10 feE!t, and enlarging rear offsets to 30 fÐet. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consist'ent with the Lake Meadows proposed density. A Developer's Agreement was approved with the Final Plat by the City's Common Council outlining the ind ividual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTIION NUMBERS: Plan Commission RI:~zoning Approval: 12/05/1978 per Resolution #211-1978 Common Council Rnzoning Approval: 12/27/1978 per Ordinance #357 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 03/06/1979 per Resolution #022-1979 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 03/27/1979 per Resolution #048-1979 Common Council Dev. Agreement Approval: 04/10/1979 per Resolution #068- 1979 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density E Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width nla nla 1.6 35 . (C) (D) (E) (F) ;i Location Building Size Open Height Space ide Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht :Irds Yard area 1 st floor area total Area open principal Accessory Ratio space structure structure per res DIU 10 30 1000-1400 1400-1600 25% 75% 30 . uildin! ~ *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY IMIGHT 1. Any USÐ as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 158 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 9.18 WOODCREST HEIGHTS (1 ) . The Woodcrest Heights Planned Development originally consisted of approximately 1325 acres containing 72 single-family parcels and 3 outlots. The development was made of two plats, Woodcrest Heights and Woodcrest Heights Addition #1 generailly located on the northwest corner of Racine Avenue and Woods Road. The VVoodcrest Heights development consists of 82 lots and one outlot. Twenty..two lots are platted for single-family, 21 lots are platted for two- family, and Lot 18 is platted for future multi-family use (The restrictions dictate that Lot 18 shall be a multi-family site for no more than 48 one or two bedroom units and that the developers reserve the right to divide lot 18 for the purpose of multi-family use). The Woodcrest Heights Addition #1 development has 38 lots all for single-family USE:!. Both developments were constructed in one phase each and are serviced by City sewer and water. The one outlot platted as part of the original Woodcrest Heights Subdivision was dedicated to the City of Muskego at the time of recordin~;I. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RS-3/PD Suburban Residenc'E! District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to transition higher density uses (In the form of multi-.family units) from the existing Industrial Park to the north down to single-family uses. The PD also changed a few of the reqUIrements of the underlying zoning including allowing reduced side street setbacks for corner lots to be 25 feet, reducing all side offsets to 15 feet, and enlarging rear offsets to 25 feet. A Developer's Agrøement was approved with the Final Plat by the City's Common Council ou1tlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 06/16/1987 per Resolution #092-1987 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 01/12/1988 per Ordinance #594 Common Council Þ\ddition #1 Rezoning Approval: 04/24/1990 per Ordinance #676 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 11/03/1987 per Resolution #166-1987 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 01/12/1988 per Resolution #004-1988 . Plan Commission Addition #1 Final Plat Approval: 03/20/1990 per Resolution #046-1990 Common Council J\ddition #1 Final Plat Approval: 04/24/1990 per Resolution #094-1990 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density B Min. I Min. DIU Per Min. Lot AVQ. Lot Acre Set . (C) uildinÇl Location (D) Building Size (F) Height ísT~le ~JdS Rear Yard Min. floor area 1 st 159 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . Area Width Back n/a n/a Varies 40 [; .- floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU ,- 25 Varies by Varies by 25% 75% 30 . .J use use .- *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY f~IGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district for the single-family uses subject to zonin!1 substantial change hearings if required. Any use as permitted in the RM-1 district for the multi-family uses subject to zoninq substantial change hearings if required. 2. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any acc'3ssory use permitted in the RCE district for the single-family uses subject to zoning substantial change hearin~1s if required. Any acc3ssory use permitted in the RM-1 district for the multi-family uses subject to zoning substantial change hearin~1s if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district for the single-family uses subject Jto zoning substantial change hearings if required. Any conditional use permitted in the RM-1 district for the multi-family uses subject to zoning substantial change hearinqs if required. . 2. 2. 9.19 PD-13 GOLDEN COUNTRY ESTATES (1 ) . The Golden Country Estates Planned Development consists of approximately 26 acres containing 47 single-family parcels. The dEwelopment was made of one plat and is generally located off of the north side of Janesville Road between Moorland Road and Woodland Place. The development is constructed in one phase and is sE!rvicE:!d by sewer and water. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RS-2/PD Suburban Residenco Districf with a Planned DevE~lopment Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to aUow the developer's to use the reduced lot square footages and widths on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PO also changed various requirements of the underlying zoning inclluding side offsets reduced to 10 feet and rear offsets increased to 25 feet. (Setbacks must be 50 feet from any parcel abutting the Janesville Road right-of-way and corner lots may have a 25 foot front setback on the opposite side of the 40 foot front setback). The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consistent with the Golden Country proposal. A Subdivider's Agreement was approved with the Final Plat for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Common Council Røzoning Approval: 04/26/1988 per Ordinance #607 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 02/02/1988 per Resolution #010-1988 160 Municipal Code Chapt.!r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . Common Council Fi nal Plat Approval: 04/26/1988 per Resolution #071-1988 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density E: Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 1.8 40-50 :C) (D) (E) (F) 9 Location Building Size Open Height Soace ide Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht ards Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU "10 25 820-1400 1400-1700 25% 75% 30 . .. uildin ~ *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY IRIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearilngs if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 9.20 PD-14 BAY BREEZE (1 ) . The Bay Breeze Planned Development contains approximately 30 acres and a variety of parcels liocated on the south side of Janesville Road along Little Muskego Lake just east of Pioneer Drive. The development consists of with 11 4-unit condominiums, 5 six-unit condominiums, and 4 larger parcels for single- family use totaling 78 dwelling units. Multiple Certified Survey Maps and condominium plats ultimately creating parcels for multi-family condo use and parcels for sinqle-family use. The condominium complex was approved with accessory structures, landscaping, and appropriate access and parking. The development is constructed in multiple phases and is serviced by City sewer and water. . The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RS-3/PD Suburban Residencl=~ District with a Planned Development Overlay District and B- 2/PD Local Service Center District with a Planned Development Overlay District. A Developer's Agreement is approved for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. The original development called for 74 units of condominiums to the east a.nd a mixed-use facility to the west with an option of having 10 single-family residential units in place of the mixed-use facility if it was never constructed. The current planned development has the 74 units of multi-family condominiums and has replaced the once proposed mixed-usn facility with four parcels of single-family residential. Overall, the Planned Development zoning is put in place to allow the developer's to use the amount of units disbursed throughout the developed area while preserving a specific density, outlined in the approved Developer's Agreement. The PD also allowed the mixed uses of single-family and multi-family to co-exist in the same 161 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . development. Setbacks and offsets of the multi-family uses were established under the original approvals and any new buildings will require approval of the City's Planning Commission. Setbacks and offsets for the single-family uses follow the zoning restrictions of the RL-3 Lakeshore Residence District. Overall, the Developl3r's Agreement allows the following: . 74 units of multi-family condominiums to the east and a mixed use facility to the west (10 units of single-family residential in place of mixed-use facility if never constructed). . No more than one boat slip per multi-family unit and in no case can the amount of boat slips exceed 74 for the multi-family uses of the PD. . Each privatn boat slip shall be only available to the owners of the condominium and no condo unit shall own more than one slip. . No more than 25 boat slips allowed for the originally proposed mixed-use facility and these slips shall not be available for rent but for the sole use of the mixed-usl3 facility (Mixed -family use facility and boat slip clause was amended oujt of the original Developer's Agreement and boat slips as necessary fOor single-family units were alloWi3d). . Shall the mixed-use facility not be constructed as part of the PD the Developer has the right to construct a maximum of ten single-family homes in its place (Mixed-family use facility was amended out of the original Deve:doper's Agreement and single-family units were allowed). . (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 03/15/1988 per Resolution #032- 1988 Common Council Hezoning Approval: 09/27/1 B88 per Ordinance #622 Common Council Dl3veloper's Agreement Approval: 09/27/1988 per Resolution #216-1988 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density EI Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 2.6 Varie (I uildin!;l :) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Hejght Space ide Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht .rds Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structu re structure per res DIU ries Varies - - 25% 75% 30 15 I: ,,' Ya s Vi:! (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 162 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptf!r 17 Zoning . 9.21 PD-15 MEADO'N GREEN WEST (1) The Meadow Green West Planned Development consists of approximately 110 acres containing 176 single-family parcels. The development was made of four plats, Country Brook Estates and three additions all generally located off of the west side of Lannon Drive between Woods Road and Janesville Road. The Meadow Green WI:;~st development consists of 44 single-family parcels, the Meadow Green Wøst Addition #1 development consists of 39 single-family parcels, the Meadow Green West Addition #2 development consists of 39 single- family parcels, and the Meadow Green West Addition #3 development consists of 54 single-family parcels. All developments were constructed in one phase each and are serviced by City sewer and water. The planned d3velopment was originally created under the zoning of RS-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned DevelopmE!nt zoning was put in place to aillow the developer's to use the reduced lot square 1ootages and widths on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PO also changed a few of the requirerrents of the underlying zoning including having front setbacks be reduced to 35 fl3et and all side and rear offsets be 15 feet. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consistent with the Country Brook Estates proposal. A Subdivider's Agreement and Letter of Credit were approved with the Final Plat for each development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. . (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 04/05/1988 per Resolution #039-1988 Common Council RI:3zoning Approval: 11/22/1988 per Ordinance #628 Common Council Addition #1 Rezoning Approval: 06/26/1990 per Ordinance #686 Common Council Addition #2 Rezoning Approval: 03/26/1991 per Ordinance #711 Common Council Addition #3 Rezoning Approval: 01/28/1992 per Ordinance #743 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 11/15/1988 per Resolution #204-1988 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 11/22/1988 per Resolution #252-1988 Plan Commission Addition #1 Final Plat Approval: 06/19/1990 per Resolution #111-1990 Common Council ;\ddition #1 Final Plat Approval: 06/26/1990 per Resolution #163-1990 Plan Commission Addition #2 Final Plat Approval: 10/02/1990 per Resolution #172-1990 . Common Council Þ.ddition #2 Final Plat Approval: 03/26/1991 per Resolution #060-1991 163 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning Plan Commission Addition #3 Final Plat Approval: 08/20/1991 per Resolution #147-1991 Common Council A.ddition #3 Final Plat Approval: 01/28/1992 per Resolution #032-1992 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS . (A) (B) Lot Size Density E' Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 1.6 35 .:q (D) (E) (F) :1 Location Building Size Open Height Space ide Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht ard Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU "15 15 900-1400 1400-1700 25% 75% 30 * .uildin! ~ *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY IRIGHT 1. Any USE! as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearilngs if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 9.22 PD-16 BREANN RIDGE (1 ) . The Breann Ridge Planned Development contains approximately 5 acres with 6 parcels for multi-family residential use located on Jacobs Court a few blocks south of the Janesville Road 1 Parkland Drive intersection. The development was originally approved as a final plat allowing 8 units of multi-family on each parcel. The apartment structures are now condominiums (Known as Parkridge Condominiums) and the overall development totalls 48 living units (8 units in 6 structures) with associated accessoiy structures, parking, landscaping, and access ways. The development is constructed in multiple phases and is serviced by City sewer and water. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RSM/PD Multiple-Family Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the amount of units disbursed throughout the developed area while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan (A 10% bonus in density was 9ranted as part of the PO rezoning). The PO also allowed various structure placements for the residential uses within the flexibility of the underlying code subject to Planning Commission BSO and Common Council Condominium Plat Approvals. A Developer's Agreement is approved for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. 164 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . (3) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission IRezoning Approval: 04/17/1990 per Resolution #048a- 1990 Common Council Flezoning Approval: 11/13/1990 per Ordinance #698 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 11/06/1990 per Resolution #188-1990 Common Council Final Plat Approval 11 /13/1990 pBr Resolution #260-1990 BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density Eiuildin! Min. Min. DIU Per Min. ~ Lot Avg. Acre Set Y Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 9.6 Varie:3 V, :C) (D) (E) (F) I Location Building Size Open Height Space ide Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht ,jrds Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU - :tries Varies - - 30% 4000 30 15 - sq. ft. . (4) PERMITTED USES BY IRIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RM-1 district subject to zoning substantial change heariings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RM-1 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RM-1 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 9.23 PD-17 OVERLOOK BAY (1) The Overlook Bay Planned Development consists of approximately 29 acres on 2. parcels and is !Jenerally located on the southwest Gomer of Janesville Road and Racine Avenul3 bHhind the Muskego Centre. planned development. The development is originally divided by Certified Survey Map. The planned development contains a total of 152 units with 1 S' eight-family structures. The development was approved in two phases with 13 eight-family structures in . phase 1 and the remaining 6 eight-family structures in phase 2. The multi-family condominiums are approved along with associated accessory structures, parking, landsc:apin~}, and access ways. City SBwer and water supports the multi-family condominiums. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RSM/PD Multiple-Family Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the amount of units disbursed throughout the developed area while preserving the requilred density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PD also allowed various structure placements and private access ways for the residential 165 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . uses within the flexibility of the underlying code subject to Planning Commission Building, Site, and Operational Plan (BSO) approvals. A Developer's Agreement is approved for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for multi-family residential development consist,ent with the Overlook Bay proposal. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTIION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Røzoning Approval: 04/03/1990 per Resolution #036-1990 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 11/27/1990 per Ordinance #701 Plan Commission CSM Approval: 08/07/1990 per F:esolution #142-1990 Common Council CSM Approval: 12/11/1990 per Resolution #291-1990 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density Buildin! Min. Min. DIU Per Min. S Lot Avg. Acre Set Yé Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 5.24 - [( :;) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. Min. Min. Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht I'd s Yard floor floor floor Area open principal Accessory area area area Ratio space structure structure 1st total per per res floor DIU DIU multi .. - - - n/a 30% 5000 30 15 ,i I . (4) PERMITTED USES BY IRIGHT 1. Any USE! as permitted in the RM-1 district subject to BSO approvals and zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RIVI-1 district subject to BSO approvals and zoning substantial change hÐarings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RM-1 district subject to BSO approvals and zoning substantial change høarings if.required. . 9.24 PD-18 LAKE FOREST (1) The Lake Forøst Planned Development consists of approximately 63 acres containing 170 single-family parcels and 8 outlots. The development is generally located from Janesville Road to Hillendale DrivE! northeast of the Waukesha County Muske~lo Park property. The development was made of three plats, Lake Forest, Lake Forest Addition #1, and Lake Forest Addition #2. The Lake Forest development consisted of 59 lots and five outlots. The Lake Forest Addition #1 development consisted of 86 lots and 3 outlots and was a redivision of outlot 4 from the origi1al Lake Forest Subdivision. TI1e Lake Forest Addition #2 166 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . development consisted of 25 lots and 1 outlot and was a redivision of outlot 8 from the Lake Forest Addition #1 Subdivision. All developments constructed are serviced by City sewer and water. The eight existing outlots are for stormwater management, open space preservation and Waukesha County Park purposes. The planned døvelopment was originally created under the zoning of RS-3/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square footages and widths on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of 1111e City's Comprehensive Plan. The PD also changed a few of the requirements of the underlying zoning including having increased side offsets to all be 15 feet and rear offsets to be 20 feet. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consisltent with the Lake Forest proposal. A Subdivider's. A~lreement was approved with the Final Plat for each development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Lake Forest Rezoning Approval: 04/03/1990 per Resolution #036-1990 . Common Council Lake Forest Rezoning Approval: 1/22/1991 per Ordinance #705 Common Coul1cil I_ake Forest Additions #1 and #2 Rezoning Approval: 10/22/1991 per Ordinance #726 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 10/16/1990 per Resolution #178-1990 Common CounGiI Final Plat Approval: 01/22/1991 per Resolution #011-1991 Plan Commission J\ddition #1 Final Plat Approval: 09/03/1991 per Resolution #163-1991 Common Council Addition #1 Final Plat Approval: 10/22/1991 per Resolution #271-1991 Plan Commission Addition #2 Final Plat Approval: 07/07/1992 per Resolution #148-1992 Common Council Addition #2 Final Plat Approval: 07/14/1992 per Resolution #183-1992 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (8) " Lot Size Density Buildino: Min. Min. DIU Per Min. c' ~, Lot Avg. Acre Set y.. <: Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 1.14 40 C) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space ide Rear Min. Min. Min. Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht rd s Yard floor floor floor Area open principal Accessory area area area Ratio space structure structure 1st total per per res floor DIU DIU multi 5 20 1100- 1700- nla 25% 75% 30 . 1700 2200 . *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 167 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 1. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 9.25 PD-19 COLLEGE SQUARE (1 ) . The College Squan:! Planned Development contains approximately 12.1 acres with 8 parcels for multi-family residential use, 3 parcels for single-family use, and one outlot located off of College Avenue on Regency Court and Hillendale Drive just east of RaGÌne Avenue. The development was originally approved as part of a final plat. The planned development contains a total of 67 units with 8 eight- family structures (64 units) and 3 single-family structures along with associated accessory structures, parking, landscaping, and access ways. The development is constructed in multiple phases and is serviced by City sewer and water. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RSM/PD Multiple-Family Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the amoLlnt of units disbursed throughout the developed area while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PO also allowed various structure placements for the residøntial uses within the flexibility of the underlying code subject to Planning Commission BSO approvals. A Developer's Agreement is approved for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 03/19/1991 per Resolution #024-1991 Common Council R~~zoning Approval: 03/12/1991 per Ordinance #710 Plan Commission Flinal Plat Approval: 03/19/1991 per Resolution #023-1991 Common Council Final Plat Approval 03/26/1991 per Resolution #063-1991 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS ( !1 (A) (B) Lot Size Density Buildin Min. Min. DIU Per Min. ~ Lot Avg. Acre Set Y Area Lot Bacl( Width Varies Varies 5.53 Varies V . C) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space ide Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht lrds Yard area 1 st area total Area open pnncipal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU ries Varies - - 30% 4000 30 15 SQ. ft. :; i3 (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 168 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . Any USE as permitted in the RM-1 district subject to zoning substantial change heanings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RM-1 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 1. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RM-1 district subject to zoning substanltial change hearings if required. 9.26 PD-20 WOODS ROAD-DEBACK (1 ) The Woods Road-Deback Planned Development consists of approximately 4.85 acres containing 4 two-family parcels. The development was recorded by Certified Survey Map and is generally located along the north side of Woods Road immediately west of Woodside Estates and Woodcrest Heights Subdivisions. The four lots are to contain only two-unit row houses. The development is serviced by City sewer and water. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RS-3/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the multi-family two unit structures on the platted lots. The PD also changed a few of the requirements of the underlying zoning including having front setbacks to be 50 feet and having all side and rear 01fsets. be 15 feet. . (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Røzoning Approval: 07/16/1991 per Resolution #130-1991 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 09/10/1991 per Ordinance #723 Plan Commission CSM Approval: 10/01/1991 per Flesolution #194-1991 Common Council CSM Approval: 10/08/1991 per Resolution #251-1991 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (C uildinçl (A) (B) Lot Size Density B Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Lot Acre Set Area Width Back nla nla Varies 50 bi:: Yar H ~) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space Ie Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht ds Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU ) 15 nla 1800 25% 75% 30 . *See Section 5 . (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 169 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 City of Muskego Zoning Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 1. 9.27 PD-21 COUNTF1:Y BROOK ESTATES (1 ) . The Country Brook Estates Planned Development consists of approximately 41 acres containing 54 single-family parcels. The development was made of two plats, Country Brook Estates and Country Brook Estates Addition #1 and is generally located off of the north side of Woods Fload between Racine Avenue and Lannon Drive. The Country Brook Estates dE!Velopment consists of 23 lots and the Country Brook Estates Addition #1 development has 31 lots. Both developments were constructed in one phase each and are serviced by City sewer and water. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RS-1/PD Suburban Residencø District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square footages on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PO also changed a few of the requirements of the underlying zoning including having side and rear offsets are 15 feet. . The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consisltent with the Country Brook Estates proposal. A Subdivider's Agreement and Le1!1:er of Credit were approved with the Final Plat for each development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION .AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission R'::izoning Approval: 07/17/1990 per Resolution #125-1990 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 01/14/1992 per Ordinance #736 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 08/06/1991 per Resolution #135-1991 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 10/22/1991 per Resolution #266-1991 Plan Commission Þ~ddition #1 Final Plat Approval: 02/18/1992 per Resolution #029-1992 Common Council JJ,.ddition #1 Final Plat Approval: 03/10/1992 per Resolution #061-1992 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density B Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 1.32 40 . :;) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht Ird Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU 5 15 1000-1700 1600-1800 25% 75% 30 * (( uildinl;! ~i v: .1 170 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY I~IGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 9.28 PD-22 STOf\JE'{ CREEK (1 ) . The Stoney CrE!ek Planned Development contains approximately 9.87 acres and consists of a 52-unit retirement community (12 one bedroom units and 40 two bedroom units). ThE! development is generally located off of Tess Corners Drive a quarter mile south of the Tess Corners Drivel Janesville Road intersection. The development is constructed in one phase and is serviced by sewer and water. Rezoning approval in the form of a multiple family planned development was received from the City's Common Council to allow the retirement community units be incorporated into one large structure. A Building, Site, and Operation Plan (BSO) outlinin9 the parking, access, building! elevations, landscaping, and other improvements for the site was approved by the City's Planning Commission. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RSM/PD Multiple Family Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. A Developer's Agreement and Letter of Credit was approved for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 05119/1992 per Resolution #111-1992 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 06/09/1992 per Ordinance #754 Plan Commission BSO Approval: 09/04/1990 per Resolution #158-1990 Plan Commission BSO Amendment Approval: 03/06/1993 per Resolution #055- 1993. Plan Commission BSO Amendment #2 Approval: 05/05/1998 per Resolution #077 -1998 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS ,. I >uildin9 (A) (B) Lot Size Density E' Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width nla nla 5.26 .. . C) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht rds Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU .. .. .. .. 30% .. 30 15 p b 171 r -- City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RM-1 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings and BSO amendments if mquired. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RM-1 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings and BSO amendments if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RM-1 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings and BSO amendments if required. . 9.29 PD-23 PLUM CBEEK (1) The Plum Cre.ek Planned Development consists of approximately 70 acres containing 113 single-family parcels and 5 outlots. The development is serviced by City sewer élnd water and is generally located between Janesville Road and Woods Road just west of the Muskego Industrial Park. The development was made of two pla.ts, Plum Creek (52 lots) and Plum Creek Addition #1 (61 lots and the 50utlots). The Plum Creek development is ge,nerally located along western Woods Road just southeast of the Plum Creek East Subdivision and the Muskego Industrial Park. City sewer and water service both developments. The five outlots conserve the environmental areas, provide a private park for the development, and provide stormwater management. Outlot 5 was converted by the homeowner's association and developed into two lots meeting the RS-2 zoning requirements. The lands wem oriqinally approved as RS-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District but later approved as RS-3/PD Suburban Resi<Jencl:3' District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to have reduced lot sizes while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PD also changed a few of the requirements of the underlying zoning for the single-family parcels including allowing reduced front setbacks to 35 feet, reduced side offsets to 1 0 feet, and a rear offset of 20 feet. A Developer's Agreement was approved with the Final Plat by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. . (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Common Council RS-2/PD Rezoning Approval: 11/~~5/1992 per Ordinance #771 Plan Commission RS-3/PD Rezoning Approval: 02/20/2001 per Resolution #019- 2001 Common Council RS-3/PD Rezoning Approval: 03/~~7/2001 per Ordinance #1061 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 11/03/1992 per Resolution #238-1992 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 11/24/1992 pier Resolution #284-1992 Plan Commission Addition #1 Final Plat Approval: 02/15/1994 per Resolution #033-1994 172 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . Common Council Addition #1 Final Plat Approval: 03/08/1994 per Resolution #053-1994 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS ( Jilding (A) (B) Lot Size Density B Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 1.54 35 ~i Ya 1 C) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht rds Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU 0 20 1100-1600 1600-1900 25% 75% 30 . .. *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY I~IGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 9.30 PD-24 PLUM CREEK EAST (1 ) The Plum Creek East Planned Development consists of approximately 33 acres containing 40 lots and 3 outlots. The total development allowed 108 units. The development is serviiced by City sewer and water and is generally located south of Janesville Road just west of the Muskego Industrial Park. The lands were originally approved as RS-2/PD Suburban Residlence District with a Planned Development Overlay District but later approved as three separate planned developments consisting of the following: . 7 lots and !:i6 units (Lots 1-7 and Outlot 3 of Plum Creek East) were approvE.d as per the past RSM/PD Multiple Family Residence District with a Planned DHvelopment Overlay District and were allowed an eight-family unit structure per IQt. Building, Site, and Operation Plan Approvals were required in front of the City's Planning Commission. 19 lots and :38 units (Lots 8-22 and Lots 37-40 of Plum Creek East) were approvE,d as per the past RSA/PD Attached Single-Family Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. 14 units/lots (Lots 23-36 and OuOtlots 1-2 of Plum Creek East) were approvE,d a:;i per the RS-3/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District and were allowed single-family structur,es upon them. . . . The planned døvelopment was originally put in place to allow the developer's to have varying lot siz~~'s for the different types of uses (Multi-family, two-family, and 173 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . single-family). PedHstrian access and easements were also given at the time of final platting of thB development. The PO also changed a few of the requirements of the underlying zoning for the single-family parcels including allowing reduced front setbacks to 35 feet, reduced side offsets to 10 feet, and a rear offset of 20 feet. A Developer's Agrøement was approved with 1the Final Plat by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission RS-2 to RS-2/PD RezoninÇJ Approval: 10/19/1993 per Resolution #19!5-19!:J3 Common Council IRS-2 to RS-2/PD Rezoninçl Approval: 02/22/1994 per Ordinance #830 Plan Commission RS-2/PD to RS-3/PD, RSAJPD, & RSM/PD Rezoning Approval: 02/20/200.1 per Resolution #020-2001 Common Council RS-2/PD to RS-3/PD, RSA/PD, 8l RSM/PD Rezoning Approval: 03/27/2001 per Ordinance #1060 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 02/01/1994 per Resolution #022-1994 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 02/22/1994 per Resolution #043-1994 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS . (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Lot Size Density E.uildin!J Location Building Size Open Height Sinqle..Family Space Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Side Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht Lot Avg. Acre Set Yards Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory Area Lot Back floor Ratio space structure structure Width per res DIU Varies Varies 3.27 35 1 () 20 Varies by Varies by 25% 75% 30 . use use .. *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any USE! as permitted in the RCE district (For the single-family parcels) subject to zoning substantial change hearin~s if required. Any USE! as permitted in the RM-1 district (For the multi-family parcels) subject to zoning substantial change hearin~s if required. Any USB as permitted in the. RM-2 district (For the two-family parcels) subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 2. 3. . (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district (For the single-family parcels) subj'3ct to zoning substantial chançle hearings if required. Any accessory use permitted in the RM-1 district (For the multi-family parcels) subject to zoning substantial chanÇle hearings if required. Any accessory use permitted in the RM-2 district (For the two-family parcels) subject to zoning substantial chançle hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 2. 3. 174 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district (For the single-family parcels) subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. Any conditional use permitted in the RM- -I district (For the multi-family parcels) subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. Any conditional use permitted in the RM-2 district (For the two-family parcels) subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 2. 3. 9.31 PD-25 MUSKEGO CENTRE (1 ) . The Muskego Centre Planned Development consists of approximately 22 acres containing 9 parcels. The development is located on the northwest corner of Janesville Road and Racine Avenue and contains a variety of commercial developments governed by Plan Commission approved Building, Site, and Operational Plans {BSO). The PD is constructed in multiple phases and is serviced by City Se\oller and water. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of B-2/PD Local Service Center District with a Planned DevÐlopment Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use varying buildin9 placements, varied commercial uses, and shared access points. All developments wi1thin the PD are governed by individual BSO Plans and any changes requested of the underlying zoning may require zoning substantial change hearings. The 2010 Comprehønsive Plan depicts the area for commercial development consistent with the Muskego Centre proposal. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 04/03/1990 per Resolution #036-1990 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 06/28/1994 per Ordinance #843 Plan Commission CSM #1 Approval: 08/07/1990 pm Resolution #142-1990 Common Council CSM #1 Approval: 12/11/1990 per Resolution #291-1990 Plan Commission CSM #2 Approval: 07/19/1994 pEJr Resolution #144-1994 Common Council CSM #2 Approval: 07/26/1994 pE~r Resolution #157-1994 Plan Commission CSM #3 Approval: 07/19/1994 pEJr Resolution #145-1994 Common Council CSM #3 Approval: 07/26/1994.pÐr Resolution #158-1990 Plan Commission CSM #4 Approval: 02/15/2000 pEJr Resolution #032-2000 Common Council CSM #4 Approval: 02/22/2000 per Resolution #046-2000 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density E Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width . <:C) (D) (E) (F) j Location Building Size Open Height Space ide Rear Min. Min. Min. Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht Ird s Yard floor floor floor Area open pnncipal Accessory area area area Ratio space structure structure 1st total per per res floor DIU DIU - 3uildim D' L 175 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning ~E;[a 15 I n/a I n/a ~3 50% 110,000 I . I Varies I Varies I 30 15 (4) PERMITTED USES BY I~IGHT 1. Any use as permitted in a commercial zoning district subject to BSO approval and zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in a commel'cial zoning district subject to BSO approval and zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in a commercial zoning district subject to BSO approval and zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 9.32 PD-26 DEEr~ CF~EEK (1) The Deer Creek Pllanned Development consists of approximately 63 acres containing 72 si ngle,-family parcels and 3 outlots. The development was made of two plats, Deer Creek and Deer Creek Addition #1. The Deer Creek development consists of 36 lots with 10 lots on Ricco Court off of Lannon Drive just east of Tower Drive and has the remaining :~6 lots on the east and west sides of Parkland Drive along Bridgeport Circle and Bridgeport Way. The Deer Creek Addition #1 development also has 36 lots and is just north of the original Deer Creek Subdivision. The Addition has 3 lots west of Parkland Drive and the rest of the lots to thø east of Parkland Drive along Casey Drive and Deer Creek Court. Both dev,;;!lopments were constructed in one phase each and are serviced by City sewer and water. The thre,e outlots conserve the delineated wetlands in the arøa and outlot 1 of Deer Creek subdivision contains the stormwater retention pond for the entire planned development. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RS-2/PD Suburban ResidenclE! Distr'ict with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Developme,nt zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square footages on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PI) did not change any general requirements of the underlying zoning, so all lots follow the requirements of the City's RS-2 Suburban Residence District. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consistent with the Deer Creek proposal. A Subdivider's Agreement and Letter of Credit were approved with the Final Plat for each development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual ~Juarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Common Council Rnzoning Approval: 06/27/1995 per Ordinance #868 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 05/16/1995 per Resolution #069-1995 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 06/27/1995 per Resolution #137-1995 . 176 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning Plan Commission Addition #1 Final Plat Approval: 10/07/1997 per Resolution #197-1997 Common Council Addition #1 Final Plat Approval: 10/14/1997 per Resolution #238-1997 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) I:C) (D) (E) (F) Lot Size Density Buildinl) Location Building Size Open Height Space Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Side Side Min. Min. Min. Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht Lot Avg. Acre Set Yard Yard floor floor floor Area open principal Accessory Area Lot Back (One (All area area area Ratio space structure structure Width Side) other 1 st total per per res sides) floor DIU DIU multi nla nla 1.14 40 '15 20 1200 nla nla 25% 75% 30 . *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY 1=tIGHT 1. Any USE! as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 9.33 PD-27 REG ENCY (1) The Regency Senior Living Planned Development is located on approximately 21.5 acres of land on the northeast Gomer of Racine Avenue and Woods Road. 10.5 acres of the development is preserved in an open space easement with pedestrian' paths. The development is strictly for senior living as the minimum age of residents at the site is 62 years of age. The development consists of six 8-unit structures, two 32-unit buildings, one 42-unit building, one 96-unit building, and various commons and garage structures. The PD is allowed up to 250 units on site (96 assisted living and 154 independent living). The facility is made up of ample access, parking, and landscaping. . The planned development was originally created under the past zoning of RSM/PD/OIP Multiple Family Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District and an Institutional Overlay district. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for multiple family developments consistent with the Regency senior living proposal. A conditional uSia grant is on file allowing the institutional use and immediate amenities. A deve,loper's Agreement was part of the original approvals. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Common Council Rezoning Approval: 08/11/1995 per Ordinance #872 177 Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 City of Muskego Zoning . Plan Commission BSO/CUG: 09/05/1995 per Resolution #133-1995 Plan Commission BSO/CUG Amendment: 06/17/1997 per Resolution #126-1997 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Open (F) Lot Size Density Buildin Location Buildina Size Space Heiaht Min. Min. Allowed Min. Side Min. Min. Min. Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht Lot Avg. 250 units Set Yard floor floor floor Area open principal Accessory Area Lot total Eack Offsets area area area I~atio space structure structure Width (F!yan Between 1st total per per res RJad) structure floor DIU DIU multi .- n/a n/a 250 ilia n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a .- (4) PERMITTED USES BY I~IGHT 1. Any USE as permitted by the RM-1 district and existing BSO and CUG subject 10 zoning substantial change hearin!Js if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted by the RM-1 district and existing BSO and CUG subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted by the RM-1 district and existing BSO and CUG subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 9.34 PD-28 MILLER (1 ) . The Miller Planned Development contains approximately 4.5 acres with 4 parcels for two-family n3sidEmtiai use located on the east side of Racine Avenue across from Thornapple Trail. The development was originally approved as a 4 parcel Certified Survey Map. Four apartment structures containing two units each (Total of 8 units) am approved by the City Planning Commission as part of a Building, Site, and Operation Plan (BSO) with associated accessory structures, parking, landscapin!;I, and access ways. The development is serviced by City sewer and private water. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RS-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Devedopment Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the amount of units disbursed througho.ut the developed area while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PD also was allowed for flexibility to the devøloper with respect to building placement and the upkeep of landscaped arE,as. The density allowed under the' original PO is 20,000 of land area per unit. A Subdivider's Agreement and cash deposit agreement is approved for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 02/04/1997 per Resolution #019-1997 Common Council R'::izoning Approval: 08/26/1997 per Ordinance #921 178 Municipal Code Chaptt!r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . Plan Commission CSM Approval: 04/01/1997 per Flesolution #072-1997 Common Council CSM Approval 08/12/1997 per Resolution #178-1997 Plan Commission BSO Approval: 04/15/1997 per Resolution #077-1997 BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) , , Lot Size Density Eiuildin!: Min. Min. DIU Per Min. C Lot Avg. Acre Set c' ~I Area Lot Bad Width Varies Varies 1.78 40 C) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space ne All Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht ide Other area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory Sides floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU 5 20 - - 30% 7000 30 15 SQ. ft. . . (3) PERMITTED USES BY IRIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearilngs if required. (4) PERMITTED ACCESSO.RY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 9.35 PD-29 PARI< ESTATES (1 ) The Park Esta.tes Planned Development consists of approximately 27 acres containing 29 lots and 1 outlot. The total development allowed 24 single-family units. and five duplex lots (10 duplex units). The development is serviced by City sewer and water and is generaUy located north side of Janesville Road just east of Hillendale Drive. The lands were originally approved as RS-1/PD Suburban . Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District for the single- family lots (Lots 1-1 :~~ and 18-29) and RS-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District for the two-family lots (Outlot 1 and Lots 13-17) . The Planned Development Overlay was put in place to allows reduced lot widths, lot SiZE'S, and to allow the use of duplex lots near the intersection of Janesville Road all in exchange for the preservation of open space while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PD also changed one requirement of the two-family parcels by allowing 15 foot side and rear offsets. A Developer's AgrHement was approved with the Final Plat by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Hazoning Approval: 03/18/1997 per Resolution #054-1997 179 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . Common Council Rezoning Approval: 08/12/1997 per Ordinance #939 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 07/15/1997 per Resolution #116-1997 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 08/12/1997 per Resolution #183-1997 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Lot Size Density Buildinçl Location Building Size Open Height SinqIE!-Family (Sinqle-Family) Space Min. Min. DIU Per Min. SilJe Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht Lot Avg. Acre Set Yards Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory Area Lot Back floor Ratio space structure structure Width per res DIU Varies Varies 1.26 40 20 20 2000 2000-2200 25% 75% 30 * *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY HIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. Any use as permitted in the RSA district (For the two-family parcels) subject to zoning substantial change hearin'~s if required. 2. . (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. Any accessory use permitted in the RSA district (For the two-family parcels) subject to zoning substantial changle hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 2. 2. Any conditional use permitted in the RSA district (For the two-family parcels) subJ!ect to zoning substantial chanÇle hearings if required. 9.36 PO-3D NORTH CAPE FARMS (1 ) The North Cape Farms Planned Development consists of approximately 25 acres containing 24 single..family parcels and 1 outlot. The development was made of one plat and a certified survey map and is generally located off of the east side of North Cape Road between Durham Drive and Schaefer Road. The subdivision plat included 22 single-family parcels and one outlot while the certified survey map is for two sin!:jle-family parcels. The development is constructed in one phase and is serviced by City sewer and water. The one outlot for the development is for open space preservation and stormwater management. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RSE/PD Suburban ResidencI3 District with a Planned Deve~lopment Overlay District. The Planned Developmemt zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square footages and widths on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PO also changed a few of the requirements of the underlying zoning including having front setbacks be . 180 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . reduced to 30 feet (:~5 feet in the case of multiple street setbacks on one side), side offsets reduced to 10 feet and rear offsets reduced to 10 feet (50 feet along North Cape Road). The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consistent with the Guernsey Meadows proposal. A Subdivider's Agreement was approved with the Final Plat for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION .AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission H:ıizoning Approval: 11/03/1998 per Resolution #185-1998 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 05/11/1999 per Ordinance #984 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 04/20/1999 per Resolution #025-1999 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 04/27/1999 per Resolution #078-1999 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density B Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 1.0 25-30 ':< uildinn :;) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht lrd Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU 0 10-50 1100-1600 1600-1900 25% 75% 30 . ~i v: .1 . *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY IRIGHT 1. Any USH as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 9.37 PD-31 CHAMPIONS VILLAGE (1) The Champions Village Planned Development consisted of five plats containing approximately 110 acres with 204 single-family parcels and 7 outlots. The development is located on the northeast corner area of Highway 36 and North Cape Road. The first plat, known as Champions Village of Country Club Villages consisted of 83 single-family parcels and two outlots. The second plat, known as Champions Village Addition #1 of Country Club Villages consisted of 38 single- family parcels and three outlots. The third plat, known as Champions Village Addition #2 of Country Club Villages consisted of 29 single-family parcels and no outlots. The fourth plat, known as Champions Village Addition #3 of Country Club Villages consisted of 37 single-family parcels and no outlots. The fifth plat, 181 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . known as The Reserve at Champions Village consisted of 17 single-family parcels and two outlots. Each development is constructed in one phase and is serviced by sewer and water. The outlots in the subdivisions are for open space preservation and stormwater maintenance. One outlot in The Reserve of Champions Village is for future development purposes. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RS-3/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square footages and widths on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PO also changed various requirements of the underlying zoning including front setbacks reduced to 30 feet, all side offsets be reduced to 10 feet, and rear offsets increased to 30 feet. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consistent with the Champions Village proposal. A Subdivider's Agreement was approved with the Final Plat for each development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. . (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission RBzoning Approval (Champions Village and Additions #1 and #2): 01/18/2000 per r:tesolution #020-2000 Common Council Ri:!zoning Approval (Champions Village and Additions #1 and #2): 02/08/2000 per Ordinance #1013 Common Council Rezoning Approval (Champions Village Addition #3): 01/25/2000 per Ordinance #1011 Plan Commission F{ezoning Approval (The Reserve at Champions Village): 07/17/2001 per Resolution #102-2001 Common Council 1::lezoning Approval (The Reserve at Champions Village): 08/28/2001 per Ordinance #1076 Common Council )3,ddition #1 Final Plat Approval: 08/27/1996 per Resolution #190-1996 Plan Commission Addition #2 Final Plat Approval: 07/06/1999 per Resolution #075-1999 . Common Council J!l.ddition #2 Final Plat Approva.l: 07/13/1999 per Resolution #118-1999 Plan Commission Addition #3 Final Plat Approval: 01/04/2000 per Resolution #005-2000 Common Council J\ddition #3 of Country Club Villages Final Plat Approval: 01/25/2000 per Resolution #021-2000 Common Council Addition #3 Final Plat Re-approval: 03/28/2000 per Resolution #072-2000 . Plan Commission The Reserve Final Plat Approval: 07/17/2001 per Resolution #102-2001 Common Council The Reserve Final Plat Approval: 10/09/2001 per Resolution #193-2001 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS 182 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . (A) (B) Lot Size Density E Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 1.85 30 I uildinç C) (D) (E) (F) I Location Building Size Open Height Space 'Ide Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht 'lrds Yard area 1 st area total Area open pnncipal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU :0 30 1200-1900 1900-2400 25% 75% 30 * ~ *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY I~IGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 9.38 PD-32 QUIETV\lOOD CREEK (1) The original Ouietwood Creek Planned Development consisted of approximately 140.6 acres containing 142 single-family parcels, -I parcel for future commercial development (Approx. 28 acres) and 7 outlots (For open space conservation, utility easement, and stormwater management). The development was made of one plat and is generally located between Janesville Road and Woods Road south of the eastern Martin Drivel Janesville Road Intersection. The development is constructed in ono phase and is serviced by sewer and water. The planned d3velopment was originally created under the zoning of RS-3/PD Suburban ResidencB District with a Planned DevEIlopment Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square !footages and widths on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PD also changed various requirements of the underlying zoning including front setbacks reduced to 30 feet and rear offsets increased to 20 feet. . The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consistent with the Ouietwood Cmek proposal. A Subdivider's Agreement and Letter of Credit was approved with the Final Plat for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. . (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 06/20/2000 per Resolution #127-2000 Common Council RI:~Izoning Approval: 07/25/2000 per Ordinance #1033 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 06/20/2000 per Resolution #126-2000 183 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . Common Council Final Plat Approval: 07/25/2000 per Resolution #157-2000 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density B Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 1.26 30 ~) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht r.ds Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU 15 20 1100-1600 1600-1900 25% 75% 30 * (C uildin~1 ~' y~ HII *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 9.39 PD-33 PLEASANT VIEW (1 ) . The Pleasant View Condominium Planned Development consists of approximately .11 acres and is generally located along the north side of Woods Road one-half mile west of the Racine Avenue/Woods Road intersection. The development was OIi'iiginally recorded by two Certified Survey Maps consisting of 6 separate parcels and then later an approved condominium plat was received. The development contains areas for two-family structures and preserves extensive environmental areas on the rear of the lots. The development is generally located along the north side of Woods Fioad one-half mile west of the Racine Avenue/Woods Road intersection. The overall development contains area for 6 two-family structures. The development is serviced by City sewer and water. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RSAlPD Attached Single-Family District with a Planned Dev.elopment Overlay District. The Planned Developmemt zoning was put in place to allow the multi-family two unit structures in various locations on the platted lots. The PO did not change any general requirements of the underlying zoning, so all lots follow the requirements of the City's RS-A Attached Single-Family Residence District. Due to the existing environmental lands on the north end of the PO, an open space managE!ment plan was approved and recorded. Also, a Developer's Agreement was approved by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: 184 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 08/15/2000 per Resolution #148-2000 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 09/26/2000 per Ordinance #1041 Plan Commission Condo Plat Approval: 12/18/2001 per Resolution #188-2001 Common Council Condo Plat Approval: 01/22/2002 per Resolution #016-2002 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS ( uilding (A) (B) Lot Size Density B Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Lot Acre Set Area Width Back nla nla Varies 40 ~i Ya 1 C) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht rds Yard area 1 st area total Area open pnncipal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU :, 15 - - 30% 75% 30 * .. *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY I~IGHT 1. Any use~ as permitted in the RM-2 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RM-2 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RM-2 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 9.40 PD-34 DREAMLAND (1) The Dreamland Pllanned Development contains approximately 42 acres consisting of a total of four parcels. The PO was split by multiple Certified Survey Maps and is dependent on, if required, City approvals of Building, Site, and Operation Plans (BSO) and substantial change he~arings when new commercial entities are proposed. The development is constructed in multiple phases and is serviced by City sevver and water. . The planned development was originally created under the zoning of B-3/PD General Business District with a Planned Development Overlay District. Developer's A!~reements are approved for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual PO guarantees. The Planned Development zoninq is put in place to allow developer's flexibility in building placement, acc,ess, and other design requirements. The flexibility allowed by the PO is dependent on City approval as new commercial entities are proposed. . (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Røzoning Approval: 07/07/1998 per Resolution #054-1998 Common Council RHzoning Approval: 01/09/2001 per Ordinance #1052 Plan Commission Additional Rezoning Approval: 06/05/2001 per Resolution #084-2001 185 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptl~r 17 Zoning Common Council Additional Rezoning Approval: 07/24/2001 per Ordinance #1074 Plan Commission Final CSM Approval: 06/05/2001 per Resolution #082-2001 Common Council Final CSM Approval: 07/24/2001 per Resolution #135-2001 Plan Commission Jewel Osco BSO Approval: 02/01/2000 per Resolution #132C- 1999 Plan Commission Jewel-Osco Amended BSO Approval: 06/05/2001 per Resolution #081-2001 Plan Commission Kohl's BSO Approval: 06/05/2001 per Resolution #080-2001 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density E Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies nla Varie C) (D) (E) (F) J Location Building Size Open Height Space ,ide Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht 'uds Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU - Iries Varies - - 60% 10,000 30 15 - I luildin!: Ic: Y, s V:' (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any USB as permitted in the B-3 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings and Plan Commission approvals if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the B.-3 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings and Plan Commission approvals if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the B-3 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings and Plan Commission approvals if required. 9.41 PD-35 SARAH ESTATES (1 ) The Sarah Estates Planned Development consists of 26 single-family.parcels and 1 outlot on approximately 16.4 acres. The development is located off of the north side of Woods Road between Lannon Drive and Bay Lane Drive. The one outlot is for thE~ stmmwater management of the subdivision. The development was constructed in one phase and is serviced by City sewer and water. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RS-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Developml:mt zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use reduced lot sizes and widths on a few of the lots provided that the net density is maintained within th'9 boundaries of the Final Plat without specific compliance to the underlying zoning district regulations that would otherwise be applicable to each lot. The PO did not change any other requirements of the underlying zoning district. 186 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . A Subdivider's Agreement and Letter of Credit were approved with the Final Plat for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION .AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 02/20/2001 per Resolution #018-2001 Common Council RE:~zoning Approval: 03/13/2001 per Ordinance #1058 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 02/20/2001 per Resolution #018-2001 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 03/13/2001 per Resolution #055-2001 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density 8 Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width nla nla 1.6 40 I uildinç C) (D) (E) (F) I Location Building Size Open Height Space Ine All Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht Ide Other area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory Sides floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU 15 20 1 000-1850 1850-1900 25% 75% 30 . ~ *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY HIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial crlange hearings if required. 9.42 PD-36 BIG MUSKEGO ESTATES (1 ) The Big Muskego Estates Planned Development consists of approximately 92 acres containing 54 single-family parcels and 3 outlots. The development was made of one plat and is generally located off of the east side of Durham Road between Hi View Drive and North Cape Road. The development is constructed in one phase and is serviced by City sewer and water. The three outlots for the development are for open space preservation, stormwater management, and a City well site. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RS-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square 'footages and widths on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PO did not change any other requirements of the underlying zoning district. . 187 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consistent with the Big Muskego Estates proposal. A Subdivider's Agreement and Letter of Credit was approved with the Final Plat for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission RI:~zoning Approval: 12/18/2001 per Resolution #187-2001 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 01/22/2002 per Ordinance #1090 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 05/06/2003 per Resolution #048-2003 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 06/24/2003 per Resolution #150-2003 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density B Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies .57 40 (( uildinÇl :) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space Je Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht rds Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU 20 20 1200-1900 1900-2300 25% 75% 30 . CiC Ya 15- *See Section 5 . (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substan1ial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substan1ial change hearings if required. 9.43 PD-37 CANDLEWOOD VILLAGE (1 ) The Candlewood Village Planned Development contains approximately 48 acres with 5 parcels for commercial use and a few parcels for multi-family residential use all generally located south of the intersection of Moorland Road and Janesville Road. The commercial parcels must receive Planning Commission Building, Site, and Operational Plan (BSO) approval and will be governed by the Moorland South Design Guide adopted by the City. The residential use parcels consist of a condominium development of 51 two-family structures (102 units) and one structure for community use. The condo development received BSO approval from the City's Planning Commission and are to follow specific design guidelines consistent with the Moorland South Design Guide adopted by the City. The development is constructed in multiple phases and is serviced by City sewer and water. . 188 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . The planned development was originally created under the zoning of B- 3/RSA/PD General Business District and Attached Single-Family Residence District with a PlannlE~d Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the amount of units disbursed throughout the developed area while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PO also allowed various structure placements for the residential uses within the flexibility of the underlying code subject to Planning Commission BSO and Common Council Condominium Plat Approvals. A Developer's Agrel::~ment and Letter of Credit is approved for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. . (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTIION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 06/18/2002 per Resolution #088-2002 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 07/23/2002 per Ordinance #1109 Plan Commission CSM #1 Approval: 06/18/2002 pÐr Resolution #084-2002 Common Council CSM #1 Approval: 07/23/2002 per Resolution #141-2002 Plan Commission CSM #2 Approval: 06/18/2002 pÐr Resolution #085-2002 Common Council CSM #2 Approval: 07/23/2002 per Resolution #142-2002 Plan Commission CSM #3 Approval: 06/18/2002 pÐr Resolution #086-2002 Common Council CSM #3 Approval: 07/23/2002 per Resolution #143-2002 Plan Commission CSM #4 Approval: OS/20/2003 pÐr Resolution #059-2003 Common Council CSM #4 Approval: OS/27/2003 per Resolution #123-2003 Plan Commission Condo Plat Approval: OS/20/2002: per Resolution #054-2003 Common Council Condo Plat Approval OS/20/2003 per Resolution #124-2003 (3)BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) I Lot Size Density Buildin~1 Min. Min. DIU Per Min. S Lot Avg. Acre Set y.- <: Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies 2.13 Varies Vél ~) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht rds Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU ries Varies - - 30% 7000 30 15 SQ. ft. . (4) PERMITTED USES BY I~IGHT 1. Any use as pørmitted in the RM-2 district (For the Residential lots) subject to zoninq substantial change hearings if required. Any use as permitted in the B-3 district (For the Commercial lots) subject to zoninq substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accl9ssory use permitted in the RM-2 district (For the Residential lots) subject 10 zoning substantial change hearin!~s if required. 2. 189 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning Any accessory use permitted in the B-3 dis1trict (For the Commercial lots) subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RM-~~ district (For the Residential lots) subject '10 zoning substantial change hearings if required. Any conditional use permitted in the B-3 district (For the Commercial lots) subject to zoning substantial change hearin~]s if required. . 2. 2. 9.44 PD-38 STONEBRIDGE (1 ) . The Stonebridge Planned Development contains approximately 48 acres with 43 single-family parcels and 4 outlots. The developmE~nt is located north of Highway 36 west of the Champions Village Subdivision. The development is constructed in one phase and is serviced by sewer and water. The outlots in the subdivisions am for open space preservation, storrnwater management, and one outlot (Outlot 2) is to be reserved for future development purposes. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RS-2/PD Suburban Residencø District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square footages and widths on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PD also changed various requirements of the underlying zoning including front setbacks reduced to 30 feet, all side offsets be reduced to 10 feet, and rear offsets increased to 30 feet. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consistent with the Stonebridge, proposal. A Subdivider's Agreement anel Le'l1ter of Credit was approved with the Final Plat for each development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTIION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 01/07/2003 per Resolution #164-2002 Common Council RE:!zoning Approval: 01/28/2003 per Ordinance #1127 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 10/21/2003 per Resolution #138-2003 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 02/24/2004 per Resolution #037-2004 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density E Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width Varies Varies .90 30 C) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space Ide Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht lods Yard area 1 st area total Area open principal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU - D 30 - 1800-2200 25% 75% 30 . - ( uildinø P. hi *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY I={IGHT 1. Any USE! as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 190 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapt4~r 17 Zoning (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 9.45 PD-39 SETTLEIMENT ON WOODS (1 ) . The Settlement on Woods Planned Development consists of 59 single-family parcels and 8 outlots. The development is located off of Woods Road just west of the Muskego High School property. The eight outlots are for the protection of wetlands, stormwatür management, and future conservation land protection. The development was constructed in one phase and is serviced by City sewer and water. The planned d:welopment was originally created under the zoning of RS-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square footages on a few of the lots while preserving the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The PD also changed a few of the requirements o'f the underlying zoning including reducing all front setbacks to 35 feet, reducing side offsets to 10 and 15 feet and enlarging rear offsets to 30 feet. A Subdivider's Agreement and Letter of Credit were approved with the Final Plat for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 02/18/2003 per Resolution #008-2003 Common Council R<<:3zoning Approval: 02/25/2003 per Ordinance #1131 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 02/18/2003 per Resolution #008-2003 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 03/11/2003 per Resolution #045-2003 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density E. Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width nla nla 1.1 35 . C) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht Ird Yard area 1 st area tota' Area open pnncipal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU /15 30 1400-2200 2200-2500 25% 75% 30 . ': uildin~;1 ~i y, 1 C~ *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY IRIGHT 1. Any USE! as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change heanings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 191 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 1. 9.46 PD-40 LINDALE (1 ) The Lindale Planned Development consists of approximately 14 acres containing 9 single-family units and 48 multi-family units (Total of 57 dwelling units). The development is generally located along the south side of Martin Drive just north of the Janesville R,oad and Martin Drive intersection. The development is constructed in two phases consisting of a final plat for the Lindale Estates single- family subdivision (9 single-family parcels and one outlot) and a Condominium Plat / Building, Site, and Operation Plan (BSO) for the Lindale Villas multi-family condominiums (48 units in seven structures consisting of 2 four-unit buildings and 5 eight-unit buildings). City sewer and water service the entire development. The planned development was originally created as part of a larger planned development that 'Ivas approved in 2003. The larger planned development reserved future planned development areas as FtS-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District, RSA/PD Attached Single- Family Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District, and RSM/PD Multiple-Family District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Lindale PO is one of the areas reserved for future RS-2/PD (Lindale Estates) and RSM/PD (Lindale Villas). Each facet of the original planned development is incorporated into a separate distinct PD upon final plat, condominium plat, or Building, Site, 8.nd Operational Plan approvals. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the calculationB of the entire developed area in allowing the proposed 57 units. The PD did not change any general requirements of the underlying zoning . and all lots follow the requirements of the City's RS-2 Suburban Residence District. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential and multiple family residential development consistent with the Lindale proposal. A Developer's Agreernent and Letter of Credit was approved with the Final Plat for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission RE!zoning Approval: 06/17/2003 per Resolution #065-2003 Common Coun8il Rezoning Approval: 07/08/2003 per Ordinance #1144 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 10/1/2003 per Resolution #137-2003 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 12/09/2003 per Resolution #263-2003 Plan Commission Mlulti-family BSO Approval: 08/03/2004 per Resolution #048a- 2004 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS 192 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning (A) (B) : I Lot Size Density Buildin! (Lindale Estates) (_indah' Min. Min. DIU Per Min. (' Lot Avg. Acre Set S Area Lot Back Width 20000 110 4.07 40 . C) (D) (E) (F) ;1 Location Building Size Open Height J Estates) (Lindale Estates) Space (Lindale Estates) . me All One Story More than Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht i,je Other Minimum One Story Area open principal Accessory Sides Minimum Ratio space structure structure and per 1- Rear family res DIU .15 20 1900 2350 25% 75% 30 * *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district (For the single-family uses) subject to zoning substantial change hearinqs if required. Any use as permitted in the RM-1 district (For the multi-family uses) subject to BSO approvals and zoning substantial change hearings if requirea. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district (For the single-family uses) subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. Any accessory use permitted in the RM-1 district (For the multi -family uses) subject to BSO approvals and zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district (For the single-family uses) subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. Any conditional use permitted in the RM-1 district (For the multi -family uses) subject to BSO approvals and zoning substantial change hearings if requirecl. . 2. 2. 2. 9.47 PD-41 FORIEST GLEN (1 ) . The Forest Glen Planned Development consists of approximately 20 acres containing 27 singIE~..family parcels. The development is generally located north of the Janesville Road and Bay Lane Drive intersection. The development is constructed in one phase and is serviced by City SE~wer and water. The final plat of Forest Glen encompassed five outlots. One outlot was dedicated to the City for future conserva~ion protection, three outlots are for drainage facilities, and one outlot is reserved for future multi-family development. The planned development was originally created as part of a larger planned development that was approved in 2003. The larger planned development reserved future planned development areas as F:S-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District, RSAlPD Attached Single- Family Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District, and RSM/PD Multiple-Family District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Forest GIEm PI) is the area that was reservød for future RS-2/PD. Each facet of the oriøinal planned development is incorporated into a separate distinct 193 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . PD upon final plat, condominium plat, or Buildin9, Site, and Operational Plan approvals. The Forest Glen planned development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use the reduced lot square footages and widths on a few of the lots while preservin9 the required density of the City's Comprehensive Plan (The density of the Forest Glen development is derived from the amount of single- family units allowed divided by the sum of the square footages of the 27 single- family parcels and Outlots 2 and 3). The PD did not change any general requirements ot the underlying zoning and all lots follow the requirements of the City's RS-2 Suburban Residence District. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for single-family residential development consistent with the Forest Glen proposal. A Subdivider's Agreement and Letter of Credit was approved with the Final Plat for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 06/17/2003 per Resolution #065-2003 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 07/08/2003 per Ordinance #1144 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 03/15/2005 per Resolution #040-2005 Common Council Final Plat Approval: OS/24/2005 per Resolution #101-2005 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS . (A) (B) Lot Size Density E Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width 20000 110 1.42 40 I( uildin~1 ~) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space 1e All One Story More than Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht de Other Minimum One Story Area open principal Accessory Sides Minimum Ratio space structure structure and per res Rear DIU 5 20 1900 2350 25% 75% 30 . ~Ir SI I (4) PERMITTED USES BY I~IGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the RCE district subject to BSO approvals and zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to BSO approvals and zoning substantial change hearings if r~~quired. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to BSO approvals and zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 9.48 PD-42 BASSE (1) The Basse Planned Development consists of approximately 17.5 acres. The development is loc81ted along the north side of Janesville Road between Martin Drive to the east and Bay Lane Drive to the west. The area is currently 194 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . undeveloped althouqh is platted for future multi-family development as part of a planned development district. The planned development was originally created as part of a larger planned development that Vilas approved in 2003. The larger planned development reserved future planned development areas as RS-2/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District, RSA/PD Attached Single- Family Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District, and RSM/PD Multiple-Family District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Basse PD is the area that was reserved for future RSM/PD. Each facet of the original planned development is incorporatecl into a separate distinct PD upon final plat, condominium plat, or Building, Site, and Operational Plan (BSO) approvals. The Basse PD will be established upon future approvals of a BSO and/or condominium plat. The 2010 Comprehünsive Plan depicts the area for multi-family residential. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION .AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTIION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 06/17/2003 per Resolution #065-2003 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 07/08/2003 per Ordinance #1144 Plan Commission Forest Glen Final Plat Approval: 03/15/2005 per Resolution #040-2005 . Common Council Forest Glen Final Plat Approval: OS/24/2005 per Resolution #101-2005 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density E: Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width - - - - uildin! :C) (D) (E) (F) ;1 Location Building Size Open Height Space )l1e All One Story More than Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht ide Other Minimum One Story Area open principal Accessory Sides Minimum Ratio space structure structure and per res Rear DIU .- .. - - . . - . . .. ~ (4) PERMITTED USES BY IRIGHT 1. Any USE! as permitted in the RM-1 district subject to BSO approvals and zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RI\t1-1 district subject to BSO approvals and zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RM-1 district subject to BSO approvals and zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 195 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . 9.49 PD-43 KENVVOOD PLACE (1 ) . The Kenwood Place Planned Development consists of 37 single-family parcels and 1 outlot on approximately 26.4 acres. The development is located off of the east side of Hillendale Drive between Tans Drive and Racine Avenue. The one outlot is for the stormwater management of the subdivision. The development was constructed in one phase and is serviced by City sewer and water. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RS-3/PD Suburban Residence District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use reduced widths on a few of the lots. The PD also changed a few of the requirements o.f the underlying zoning including having side offsets be 15 feet and rear offsets be ~:~O feet for all lots; And having røduced front setbacks for Lots 36-37 to be 30 1eet. A Subdivider's Agreement and Letter of Credit were approved with the Final Plat for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 02/03/2004 per Resolution #166-2003 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 02/10/2004 per Ordinance #1160 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 06/01/2004 per Resolution #060-2004 Common Council Final Plat Approval: 01/25/2005 per Resolution #024-2005 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density B Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width nla nla 1.4 30-40 8 ~) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height Space de Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht .rd Yard area 1 st area total Area open pnncipal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU 5 20 1800-2000 1800-2400 25% 75% 30 * I( uildin~1 ~i v: I *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any USE! as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change heari'ngs if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 196 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . 9.50 PD-44 ST. ANDREW'S VILLAGE (1 ) . The St. Andrew's Village Condominium Planned Development consists of 48 dwelling units in 24 structures, each being a side-by-side duplex with a variety of options for facades. The development is located on the south side of Ryan Road along the Muskego Lake Country Club. The condo project is to be constructed in three phases with the first phase consisting of 26 units, the second phase of 8 units, and the third phase of 6 units. The structures all have the option to be one or two stories and the owners will chose the layout at the time of sale. The structures are constructed with strict architectural detailin!J consistent with the General Design Guide. Each structure will be constructed of running bond brick, cedar trim, hardi-plank siding, and 30 year dimensional shingles, and elements such as soldier courses, stone sills, and tempered glass are used. Each condominium unit is provided with four (4) off street parking spaces and is serviced by private drives maintained by the St. Andrew's Homeowner's Association. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the ama for single-family attached dwelling unit dE!velopment consistent with the St. Andrews Village proposal. The adopted Conservation Plan depicts wetlands and a navigable stream on the property to be a medium value management priority and this area is preserved as part of the condo plat. Landscape plans are a part of the Building, Site, and Operation Plan for E!é:lch condo unit and street tree plans are also included for the development. The condominiums will be served by municipal sanitary sewer and water service and the project is subject to Developers Agreements executed by the City and petitioner to address the construction of public and private improvements. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission R,:!zoning Approval: 05/18/2004 per Resolution #052-2004 Common Council Rezoning Approval: OS/25/2004 per Ordinance #1171 Plan Commission BSO/Condo Plat Approval: 051"18/2004 per Resolution #051- 2004 Common Council Condo Plat Approval: 08/10/2004 per Resolution #132-2004 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density Buildinl Min. Min. 2010 DIU Min. i: Lot Avg. Per Acre Set 't Area Lot Back Of Width (Ryan Bel Road I stn nla nla 3.3 - 4.9 20 C) (D) (E) (F) Location Building Size Open Height SDace ide Water- Min. Min. Min. Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht ard way floor . floor floor Area open pnncipal Accessory sets offset area area area Ratio space structure structure veen 1 st total per per res cture floor DIU DIU multi 5 50 n/a 2400 nla n/a n/a 30 nla :\ .I (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any USH as permitted in the RM-2 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES . 197 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapt.~r 17 Zoning . Any accessory use permitted in the RM-2 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RM-2 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 1. 9.51 PD-45 INPF:O (1 ) The InPro Planned Development consists of approximately 10 acres and is generally located in the Muskego Industrial Park on the north side of Apollo Drive between Mercury Drive and Racine Avenue. The planned dE!velopment was originally created under the past zoning of 1-1/PD General Industrial District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow a reduced setback of 25 feet to the addition of the existing InPro structure. The PO did not change any other general requirements of the underlying zoning, so all lots follow the requirements of the City's 1-1 General Industrial zoning district. A Building, Site and Operation Plan (BSO) was approved by the City's Planning Commission. . (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission R,:!zoning Approval: 09/07/2004 per Resolution #094-2004 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 09/14/2004 per Ordinance #1179 Plan Commission BSO Approval: 10/19/2004 per F:esolution #115-2004 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density B Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Lot Acre Set Area Width Back n/a n/a n/a 25 Ie) uildinçll Loc (D) (E) (F) ation Building Size Open Height Space Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht Yard area 1 st area total Area open pnncipal Accessory floor Ratio . space structure structure per res DIU 15 - - 50% n/a 30 50 bicle Y~d' 1'- .) *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1. Any use as permitted in the M-2 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required, (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the M-2 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the M-2 district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. . 198 Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 City of Muskego Zoning . 9.52 PD-46 WOODLAND CREEK ESTATES (1 ) . The Woodland Creek Estates Planned Development consists of 76 single-family parcels and 8 outlots on approximately 72 acres. The development is located off of the west side 01' Racine Avenue just south of the Muskego High School property. The devnlopment was constructed in two phases (Woodland Creek Estates (60 parcels} and Woodland Creek Estates Addition #1 (16 parcels)) and is serviced by City sewer and water. Outlots within tile development are reserved for stormwater management, open space preservation, and a sewer utility station. The main outlot in the Woodland Creek Estates Addition #1 phase was dedicated to the City to be part of the Engel Conservation lands found adjacent to thÐ site. The developers also reserved an easement for public access to the conservation site. The planned development was originally created under the zoning of RS-2/PD Suburban ResidencH District with a Planned Development Overlay District. The Planned Development zoning was put in place to allow the developer's to use reduced lot sizÐs to a minimum of 18,000 square fHet and 100 feet in width. The PO also changed a few of the requirements of the underlying zoning including having front setbacks be 35 feet and side offsets be 10 feet on one side and 15 feet on all other sides. A Subdivider's AgreHment and Letter of Credit were approved with the Final Plat for the development by the City's Common Council outlining the individual guarantees. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 07/20/2004 per Resolution #062-2004 Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 05/03/2005 per Resolution #046-2005 Common Council Rozoning Approval: 07/27/2004 per Ordinance #1174 Common Council Rozoning Approval: OS/24/2005 per Ordinance #119Q Plan Commission' Final Plat Approvals: 02/2.11200ß per Resolution #015-2006 & Resolution #016-2006 Common Council Final Plat Approvals: 05/09/2006 per Resolution #099-2006 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS (A) (B) Lot Size Density E, Min. Min. DIU Per Min. Lot Avg. Acre Set Area Lot Back Width 18,000 100 1.05 35 . IC) (D) (E) (F) ;1 Location Buildir:1g Size Open Height Space Ide Rear Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Min. Ht Min. Ht 03lrd Yard area 1 st area total Area open pnncipal Accessory floor Ratio space structure structure per res DIU '0 15 1200-1900 1900-2300 25% 75% 30 . uildin( ~ *See Section 5 (4) PERMITTED USES BY HIGHT 1. Any USE! as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 199 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt!r 17 Zoning (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 200 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . SECTION 10 CONSERVATION PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS 10.01 (1 ) PURPOSE .ð,ND INTENT This district is intended to allow for residential development in clusters and groupings in a rural or semi-rural setting. To this intent it allows reduced parcel sizes while maintaining the densities permitted by the Comprehensive Plan and underlying zoning, except where bonuses may be granted in consideration of special conservation measures. It is further intendød to encourage more rational and economic development with relationship to public services, and to encourage the preservation of open land. Permitted: The unifiød and planned development of a site, in single or corporate ownership at the tirTle of development, may be permitted in a CPO Conservation Planned DevelopmEmt Overlay District, without the customary division into individual lots, or without specific compliance to the district regulations as applicable to individual lots, subject to the regulations as hereinafter provided in this Section. (2) 10.02 (1 ) DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS Size Allowed: For the purpose of this Ordinance all Conservation Planned Development Projects shall be limited to residential developments on parent parcels of not 1<9SS than the size 653,400 square feet and the minimum required open space for a CPO is 60% of the gross acrea!~e (Rights-of-way, stormwater outlots, and platted private property shall not count towards open space requirements): . (2) BASIC REGULATIONS ( J. D. E. F. Location Building Size Open Height Space )ne All Min. Min. Min. Floor Min. Max. Ht Max. Ht .ide other floor floor floor Area open principal Accessory rlfset side area area area Ratio space structure structure offset 1st total per per res floor DIU DIU multi - .** .**. ..** nla **** . **** **** - - A. B. Density Lot Size Buildin! Min. Lot Min. Lot Area Mill. Area Avg. Per DIU Set Lot BaGk ( Width . . . .. ( I :: . See Below. ** Along any boundary street no less than 50 feet unless otherwise modified by Plan Commission. .** Along any boundary line no less than in adjoining district unless otherwise modified by Plan Commission. '**'Per underlying zoning distriGt unless otherwise modified by Plan Commission. G. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT . 1. Any use as permitted in the underlying basic district. H. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1. Any accessory use permitted in the underlying basic district I. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1. Any conditional use permitted in the underlying basic district. (3) Application of Regulations: 201 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . . . A. B. C. Uses and Sllructures: Individual uses and structures in a Conservation Planned Development Project District need not comply with the specific building location, height, building size, lot size, and open space requirements of the underlying basic district provided that the spirit and intent of such requirements are complied with in the total development plan for such project consistent with the criteria as established in subsection (3) below. Applicable Underlying Zoning Districts. Thl3 CPO Conservation Planned Development Overlay District may be appli'3d to the following underlying zoning districts: RCE, RS-1, RS-2, RS-3, RSE, RC-1, RC-2, and RC-3. Density and Density Bonuses. The number of residential units for a CPO shall be determined in accordance with the following: 1. The development yield analysis required by Section 18:31 (3)(i) of the Land Division Ordinance shall establish the base development density for the parcel. The base development density may be increased if the development complies with one or more of the following standards as d<<:Jtermined by the Planning Commission and the Common Council. Each standard provides a development yield bonus of the 9reatm of one (1) parcel or 5% of thE! base development yield: 2. a. Cro::1ting ::1n ondowmont whore tho princip::11 ':/ould gonor::1to wfficiont ::1nnual intoroct to oovor tho conservation easement holdor'c yearly coctc (taxos, insurance, maintenance, enforcement, oto.). Providing for access by the <general public to trails, parks, or other recreational facilities., exoluding golf courcec. Reusing existing buildinÇJs and structures which incorporate rural or agrarian themes, including but not limited to those sites inventoried by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Preservation of Environmental features identified in the adopted Conservation Plan~ Restores native prairie and provides a management 'plan for perpetual maintenance. Improves water quality by through stormwater management standards and practices, wRieR that exceed the minimum standards of Chapter 34 of the Municipal Code, and, as approved by the Engineering/Builçling Inspection Director and the Public Works Committee. Provides a minimum 75-foot setback and natural buffer from all environmental features identified in the adopted Conservation Plan. Restores or enhances tht3 functional classification of wetlands using techniques approved by the USDA-NRCS, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the Conservation Coordinator, tho Enginooring/Building Incpeotion Direotor, and the Publio \^!orkc Committoo. Provides 70% or more of the gross acreage as open space in the development (Rights-of-way, stormwater outlots, and b. c. d. e. f. n. h. i. 202 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . platted private property shall not count towards open space requirements). 3. For parcels less than eighty (80) acres in area, the maximum bonus permitted is the greater of three (3) parcels or 15% of the base development density. For parcels eighty (80) acres or ~Ireater in area, the maximum bonus permitted is the greater of four 1:4) parcels or 20% of the base development density. All development yield bonuses shall be calculated to the nearest one- hundn~dth. In cases where the total combined development yield bonus results in a fraction, all such fractions shall be rounded up to the next whole number. CPD DENSITY CHART . Underlying Zoning CPI District Pi RCE 6C RC-1 4C RC-2 4C RC-3 3C RS-1 (Unsewered) 4C RS-2 (Unsewered) 4C RS-3 (Unsewered) 4C RSE 2C RS-1 (Sewered) 3C RS-2 (Sewered) 2C RS-3 (Sewered) H .- ) Ma:< Hcell imum CPD Recommended Minimum Density in Square \rea Maximum Parcel Width Feet Per Dwelling sq ft 1 50 ft 120,000 sq ft sq ft 125 ft 80,000 sq ft sq ft 125 ft 60,000 sq ft sq ft 110ft 40,000 sq ft sq ft 125 ft 80,000 sq ft sq ft 125 ft 60,000 sq ft sq ft 125 ft 40,000 sq ft sq ft 1 00 ft 40,000 sq ft sq ft 110ft 40,000 sq ft sq ft 1 00 ft 40,000 sq ft sq ft 1 00 ft 30,000 sq ft >,000 >,000 >,000 >,000 >,000 >,000 >,000 >,000 >,000 >,000 >,000 10.03 (1 ) APPLlCA.TION PROCEDURE Petition: Petition may be made to the Common Council by the owner or agent of property proposed for such development, to amend the. zoning map by the overlaying of a CPD District in order to permit the application of the provisions of this section to such development. Such petition shall be accompanied by a fee, as from time to timE! established by Resolution of the Common Council, and the following information: A. A statement describing the general character of intended development along with such other pertinent information as may be necessary to a determinatiol'll that the contemplated arrangement or use makes it desirabl,~ to apply regulations and requirements differing from those ordinarily applicable under this ordinance. A general development plan of the project consisting of a Detailed Site Analysis. as required by Section 18:31 (3)(i) of the Land Division Ordinance. B. (2) Referral to Plan Commission: Such petition shall be referred to the Plan Commission and processed as any other petition for zoning change. Upon completion of necE,ssary study and investigation the Plan Commission shall . 203 Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . (3) (4) . . (5) 10.04 (1 ) make its recommendation to the Common Council as to the appropriateness and desirability of the proposed zoning change, the suitability of the building, site and development plans, and any additional conditions which it may feel necessary or appropriate. Public Hearing: Upon receipt of the Plan Commission's recommendations the Common Council shall cause a public hearing to be held pursuant to Section 2 of this Ordinance. Where a proposed development includes uses permitted only as conditional grants pursuant to Section 14, compliance with the procedural and general requirements set forth as the basis for approval under this section shall supplant the requirement for separate processing of a petition for conditional use grant pursuant to Section "14. At the time thE! CPD planned unit development is presented to the City Plan Commission for final approval, the developer shall pay to the City the costs incurred by the City for planning and engineering fees, including but not limited to costs for checking pllans, field checking and consultations. BASIS FOR APPROVAL Basis for Approval: The Plan Commission in making its recommendations and the Common Council in making its determination shall give consideration and satisfy themselves 815 to the following: A. That the proponents of the proposed development have demonstrated that they intend to start construction within a reasonable period following the approval of the project and requested overlay of the CPO District, that the project appears economically sound, that adequate financing is possible, and that the development will be carried out according to a reasonable construction schedule satisfactory to the City. That thE! proposed development is consistent in all respects to the spirit and inte.nt 0'1' this Ordinance, is in conformity with the general plans for community development, would not be contrary to the general welfare and economic prosperity of the City or of the immediate neighborhood, that the specific development plans have. been prepared with competent professional advice and guidance, and that the benefits and improved design of the resultant development justifies the variation .from the normal requirements of this Ordinance through the application of the CPO Conservation Planned Development Overlay District.. That such development will create an attractive residential environment of sustaine,d cløsirability and economic stability, compatible with the charactm established for the area by the community Comprehensive Plan, and where the economic impact of the development in terms of income levels, property values, and service demands is at least as beneficial to the community as that which could be anticipated under the base zoning. The population composition of the development will not alter adversely the impact upon school or other municipal service requirements as anticipated under the existing basic zoning and Comprehensive Plan. B. C. D. 204 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego That the project will not create traffic or parking demand incompatible with that anticipated under the Comprehensive Plan. That the total average residential density of the project will be compatible with the Comprehensive Plan, except as may be modified by this Section. That thE! ag~lI-egate open space of the development will be no less, than would have resulted from the application of open space requirements of the underlyin!J districts. That adequate guarantee is provided for permanent retention as "open space area" of the residual open land area resulting from the application of these renulations, either by private reservation for the use of the residents within the development or by dedication to the public. In the case of a CPD Conservation Planned Development District, preservation of the open space area shall be guaranteed and shall be protected arlainst building and development by one of the methods identified in Section 18:82(5) of the Land Division Ordinance. The care and maintenance of such open space reservations shall be insured eithEJlr by establishment of appropriate management organization for the project or by agreement with the municipality for establishment of a special service district for the project area where the municipality shall provide the necessary maintenance servicE~ and levy the cost thereof as special assessment on the tax bills of properties within the project area. In any case the Common Council shall have the right to carry out and levy an assessrrwnt for the cost of any maintenance, which it feels necessary if it is not otherwise taken care of to the satisfaction of the Common Council. Thl;;~ manner of assuring maintenance and assessing such cost to individual properties shall be determined prior to the approval of the final project plans and shall be included in the title to each property. Ownership émd tax liability of private open space reservation shall be established in a manner acceptable to the municipality and made a part of the conditions of the plan approval. (2) Determination: A. The Common Council after due consideration may deny the petition, approve the petition as submitted or approve the petition subject to additional conditions. . . . E. F. G. H. I. J. K. B. The approval of a petition and consequent amending of the zoning map by overlay of the CPD District shall be based on and include as conditions thereto the Building, Site and Operational (BSO) Plans for the development as well as all other commitments offered or required with regard to project value, character or other factor pertinent to assuring that the project will be developed basically as presented in the official submittal plans as approved by the Common Council and shall be mapped and recorded as provided for conditional uses under Section 14 of this Ordinance. Such plans, however, need not necessarily be completl91y clI9tailed at the time of Overlay zoning provided they are of sufficient detail to satisfy the Plan Commission and Common Council as to the genmal character, scope, and appearance of the proposed 205 City of Muskego . . 10.05 (1 ) (2) (3) . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning C. development. Such preliminary plan shall at least designate the pattern of proposed streets, the basic pattern of land use, the size and arrangement of lots, and illustrate a "typical" example of the development proposed. The approval of such preliminary plan shall be conditioned upon the subsequent submittal and approval of more specific and detailed plans as the development progresses. Any subsequent change or addition to the plans or use shall first be submitted for approval to the Common Council and if in the opinion of the Common CDuncil upon recommendation Df the Plan Commission such change or addition constitutes a substantial alteration of the original plan, a public hearing before the Common Council shall be required and notice thereof 9iven pursuant to Section 2 of this Ordinance. The provisions of Section 14 governing termination of the conditional grant shall apply to such group project development. Application for a Planned Development. In order to fulfill the requirements of the Planned Development provisions, the City Planning Department may utilize additional policies and procedures along with required checklists, letters of intent, necessary inspections, follow-ups, bonding requirements, and other legal assurances that the provisions of planned development are carried out systematically and on a uniform basis. D. E. CONSERVATION PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS & REQUIREMENTS Approved Cons.ervation Planned Development districts shall be found below in this Section and shall state the development requirements and parameters as approved by the Common Council. The actual text description outlining the parameters for each conservation planned development shall be approved with the rezoning ordinance if all are known. Zoning COcll3 text descriptions may be approved at a later time with the final plat and/or developer's agreement by resolution of the Common Council if needed in ordBr to account for all aspects and parameters of an individual planned development (Note: When a rezoning of a CPO is approved before the final plat and d3veloper's agreement approvals for a development, the rezoning ordinance will s.tate "That the ordinance is in full force and effect from and after passage and publication subject to approval of the Final Plat, Subdivider's Agreement and the zoning ordinance language that specifically outlines the parameters of the CPO"). The language that outlines the specifics of the PO will be passed by rE$olution of the Common Council concurrent with the final plat and developer's agreement approvals. Amendments to exis1ting CPO text descriptions shalil be approved by ordinance of the Common Council concurrent with the determination of non-substantial change resolutions. 206 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 10.06 (1 ) . CPD-1 MARTIN ESTATES The Martin Estates Subdivision is a conservation development consisting of 16 single-family lots and 2 outlots on 50.33 acres of land. The subdivision utilizes the base zoning .of RCE/CPD Residential Country Estate District with Conservation Planned Development Overlay District, which generally allows parcels of a maximum 60,000 square feet and a maximum of 150 feet in width (Both of which vary depending on lot layout and subject to Common Council approval). The demsity for Martin Estates meets the Comprehensive Plan objective of low-density residential consistent with the RCE zoning district. Overall, Martin Estates preserves approximately !;O% open space exclusive of the proposed roadways. Two outlots were proposed as part of the development with one being utilized for stormwater management. The stormwater outlot is owned by the Martin Estate Homeowner's JI.ssociiation. The conservation outlot will be maintained by the City of Muskego as lands within this outlot are identified as priority management areas within the City's adopted Conservation Plan. The development is of sufficient size to allow three bonus lots subject to Common Council approval and subject to completing one conservation measure per bonus lot requested. Martin Estates requested three bonus lots above the original density that was allowed under the previous zoning (Previous zoning was RCE Residential Country Estate, which allowed 13 lots under the approved yield plan as per Plan Commission Resolution #079-~~001 with the possibility of 3 bonus lots). Four measures were actually comple~ted as part of Martin Estate's bonus lots and they are as follows: . A. Preservation of Environmental features identified in the adopted Conservation Plan. Restore::; naltive prairie and provides a management plan for perpetual maintenance. Improves water quality by through stormwater management practices, which excee,(j the minimum standards of Chapter 34 of the Municipal Code, and, as approved by the Engineering/Building Inspection Director and the PubHc Works Committee. Providing a 75-foot setback and natural buffer to natural features identified in the Conservation Plan. B. c. D. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: A. Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 02/05/2002 per Resolution #011- 2002 (3) . A. Lot Size Common Council Rezoning Approval: 02/26/2002 per Ordinance #1092 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 02/05/2002 per Resolution #011- 2002 D. Common Council Final Plat Approval: 02/:~6/2002 per Resolution #034- 2002 BASIC REGULA. TIONS B. C. I B [ C. Density ~::J Location I~,I D. Building Size F. Height 207 . . . City of Muskego Max. Lot Max. DIU Per Min. :: Area Avg. Acre Set " Lot Back CI Width 60,000. 150. 0.32 50 . Subject to Council approval. ** See Section 15 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning ide Rear Min. Min. Min. Floor Min. Max. Ht Max. Ht ard offset floor floor floor Area open principal Accessory fset area area area Ratio space structure structure 1st total per per res floor DIU DIU multi ~5 25 1200 2500 nla 25% 75% 30 ** (4) PERMITTED USE~ì BY F~IGHT A. Any USE as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change 11earings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES A. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT A. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 208 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptl!r 17 Zoning . 10.07 (1 ) . CPD-2 CHAMBERLAIN HILL The Chamberlain Hill Subdivision is a conservation development consisting of 29 single-family lots and 3 outlots on 29.52 acres of land. The subdivision utilizes the base zoning of RSE/CPD Suburban Estate District with Conservation Planned Development Overlay District, which generally allows parcels of a maximum 20,000 square feet and a maximum of 100 feet in width (Both of which vary dependin9 on lot layout and subject to Common Council approval). The density for Chambmlain Hill meets the Comprehensive Plan objective of low- density residential consistent with the RSE zoning district. Overall, Chamberlain Hill preserves approximately 52.8% open spacH exclusive of the proposed roadways. Three outlots were proposed as part of the development with one being utilized for stormwater management and two for conservation land protection. The stormwater outlot is owned by the Chamberlain Hill Homeowner's Association. The larger cons.ervation outlot will be maintained by the City of Muskego as lands within this outlot aw identified as priority management areas within the City's adopted Conservation Plan. The other outlot for conservation is maintained by the Chamberlain Hilil Homeowner's Association. The development is of sufficient size to allow bonus lots subject to Common Council approval and subject to completing conservation measures if bonus lots are requested. Chamberlain Hill requested bonus lots above the original density that was allowed under the previous zoning (Previous zoning was RSE Suburban Estate District, which allowed 25 lots under the approved yield plan as per Plan Commission RBsolution #044-2002). Three measures were actually completed as part of Chamberlain Hill's bonus lots and they are as follows: A. Preservation of Environmental features identified in the adopted Conservation Plan. Restores native. prairie and provides a management plan for perpetual maintenancH. Improves water quality by through stormwater management standards and practices, which exceed the minimum standards of Chapter 34 of the Municipal Code, and, as approved by the Engineering/Building Inspection Director and the Public Works Committee. B. C. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: A. Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 11/05/2002 per Resolution #137- 2002 Common Council Rezoning Approval: 08/13/2002 per Ordinance #1112 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 11/05/2002 per Resolution #137- 2002 D. Common Council Final Plat Approval: 03/111/2003 per Resolution #044- 2003 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS A. Lot Size . Max. Lot Area B. C. B. Density C. 13uildinø Location D. Building Size F. Height DIU Per Acre Mirm:3ide Se1-_LJ ard Min. floor Rear offset 209 . . . City of Muskego Lot Bal Width 20,000' 100' 1 4( . Subject to Council approval. .. See Section 15 Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning I: ctli ffset area area area Ratio space structure structure 1st total per per res floor DIU DIU multi )/15 20 2000 2200 nla 25% 75% 30 .. (4) PERMITTED USES BY IRIGHT A. Any USE! as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearìngs if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES B. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT C. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 210 Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 City of Muskego . 10.08 (1 ) . Zoning CPD-3 BIG MUSKEGO ESTATES II The Big Muskego Estates II Subdivision is a conservation development consisting of 2,4 single-family lots and 2 outlots on 38 acres of land. The subdivision utilizes the base zoning of RSE/CPD Suburban Estate District with Conservation Planned Development Overlay District, which generally allows parcels of a 20,000 square foot maximum and a maximum of 100 feet in width (Both of which vary depending on lot layout and subject to Common Council approval). The density for Big Muskego Estate II meets the Comprehensive Plan objective of low-de'nsity residential consistent with the RSE zoning district. Overall, Big Muskego Estate II preserves approximately 56% open space exclusive of the proposed roadways. Two outlots were proposed as part of the dHvelopment with one being utilized for stormwater management. The stmmwater outlot is owned by the Big Muskego Estate II Homeowner's Association. The conservation outlot will be mainjlained by the City of Muskego as lands within this outlot are identified as priority management areas within the City's adopted Conservation 1::>lan. The development is of sufficient size to allow four bonus lots subject to Common Council approval (Due to using lands from the original Big Muskego Estates Subdivision) and subject to completing one conservation measure per bonus lot requested. Big Muskego Estate II requested four bonus lots above the original density that was allowed under the previous zoning (Previous zoning was RSE Suburban Estate District, which allowed 30 lots under the approved yield plan as per Plan Commission Resolution #103-2002 with the possibility of 4 bonus lots). Four measures were actually completed as part of Big Muskego Estate II's bonus lots and they ar'9 as follows: A. Preservation of Environmental features identified in the adopted Conservation Plan. Restores native prairie and provides a management plan for perpetual maintenance. Improves water quality by through stormwater management standards and practices, which exceed the minimum standards of Chapter 34 of the Municipal Code, and, as approved by the Engineering/Building Inspection Director and the Public Works Committee. Enhances the functional classification of wetlands using techniques approved by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the EngineeringÆuilding Inspection Director, and the Public Works Committee. . B. C. D. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: A. Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 11/05/2002 per Resolution #135- 2002 . B. C. Common Council Rezoning Approval: 12/10/2002 per Ordinance #1124 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 06/01/2004 per Resolution #059- 2004 211 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning D. Common Council Final Plat Approval: 09/~~8/2004 per Resolution #148- 2004 (3) BASIC REGULATIONS A. B. C. Lot Size Densit Bui ding L y Max. Lot Max. DIU Min. Sid.: Area Avg. Per Set Van: Lot Acre Back Offse Width 20,000. 100. .89 35 10/1 . Subject to Council approval. .. See Section 15 D. E. F. lCation Building Size Open Height Space Rear Min. floor Min. floor Min. floor Floor Min. Max. Ht Max. offset area 1 st area total area per Area open princlpa Ht s floor DIU multi Ratio space I Accessory per res structur structure DIU e I 15 1200- 1900- n/a 25% 75% 30 .. 1900 2300 (4) PERMITTED USES BY I~IGHT A. Any USE! as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change heanings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES A. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT A. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 212 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . 10.09 (1 ) . . CPD-4 BOXHORN RESERVE The Boxhorn Reserve Subdivision is a conservation development consisting of 19 single-family lots and 2 outlots on 20.54 acres of land. The subdivision utilizes the base zoning of RSE/CPD Suburban Estate District with Conservation Planned Development Overlay District, which generally allows parcels of a 20,000 square foot maximum size and a maximum of 100 feet in width (Both of which vary depending on lot layout and subject to Common Council approval). The density for Boxhorn Reserve meets the Comprehensive Plan objective of low-density residentiial consistent with the RSE zoning district. Overall, Boxhorn Reserve preserves approximately 52.8% open space exclusive of the proposed roadways. Two outlots were proposed as part of the development with one being utilized for stormwater management and the other being dedicated to the City of Muskego for Conservation Purposes. The stormwater outlot is owned by the Boxhorn Reserve HomeownEiIr's Association and is being enhanced with prairie plantings. The conservation ouitlot will be maintained by the City of Muskego as lands within this outlot are identified as priority management amas within the City's adopted Conservation Plan. The development is of sufficient size to allow three bonus lots subject to Common Council approval and subject to completing one conservation measure per bonus lot requested. Boxhorn Reserve requested three bonus lots above the original density that was allowed under the previous zoning (Previous zoning was R-2 Country Home District, R-3 Country Home District, and RS-2 Suburban Residence District, which allowed 16 lots under the approved yield plan as per Plan Commission nesolution #052-2002 with the possibility of 3 bonus lots). Four measures were actually completed as part of Boxhorn Reserve's bonus lots and they are as follows: A. Providing for access by the general public to trails, parks, or other recreational llacilities, excluding golf courses. Preservation of Environmental features identified in the adopted Conservation Plan. Restores naltive prairie and provides a management plan for perpetual maintenancE. Improves water quality by through stormwater management standards and practices, which exceed the minimum standards of Chapter 34 of the Municipal Code, and, as approved by the Engineering/Building Inspection Director and the Public Works Committee. B. C. D. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: A. Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 02/01/2005 per Resolution #013- 2005 B. C. Common Council Rezoning Approval: 02/08/2005 per Ordinance #1188 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 02/01/2005 per Resolution #122- 2004 Commor) Council Final Plat Approval: 03/08/2005 per Resolution #053- 2005 D. 213 . . . City of Muskego (3) BASIC REGULATIONS A. B. Lot Size Density Buildinç Max. Lot Max. DIU Per Min. : Area Avg. Acre Set Lot Back C Width 20,000' 100 0.5 - .79 30 . Subject to Council approval. ** See Section 15 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning '. D. E. F. Location Building Size Open Height Space ide Rear Min. Min. Min. Floor Min. Max. Ht Max. Ht ard offset floor floor floor Area open principal Accessory 1fset area area area Ratio space structure structure 1 st total per per res floor DIU DIU multi 10 25 1800 1800 nla 25% 75% 30 ** C I :, { ) (4) PERMITTED USES BY FHGHT A. Any USE! as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES A. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT A. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 214 City of Muskego . 10.10 (1 ) . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning CPD-5 DENOON COUNTRY ESTATES NORTH The Denoon Country Estates North Subdivision is a conservation development consisting of 10 sin9le-family lots and 2 outlots on 23.91 acres of land. The subdivision utilizes the base zoning of RCE/CPD Country Estate District with Conservation Planned Development Overlay District, which generally allows parcels of a 60,000 square foot maximum size and a maximum of 150 feet in width (Both of which vary depending on lot layout and subject to Common Council approval). The density for Loughney Subdivision meets the Comprehensive Plan objective of low-density residential consistent with the RCE zoning district. Overall, Loughney Subdivision preserves approximately 65% open space exclusive of the proposed roadways. Two outlots were proposed as part of the development with one being utilized for stormwater management and the other being dedicated to the City of Muskego for Conservation Purposes. The stormwater outlot is owned by the Subdivision Homeowner's Assodation and is being enhanced with prairie plantings. The conservation outlot 'iii/ill also be maintained by the Homeowner's Association and will be managed under a recorded Open Space Management Plan due to having lands identified as medium acquisition priority areas within the City's adopted Conservation Plan. The developnll:mt is of sufficient size to allow three bonus lots subject to Common Council approval and subject to completing one conservation measure per bonus lot requested. Denoon Country Estates North requested three bonus lots above the ori9inal density that was allowed under the previous zoning (Previous zoning was A Agricultural District, which allowed 7 lots under the approved yield plan as per Plan Commission Resolution #103-2005 with the possibility of 3 bonus lots). Three measures were actually completed as part of the Denoon Country Estates North Subdivision's bonus lots and they are as follows: A. Preservation of Environmental features identified in the adopted Conservation Plan. Restores native prairie and provides a management plan for perpetual maintenance. Improves water quality by through stormwater management standards and practices, which exceed the minimum standards of Chapter 34 of the Municipal Code, and, as approved by the Engineering/Building Inspection Director and the Public Works Committee. B. C. (2) DATES OF ADOPTION AND ORmNANCE/RESOLUTION NUMBERS: A. Plan Commission Rezoning Approval: 09/~W/2005 per Resolution #103- 2005 . B. C. Common Council Rezoning Approval: 09/2ïï2005 per Ordinance #1201 Plan Commission Final Plat Approval: 07/18/2006 per Resolution #022- 2006 Common Council Final Plat Approval: D. 215 . . . City of Muskego (3) BASIC REGULATIONS A. B. Lot Size Density 13uildin Max. Lot Max. DIU Per Min. : Area Avg. Acre Set Lot Back C Width . Subject to Council approval. .. See Section 15 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning ~ c. D. E. F. ;J Location Building Size Open Height Soace :;ide Rear Min. Min. Min. Floor Min. Max. Ht Max. Ht I'ard offset floor floor floor Area open pnncipal Accessory )ffset area area area Ratio space structure structure 1 st total per per res floor DIU DIU .- multi .. .- (4) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT A. Any USE! as permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. (5) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES A. Any accessory use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substanltial change hearings if required. (6) PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT A. Any conditional use permitted in the RCE district subject to zoning substantial change hearings if required. 216 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning SECTION 11 DESIGN GUIDE ()VERLAY DISTRICT 11.01 DESIGN GUIDE OVERLAY DISTRICTS The zoning code repeal and recreation of 2006 created special overlay zoning districts known as design guide overlay districts. The design guide overlay districts shall be mapped as their originally approved borders. A design guide overlay district does become a part of the zonin!] ordinance and mapping when it is adopted by the Common Council as part of the City's Comprehensive Planning Ordinance Chapter 41, deeming it necessary to promote the public health, safety, morals and welfare, and further expresses the concepts, rationale and intent employed by the Plan Commission and Planning Staff when applyiing Chapter 17 of the City of Muskego Zoning Ordinance, deeming it necessary to promote the health, safety, morals and welfare. 11.02 USE When a property is within a design guide overlay district certain restrictions can apply regarding the development and redevelopment of the property subject to Plan Commission approvals. The adopted documents governing the specified geographic areas are found in the City of Muskego Planning Department and are subject to amendment from time to tirne by the City Plan Commission and Common Council. 11.03 PURPOSE The general purpose of a design guide is to aide the Planning Staff and Plan Commission in planning, design, and redesign of the built environment of the City of Muskego so as to enhance its visual character, and avoid monotony. These standards will also assist in fostering sound, functional, attractive and quality development. The provisions shall be liberally construed in favor of the City and shall be considered as minimum standards. 11.04 (1 ) (2) ADOPTED DESIGN OVERLAY DISTRICTS ODG-1: DOWNTOWN DESIGN DISTRICT ODG-2: RACINE AVENUE GATEWAY DESIGN DISTRICT (3) (4) ODG-3: DURHAM HILL DESIGN DISTRICT ODG-4: MOORL.AND CORRIDOR SOUTH DESIGN DISTRICT (5) (6) ODG-5: TESS CORNERS GATEWAY DESIGN DISTRICT (7) ODG-6: GENERAL DESIGN DISTRICT (Whole City) ODG-7: BUSINESS PARK DESIGN DISTRICT 217 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt!r 17 Zoning SECTION 12 12.01 TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION This Chapter is adopted pursuant to the authority contained in sections 62.23 and 66.1027 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The purpose of this Chapter is to allow the optional development and redevelopment of land in the City of Muskego consistent with the design principles of traditional neighborhoods. A traditional neighborhood: (1) Is compact; (2) Is designed for the human scale; (3) Provides a mix of uses, including residential, commercial, civic, and open space uses in close proximity to one another within the neighborhood; Provides a mix of housing styles, types, and sizes to accommodate households of all ages, sizes, and incomes; Incorporates a system of relatively narrow, interconnected streets with sidewalks, billkeways, and transit that offer multiple routes for motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists and provides for the connections of those streets to existing and future developments; Retains existing buildings with historical features or architectural features that enhancE! the visual character of the community; Incorporates significant environmental features into the design; Is consistent with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. 12.02 12.03 PURPOSE (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) APPLICABILITY The Traditional Neighborhood Development Chapter is an alternative set of sta.ndards for development within the City for new developments of at least four (4) acres in total area, under the auspicBs of the PD Planned Development Overlay District. 12.04 FEES The Common Council may, by resolution, establish fees from time to time for the administration of this Section. 218 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning 12.05 APPLlCfllTION PROCEDURE AND APPROVAL PROCESS (1 ) Prior to the issuance of any permits for development within a Traditional Neighborhood Development, the followin9 steps shall be completed according to the procedures outlined in this Part: A. The applicant shall have had an initial conference; B. A General Implementation Plan and a zoning map amendment to a Traditional Neighborhood Development District shall be approved by the Common Council pursuant to the standards and procEi'dures of the PD - Planned Development Overlay District of Chapter 17, Zonina; A Sp,;;dfic Implementation Plan shall be approved by the Common Council. C. (2) INITIAL CONFEIF~ENCE Before submitting an application for a Traditional Neighborhood Development project, the applicant shall schedule an appointment and meet with the Planning Department Staff to discuss the procedure for approval of a Traditional Neighborhood Development project, including submittal requirements and design standards. (3) GENERAL liMPl.EMENTATION PLAN Process. Following the initial conference, the applicant shall submit a general implementation plan to the Plannin9 Department together with an applicatlionfor a zoning map amendment to an PD - Planned Development Overlay District. A. Per Section 2 of the Zoning Code, the Planning Staff shall schedule a public hearing before the Common Council to consider the zoning map amendment mquest and to consider a recommendation for approval or disapproval of a general implementation plan. At the next regularly scheduled Plan Commission meeting, the Plan Commission shall receive a report from the Planning staff recommending approval, disapproval or approval with specified modifications. . Upon completion of necessary study and investigation, the Plan Commission shall recommend to the Common Council to either: 1. Approve the General Implementation Plan and PD zoning map amendment, 219 City of Muskego . (4) . . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning Approve the General Implementation Plan and PD zoning map amendment with modifications, or Deny the General Implementation Plan and PD zoning map amendment. The Common Council shall receive the recommendation from the Plan Commission and a report from the Planning Director or municipal staff. Upon due consideration, the Common Council shall,:!ither: 1. Approve the General Implementation Plan and zoning map amendment, Approve the General Implementation Plan and zoning map amendment with modifications, or Deny the General Implementation Plan and zoning map amendment. Generallmpilementation Plan Submittal Requirements. The purpose of the general implementation plan is to establish the intent, density, anel intensity for a proposed development. The General ImplemEmtation Plan shall include the following: r, It... (I. B. r) It... (I. A. A general location map of suitable scale, but no less than one inch =: 200 feet, which shows the location of the property within the community and adjacent parcels including locations of any public streets, railroads, major streams or rivers and other major features within 1000 feet of the site. A sitE'! inventory and analysis to identify site assets or resources, and constraints, including but not limited to floodplains, wetlands and soils classified as "poorly drained" or "very poorly drained," soils with bedrock at or within 42 inches of the surface, utility easements for high-tension electrical transmission lines (>69KV), steep slopes greater than 12%, and brownfields. A conceptual site plan, at a scale of no less than one inch = 100 feet, which indicates topography in two foot contours for sites with Î 5 fe'E~t or more of local relief, or one foot contours for local sites with Il,ess than 15 feet of local relief, consisting of a map with proposed features and existing site features and uses that will remailn. These features should include building outlines, location of stmets, transit stops, drives and parking areas, pedestrian and bicyclte paths, service access areas for receiving material and trash removal, and other impervious surfaces. The location of proposed and existing to remain trees and shrubs should also be included, along with any other significant features. A conceptual storm water management plan identifying the proposed patterns of major stormwater runoff, locations of storrnwater infiltration areas, and other significant stormwater best rnanalgement practices. Identification of the architectural style(s) of the Traditional Neighborhood Development and the accompanying site design style(s). The design style of the Traditional Neighborhood B. C. D. E. 220 (5) SPECIFIC IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Specific Implementation Plan Process. The purpose of the Specific Implementation Plan is to establish a detailed development proposal. The Specific Implementation Plan can be proposed, reviewed, and acted upon as whole or in part or phases. Following approval of the General Implementation Plan, the applicant shall submit a Specific Implementation Plan to the Pllanning Department. A. Within 3D-days following receipt 01 the Specific Implementation Plan, the Plan Commission shall receive a report from the Planning Staff recommending approval, disapproval or approval with specified modifications. The Plan Commission shall determine that the proposed Specific Implementation Plan is in subsllantial conformance with the approved General Implementation Plan. Upon, due consideration, the Plan Commission shall recommend that the Common Council either: 'I. Approve the Specific ImplÐmentation Plan as being in substantial conformance with the General Implementation Plan; . Approve the Specific ImplÐmentation Plan as being in substantial conformance with the General Implementation Plan with specified modifications; or Deny the Specific Implementation Plan. City of Muskego . G. . . Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning F. Devellopment shall be conveyed with drawings or computer simulations of typical proposed building elevations (including dimensions of building height and width, and facade treatment). A written report that provides gÐneral information about the covenants, conservation easements, or agreements that will influence the use and maintenance of the proposed development. The Ireport shall also describe the site conditions and the development objectives. Any other information deemed necessary by the Plan Commission, Common Council, or Planning Director in order to evaluate plans. EightHen (18) copies of the above information shall be submitted plus one (1) reduced set no larger than 11 inches by 17 -inches. Digital Map Required. A digital *.DXF file, *.DGN file, or *.DWG file o.r the certified survey map be submitted to the City prior to City signatures being placed upon the CSM (3-1/2" diskette or CD HaM) and all information transmitted on the diskette or CD ROM shall be tied to and referenced to State Plane Coordinates NGVD '1929 or others approved by the Engineering/Building Inspection Director. H. I. ') .-. :3. B. Following Plan Commission recommendation, the Common Council shall receive the recommendation from the Plan Comnnission and the report from the planner or municipal staff. Upon due consideration, the Common Council shall either: 221 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . . . (6) 1. Approve the Specific Implementation Plan as being in substantial conformance with the General Implementation Plan; Approve the Specific Implementation Plan as being in substantial conformance with the General Implementation Plan with specified modifications; or Deny the Specific Implementation Plan. ') ~_. ~t Specific Impl.ementation Plan Submittal Ftequirements. The applicant shall submit a series of plans, maps, and written materials which include the following information: A. A general location map of suitable scale which shows the boundaries and dimensions of the property within the context of the City and adjacent parcels, including locations of any public streets, railroads, major streams or rivers and other major features within 1000 feet of the site, along with a legal description of the property. A site inventory and analysis to identify site assets or resources, and constraints, including but not limited to floodplains, wetlands and soils classified as "poorly drained" or "very poorly drained," soils with bedrock at or within 42 inches of the surface, utility Hasements for high-tension electrical transmission lines (>69KV), slopes greater than 12%, and brownfields. A site plan, including proposed topographic contours at one foot intervals, with the following information: -I . The location of proposed structures and existing structures that will remain, with height and gross floor area noted; The location of street and pedestrian lighting, including lamp intensity and height; The location of proposed open space; The circulation system indicating pedestrian, bicycle, and motor vehicle movement systems, including existing and proposed public streets or right-of-ways; transit stops; easements or other reservations of land on the site; the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts, off-street parking and loading spaces, include service access for receiving and trash removal; sidewalks and other walkways; Location of all trees, shrubs, and ground cover (proposed or existing) to remain on the site. B. C. ') <-. :3. 4. ,- ,). D. A storm water management plan for the site as outlined in Chapter :34, ~!j:orm Water Manaqement Code. Building Site and Operational Plan as required by Section 4 including, detailed elevations of all proposed commercial buildings and 11ypical elevations of residential buildings. Scaled elevations should identify all signs, building materials and percentage of E. 222 (7) AMENDMENTS TO THE SPECIFIC IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Minor channes to the Specific Implementation Plan adopted by the Common Council may be approved by the Planning Department, provided that the changes do not involve: A. Increases or decreases of less than five percent (5%) in floor area of structures or number of dwelling units. Change in exterior building material or color. Alteration of any conditions attached or modification to the Spedfic Implementation Plan made by the Common Council. A major change to a Specific Implementation Plan that is less restrictive than any conditions of approval for the initial Specific Implementation Plan, and shall require approval by a majo~ity vote of all members of the Common Council. City of Muskego . . Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning F. nround floor commercial facade in windows; the location, height and material for screening walls and fences, including outdoor trash storage areas, electrical, mechanical and gas metering equipment, storage areas for trash and recyclable materials, and rooftop equipment. Utiliti(;~s plan showing underground and above ground lines and strucitures for sanitary Sl3wers, electricity, gas, telecommunications, etc. A written report that completely describes the proposal and indicates covenants or agreements that will influence the use and rnain~enance of the proposed development. The report also shall describe the analysis of site conditions and the development objectives. Phasiing plans, where applicable. Any other information deemed necessary by the Common Council in order to evaluate plans. Eighteen (18) copies of the above information shall be submitted, plus one (1) reduced set no larger than 11-inches by 17-inches. G. H. I. J. B. C. D. (8) SUBDIVISION OF LAND . If the Traditional Neighborhood Development involves the subdivision of land as defined in Chapter 18, Land Division Ordinance, the applicant shall submit all required land division documents in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 18 of the Municipal Code and Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes. If there is a conflict between the design standards of Chapter 18, Land Division Ordinance and the design guidelines of this Chapter, the provisions of this Chapter shall apply. (9) OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE OF OPEN SPACE Provision shall be made for the ownership and maintenance of streets, squares, parks, open space, and other public spaces in a Traditional Neighborhood Development by dedication to the City. . 223 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . 12.06 . . (10) RECORDING OF DOCUMENTS. The foliowin~;1 documents need to be filed by the applicant in the County Register of Deeds Office within 30 days after approval of the document by the Common Council: A. A certified copy of the zoning ordinance amendment designating a tract of land as an PO - Planned Development Overlay District; The general implementation plan; and The specific implementation plan. B. C. TRADITIONJIIL NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT DESIGN STANDARDS (1) NEIGHBORHOOD USES In order to achieve the proximity necessary Ito make neighborhoods walkabIE!, it is important to mix land uses. A traditional neighborhood development should consist of a mix of residential uses, a mixed use area, and open space as provided below: A. A mix of residential uses of the following types can occur anywhere in the traditional neighborhood development. For infill development, the mix of residential uses may be satisfied by existing residential uses adjacent to the Traditional Neighborhood Development. 1. . Single-family detached dwellings; 2. Single-family attached dwellings, including duplexes, townhouses, row houses; Multifamily dwellings, including senior housing; Secondary dwelling units, such as Mother-In-Law Units as allowed by Section 8.01 "Special needs" housing, such as community living arrangements and assisted living facilities. Mixed use area, of commercial, residential, civic or institutional, and open space uses as identified Ioelow. Ali residents should be within approximately 1/4 mile or a 5-minute walk from existing or proposed commercial, civic, and open space areas. Individual businl:!sses should not exceed 6000 square feet in size. 1. Commercial uses. a. Food services (neighborhood grocery stores; butcher shops; bakeries; restaurants, not including drive-thrus; cafes; coffee shops; neighborhood bars or pubs); Retail uses (florists or nurseries; hardware stores; stationery stores; book stores; studios and shops of artists and artisans); Services (day care centers; music, dance or exercise studios; offices, including professional and medical offices; barber; hair salon; dry cleaning); '" '-'. 4. t:. ~'. B. b. c. 224 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning d. Accommodations (bed and establishments, small hotels or inns). breakfast 1\ < ).--, >-~ ' ï-< " < >-- L-{ 1- < ,/ )r--< I \ > < 1- -< }--\ \.- ---l '\ -< 1 \-J f-, < !-\ 't- -\ i-\ < ì- \.-~ >- < ì- < \--1 Figure 1. Plan-view conceptual diagrams of neighborhood commercial "service areas" (hexagons). Each hexagon represents a neighborhood with a mixed-use center (dot) that is within a five-minute walking distance of the neighborhood=s .edge. Clusters of neighborhoods (larger hexagon) can support more extensive commercial development than individual neighborhoods. The appropriate amount of commercial uses within a traditional neighborhood development depends on the location, or community context, of the new development (darker shaded hexagon). 225 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . 2. Residential uses. a. Single-family attached dwellings, including duplexes, townhouses, row houses; Multifamily dwellings, including senior housing; Residential units located on upper floors above commercial uses or to the rear of storefronts; "Live/work" units that combine a residence and the resident's workplace; "Special needs" housing, such as community living arrangements and assisted living facilities. 3,. Cilvic or institutional uses. a. Municipal offices, fire stations, libraries, museums, community meeting facilities, and post offices; b. Transit shelters; c. Places of worship; d. Educational facilities. 4. Open space uses. a. Central square; b. Neighborhood park; c. Playground. b. c. d. e. . Figure 2. Elevation sketch of a typical streetscape within a mixed-use area. Architectural design, street furniture, and landscaping all contribute to an attractive, human-scaled environment with a distinct visual character. ~. ~). Open space uses identified below should be incorporated in the traditional neighborhood development as appropriate. Large outdoor recreation areas should be located at the periphery of neighborhoods rather than central locations. a. Environmental corridors; b. Protected natural areas; c. Community parks; d. Streams, ponds, and other water bodies; e. Stormwater detention/retention facilities. . 226 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt!r 17 Zoning . >---~< / \ / \ --< ~ ì- \ / \ / ì----~( / . Figure 3. Plan-view diagram illustrating the importance of context in planning public open space. Large, contiguous open spaces are community-wide resources with environmental, aesthetic, recreational, and educational benefits. Smaller parks and open spaces (asterisk) should be located in neighborhoods (hexagons) that are not within easy walking distance of community parks and open space. . . (2) DEVELOPMENT UNITS. The number of residential dwelling units and the amount of nonresidential development (excluding open spaces) shall be determined as follows: A. In areas elevoted to mixed residential uses: "I The number of single-family attached and detached units permitted shall be 5 - 8 dwelling units per net acre; The number of multi-family units shall be 8 -12 d dwelling units per net acre. Secondary dwelling units shall be permissible in addition to the number of dwelling units authorized under this section. However, the total number of secondary dwelling units shall not be more than 10-percent (10%) of the total number of single-family attached and detached units. For each affordable housing unit provided under this section, one additional dwelling unit shall be permitted, up to a maximum 15-percent (1 ~5%) increase in dwelling units. B. In mixed..use areas: Î. The number of single-family and multi-family dwelling units permitted shall be calculated the same as above plus an additional number of units not to exceed 10-percent (10%) of the amount permitted above. ') <.. ~~. 4. 227 . . . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego q t:... All dwelling units constructed above commercial uses shall be permissible in addition to the number of dwelling units authorized under this section. However, the total number of dwelling units shall not b,e increased by more than 10 dwelling units or 1 O-percent (10%), whichever is greater. The total ground floor area of nonresidential development uses, including off-street parking areas, shall not exceed 25-percent (25%) of the traditional neighborhood development. ~l (3) OPEN SPACE At least 20-percent of the gross acreage of the Traditional Neighborhood Developmenlt must be open space. Open space may include undevelopable areas such as steep slopes and wetlands, and stormwater detention and retention basins. Ninety-percent (90%) of the lots within the areas devoted to mixed residential uses shall be within a 1ft! mile or a 5 minutH walk from common open space. (4) STORM WATEFi: MANAGEMENT The design and development of the traditional neighborhood development should minimize off-site stormwater runoff, promote on-site filtration, and minimize the discharge of pollutants to ground and surface water. .Natural topography and existing land cover should be maintained/protected to the maximum e)(tent practicable. New dev,elopment and redevelopment shall meet the requirements as outlined in Chapter 34, Storm Water Manaqemen!t of the Municipal Code. (5) LOT AND BLOCK STANDARDS. A. !310ck;. and lot size diversity. StreHt layouts should provide for perirn'eter blocks that are generally in the range of 200 - 400 feet deep by 400 - 800 feet long. A variety of lot sizes should be provided to facilitate housing diversity and choice and meet the projected requirements of people with different housing needs. 228 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning : I I J l' Ì-- " '~LL ,- ... --- ~=-3-!tftr~-_- - -"- ./ -.~I ( rTl If- ! I I I i I Figure 4. Plan-view dia9ram of a street grid showing a diversity of lot (parcel) sizes. B. ~Nidttu~. Lot widths should create a relatively symmetrical street Gross. section that reinforces the public space of the street as a simplB, unified public space. j3uildinQ Setback. Front - Mixed Use Area. Structures in the mixed-use area have no minimum setback. Commercial and civic or institutional buildings should abut the sidewalks in the mixed- use éllrea. C. :q. ------.------ ~b. ------------- Figure 5. Plan-view diagrams showing two alternatives for building setbacks from the street right-of-way in mixed-usH areas. Relatively uniform setbacks (a) are preferable to widely varying building setbacks (b). 229 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning : I LJ JLl I ' " .... .' --- =.}!t1tr~.. . --- ./ m If' -.~I (. ~ I I I ì ! Figure 4. Plan-view dia~lram of a street grid showing a diversity of lot (parcel) sizes. B. Widt~!~~. Lot widths should create a relatively symmetrical street cross section that reinforces the public space of the street as a simple, unified public space. 1!uildirlQ Setback. Front - Mixed Use Area. Structures in the rnixec:l-use area have no minimum setback. Commercial and civic or ins1titutional buildings should abut the sidewalks in the mixed- LIse area. C. //"',, "",',"',',",>,' ~'/,',,;', ",/" /",Y;Ø,"ø.""//,~~,',;j.' ,'/', ,',,/-,,' "'.." '0., /~wß,:7/- /',. "0""". ~;t ~- ~,ij,:,,~:~F,',.,~, .,:,~,'/{~;~' ,~~~,'2ffB,~,','!,.,','~W'~..~:"'~,'~..ø../.'%~,~,; é}"/~.::"',"/;;:~ ~~!'~-;.0 /;-F., ~ !ißd)~' . ~/. %' ",,~<{'; ;% /".; ~ Y. ;%,%;6?:f!fÆØ- ~éJ. ----.--...------ ~b. ------------- Figure 5. Plan-view diagrams showing two alternatives for building setbacks from the street right-of-way in mixed-use areas. Relatively uniform setbacks (a) are preferable to widely varying building setbacks (b). 229 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning D. Building Setback, Front - Areas of Mixed Residential Uses. Single-family detached residences shall have a building setback in the fmnt between Q-feet and 25-"feet. Single-family attached residences and multifamily residences shall have a building setback in the front between 0 and 15 feet. E. !3uildinq Setback. Rear - Areas of Mixed Residential Uses. The principal building on lots devoted to single-family detached residences shall be setback no less than 30-feet from the rear lot line. =:::=1 I I I Figure 6. Plan-view dia9ram of the zero-lot line concept. A large side-yard on each parcel is created by uniformly elim,natinn one of the side-yard setbacks. F. ~;ide ;;;etbacks. Provision for zero lot-line single-family dwellings may also made, provided that a re!ciprocal access easement is recorded for both lots and townhouses or other attached" dwellings, provided that all dwellingls have pedestrian access to tile rear yard through means other"than the principal structure. (6) CIRCULATION STANDARDS. The circulation system shall allow for different modes of transportation. The circulation system shall provide functional and visual links within the residential areas, mixed use area, and open space of the traditional neighbol'hood development and shall be connected to existing and proposed external development. The circulation system shall provide adequate traffic capacity, provide connected pedestrian and bicycle routes (especially off street bicycle or multi-use paths or bicycle lanes on the streI3ts), control through traffic, limit lot access to streets of lower traffic volumes, and promote safe and efficient mobility through the traditional neighborhood development. 230 City of Muskego . A. . . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning B. pede:;ìtrian Circulation. Convenient pedestrian circulation systems that minimize pedestrian-motor vehicle conflicts shall be provided continuously throughout the Traditional Neighborhood Development. Where feasible, any existing pedestrian routes throuGlh the site shall be preserved and enhanced. All streets, except for alleys, shall be bordered by sidewalks on both sides in accordance with the specifications listed in Table 1. The following provisions also apply: 1. Walkwavs in residential amas. Clear and well-lighted walkways, 3 - 5 feet in width, depending on projected pedestrian traffic, shall connect all dwelling entrances to the adjacent public recreational trails. Walkwavs in mixed use areas. Clear and well-lighted walkways shall connect building entrances to the adjacent public walkways and to associated parking areas. The Public Works Committee shall determine the width of such walkways. Disabled Accessibilitv. Walkways shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Crosswalks. Intersections of walkways with streets shall be designed with clearly defined edges. Crosswalks shall be well lit and clearly marked with contrasting paving materials at the edges or with striping. ~~icvc!ß Circulation. Bicycle circulation shall be accommodated on streets and/or on dedicated bicycle paths. Where feasible, any existing bicycle routes through the site shall be preserved and enhanced. Facilities for bicycle travel may include off-street bicyclH paths (generally shared with pedestrians and other non motorized users) and separate, stnped, 4-foot bicycle lanes on streets. If a bicycle lane is combine,d with a lane for parking, the combined width should be 14 feet. f)ubli(;: Transit Access. Where public transit service is available or planned, convenient access to transit stops shall be provided. Where transit shelters are provided, they shall be placed in highly visible locations that promote security through surveillance, and shall be well-lighted. Motor- Vehicle Circulation. Motor vehicle circulation shall be clesigned to minimize conflicts with pedestrians and bicycles. Traffic calming features such as "queuing streets," curb e'xtensions, traffic circles, and medians may be used to encourage slow traffic speeds. 1. Street Hierarchv. Each street within a traditional neighborhood development shall be classified according to the following (arterial streets should not bisect a traditional neighborhood development): a. Collector. This street provides access to commercial or mixed -use buildings, but it is also part of the [city/villagers major street network. q It... ~I. 4. C. D. 231 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . . ~- -t..-- A b. On-street parking, whether diagonal or parallel, helps to slow traffic. Additional parking is provided in lots to the side or mar of buildings. Subcollector. This street provides primary access to individual residential properties and connects streets of lower and higher function. Design speed is 25 mph. Local Street. This street provides primary access to individual residential properties. Traffic volumes are relatively low, with a design speed of 20 mph. Allev. These streets provide secondary access to residential properties where street frontages are narrow, where the street is designed with a narrow width to provide limited on-street parking, or where alley access development is desired to increase residential densities. Alleys may also provide delivery access or alternate parking access to commercial properties. c. d. Figure 7a. Schematic sketch of a typical local street cross-section. Table 1 lists the recommended dimensions of each compone'nt: A) building setback trom street right-ot-way; B) walkway; C) planting area; F) travel lane. A ~iJ{;~ .~ ". , Figure 7b. Schematic sketch ot a typical sub-collector street cross-section. Table 1 lists the recommended dimensions ot each component: A) building setback from street right-ot-way; B) walkway; C) planting area; E) bicycle lane; F) travel lane. . 232 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt!r 17 . Zoning Table 1: Attributes 'I:,f Streets in a Traditional Neighborhood Development Subcollector Local Street I Alley Average Trips Right-of-Way Auto lanes travel Bicycle lanes Parking . Curb and gutter Planting strips Sidewalks Daily 7500' morH 750-1500 48-72 feet Two 10 feet lanes 4 feet lanes with no parking, or 6 feet lanes combined with parking lanes None, one, both sides, 8 feet Required Minimum 6 feet Both sides, 3-5 feet Less than 250 35-50 feet Two 10 feet lanes, or one 14 feet (queuing) lane None or None or one side, 8 feet Not applicable 12-16 feet Two 8 feet lanes for two-way traffic, or one 12 feet lane for one-way traffic None None (access to individual drives & garages outside Right-of-way) None None None J>. Figure 7c. Schematic sketch of a typical collector street cross-section. Table 1 lists the recommended dimensions of each component: A) building setback from street right-of-way; B) walkway; C) planting area; D) parking lane; E) bicycle lane; F) travel lane. . 76-88 feet Two or three 12 feet lanes Two ß feE!! lanes combined with parking lanes Both sides, 8 feet Required Minimum 6 feet Both sides, 5 feet minimum ---A iL.. .~.;c; Not required Minimum 6 feet Both sides, 3-5 feet ~' ~ ~' ~ . ~~~ . Street Lavout. The traditional neighborhood development should maintain the existing street grid, where present, and restore any disrupted street grid where feasible. In addition: r, <tn. 233 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning a. Intersections shall be at right angles whenever possible, but in no case less than 75 degrees. Low volume streets may form three-way intersections creating an inherent right-of-way assignment (the through street receives precedence) that significantly reduces accidents without the use of traffic controls. Corner radii. ThE! roadway edge at street intersections shall be rounded by a tangential arc with a maximum radius of 15 feet for local streets and 20 feet for intersections involving collector or arterial streets. The intersection of a local street and an access lane or alley shall be rounded by a tangential arc with a maximum radius of 10 feet. Curb cuts for driveways to individual residential lots shall be prohibited along arterial streets. Curb cuts shall be limited to intE!rsections with other streets or access drives to parking areas for commercial, civic or multifamily residential uses. Clear sight triangles shall be maintained at intersections, as specified below, unless controlled by traffic signal devices: b. c. tinter! local. collel~ collec .ection of: Minimum clear sight distance: street and collector 120 feet tor and collector 130 feet tor and arterial SO feet d. The orientation of strE!ets should enhance the visual impact of common open spaces and prominent buildings, create lots that facilitate passive solar design, and minimize street gradients. All streets shall terminate at other streets or at public land, except local streets may terminate in stub streets when such streets act as connections to future phases of the development. Local streets may terminate other than at other streets or public land when there is a connection to the pedestrian and bicycle path network at the terminus. 234 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning ,, '\ ~ ","'" \ I ~+ + Figure 8. Plan-view diagram of a street intersection. Reducing the radius of street corners slows turning vehicle traffic and shortens pedestrian crosswalks. ~I. Parkinq requirements. Parking areas for shared or community use should be encouraged. In addition: a. In the mixed-use area, any parking lot shall be located at the rear or side of a building. If located at the side, screening shall be provided as specified in Section 12.08. A parking lot or garage may not be adjacent to or opposite a street intersection. In the mixed-use area, a commercial use must provide one parking space for every 500 square feet of gross building area. Parking lots or garages must provide not less than one bicycle parking space for every 10 motor vehicle parking space's. Adjacent on-street parking may apply toward the minimum parking requirements. In the mixed residential areas, parking may be provided on-site. One (1) off-street parking space with unrestricted ingress and egress shall be provided for each secondary dwelling unit. Multi-family uses must provide one parking space for every dwelling unit and 0.5 parking space for each additional bedroom. b. c. d. e. f. g. 235 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . . Figure 9. Aerial perspective sketch of a mixed-use area inte'Jrating commercial (ground floor) and residential (second story) uses. A relatively narrow gap iri the continuous "street wall" (created by the mixE~d -use buildings) provides access from the street to a landscaped, "pedestrian-friendly" parkin!J lot. I': ~'. Service access. Access for service vehicles should provide a direct route to service and loading dock areas, while avoiding movement through parking areas. Pavinq. Reduction of impervious surfaces through the use of interlocking pavers is strongly encouraged for areas such as remote parking lots and parking areas for periodic uses. 4. 12.07 ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS A variety of architectural features and building materials is encouraged to give each building or group of buildings a distinct character. (1) Guidelines for Existing Structures A. j;:xistiOq structures, if determined to be historic or architecturally significant, shall be protected from demolition or encroachment by incompatible structures or landscape development. ~ìtanc!ards. The U.S. Secretary olr the Interior's Standards for F\ehabilitation of Historic Properties shall be used as the criteria for renovating historic or architecturally significant structures. B. . 236 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapt4!r 17 Zoning (2) Guidelines for New Structures A. !~eiqtlt. New structures within a Traditional Neighborhood Devel'opment shall be no more than 3 stories for single-family residontial, or 5 stories for commercial, multi-family residential, or mixed use. -'--"'-- -- -- --- - -- -- --- - - - -- -.- - ...-- -- --- Figure 10. Schematic elHvation sketch of a mixed-use streetscape. To create a visually unified streetwall, buildings should be no more than 30% taller or 30% shorter than the average building height on the block. B. Entries aDd Facades 1 . The architectural features, materials, and the articulation of a façade of a building shall be continued on all sides visible from a public street. The front façade of the principal building on any lot in a Traditional Neighborhood Development shall face onto a public street. The front façade shall not be oriented to face directly toward a parking lot. Porches, pent roofs, roof overhangs, hooded front doors or other similar architectural elements shall define the front entrance to all residences. For commercial buildings, a minimum of 50-percent (50%) of the front façade on the ground floor shall be transparent, consisting of window or door openings allowing views into and out of the interior. New structures on opposit'3 sides of the same street should follow similar design guidelines. This provision shall not apply to buildings bordering civic uses. q L:... ~I. 4. r:;' ~t. 6. 237 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning Figure 11. Schematic elevation sketches of two multi-storied buildings with equal heights and widths. Architectural details such as porches, windows, and roof dormers articulate a building's façade (right) which enhances visual quality and contributes to a human-scaled development. (3) Guidelines fpr qaraqes and secondary dwellinq units. Garages and secondary dwelling units may be placed on a single-family detached resident'lal lot within the principal building or an accessory building provided that the secondary dwelling unit shall not exceed 800 square feet. (jf. ==:J r:=: TIfT . . k-J I I 100 L.j Þ. c. -'::=1 I lðl L.j =J I llÞl L.J q, Figure 12. Plan-view dia9rams of four alternative garage locations on a single-family housing lot: a) detached garage is accessød from an alley; b and c) attached garage is accessed from the local street, d) detached 9arage, behind the house, is accessed from the local street. 238 City of Muskego 12.08 LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING STANDARDS. (1) Overall composition and location of landscaping shall complement the scale of the development and its surroundings. In general, larger, well-placed contiguous planting areas shall be preferred to smaller, disconnl3ctecl areas. Where screening is required by this ordinance, it shall be at IHast 3 feet in height, unless otherwise specified. Required screening shall be at least 50 percent opaque throughout the year. Required screening shall be satisfied by one or some combination of: a decorative fÐnce not less than 50 percent opaque behind a continuous landscaped area, a masonry wall, or a hedge. Street trees. Shall be required in accordance with Chapter 37, Trees. Parkina areaJandscapina and screenina. A. All parking and loading areas fronting public streets or sidewalks, and all parking and loading areas abutting residential districts or Llses, shall provide: 1 . A landscaped area at least 5-feet wide along the public street or sidewalk. Screening at least 3-feet in height and not less than 50- percent (50%) opaque. ~I. One tree for each 25-linear feet of parking lot frontage. The corners of parking lots, "islands," and all other areas not used for parking or vehicular circulation shall be landscaped. Vegetation can include turf grass, native grasses or other perennial flowering plants, vines, shrubs or trees. Such spaces may include architectural features such as benches, kiosks or bicycllø parking. . In lalrge parking lots containing more than 200 spaces, an additional landscaped area of at least 300 square feet shall be provided for each 25 spaces or fraction thereof, containing one canopy tree. The remainder shall be covered with turf grass, native grasses or other perennial flowering plants, vines or shrubs. . . . (4) (5) (2) (3) (4) Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning Guidelines t.pr exterior sianaae. A comprehensive sign program is required for the entire Traditional Neighborhood Development that establishes at uniform sign theme. Signs shall share a common style (e.g., size, shape, material). In the mixed-use area, all signs shall be wall signs or cantilever signs. Cantilever signs shall be mounted perpendicular to the building face and shall not exceed 8 square feet. Guidelines fQr liahtina. Street lighting shall be provided along all streets. Generally more, smaller lights, as opposed to fewer, high-intensity lights, should be used. Streetlights shall be installed on both sides of the street at intervals of no greater than 75-feet. Extl3rior lighting shall be directed downward in order to reduce glare onto adjacent properties. r) t:.. B. C. Installation aJ:ld Maintenance of Landscapinq Materials. A. All landscape materials shall be installed to current industry standards. 239 Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . . . (5) Maintenance and replacement of landscape materials shall be the responsibility of the property owner. Landscape maintenance should incorporate environmentally sound management practices, including the use of water- and energy-efficient irrigation systems such as drip irrigation, and pruning primarily for plant health and public safety, replacing dead materials annually. Materials. A.II plant materials must meet the minimum standards set by the American National Standards Institute in ANSI Z60.1 American Standard for Nursery Stock. Landscape species shall be indigenous or proven adaptable to the climate, but shall not be invasive species. Plant materials shall comply with the following standards: A. Minimum plant size shall be as specified as follows (for the purpose of determining tree trunk size, the diameter shall be measured 6 inches above ground level): B. Minimum Size 6 feet in hE!ight py tree 22 inches caliper at dbh* ; tree 12 inches caliper at dbh* ciduous shrubs 18 - 24 inches in height . at breast height Plant Type Evergreen tree Deciduous cano Small deciduow Evergreen or de *dbh = diameter B. Landscape materials shall be tolerant of specific site conditions, incluc:ling but not limited to heat, drought and salt. Existing healthy plant material may be utilized to satisfy landscaping requirements, provided it meets the minimum plant size specified above. Landscape materials that are used for screening shall be of a size th,at allows growth to the desired hei!Jht and opacity within 2 years. c. D. 240 . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning SECTION 13 WELLHEAD PROITECTION OVERLAY DISTFUCT 13.01 STATEMENT OF INTENT Through the Wisconsin Løgislative Act 410 (effective May 11, 1984), and as the residents of the City of Muskego depend exclusively on gmundwater for a safe drinking water supply, it is recognized that certain land use practices and activities can seriously threaten or degrade groundwater quality. The intent of this overlay district is to protect the City of Muskego's municipal water supply and well fields. The regulations specified by this district shall apply to all lands that lie within the five year Time of Travel (TOT) of each City of Muskego municipal well or 1,200 feet minimum, within the City 01 Muskego corporate limits, and have a well head protection area delineated in a WI~II H~~,ad Protection Plan accepted by the City. 13.02 BASIC REGULATIONS Building (4) Building Size Open (6) Height (3) Location (5) Space 1. Minimum Residential Floor Min per Max. Permitted ,t Minimum Floor Area (In Sq. Ft.) Residential (In Feet) :k Offset DIU Area ,et) One All other Single Family Multi Principal Accessory Side sides 1st Total per Ratio structu re structure (In Feet) (In Feet) floor DIU * * - * - * * * * (1) Lot Size (2) Density Minimum Min. Area Average Width (In Sq. Ft. Lot Area (In FE Or Acres) (In Feet) Per DIU (In Sq. Ft.) * * * Residential Mir Lot Area S,i: Per DIU Bac .- " .- *Same as in underlyinçl distdct 13.03 REQUIRED SEPARATION DISTANCES Required horizontal separation distances between a weill and the following land uses and facilities: (1 ) (2) 50 feet betwl;3en a well and a storm sewer main. 200 feet between a well and any sanitary sewer main, lift station or single family msidential fuel oil storage tank. A le,sser separation distance may be allowed tor sanitary sewer mains where the sanitary sewer main is constructed of water main materials and .ioints and pressure tested in place to meøt current AWWA 600 specifications. In no case may the separation distance between a well and a sanitary sewer main be less than 50 feet. 400 feet between a well and a septic tank receiving less than 8,000 gallons per day, a cemetery or a storm water detention or retention pond. 600 feet be,tween a well and any gasoiline or fuel oil storage tank installation that has received written approval from the Wisconsin Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations or its designated agent under s. ILHR 10.10., Wisconsin Administrative Code. (3) (4) 241 City of Muskego . 13.04 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning (5) 1,000 feet between a well and outer limits of land used for the application of municipal, commercial or industrial waste; industrial, commercial or municipal wastewater lagoons or storage structures; and septic tanks or soil absorption units receiving 8,000 gallons of wastewater per day or more. 1,200 feet bøtween a well and any solid waste storage, transportation, transfer, incineration, air curtain destructor, processing, one time disposal or small demolition facility; sanitary landfill; salt or deicing material storage area; gasoline or fuel oil storage tanks that have not received written approval from the Wisconsin Depal1ment of Industry, Labor and Human Relaltions or its designated agent under s. ILHR 10.10; bulk fuel storage facilil:iies; and pesticide or fertilizer handling or storage facilities. (6) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT The following land uses are, permitted uses within both the Primary and Secondary Well Head Protection Area if first permitted by the underlying zoning district, and not prohibited under Section 13..07 and 13.08: (1) Parks, provided there are no on-site waste disposal or fuel oil storage tank facilities associated within such use, Playgrounds" Wildlife areas, Non motorized trails, such as biking, skiing, nature and fitness trails, Residential uses, Agricultural activities (see prohibited uses Section 13.07 and 13.08), Commercial and industrial uses, except those listed as prohibited below, . 13.05 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES Any accessory use as permitted in the underlying basic district unless otherwise prohibited by Section 13.07 and 13.08. 13.06 USES PERMITTED BY CONDITIONAL GRANT (1 ) . (2) By Conditional Use Grant, if the use is not expressly prohibited by Section 13.07 and 1 :3.08 individuals and/or facilities may request the City of Muskego permit other land uses in the Well Head Protection Area, or any conditional uses permitted in the basic underlying district. All requl3sts shall be made in writing to the City of Muskego and shall include a report assessing the potential for contamination of the public water supply wells concerned. A copy of the assessment report shall be provided to the City of Muskego for consideration and approval by the City of Muskego Plan Commission or any oth,:~!r body of authority deemed necessary by the Plan Commission. All other aspøcts of the submittal shall be in conformity with Section 14 of this Chapter, Conditional Uses. (3) (4) 242 . . 8 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning 13.07 OWP PROH~BITED USES The following uses are prohibited uses within the Primary Well Head Protection Area: (1) Animal waste storage facilities, (2) Asphalt products manufacturing, (3) Bulk fertilizer and pesticide storage facilities, (4) Bus or truck Iterminals, (5) Dry cleaning 1facilities, (6) Electroplatinq, (7) Exterminatinq shops, (8) Garage and vehicular towing, (9) Gas stations, (10) Hazardous and toxic materials storage and use, (11) Hazardous and toxic waste facilities, (12) Junk yards or auto salvage yards, (13) Landfills or w'aste disposal facilities, (14) Non municipal spray wastewater facilities, (15) Non municipal wastewater treatment facilitie!s, (16) Paint and coating manufacturing, (17) Printing shop., (18) Public a1d municipal maintenance garages, (19) Radioactive waste facilities, (20) Salt Stomge,. (21) Seepagø and/or sludge spreading, (22) Tire and battl:!ry services, (23) Undergrouncl storage tanks, (24) Vehicle repa:ir establishments, including auto body repair, and (25) Waste Transfer Stations. 13.08 SECONDARY ZONE PROHIBITED USES The following uses are prohibited uses within the Secondary Well Head Protection Area (When mapped): (1) Animal waste storage facilities, (2) Bulk fertilizer, (3) Garage and vehicular towing, (4) Gas sta1ions, (5) Underground storage tanks, (6) Vehicle .'epai;r establishments, including auto body repair and, (7) Landfills or waste disposal facilities. 243 . . . City of Muskego Requirements for existing facilities prohibited by Section 1 ~3.07 and 13.08 as listed above are as follows: (1) Facilities shall provide copies of all federal, state and local facility operation approvals or certificate and on-going environmental monitoring results to the City of Muskego. Facilities shall provide additional environmental or safety structums/monitoring as deemed necessary by the City of Muskego, which may include, but is not limited to, stormwater runoff management and monitoring. Facilities shall replace equipment or expand in a manner that improves the existing environmental and safety technologies already in existence. Facilities shalll have the responsibility of devising and filing a contact list with the City of Muskego for the immediate notification of City of Muskego officials in thG event of an emergency. In the event the individual and/or facility causes the release of any contaminants which endanger the District, the activity causing said release shall immediately cease and a cleanup satisfactory to the City of Muskego shall occur The individual/facility shall be responsible for all costs of cleanup, City of Muskego consultant fees at the invoice amount, plus administrative costs for oversight, review and documentation. 13.09 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning REQUIREMENTS FOR EXISTING PI~OHIBITED FACILlTII::S (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 244 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptf~r 17 Zoning . SECTION 14 C:ONDITIONAL USES 14.01 GENERAL (1) APPROVAl. REOUIRED Uses listed as permitted by conditional gmnt may be permitted in the district in which listed upon petition for such grant to the Plan Commission and subject to the approval of the Commission and to such other conditions as hereinafter designated. (2) BASIS FOR APPROVAL The Plan Commission shall base their determination on general considerations as to the effect of such grant on the health, general welfare, safe!ty and economic prosperity of the City and specifically of the immediate neighborhood in which such use would be located, including such considerations as the effect on the established character and quality of the area" its physical attractiveness, the movement of traffic, the demand for related services, the possible hazardous, harmful, noxious, offensivl3 or nuisance effect as a result of noise, dust, smoke or odor and such other factors as would be appropriatl3 to carrying out the intent of conditional grants. 14.02 APPLICATION PROCEDURE . (1) PETITION A request for conditional use grant shall be submitted in writing to the Planninn Department who shall promptly refer such petition to the Plan Commission for determination. Such petition shall be accompanied by appropriate clata and information necessary for proper evaluation of the request including specifically the following: B. An accurate map of the property including indication of general terrain and topographical characteristics, the location of all signifli,cant terrain features such as streams, ponds, tree growths, etc., and the location of all existing structures. An accurate and complete written d3scription of the use for which conditional grant is being requested including pertinent statistics and operational characteristics. Plans and other drawings showing proposed development of the site and buildings including landscape plans, location of parking and service areas, driveways, extE~rior lighting, type of building matelr'~al, etc. A. C. (2) PUBLIC HEARING Upon referral to the petition the Plan Commission shall schedule a public hearing thereon as soon as practical. . 245 Municipal Code Chapt4~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . 14.03 . . (3) DETERMINATION Following public hearing and necessary study and investigation the Plan Commission shall as soon as practical rencler its decision in writing and a copy made a permanent part of the Commission's records. Such decision shall include an accurate description of the use permitted, of the property on which permitted, and any and all conditions made applicable thereto, or if disapproved, shall indicate the reasons for disapproval. (4) MAPPING (~ RECORDING When conditional grant is approved, the Building and Occupancy and Zoning Use Permits shall be applicable solely to the structures, use and property so described. Indication of such grant shall also be made on the Zoning Map by appropriate code number of symbol. REQUIRI=MENTS (1) STANDARD REOUIREMENTS A. Except as may be specifically otherwise provided, any such use shall conform to the Building Location, Height, Building Size, Lot Size, and Open Space regulations of the district in which it is located. Building, Site and Operation Plans of the proposed use shall be submitted for approval of the Plan Commission. Such plans shall be in sufficient detail to enable the- Commission to evaluate the suitability of architectural and landscape treatment; the proper location of the building or buildings on the lot; the satisfactory provision for parking and circulation needs, for drainage and sewage disposal for adequate planting screen where necessary, and for operational control devices where necessary to eliminate noise" dust, odor, smoke, or other objectionable operating condiltion; and the general compatibility of the proposed use with the area in which it is located. B. (2) SPECIAL REOLI IREMENTS In addition tc~ the general standards and requirements as stated in this section, such conditional uses shall be subject to more specific standards and requirements pertinent to the particular use, which standards and requirements may be set out in a supplementary guide for conditional use regulation adopted by the Commission, and modified from time to time in order that Hley reflect the best and most contemporary of regulatory practices. (3) MODIFICATION OF REGULATIONS Requiremen'ls applicable to uses permitted by right or as accessory uses in any district by the regulations of this ordinance may be modified or waived by thH Plan Commission in their application to a conditional use if in the Comrn:ission's opinion they are not appropriate or necessary to the proper regulation of the conditional use, and where such modification or 246 City of Muskego . (4) (5) (6) . . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning waiver woule:! not in the Commission's opllnion result in adverse effect upon sUI'rounding properties. ACCESSOFW USES AND STRUCTURES Uses and structures accessory to a principal conditional use may be permitted subject to appropriate regulations in the same manner as herein before set forth for the principle conditional use. RUSTIC STRUCTURES Applications for Conditional Use status for Flustic Structures shall first be referred to the Conservation Commission for a recommendation as to whether a particular accessory structure or building meets the definition found in this Code. In reviewing an application for Conditional Use, the Plan Commission shall consider the recommendation of the Conservation Commission, the definition of Rustic Structure, and whether the accessory structure existed as of January 1, 2002. All conditional use grants issued under this Section shall be subject to periodic review as determined by the Plan Commission on a case-by-case basis. GASOLINE SER:VICE STATIONS In the case of requests for a conditional grant for a gasoline service station in a commercial zoning District, such grant is subject to the express condition that no such station shall be located, built, constructed, maintained or operated: A. Within 500 feet of any public building or within the same distance of any public theatre or park. Within 1500 feet of any other automobile service station unless the Plan Commission determines, upon examining the plan and specifications of the size and layout of the proposed station submitted by the prospective operator and upon examining a reporlt of the City Engineer as to the effect of such a station upon present traffic conditions, that the proposed station will not result in traffic, fire, health, òr safety hazard, that such a station will not be offensive or a nuisance to the surrounding "neighborhood by reasons of its physical, social or economic feasibility. So that the boundary line of any driveway connection such station with any street is nearer than 150 feet from an intersection unless the Plan Commission determines, upon examining the plans and specilfications of the size and layout of the proposed station subm itted by the prospective operator and upon examining a report of the City Engineer as to the effect of such a station upon preSE!nt traffic conditions, that the location and access driveways of thE:! proposed station will not result in a traffic or safety hazard nor unduly interfere with the orderly and expeditious flow and control of traffic at such intersectilon, in which case the Plan Commission may reduce said 150-"foot requirement but may not reduce such requirement below 100 feet and in any case within the visual setback line. B. C. 247 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning CHANGES ~,.ND AMENDMENTS TO APPROVED CONDITIONÞ,L USE GRANTS Subsequent Change or Addition to the approved Conditional Use Grants shall first be submitted for approval to the Plan Commission and if in the opinion of the Plan Commission such change or addition constitutes a substantial alteration based on the standards set forth in this Code, a public hearing before the Plan Commission shall be required. 14.04 14.05 APPLICATION TO EXISTING USES (1 ) (2) A use which ,existed lawfully on a lot at the time said lot was placed in a district whero such use would be permitted only as a conditional grant, shall automatically be granted conditional use status. The gra.nt of conditional use in such case shall be based upon the existing conc:litions at that time and any expansion or change in use shall require chanqing of the conditional use grant. Petition may be made at any time for expansion or other change of the conditional use grant and such petition shall not prejudice the existing grant as herein authorized. Conditional use status granted under previous zoning regulations shall be considered in effect under this ordinance subject to the conditions established by the original grant. Any expansion or other change, however, shall be subject to the provisions of this ordinance. (3) (4) 14.06 TERMINATION Where a permitted conditional use does not continue in conformity with the conditions of the original approval, or where a change in the character of the surrounding area or of the use itself causes it to bø no longer compatible with surrounding areas, or for similar cause based upon considoration for the public welfare 'the conditional grant may be terminated by action of the Common Council following referral to the Plan Commission for recommendation, and public hearing thereon. Such use shall thereafter be classified as legal nonconforminø use, except that where the action is due to failure to comply with the conditions of the conditional grant, the Common Council may require complete termination of such USE!. 248 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 City of Muskego Zoning . SECTION 15 ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES 15.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (1 ) (2) (4) (3) Any accessory use or structure shall conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located except as specifically otherwise provided. No aCCE!ssory use or structure shall be permitted that by reason of noise, dust, odor, appearance, or other objectionable factor creates a nuisance or substantial adverse effect on the property value or reasonable enjoymemt of the surrounding properties. No accessory use or structure shall be permitted without a principal use on a property except as specifically otherwise provided. In any case 'Nhere the principal use is permitted as a conditional grant, or is permitted only after approval of building, site and operational plans, the requirements of (1) and (2) above shall apply also to any use or structure accessory thereto, except that where such accessory use is added subsequent to the original approval, the Plan Commission may grant approval of any such accessory use without necessity for public hearing if in their opinion it is compatible to the original grant and is not of sufficient scope or different character to necessitate further public hearings. . 15.02 HOME OCCUPATIONS (1 ) . (2) When Permitted. Home Occupations shall be permitted as an Accessory Use wh,en incident to the principal residential use, situated in the same building, and carried on by the residential occupant, subject to the provisions of this Section. Business RE!!~istration required. The Planning Director or their designee may approve Home Occupations without necessity of a Building Site and Operation Plan. All persons engaged in Home Occupations shall register their USI3 by Gompleting a Business Registration Form available through the Building and Engineering Department. Regulat!ons Applicable to Home Occupations: A. Such uses shall not occupy more than 20% of the Assessed Floor Area of the principal structure in which it is located. Such use shall not employ more than one person not a resident on the premises. No SLiCh use shall be permitted which normally necessitates the coming of the customer or client to the premises, or his presence on the premises while the service is being performed, or otherwise nenerates pedestrian or vehicular traffic incompatible with the rural or residential character of the neighborhood, except for teaching or tutoring academic subjects, or the studios where dancing, music or other art instruction is offered to no more than two (2) pupils at one time. (3) B. C. 249 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . D. Any off street parking area provided shall be maintained reasonably dustless, and adequately screened from adjoining residemtial properties. Such use shall not include the concluct of any retail or wholesale business on the premises, nor the removal of sand, gravel, stone, topsoil, or peat moss for commercial purposes. Such use shall not include the operation of any machinery, tools or other appliances, or the outside storage of materials, or other operational activity, which would create a nuisance or be otherNise incompatible to the surrounding residential area. A nameplate not in excess of 3 square feet in area shall be permi.tted. E. F. G. 15.03 MOTHEF:-IN,~LAW UNITS (1 ) . 15.04 . (2) When Permitted. Mother-In-Law Units as defined in this Code shall be permitted as an Accessory Use when incident to the principal residential use, situatec:l in the same building, and carried on by the residential occupant, subject to the provisions of this Søction. Building Site and Operation Plan required. All proposed Mother-in-Law units am subject to Building, Site, and Opmational Plan approval by the Plan Commission following written notice being distributed by the City to neighboring property owners within 100 feet of the subject property. Regulations Applicable to Mother-In-Law Units: Such units may occupied by a resident(s) related through blood, marriage or adoption to a host-residence occupant. A. Such units shall be no larger than 800 square feet in net floor area. (3) B. Access to the unit must be obtained via one door to the outside élnd i3l second non-lockable door or passageway to the main portion of the host-residence. Access is permitted to a garage area having no service door. , Such units shall be dependent on utility infrastructure of the primalY residence (i.e. sharing a common water meter, electric panel, etc.). Such units shall be self-supporting in terms of livable needs (i.e. unit includes a kitchen, bath, den and bedroom. C. D. HOBBY KENINELS AND HOBBY FAHMS (1) HOBBY KEI\lNELS A. When Permitted. Hobby Kennels as defined in this Code shall be permitted as an Accessory Use on any property zoned for residential use, where said kennel is incidental to the principal residt:mtial use, subject to the provisions of this Section. Building Site and Operation Plan required. All proposed Hobby ~(ennels are subject to Building, Site, and Operational Plan approval by the Plan Commission following written notice being B. 250 City of Muskego . Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning C. distributed by the City to neighboring property owners within 100 feet ot the subject property. Dog Fancier Permit required. A 009 Fancier permit is required as per Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code for any person in a single family residential dwelling unit who keeps, harbors, raises or possesses not less than three nor more than four dogs, over the age crt five months and permits may be issued to property owners or users only if the applicant's lot is 19,500 feet or greater in size. F1egulations Applicable to Hobby Kennels. On properties in the F1CE zoning district, or on properties totaling a minimum of l20,OOO sq. ft., one additional dog per acre, above the number of dogs permitted per household per Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego. o. (2) HOBBY FAI={MS A. When Permitted. Hobby Farms as defined in this Code shall be permitted as an Accessory Use on any property having at least l20,OOO square feet of land area, and zoned for residential use. Said Hobby Farm must incidental to an existing principal residential use, and shall be subject to the provisions of this Section. . . B. Building Site and Operation Plan required. All Hobby Farms proposed from and after the adoption of this Code are subject to Building, Site, and Operational Plan approval by the Plan Commission following written notice being distributed by the City to neighboring property owners within 100 feet of the subject prope 11y. Permlitted Fowl and Livestock. One (1) head of livestock and ten (10) fowl shall be permitted per 40,000 square feet of land area, to a maximum of thirty (30) head of livestock and fifty (50) fowl. Prohibited Fowl and Livestock. Hogs and fur bearing animals other than rabbits are prohibited. Permiltted Horses. Horses shall be permitted when a parcel has at 113ast :~.75 acres of land area. When the land is compliant, one horse is allowed for every 40,000 square feet of land area. . Stora!;le Requirements. 1. On parcels of land less than 200,000 square feet in area, all bedding materials must be' stored indoors. On parcels of land 200,000 square feet in area or greater, any outdoor piles of feed and bedding shall be located at least one-hundred (100) feet from any public right-of-way or adjacent residential lot line. Manure shall be stored no less than one-hundred (100) feet from any public right-of-way or adjacent non- residential lot line. c. o. E. F. r, t:... r "::'. 251 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt!r 17 Zoning . 15.05 . . ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES (1) GENERAL A. Any accessory use or structure shall conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located except as speci'fically otherwise provided. No accessory use or structure shall be permitted that by reason of noise, dust, odor, appearance, or other objectionable factor creates a nuisance or substantial adverse effect on the property value or reasonable enjoyment of the surrounding properties. Acce::;sory structures shall reflect 01' compliment the character or materials of the primary structure. In any case where the principal use is permitted as a conditional ~Jrant. or is permitted only after approval of building, site and operational plans, the requirements of A and B above shall apply also to any use or structure accessory thereto, except that where such accessory use is added subsequent to the original approval, the Plan Commission may grant approval of any such accessory LIse without necessity for public hearing if in their opinion it is compatible to the original grant and is not of sufficient scope or different character to necessitate fur1ther public hearings. B. C. D. (2) ATTACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES In all districts, any permanent roofed structure serving an accessory use if attached to the principal building shall be considered as part of such principai building for all regulatory purposes. If such structure is a building and is not attached to the principal building it shall conform to the building location, height, and open space requirements of the district in which such building is located. (3) DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES - RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Detache,d accessory structures located on parcels in a residence district where the principal use is present, except boat houses, shall be permitted subject to tho following: A. Location: All accessory structures subject to this Section shall be locatod behind the base setback line of all street yards. Where the k:eeping of domesticated animals, livestock, and poultry is permitted by accessory use, structures occupied for said use shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from all lot lines. Area: Subject to the open space requirements of the zoning district, the total square footage of all accessory structures subject to this Section are permitted as follows: B. Square footag.,! permitted by right: The greater of 720 square feet, or 60% of the assessed floor area of the principal structure. Bonus square 100tage permitted for additional side yard offsets + 10 square Ileet of floor area for each one foot of side yard offset above the district minimum, 252 City of Muskego . . . Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning provided that no such bonus shall exceed 300 square feet. Square footage permitted for large parcels Parcel sizes in excess of 40,000 square feet are allowed a maximum total floor area of all accessory structures to not exceed two percent (2%) of the total parcel area. C. Height The height of all accessory structures subject to this Section shall conform to the followin!r en Sheds Side Yard Offset Permitted Height Above Grade 3 feet 9 feet 5 feet 13 feet 10 feet 15 feet a. Privatø Gard Minimum ges and other accessory structures d by right: 15 feet + 1 foot of height for every 5 feet of setback ermitted for additional above the district minimum, provided that no such bonus result in a structure exceeding 20 feet in height as measured by Section 5.03. + 1 foot of height for every 10,000 square feet of parcel in excess of 40,000 square feet, ermitted for large provided that no such bonus shall result in an accessory structure which exceeds the height permitted for principal structures in the zoning district. b. Privatl~ Gara Height pørmitte Height bonus p offset: Height bonus p parcels D. Number: No more than one accessory structure in excess of 120 squam feet shall be permitted on a lot except when the Plan Commission finds that multiple accl3ssory structures would meet the n:!quirements set forth in Section 15.05(1)8 above. One privatE! garden shed (An accessory structure 120 square feet or Il3ss) is permitted on a residential lot and Plan Commission a,pproval is needed when two structures of this nature are sought. An individual may have a private garden shed and an accessory structure greater than 120 square feet without Plan Commission approval. E. ArchitE~ctural Requirements: All accessory structures subject to this SHction must conform to the following additional requirements: 1. A minimum base floor consisting of either pressure treated lumber, asphalt flooring, sealed concrete block, or concrete slab must be provided except such areas where domesticated animals and livestock are to be quartered as permitted by this Ordinance. The architectural materials, color, and style of accessory structures shall conform to the materials, color, and style of r, C. . 253 City of Muskego . . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning the principal structure unless the property is subject to a Design Guide duly adopted as a component of the Comprehensive Plan and the proposed accessory structure is in conformance with the provisions of said Guide. Exceptions to this requirement may be made by the Plan Commission where it is determined that the structure meets one or more of the following: a. The structure is screened from view, b. The principal structure is composed of materials, colors, or styles that are inappropriate in their application to an accessory structure, The Plan Commission finds other circumstances to be present which would result in undue harm to the property or its surroundings. c. F. Use r~estricted: No private garage in a residence district shall be used "for operation of any metalworking, woodworking, masonry, carpe!ntry, contracting, or repair business except as a permitted accessory use or home occupation. G. Hustic Structures as defined in this code shall be allowed as a condiltional use upon approval of the Plan Commission. If granted condiltional use status, the Rustic Structure is not required to comply with the location, area, height, and architectural requirements for detached accessory structures in the district. (4) DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES - BOATHOUSES Properties wlithin the RL-1, RL-2 and RL-3 Lakeshore Residence Districts are permittecll one (1) boathouse subject to following: A. Location: minimum 20 feet from the ordinary high water mark and subject to the side yard offset provisions of the district, effective with rli9W construction or relocations after November 15, 2001. Height not greater than 15 feet above the lowest grade. Area: no greater than 525 square feet. The boathouse must be designed and used principally for the storane of boats and accessory marine equipment normally used in tho daily activities of lakefront property and which typically includl9s a large overhead door for primary access on the side of the structure facing the water. A boathouse may not be habitable as defined in this code. Final clecision as to whether any boathouse, would be considered habitable, will be determined by the Building and Engineering Direcllor. (5) . B. C. D. E. DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES -AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS AND USES A. Detached accessory structures located on parcels in the A-1 - Agriculture District, where said parcels are equal or greater than 254 City of Muskego . . . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning B. 120,000 square feet in area, are subject to the regulations of the district pursuant to Section 8. Detached accessory structures located on parcels in the A-1 - Agriculture District which are located on parcels less than 120,000 square feet in area and where the principal use is present shall be subject to the provisions of Section 15.05, above. An accessory structure with an agriculture used located within any other :zoning district other than the A-1 Agricultural zoning districts, must follow the architectural requirements found in Section 15.0!S(3)E, unless Plan Commission approvals are sought to allow decreased architectural requirements. All A9ricultural accessory structures shall follow the permitting and architectural standards shown thE~ City of Muskego adopted General Design Guide F~ustic Structures as defined in this code shall be allowed as a conditional use in the A-1 Agriculture District. As authorized by condiltional use grant, Rustic Structures are exempt from the requirements of this Section. C. D. E. (6) DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES - BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS A. Detached accessory structures located on parcels in any Business or Industrial Zoning District where thl3 principal use is present shall conform to the bulk requirements of the zoning district. (7) OUTDOOR LIGHTING Outdoor lighting installations for residential uses shall be permitted in the setback and offset areas but not closer than 3 feet to an abutting property line and, whore not specifically otherwise regulated, shall not exceed 15 feet in heighlt and shall be adequately shielded or hooded so that no excessive glare or illumination is cast upon the adjoining properties. Outdoor lighting installations for commercial/industrial uses shall comply with the provisions of Section 21 of this Code for those installations associated with a Building, Site, and Operation Plan. (8) FENCES, WALLS, AND SCREENING DEVICES Where anchored to supports embedded in the ground shall be considered permanent structures and shall be subject to the following: A. Any such structure not in excess of 6 feet in height, may be permitted anywhere on the lot consistent with standards set forth in Section 15.05(3)B above, and in compliance with Section E,.02(E) and 5.02(F). Any such structure in excess of 6 feet in height, may be permitted provided it conforms to the height, offset, and setback r'9quirements of the district in which it is located. Any such structure, in excess of 6 fe,et in height may be permitted closer than the required offset from an adjoining lot line with the written consent of the adjoining property owner and by approval of the Plan Commission. B. C. 255 . . .. City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapter 17 Zoning D. F:etaining walls may be permitted anywhere on the lot provided however, that no individual wall shall exceed 6 feet in height, and a terrace of at least 3 feet in width shall be provided between any series of such walls and provided further that along a street frontaç}e no such wall shall be closer than 3 feet to the base setback line. Screening devices must conform to the architectural requirements set forth in Section 15.05(3)E above or Plan Commission approval is needed. E. (9) Walks, drives, paved terraces, mechanical appurtenances for all single- family and Ì'ovo-family structures (such as air conditioners, venting, and service pane:ds), and purely decorative garden accessories (such as pools, fountains, statuary, flag poles, etc.), where subject to "permanent structure" classification shall be permitted in setback and offset areas but not closer than 3 feet to an abutting property line other than a street line. (10) Game courts shall be permitted in setback and offset areas but not closer than 5 f'3et to any property line and shall be screened from the view of adjoininç) property by adequate landscape or architectural screen or combination thereof. (11 ) Parking areas shall be permitted in setback and offset areas but not closer than ~I feet to any property line and said areas shall be temporary in nature. (12) Solar collectors shall be permitted as an accessory use and may be permitted in any district subject to the regulations of the particular district. (13) TEMPORARY STRUCTURES Any temporary structure serving an accessory use shall be permitted anywhere on the lot consistent with the standards as set out in Section 15.05(1) above and no building permit shall be required provided a zoning permit is obtained. However, that where sLich structure does not comply with the setback and offset requirements of the district in which it is located or where such structure does not comply with architectural standards, the approval of the Plan Commission must first be obtained. Further, whëre such structure does not comply with the offset requirements the written approval of the abutting property owner must first be submitted to the Plan Commission. (14) OUTDOOR STORAGE No unenclosed storage of materials, equipment, temporary structure, supplies or vehicles shall be permitted where such storage is unsightly to the surrounding view. 256 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . 15.06 15.07 STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BUILDINGS (1) STRUCTUFIES LESS THAN 6 INCHES IN HEIGHT Structures not classified as buildings and less than 6 inches in height from the surface of the ground shall not be subject to the setback, offset, building size, or open space requirements of this ordinance except as may be speclifically otherwise provided. (2) STRUCTUFIES G INCHES OR MORE IN HEIGHT Structures not classified as buildings and 6 inches or more in height from the surface of the ground shall be subject to the setback, offset, height, open space, and architectural requirements of this ordinance except as may be speCii"fically otherwise provided. UNDERGROUND BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES Any structure classified as a building and not extending more than 6 inches above the surface of the ground shall not be subject to the setback, offset, building size, or open space requirements of this ordinance. Roadside stands for SBasol'1lal Agricultural Sales of products raised on the premises and operated by the resident farmer are permitted in any district subject to the following: (1) In all districts except the A-1 Agricultum District, Plan Commission approval of 81 Building Site and Operation Plan is required. No roadside operation shall exceed 300 sq uare feet in area, exclusive of parking required herein. Where madside stands have ingress ancl egress on roadways under Waukesha County jurisdiction, approval of the Waukesha County Department of Transportation is required. Off-street parking for a minimum of 4 vehicles shall be provided. No stand shall be permitted in a location where it would create a traffic hazard or nuilsance; and where permitted, driveways shall be so located as to minimiz'9 possible interference with normal flow of highway traffic. No such stand shall be closer than thirty (30) feet to the existing street line or closer than twenty (20) feet to any other lot line. Signs shall conform to the requirements of Section 16 of this Code. 15.08 . . (4) (5) 15.09 SEASONAL AGRICULTURAL SALES (2) (3) (6) (7) VEHICLE STORAGE In any district, space not to lexceed 300 square feet for the storage of not more than one vehicle may be rented to persons not resident on a parcel. A maximum of two rental spaces not to exceed ~)OO square feet may be permitted where they are the only parking spaces provided on said lot subject to the following: (1) Parking storage areas must be located outside setback and offset areas of the properly. Parking stalls must follow the requirements found in Section 17 of this code. . (2) 257 . . . City of Muskego 15.10 Municipal Code Chapt.~r 17 Zoning ACCESSORY RESIDENCES (1) HOUSEHOI_D A.ND FARM RELATED Second accessory residences for household or farm employees are permitted by Conditional Use Grant, provided that such quarters shall be occupied only by individuals employed full time on the premises and their families, and / or by persons related to the residents of the principal structum. Such structures shall be a minimum of 1,200 square feet, and shall not be rented or leased. (2) GUEST HOUSES Guest t-Iousos are permitted by Conditional Use Grant on lots of at least 120,000 square feet. Such structures shall be a minimum of 1,200 square feet, and shaH not be rented or leased. 258 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapt4!r 17 Zoning . SECTION 16 SIGNS 16.01 PURPOSE PI,ND INTENT The purpose of this section is to provide for and regulate the design, location, and safe construction of signs in a manner to ensure that all signs are compatible with surrounding land uses, are well maintained, and expn3ss the identity of individual proprietors and the City as a whole. All sign permits, unless otherwise specified, shall be applied for on forms provided by the Planning Department and approved by Plan Department staff and/or the Plan Commission. In considering a sign application, staff shall consider requirements of the City's General Design Guide and the follO\iving: (a) The proposed content; (b) The appearance, material for construction, location, lighting, height and size of the sign; (c) Safety of operators of vehicles upon the adjoining streets and highways; (d) The effect of the sign on pmperty values within the immediate area; (e) The effect of such siqn with respect to the scenic beauty of the vicinity in which the sign is proposed to be located; (f) The effect of such siqn and its content with respect to enforcing state laws, county and City ordinances; . (g) The effect of the sign with respect to the danger to human life because of falling or combustibility; (h) The effect of the sign and content with respect to the prevention of crime; and (i) The effect of such si!Jn and display with respect to the general welfare, morals, and the conserving of the taxable value of lands and building located within the City and in the immediate area adjacent to the proposed location of the sign. 16.02 USE RESTRICTED In any district no sign shall be permitted except as is hereinafter specified by the regulations for that district, or as otherwise regulated in this Section. All signs shall also meet all applicable structural and electrical requirements of local and state building and electrical codes. Signs for Conditional Uses.: Subject to the regulations set forth in Section 14, signs appropriate to be a permittHd conditional use or uses may be permitted as determined by the Plan Commission notwithstanding limitations in thÐ basic district to the contrary. In establishing the size and locational requirements, the Plan Commission shall be guided by the requirements imposed for similar uses in any of the basic districts. 16.03 EXEMPT MODIFICATIONS OF SIGNS . The following modifications shall not require a sign permit. These exceptions shall not be construed as relieving the owner of the sign from the rÐsponsibility of its erection and maintenance, and its compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance or any other law or Code regulating the same. 259 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . (1 ) The changin!] of the advertising copy or message on a painted, printed, or changeable copy sign. Painting, repainting, or cleaning of an advertising structure or the changinq of the advertising copy of message thereon shall not be considered 8n erection or alteration which requires sign permit unless a structural change is made. All residential signs permitted by right in this Zoning Ordinance. (2) (3) 16.04 EXEMPT SIGNS The following signs may be erected and maintained without permits, providing they do not constitute a hazard or ntlisance. (1) POLITICAL SIGNS Political Signs may be erected in any district provided they are not a danger 10 life or property, are located on property with the permission of the property owner, and shall be limited to thirty-two (32) square feet in size. All poliltical signs, wherever located, must be removed within 10 days aftør tho election for which it was erected. (2) ON SITE INFORMATION SIGNS On-Site Informational Signs: Reasonable size and necessity shall be permitted, and shall be determined by the Plan Commission with the exception of signs addressed by Title III ADA Section 4:30. . (3) REAL EST fl,TE SALE AND RENTAL SIGNS, ON PREMISE In residential districts, said signs are Limited to twelve (12) square feet and one sign per street frontage, and in all other districts said signs are limited 10 thirty-two (32) square feet. All real estate signs shall be removed upon sale of the property. Permanent on-site rental signs shall be limited to four (4) square feet. No such sign shall be placed within the ultimate right-of-way of-any street or highway. (4) REAL ESTfl.TE SALE AND RENTAL SIGNS, OFF PREMISE Off-Premise I~eal Estate Directional Signs are limited to no more than three (2,) otl--premise directional signs per residential, agricultural or business property offered for sale. Such signs shall be displayed in accordance 'Nith all applicable regulations and written permission of the property owner on whose property the sign is located shall be obtained prior to display. No such sign shall be placed within the ultimate right-of- way of any sltreet or highway. Such signs shall be limited to a maximum of six (6) square feet in size. (5) PUBLIC AGENCY SIGNS Signs conveying governmental readings that are erected by a national, state, county or municipal governmental agencies, including traffic and informational signs. . 260 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning . (6) RESIDENTIAL NAMEPLATES Residential Nameplates Identifying owners or occupants, provided no more than t"vo (2) are erected, each being less than two (2) square feet in area. Home occupation/residential business signs shall be counted in this numerical and size limitation. (7) AGRICULTURAL. PRODUCE SALE SIGNS Allowed as par of an agricultural road sale use an dare limited to sixty- four (64) square feet in area. (8) INTERIOR AND INSIDE WINDOW SIGNS Signs installed inside a building whether intemded for viewing from inside or outside thl;; building are permitted without limitation as to size or number. (9) MEMORIAL SIGNS AND TABLETS Memorial signs, tablets, names of buildings and dates of erection when cut into any masonry surface, or when constructed of metal and affixed flat against the building. . (10) CONSTRUCTION SIGNS One construction sign per commercial or industrial construction project not exceedin9 sixty-four (64) square feet in sign area, provided that such sign may be erected upon issuance of a valid building permit, shall be confinecl to tile site of construction, and shall be removed upon issuance of a valid occupancy permit. (11) FLAGS The flaøs, emblems or insignia of any nation or subdivision or single corporate fla!l Pennants, banners and streamers shall not qualify as flags and require temporary sign approval. (12) HOLIDAY DECORATIONS Signs of a primarily decorative nature, clearly incidental and customary and commonly associated with any national, local or religious holiday; shall n01 be displayed for a period of more than one hundred twenty (120) consecutive days. (13) INFLATABLE ADVERTISING One such display, per property, shall be permitted for a period of time approved by the Plan Commission and/or the Planning Department, but not to exceed eight consecutive weeks, provided the display is located outside all vision triangles and does not constitute a public nuisance. . (14) PRICE AND TEMPORARY ITEM SIGNS Price and T el1lporary Item Signs are permitted up to twelve (12) square feet in area 1'01' each sign, provided the signs are not illuminated and no more than tylO (2) signs per street frontage are erected on the property, and are no closer than five feet to the property lines. Signs square 261 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning footage may not be combined to create one message totaling twenty-four (24) square feet per street frontage. A twelve (12) square foot "sandwich board" sign is an example of a price and temporary item sign. Said signs shall be removed at the close of business each day. (15) Agricultural Produce Signs: Shall be limited to 64 square feet in area. (16) Signs not visibll:! from a public right-of-way. . 16.05 PLACEMENT IN RIGHT OF WAY PROHIBITED No sign shall be placed within the ultimate right-of-way o.r any street or highway. The prohibition hereunder extends to trees, utility poles, fence posts, stakes, and all other structures on which si~Jns might be posted or placed except political signs installed or placed on motor vehicles. Any sign violating this Section may be summarily removed by the Director of Plannin9 or his designee. 16.06 CERTAIt\1 SIGNS PROHIBITED (1 ) HAZARDS AND NUISANCES . . No sign which creates a hazard or dangerous distraction to vehicular traffic or a nuisance to adjoining property in Ithe following ways shall be permitted in any district: A. 1\10 si9n shall be placed so as to obstruct or interfere with traffic visibility nor in such a way as to cause glare or impair driver visibility upon public ways; 1\10 si!;ln shall be lighted or flashing! in such a way as to cause glare or impair driver visibility upon public ways or adjacent properties. Signs shall be internally illuminated wherever possible. If extmnal illumination is approved, the fixture shall be mounted on a permanent unmovable base and the neck soldered so as to prevent the fixtures from being tampmed with or redirected. 1\10 sign shall rotate nor have or be illuminated by moving or flashing lights, except electronically controlled intermittent lights that are permitted subject to approval by the Plan Commission under Section 16.04 subject to their size not exceeding 25% of the area of the combined square footage for both the electronic sign and main identification sign. No siGin shall resemble, imitate or approximate the shape, size, form or color of railroad or traffic signs, signals, or devices, nor obstruct or interfere with the effectiveness so as to prevent free ingress and egress from any door, window, or fire escape. No sinns or any part thereof or sign anchors, braces, or guide rods shall be attached, fastened, or anchored to any fire escape, fire ladder, or standpipe, and no such sign or any part of any such sign or any anchor, brace, or guide rod shall be erected, put up, mlocated, or maintained so as to hinder or prevent free ingress or egress through any door, doorway, window, or fire escape or so B. C. D. E. 262 Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 City of Muskego Zoning . (2) (3) (4) . (5) (6) . F. as to hinder or prevent the raising or placing of ladders against such building by the Fire Department of the City, as necessity therefore may require. No person shall display upon any sign or other sign structure any obscene, indecent, or immoral matter. NON-ACCESSORY SIGNS No sign not directly related to the use of the premise in which it is located, except directional signs as herein provided, shall be permitted in any district. Signs showing time, temperature and similar information not related to the premises are permitted, but must be counted as part of the allowable sign area. POLE SIGt\S New pole signs are prohibited as signage type and sizes allowed by this Code are sufficient for all developments. ROOF SIGNS Signs wl10se lowest point is visually separate from and above the highest point of the roof are prohibited. Signs on the face of mansard or gable end shall be considered wall signs. No sign, or any portion, thereof shall be installed on or above the parapet of a flat roof. ABANDONED SIIGNS Abandoned signs are prohibited and shall be removed, as follows. The Zoning Administrator shall give notice to the subject property owner requirin9 thalt the sign be removed. The notice shall advise the property owner that the sign must be removed within twenty (20) days from the date of the notice, unless the property owner files a request for an extension with the Plan Commission within that twenty (20) day period. Thereafter, the sign must be removed: (a) prior to expiration of the twenty (20) day notice period; or (b) if a request for extensiori is timely filed with the Plan Commission and the Plan Commission denies the request, the sign must be removed within twenty (20) days of the denial; or (c) if a request for extension is timely filed with the Plan Commission and the Plan Commission grants the request, the sign must be removed prior to expiration of any extension granted. Failure to remove an abandoned sign as required herein shall be subject to all of the penalties and remedies described in this Chapter. PARKING OF ADVERTISING VEHICLES PROHIBITED No person shall park any vehicle or trailer on a public right-of-way or public property or on private property so as to be visible from a public right-of-way, which has attached thereto 0Ir located thereon any sign or advertising device for the sole purpose of providing advertisement of products or directing people to a business or activity located on the same or nearby pl:'operty or any premises. This section is not intended to prohibit any form of vehicular signage such as a sign attached to a bus or lettered on a motor vehicle nor is this section intended to prohibit the 263 City of Muskego . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning advertising of personally owned vehicles offered for sale from the private property of the vehicle owner or owner's immediate family. 16.07 APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND FEES No sign shall hereafter be erected, re-erected at a new location, constructed, altered or maintained except as provided by this Ordinance (See Section 16.06 for exceptions) and an approval and a permit for the same has been issued by the Planning Director and/or the Plan Commission (When applicable), Engineering/Building Inspection Director, or their designee, unless otherwise specified in Section 16.08 of this Code. (1 ) (2) (3) . . A separate plermit shall be required for a sign or signs for each business entity, and/or a separate permit for each group of signs on a single supporting si~Jn structure. Electrical permits shall be obtained from the Building Department for illuminated si!~ns. Application for sign approvals and permits will be made in writing upon forms furnished by the Planning Department (for approvals) and the Building Department (for permits). Such applications shall contain, but not be limited to: A. Name, address, and telephone number of the applicant and the property owner; location of building, structure, or lot upon which the sinn is to be attached or erected. Name of person, firm, corporation, or association erecting the sign. Written consent of the owner or lessee of the building, structure, or land to which or upon which the sign is to be affixed. A scaled drawing of such sign indicating the dimensions, the mater'ials to be used, the type of illumination, if any, and the method of construction and attachment. B. C. D. E. A scaled colored copy of the . proposed sign showing the exact Golor scheme is required. Staff may require a superimposed . rendming of the site with the proposed sign(s) be submitted on a disk (PDF file, JPEG, TIF, GIF format). A scalled site plan indicating the location and position of such sign in relation to nearby buildings or structures or public streets and rights-.of-way. . . A landscape plan for the sign base (freestanding and ground signs) that meets the requirements as outlined in Section 4. The Engineering/Building Inspection Director may require the filing of plans or other pertinent information where in his opinion such information is necessary to insure compliance with building and electrical requirements as specified in Chapter 30.435. Standard plans may be filed with the Building Department. Fees: The applicant shall pay all applicable fees. The fee schedule is on file with the Planning Department. If a sign is F. G. H. I. 264 Municipal Code Chapt<<!r 17 Zoning City of Muskego . J. erected before a permit is issued, the violator may be assessed a double fee for the sign permit. Additional information as required by the Planning Department or City Plan Commission. 16.08 SIGN REGULATIONS (1 ) (2) (3) . . (4) Sign Size: The size of a sign shall be in proportion and coordinate with the building and site on which it is located; however, in no case shall the sign exceed the maximum size allowed by tlhis section. Number of signs: Any number of signs may be permitted as long as the signs proposed are in proportion and coordinate with the building on the site they am located upon. The only excE!ption is that a business must only have one form of wall signage (A business must choose between having Wall sign or a projecting sign on an individual façade to avoid disorder). Further, all signs proposed must meet the locational and size requirements of this Code. Businesses on corners may utilize their multiple frontages to combine square footage for one sign. Businesses may otherwise have one sign per frontage êlS long as each sign meets the square footaç)e requirements for each frontage. Setbacks and Offsets: All signs shall conform to the setback and offset requirements outlined in the Table of Dimensional Requirements, per Section 16.08(6)C. A. Ground signs may be installed at the base setback line with a height not to exceed seven (7) feet as measured from grade. Existing pole signs in the base setback area may be altered subject to the approval of the Plan Commission. No si~}n shall be located within a vision corner triangle unless it is determined that the sign will not affect safety. All overhanging sign parts and the sign base shall be located on . the property and behind the right-of way. Ë. All si!Jns shall be constructed/erected on the business property. Construction Standards: All signs or similar advertising structures shall be governed in their erection and maintenanc,e by the Building Code of the City. No siGIn or similar advertising media shall be erected without a permit as required in this Ordinance and the Building Code. . Height: No free standing or wall sign shall exceed the height as measumd from grade, and as hereinafter specified by the regulations of the district in which it is located, and as summarized in the Table of Dimensional Requirements, per Section 16.08(6)C. A. In no case shall the highest point of any sign extend above the highest point of the eave line of the building which houses the business for which the subject sign advertises unless otherwise approved by the Plan Commission. Area: No freE! standing or wall sign shall exceed the height as hereinafter specified by the regulations of the district in which it is located and as B. c. D. (5) (6) 265 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning summarized in the Table of Dimensional Requirements, per Section 6.09(6)(h). A. Basic Si9n (How calculated): 1 . The area of a sign is the arE~a encompassing the smallest rectangle that comprises the sign face. Further, the area of a sign shall include any art work and insignia within a single continuous perimeter, including any spacing between letters, figures, designs, and structure of the sign other than the sign base, t0gether with any frame or other material, color, or condition which forms an integral part of the display and is used to differentiate such sign from the wall or background against which it is placed. . \'.....I"I~ \181. 1~:1tJ:dl {t~'}8.b dt!X'ftd...í .." 1\'1"" of .ilt.. ....d ..no.... 1>1. .il/"',""","' - - a. For a freestanding si9n, the definition of sign area does not include the perimeter architectural embellishments, base structure, and details such as decorative columns and caps, although other ornamental attachments are to be included in determining sign area. . \'.",bk Ht<. }kl,th. (!kIp. "'...-.,'.D '}J""~""" .O<! .II..INI...... ...., SIGN AREA 5.(>1\1 M$lt INIIt_/ooded ., dp ..... (""Ii., -.. b. When the sign only consists of letters, designs, or figures engraved, painted, projected, or fixed on a buildmg or perimeter wall, the total area of the sign shall be the area of the smallest rectangle within which the entire fixe:d lettering and/or artwork is inscribed. - - - - - -- -.- - - - - - - - -- r he(~ t~lef' s H I ut: I ----_.__._~ -------' Measured to furthest extent . c. All sides of a sign visible from anyone (1) location shall be measured in determining the area of the 266 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning . sign, except that only one (1) side of a sign shall be measured if the two (2) sides are back to back or separated by an angle of forty-five (45) degrees or less. If the two (2) sides are not of equal size, the larger side shall be measured. A back-to-back sign shall have parallel faces, separated by not more than two (2) feet. d. This area does not include the main supporting sign structure, but other ornamental attachments are to be included in determining sign area. . B. Reader board sign (How calculated) -I. Reader board signs (Including electronically controlled signs) shall not exceed 25-percent of the area of the main identification sign and is to be part of the main identification sign face, a sHparate face mounted on the same structure as the main identification sign, or mounted on the building. In any case, such a sign is in the total allowable square footage calculations for all sign age at a specific location as it applies to wall, projection and freestanding signage. All changeable copy signs approved by the Plan Commission aflter January 1, 2002 shall be limited to two (2) lines of text. The height of the letters installed on said signs shall conform to the values outlined in the Table below. Size specifications as herein described shall not apply to signs associated with theaters, churches, schools, government, and other non-profit related services, clubs, and organizations excHpt to the extent as allowed by Planning Commission and as regulated by the specific zoning district in which it is located. Table of Reader Board Copy Size Height Requirements (The height of the letters installed on signs shall conform to the minimum values outlined below): _. DISTANCE FROM CENTERLINE TO ULTIMATE RIGHT-OF-WAY 40' 50' 60' 100' 6' g' POSTED ROADWAY SPEED LIMIT PH 35 MPH 40 MPH 45 MPH 50 MPH" 4" 4" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 30 M 4' 4' . 267 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . ZONING WALL SIGNS DISTRICT (% OF WALL AREA) B-1,BL-1, BL-2, and 3% RB-1 B-2 & B-3 5% B-4 5% HC-1 5% BP-1, BP-2, 3% and BP-3 M-1, M-2, 5% and M-3 1-1 3% C. Table of Sign Dimensional Requirements: PROJI SI( (Ma> -- , :CTING GROUND & POLE OFFSET REQUIRED MAXIMUM 3NS SIGNS (Side SETBACK MONUMENT :. FV) (tV) (See Notes 1, 2, -yard) (See Note 4) SIGN & 3) HEIGHT (Ft) 15 1 0 to 45 3' " 20 i5 30 to 65 3' " 20 i5 30 to 65 3' ,, 20 to 30 (See Note 5) ;5 30 to 65 3' " 20 i5 30 to 65 3' " 20 -15 10 to 45 3' " 20 -15 1 0 to 45 3' " 20 -- , , NOTES 1. Square footage may Je incmased to the second number at a rate of one (1) square foot for each additional 10 feet of lot frontage, after the first 50 feet of frontage, up to 300 feet of frontage. In addition, square footage may be increased by one (1) square foot for every two (2) feet additional setback up from the required setback to a maximum of a 40-foo': setback from the base setback line. 2. Square footage may be increased from the value found in Note 1 abov.g a maximum of 20-percent for all ground and pole signs locatød on properties abutting major rural arterial stl'eets, and if said streets become urban arterials, said signs sllall be deemed to be legal non-conforming pursuant to Section 6. The total area of ground anlJ pole signs may be increased from the veJue found in Notes 1 and 2 above by the percent listed here if applicable: . 3. -. DISTANCE OF PROPEF~ FROM CENTERLlI\lE T( ULTIMATE RIGHT-OF-W 50' 60' TY ) SIGN AREA AY ADJUSTMENT 0% +10% +15% +20% 40' or less 100' or more 4. 5. Ground signs may be located with zero foot setback from the setback line if seven feet in height or less. Height may be increased to the second number at the rate of one {1) foot for every two (2) feet additional setback from the reqL ired setback. 16.09 OTHER PERMANENT SIGNAGE REQUIREMENTS (1 ) Existing signs: Signs lawfully existing at the time of the adoption or amendment of this chapter may be continued even if the use, size or location does not conform with the provisions of this chapter. However, it shall be deemed a nonconforming use or structure, and the provisions of Section 6 of Ithis chapter shall apply to specific nonconforming rights. Any legal nonconforming sign hereafter relocated, moved, damaged, reconstructed, extended, enlarged, changed (including changing the sign . 268 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapt~!r 17 Zoning . (2) . . face), altered, or modified shall be made to comply with the provisions of this chapter. By maintaining a sign in the established right-of-way of an adjoinin9 street or highway, the owner does so at his own risk, and no damages willi be awarded if the removal is required for public use or safety or right-of-way acquisition. Marquel3 and Canopy Signs: Marquee and canopy signs affixed flat to the surface of a marquee or canopy are permitted in lieu of a wall sign, provided that the sign does not extend vertically or horizontally beyond the limits of such marquee, awning, or canopy. A marquee or canopy may extend up to 12 feet beyond the building to which it is affixed but shall not extend into a required front yard, side yard, or rear yard, nor shall it extend closer than one foot to the vertical plane formed by the curbline in a shopping center. A name sign not exceeding two square feet in area located immediately in front of the entrancø to an establishment may be suspended from a marquee or canopy, provided that the name sign is at least eiÇlht feet above the sidewalk. TimefTe.mperature and LED devices: Time-and-temperature devices may be erected as wall signs or part of ground and monument signs and shall meet the requirement attendant to those sign types. Time-and- temperature devices may display the time, the temperature, activities occurring on the premises, and public events. Signs may be illuminated but nonflashing. Signs shall not be revolving, scrolling, or animated; howevel-, tirne-and-temperature devices may be cyclical. Approved LED devices may advertise three messages per day. The signs may change messages or time/temperature every 5 seconds. Colors and intensity of LED siglnage is under the sole discretion of the Planning Commission. LED specifications must be included as part of submittal if intended to be used. Directional Signs: (3) (4) A. A Sign not to exceed six (6) square feet in area indicating direction to a church, hospital, school or othør public service building may be permitted in any district upon approval by the Plan Commission. Further, said sign may be permitted in the public right-of-way subject to the approval of the Public Works Committee and Waukesha County (If applicable). 'Not more than four (4) such signs may be erected within the City for any business or organization. A si~ll1, not to exceed twelve (12) square feet in area, for the purpose of directing patrons or attendants to an establishment off the main traveled highway for service clubs, churches, or other non-profit organizations may be permitted in any district other than a residential district upon approval of the Plan Commission. Further, said sign may be permitted in the public right-of-way subject to the approval of the Public Works Committee and Waukesha County (If applicable). Signs not to exceed thirty (30) square feet for service clubs, churches or other non-profit organizations, may be permitted in any district, upon approval of the Pllan Commission, provided the B. C. 269 Site suitability as related to compatibility with proposed surroundings Structural quality and durability Conformance to current design standards, possibility of detriment to area property values, and public safety. Landscaping provided at the base of the sign. Size shall be limited to twenty-four (~~4) square feet in area and nine (9) feet in height above grade. (6) INSTITUTIONAL.. SIGNS: City of Muskego . . (5) . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning sign is designed with a substantial landscape base area as defined in Section 4 of this code, and illumination on each side is limited to exterior lighting not exceeding seventy-five (75) watts per Wteen (15) square feet of sign area. Further, said sign may be permitted in the public right-of-way subject to the approval of the Public Works Committee and WaukE!sha County (If applicable). A sign not exceeding two (2) square feet in total non-illuminated copy area (two sides of copy permitted), only for the display of local religious and/or civic organiza.tion directional signage, may be pHrmitted in the public right-of-way subject to the approval of the Public Works Committee and Waukesha County (If applicable). Four (4) such signs pel' organization may be erected in the City at any intersection of an arterial and/or collector high~lay in any zoning district, and all signs must be located within a two (2) mile radius of the organization. Four (4) such signs per intersection shall be permitted. An individual organization may have one such sign per intersection, and shall be responsible for all costs of maintenance and removal of the structure. Such a sign shall not: 1 . Be located so as to block the traveling public's line of vision; impede safe traffic movements; interfere with the viewing and/or function of any traffic control devices. Be designed or positioned so as to be misconstrued as a traffic control device. For existing off-premise directional signage associated with existing businesses located in excess of 1000-feet from a collect or arterial, and when said signage is threatened with relocation or removal as result of development or redevelopment pressures, such signage may be allowed to be relocated subject to approval by the Plan Commission. As criteria for approval, the Plan Commission considerations shall include but not be limited to: D. rl t:... A. B. C. B. C. A sign not exceeding fifteen (15) square feE1t in area giving the name and nature of occupancy and information as to the conditions of use or admission may be permitted at each entrance to the grounds or buildings of a private institution provided the approval of the Plan Commission is first obtained that each such sign will not create a traffic hazard, is aesthetically in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and will 270 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt!r 17 Zoning . not cause a depreciation of property values in the adjoining neighborhood. (7) QUASI-PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL SIGNS (A) Non-commercial permanent signs of a general informational nature such as community welcome, safety warning, or other similar nature not to exceed eighty (80) square feet in area may be erl:!cted by service clubs or other non-profit organizations upon approval of the Plan Commission of the location, size and appearance of such sign. Any such sign may have direct constant ilumination. . No more than three (3) non-commercial temporary signs or one temporary portable sign used for the sole purpose of advertising a special club or community event not to exceed thirty-two (32) squarø feet (each) in area may be erected by service clubs or other non-profit organizations for a single event. No such sign(s) shall be erected until a Building permit is obtained from the Building Department. The permit applicant must be a Muskego resident. There will be no fee charged for said permit and the conditions of the permit shall stipulate that no more than three signs are permitted for any single event, the maximum period a sign ,is to be located and that any such sign may have direct constant illumination. There shall be no limit to directional signs, however, no such sign, shall exceed nine (9) square feet. (8) RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD SIGNS Signs limited to identifying the name of the neighborhood area such as a subdivision or housing development and limited to twelve (12) square feet in area may be permitted at each entrance to the area provided the approval of the Plan Commission is first obtained that each such sign will not create a traffic hazard, is aesthetically in keeping with the character of the neighborhood, and will not cause a depreciation of property values in the adjoininrl neighborhood. Such sign that is designed either as an integral part of the architecture of a building or as part of a landscape architec'~ural feature such as a wall shall be permitted without limitation as to size i'f the Commission determines that the foregoing standards would be met. (B) (9) SHOPPING CENTER/PROJECT SIGNS A sign identifying a shopping center or grouping of stores in excess of 50,000 sq. ft. in area may be permitted with the approval of the Plan Commission by the modification of the regulations of the district in which they are located applicable to the height, size and location of such sign consistent with the spirit and intent of the requlations in that district. 8 16.10 TEMPOR:ARY SIGNAGE (1) A sign for thÐ purpose of designating a new building or development, for promotion of a subdivision, for announcement of a special event, or for similar special informational purpose may be permitted for a limited period of time in any district with the approval of the Planning Department (Or 271 City of Muskego . (2) . . Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning the Planninø Commission if proposal warrants, subject to Planning Department discretion) and subject to the following: A. Drawilngs or sketch drawn to scale showing the specific design, a.ppearance and location of the sign shall be submitted to the Plan Commission for approval. The permitted size and location of any such sign shall be at the cliscmtion of the Plan Commission based upon the character of the area, the type and purpose of sign and the length of time permitted. However, in no case shall the size of the sign exceed sixty-tour (64) square feet. The sign is to be located on the premises involved and such sign may be permitted for a period up to one year and extension may be permitted six month intervals with Plan Commission approval until such time as 75-percent of development has occurred. Where the sign is not to be located on the premises involved such sign may be permitted for a period up to nine months and E,xtension may be permitted for six month intervals with Plan commission approval, until such time 75-percent of development has occurred. . Upon approval of the Director of Planninq, a sign such as a banner, sandwicn board over twelve square feet, etc. for the purpose of announcing a special event or sale, or for a similar special informational purpose, ma~,' be permitted for a maximum of fifteen (15) days at a time, renewable for up to six (6) months in any district subject to the following: A. Drawiing and/or sketch drawn to scale showing the specific design, physical and electrical installation plian, appearance, and location of th(~ sign shall be submitted to the Director of Planning for approval. B. C. D. B. The permitted size of any temporary sign shall not exceed 64 squarE~ feet. Whew the sign is to contain electrical service, it shall contain a recognized testing laboratory label such as the Underwriter's L.aboratory, Inc., a ground fault interrupter device (GFI), and meet a.pplicable provisions of the City electrical code, including the issuance of an electrical permit therefore. Installations exposed to potential wind damage shall be made secure with methods as enumerated in the City Building Codt3. For the purpose of this ordinance they shall not be used to advertise pricing, specials or temporary promotions. Said banners are intended to be primarily of a decorative nature (i.e.: corporate logos), and require approval per Section 6.09(11 )(b) having a quartt:3,rly review to determine compliance. They must be mounted on hanging brackets or poles that provide safeguards against slipping and twisting. C. D. 272 Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning City of Muskego 16.11 ADMINISTRATIVE & PLAN COMMISSION APPROVALS (1) All applications for sign permits shall be reviewed initially by the Director of Planning, or his designee, who may issue permits for temporary or permanEmt si'gns and such other signs which, pursuant to this chapter, can be :ssued without review by the Plan Commission. The Director of Plannin~1 shall have the authority to deny such permits if the proposed signs do not comport with the requirements of this Section. Should the Director of Planning conclude, in his discretion, that the Plan Commission should review an application for a sign permit, or should this Section require such review for a particular sign, the application will be forwarded to the Plan Commission for review at its next regularly scheduled meeting subject to receipt of a full submittal. The Plan Commission may vote to recommend approval or disapproval of the application balsed on the following factors: A. The exterior architectural presentation and functional plan of the proposed sign will be not so at variance with or so similar to the exterior architectural presentation and functional plan of signs already constructed or in the course of construction in the area, or so ouit of harmony with the area, as to potentially contribute to substantial depreciation in the property values of the area; The proposed sign conforms to the location, size and style requin3ments set forth in this Section; The proposed sign conforms to the city's long range planning for the ama as set forth in the city's master plan; The proposed sign shares similar arGhitectural or building material JI3atums of the principal building. The proposed sign meets the design guidelines for the area erected. . . 16.12 (2) B. C. D. E. (3) The Plan Commission may establish guidelines, which further define and interpret this Section. Those guidelines, if any, shall be made available to all applicants. Upon approval or disapproval of a si~}n application by the Plan Commission, the application shall be returnl3d to the Director of Planning, who shall issue approved permits or notify applicants of disapproval of their application and the reasons thereof. Whether a sign is approved administratively or by Planning Commission, a building permit may also be required along with related fees. Building permits are mquired when the sign has structural implications. All signs with electrical wiring will also require an electrical permit and accompanyinq inspections. (4) (5) COORDII\JATED SIGN PLAN . A master coordinated sign plan shall be developed and submitted for any building that has two or more tenants. The intent of the overall coordinated sign plan is to set forth a theme for the placement, lettering style, color, construction, material and related design 273 I. I . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning considerations of signs, while at the same time minimizing sign confusion and clutter. All multi-tenant buildings shall be required to submit an overall coordinated sign plan when applying for signage. 16.13 INSPECTION All signs for which an approval and permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the Zoning Administrator, the Administrator's designee, and/or Engineering/Building Inspection Director. Footin~J inspections may be required for all signs having footings. The Engineering/Building Inspection Director or Zoning Administrator upon notification by the Engineering/Buildingl Inspection Director, may order the removal of any sign that is not maintained in accordance with the provisions of the commercial maintenance code. 16.14 ENFORCEMf:NT (1 ) No sign shall advertise a business that is in violation of this chapter or for which no zoning, occupancy and/or building permit has been issued. If the DireGtor or his designee finds that any sign or other display structure regulated helrein has been constructed or erected or is being maintained in violation olf this chapter, the sign will be removed by the Director or his designee. A.ny sign located in a City of Muskego right-of-way or advertising Ewents not located within the City may be removed immedi8ltely without notice. (2) Unsafe or hazardous signs. Any sign whiGh is hereinafter found to be unsafe or insecure, or is a menace to the public, or by reason of its location creates a traffic hazard, or is dangerous to persons and property, as determined by the Director, his designee, the City Police Department or the Public: Works Department, shall be removed, except for those on private propEi'rty. (3) Abandoned signs. Any sign which does not advertise a bona fide business or product sold, or which is dilapidated or out of repair, shall be removed by jlhe property owner. (4) Maintenance. If the sign owner violates the maintenance requirements of this chapter, the sign shall be removed by the property owner. 16.15 MAINTENANCE IN PERPITUITY All signs, together with all of their supports, braces, guys, and anchors, shall be kept in repair and in proper state of preservation. The display surfaces of all signs shall be kept neatly painted or posted at all times. The owner of any sign shall keep it in good maintenance and repair, which includes restoring, rep8linting to the same color, or replacement of a worn or damaged legally existing sign to its original condition. The owner shall also maintain the premises on which the sign is erected in a clean, sanitary, and inoffensive condition, free and clear of all obnoxious substances, rubbish, weeds, and grass. 274 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning 16.16 COMPLIANCE A business or property that has signage that does not meet the requirements of the current Sign Code shall be required to bring all signage into compliance when they apply for any signage on the propHrty. 16.17 APPEALS Any person feeling himself aggrieved by any order or ruling of the Plan Commission, Planning Director, Zoning J\dministrator or Engineering/Building Inspection Director may appeal such ruling, conditioned on the case's ripeness, to the Board of Appeals within 20 days after written notice of such ruling shall have been delivered to him. Such appeal is to be filed in accordance IJvith procedures as outlined in Chapter 17, Section 3 of the Zoning Ordinance, in writinl;j, setting forth the order appealed from, and the respects in which said person feeling himself aggrieved claims that said order or filing is erroneous or illegal. Said notice of appeals shall be filed with the Planning Department who shall thereupon notify the Planning Director and/or Engineering/Building Inspection Director of said appeal, and the appeal shall be heard at the next available meeting upon submittal of a completed application. The Board of Appeals, aftE!r consideration thereof, shall affirm, reverse or modify said ruling as is just. 275 . . . City of Muskego SECTION 17 Municipal Code Chapt~~r 17 Zoning OFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING 17.01 OFF STFtEET PARKING (1) OFF STREET PARKING REQUIRED Off-streHt vehicle parking space shall be provided for buildings and uses as hereinafter specified. Such parking shall be reasonably adjacent to the use or building served; be intended specifically to serve the residents, patrons, or employees of said use or building; and the required number of spaces must be demonstrably usable and accessible for such purpose. (2) APPLICATION TO EXISTING USES The provision of parking space shall not be required for legally existing uses as of the date of this ordinance, but shall be required for any expansion for such use by the addition of new primary floor area or other spatial Expansion of building or use generating new parking demand. (3) DETERMINATION OF NEED The number of parking areas required shall be based upon the anticipated parking demand of individual uses and shall be as follows or as may be designated hereinafter for specific uses or situations as per Plan Commission approval: Use Duplex Single Family Detached Reside Single Family Attached Residen Multiple Family Public Assembly Facilities Provi Audiences (churches, theaters, Commercial Lodging (hotels, m Elementary Schools without aud High Schools (Junior & Senior) with auditoriums Colleges, Universities, Vocation Hospitals Nursing, Convalescent, Rest an Clinics Industrial Uses Commercial Office Buildings Retail Stores, Indoor Commerci nce Parking Flequirements 2 spaces per dwelling unit 2 spaces per dwelling unit 1% spaces per dwelling unit 2 Enclosed spaces per dwelling unit (Additional visitor parking needed as well) I" Seated 1 space lor every 3 seats lic.) 1 space lor every rental unit s 2 spaces lor every classroom mentary 1 Auditorium requirement or space lor every 5 students 01 maximum capacity )ols 1 space lor every 3 students 01 maximum capacity 1 space lor every 3 beds plus 1 space lor each medical staff member plus 1 space lor every 3 employee .ge Homes 1 space lor every 3 rooms plus 1 space lor each staff member and employee 5 spaces lor eve ry practitioner or the staff 1 space lor every 2 employees 1 space lor every 300 square leet 01 P.F.A eation, and 1 space lor every 150 square leet 01 P.F.A ce ding 10 etc) Jtels, e itoriurn and EI,= al Schc dOld ,I al Recr 276 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning Restaurants, Taverns and Club:; Planned Shopping Center 2 space for evert 100 square feet of P.F.A 1 space for evert 150 square feet of P.F.A (When P.F.A is unknown, at least 50% of the total structure square footage must be accounted for P.F.A.) 1 space for evert 150 square feet (Other than theaters) feet of P.F.A. A required by Section 20 of this code Customer Service Establishments . Commercial Recreation: Indoor Commercial Recreation: Outdoor (4) STANDARD DIMENSIONS Parking stalls shall be a minimum size of 10 feet wide by 20 feet in length, unless Plan Commission decides that the use of the parking stalls does not warrant 81 need for this size. (5) SURFACING Any drivewa~,' or off-street parking area (other than that provided for a residence) having a capacity for more than 4 vehicles shall be hard surfaced or maintained in a reasonably dustless condition by dust- proofing applications if it is within five-hundred (500) feet of a residential district. The method of surfacing shall be approved by the Plan Commission. . (6) SCREENING Any off-street parking area, other than that provided for a residence, which abuts or faces a residence district shall provide a planting screen, landscaped fence, or wall, at least four (4) feet in height along the side abutting or fronting on a residence district (Subject to Planning Commission discretion for unique situations). Plans for such screen shall be submitted to the Plan Commission for approval prior to installation. (7) OFFSETS A.' 111 any residential district no vehicle shall be allowed to park closer nor shall any drive be permitted closer than three (3) feet to the abutting residential lot line and the parking of a vehicle must be on a hard surface of compacted gravel or concrete/asphalt (Subject to Planning Commission discretion for unique situations). 111 any off-street parking area for a commercial use, no vehicle shall be allowed to park closer nor shall any drive be permitted closer than ten (10) feet to an abutting residential lot line (Subject to Plémning Commission discretion for unique situations). 111 any off-street parking area for a commercial use, no vehicle shall be allowed to park closer nor shall any drive be permitted closer than three (3) feet to an abutting commercial/industrial lot line (Subject to Planning Commission discretion for unique s.ituatkms). B. C. . (8) SETBACKS 'n any off-street parking area no parking surface shall be placed to permit vehicle parking closer than ten (10) feet to the existing street line (Subject to Planning Commission discretion for unique situations). 277 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . (9) LIGHTING All lighting shall comply with the provisions of Section 18 of this Code. (10) CROSS-ACCESS Cross access to and between neighboring properties shall be implemE!nted wherever possible. The goal in this requirement is to remove as much incidental, site-to-site traffic from adjacent roads as practical thus reducing the possibility of traffic conflicts and accidents. Cross aGcess may be achieved by the interconnection of parking lots or the constructlion of a separate drive. In either case, the minimum drive isle width should be no less than 24 feet. A "cross access easement for the public bnnefit" shall be recorded for cross access areas in order to preserve the access for future property owm~rs. (11) PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL PARKING RESTRICTED Open parkin!;1 of cars accessory to a residence use shall be limited to those actually used by the residents, or for tl9mporary parking of guests. (12) TRUCK, TRAILEIR, AND EQUIPMENT PARKING No truck, cornmercial trailer, camping trailer, or other vehicular equipment of a commercial or industrial nature shall be parked regularly on a lot in any district except where permitted as a use in an industrial or commerGÌal c:listrict as hereinafter specifically provided for as follows: . A. B. C. . D. . Parking of agricultural equipment shall be permitted without limitation where accessory to a permitted agricultural use. The parking of no more than one commercial pick-up truck with a 9ross weight of less than 10,000 pounds or commercial cargo van type truck with a gross weight of less. than 10,000 pounds, shall be permitted in any district. For the purposes of this section, a commercial pick-up is defined as any open or enclosed cargo bed truck commonly referred to as a mini, 1/2, 3/4 or 1 ton pick-up, which is licensed as a truck uSl9d to transport property or equipment for business purposes. A commercial cargo van truck is defined as any motor vehicle commonly referred to as mini- vans, cargo vans, commercial vans, or panel truck, which is licensed as a truck and is used to transport property or equipment for business purposes. The parking of no more than one non-commercial pick-up truck with a gross weight of less than 10,000 pounds, for each permanent occupant of a property who possesses a valid Wisconsin driver's license shall be permitted. For purposes of this section, a non-commercial pick-up truck is an open cargo bed truck commonly referred to as amini, 1/2,3/4 ton pick-up licensed as a truck and used for private transportation, transporting personal items or recreational use. The Plan Commission may also permit additional parking of trucks and equipment in any predominantly undeveloped areas, as defined as any area where there are no more than three (3) 278 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . home!::) within a radius of 800 ft. of the proposed parking site, if, in their opinion, the request is of such a nature that it will not affect the hBalth, safety, morals, comfort, property and general welfare of the residents of the City of Muskego. In making this decision, the Planning Commission may consider any and all relevant factors including but not limited to development in the surrounding areas" effect on general attractiveness, screening, and character of the surrounding area, etc. Said permit shall be in writing and shall set forth the terms and conditions of the permit but under no circumstances shall the term of the permit be in excess of three (3) years from the date of issue. Sa.id permit may be renewed for a period if the Plan Commission is still of the opinion at that time that the above criteria is met. . (13) RECREATIONJ~L VEHICLE PARKING A. One Camping Trailer, which is for thl3 purpose of this section, shall be defined as a vehicle designed to be towed or driven upon a highVllay, intended to be used for human habitation, up to thirty- five (:35) feet in length may be parked on private premises provided such vehicle is for the sole use of camping off the premises, is mounted on wheels or supports and is unconnected to utiJiities and is uninhabited. Any such vehicle thirty-five (35) f,get or longer shall be classified as a Recreational Vehicle. Permission to park an unoccupied Recreational Vehicle may be obtained from the City Plan Commission subject to approval of Building, Site and Operational Plan, and as further stipulated here: 1. Each applicant shall include with their application a site plan which will indicate the area in which the Recreational Vehicle will be parked, including street address and location on lot of the proposed parking site. The parking of mobile homes in Predominantly Undeveloped areas as defined by this Code, to one (1) Recreational Vehicle per parcel. Permission to park a Recreational Vehicle shall be considered a privilege and should the Recreational Vehicle become, in the findings of the Planning Commission, a nuisance because of improper maintenance or other objectionable cause, said Commission may revoke said . permission upon thirty (10) clays written and conduct of a public hearing. B. r, t::... r, '::'. (14) OCCUPATION OF PARKED VEHICLES PROHIBITED No Camping Trailer or Recreational Vehicle shall be used for the purpose of habitêltion in the City of Muskego. This Section does not apply to One- and Two-Family Built Off-Site Manufactured Homes or Dwellings or Modular Homes as described in Section 5.09 of this Code. . 279 . . . City of Muskego 17.02 Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning (15) USES NOT ENUMERATED In any case \I{here there is question as to the parking requirements for a use or when:3' such requirements are not specifically enumerated, such case shall brought before the Plan Commission, which shall have the authority to determine the appropriate application of the parking requirements to the specific situation. OFF STREET LOADING AND UNLOADING (1) OFF STREET LOADING AND UNLOADING REQUIRED In any commercial or industrial district off..street loading and unloading space shall b.e provided in addition to the required off-street parking area for every building used for commercial or industrial purposes which building is in excess of 3,000 square feet in area exclusive of storage areas. (2) STANDARD Dlrv'lENSIONS An individual loading space shall be at least 12 feet wide of 45 feet long and havl3 a minimum height clearance of 14 feet. (3) DETERMINATION OF NEED The number of such spaces provided shall be based upon the operating characte,ristic:s of the individual use and shall be subject to approval by the Plan Commission upon submittal of site and operational plans. (4) STREET SERVICING PROHIBITED No building for commercial or industrial purposes shall hereafter be erected or placed on a lot in a manner requiring servicing directly from the abutting publie street. 280 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . SECTION 18 LIGHTING 18.01 LIGHTING PLANS REQUIRED Whenever a Building Site and Operation Plan or Building Site and Operation Plan Amendment is required by this Code, such Plans shall include an Exterior Lighting Plan to determine whether the requirements of this Section have been met (Subject to Planning Commission discl'E~tion for unique situations; City General Design Guide also applies). Exterior lighting serves multiple functions, including illumination of obstructions, orientation of site users, and security. To assure that exterior lighting serves these functions without hindranCE! or nuisance, all Exterior Lighting Plans submitted pursuant to this Code shall comply to the following standards (Note: standards below are subject to Plan Commission discretlion when extenuating circumstances apply): (1) Fixture Height: Shall not exceed the greater of fifteen (15) feet, or the eave line of the building. Fixture Location: All fixtures intended to illuminate parking and drive areas shall !~enerally be mounted on poles located within protected landscaped areas, on concrete pedestals not exceeding six (6) inches above grade. Where the Plan Commission deems that such locations are not practical, and that a location within the parking field is appropriate, said poles may be mounted on concrete pedestals at a height to be determined by the Plan Commission, but generally not exceeding thirty- six (36) Inches above grade. Luminaires: Þ.II exterior lighting fixtures shall be high-pressure sodium of a wattage approved by the Plan Commission. Cut off required: All luminaries regardless of mounting location shall be housed within down cast full cut off fixtures, with zero (0) degree tilt. Intensity: Exterior lighting shall generally not exceed nine (9) foot candles in intensity. The Plan Commission may permit a greater intensity of illumination where necessary to meet the purpose of this Code. Light Trespass Prohibited: In no case shall exterior lighting result in illumination !;Ireater than one-half (0.5) foot-candles at any property boundary. An Exterior Lighting Plan submitted pursuant to this Code shall have, at a minimum, the following elements: (1) A catalog page, cut sheet, or photograph of the luminaire and its mountin!~ method. A photometric data test report of the proposed luminaire graphically showing the lighting distribution at all angles vertically and horizontally around the ILiminaire. A site plan, drawn to the same engineering scale as the Building Site and Operation Plan submittal, indicating the location of the luminaries proposed, mounting and / or installation height in feet, and the overall 18.02 . 18.03 . EXTERIOR LIGHTING PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) EXTERIOR LIGHTING PLAN REQUI REMENTS (2) (3) 281 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapt4~r 17 Zoning (4) illumination Iløvels (in foot candles) at the property lines. This may be accomplished either by means of an isolux curve or computer printout projecting the illumination levels. In addition to the site plan drawn to the same enginøering scale as the Building Site and Operation Plan submittal, Orlpe (1) copy of said plan shall be provided in 11" x 17" black and white reduction. A graphic dE!piction of the luminaire lamp (or bulb) concealment and light cut off angles. . 18.04 EXTERIOR LIGHTING FOR SPECIFIED OUTDOOR RECREATION USES . Ball diamonds, playing fields, driving ranges, tennis courts, and similar outdoor recreation facilities have unique requirements for night time visibility and generally have limited hours of operation. Such facilities may be exempt from the performance standards established in this Code if the applicant can satisfy the Plan Commission that the following requirements are met: (1) Building Site and Operation Plan: The Building Site and Operation Plan meets all othm requirements of Section 4 of this Code. Exterior Lighting Plan Required: A plan meeting the standards of Section 18.03 of this Code has been submitted. Exterior Light Sources: Any exterior light source shall not exceed a maximum pole height of fifty (50) feet. Shielded Luminaires: If the luminaire is shielded in either orientation or by landscaped buffer areas to prevent light and glare spillover to residential property(s) or residential zoning districts, the luminaire may be positioned to exceed a total cut off angle of ninety (90) degrees. 18.05 LIGHT MEASUREMENT (1 ) (2) (3) (4) Meterinn Equipment: Lighting levels shall be measured in foot-candles with a direct reading portable light meter. The meter shall be read with an accuracy of plus or minus five (5) percent. It shall håve been tested, calibrated, and certified by. an independent commercial photometric laboratory or the manufacturer within thirty (30) days of its use. (2) . Method of Measurement: The meter sensor shall be mounted not more than six (6) inches above ground level in a horizontal position, commencing at the property line. Readings shall be taken only after the cell has been exposed long enough to provide a constant reading. To eliminatl3 the effects of moonlight and other ámbient light, measurements shall be made after dark with the light source in question on, then with the same source off. The average of the two (~~) readings shall be compared with the maximum permitted illumination permitted by this Section. 18.06 STREET LIGHTING Street Lighting shall conform to standards promulgated and approved by the Public Works Committee, as may be amended from time to time. . 282 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 18.07 SEARCHLIGHTS Commercial Searchlights as defined by this Code shall be prohibited for all uses except as may be directed by authorized Emergency GovernmE~nt personnel for use related thereto or if approved for spHcial events subject to Plan Commission approval. 18.08 ADDITIOI'JAl.. REGULATIONS The provisions of this Section are intended to supplement other applicable laws and ordinances and are not a substitute. All exterior lighting shall be installed in conformance with the provisions of this Code, applicable building codes and ordinances, electrical codes and ordinances, and all other codes and ordinances as applicable and under appropriate permit and inspection. 283 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . SECTION 19 19.01 FINDINGS OF FACT (1) The Common Council finds that Adult-Oriented Establishments, as defined and! otherwise regulated by the City in its Adult-Oriented Licensing and Regulation Ordinance, require special zoning in order to protect and preserve the health, safety, and welfare of the City. Based on its. review of studies conducted in Phoenix AZ, Garden Grove CA, Los An~;leles CA, Whittier CA, Indianapolis IN, Minneapolis MN, S1. Paul MN, Cleveland OH, Oklahoma City OK, Amarillo TX, Austin TX, Beaumont TX, Houston TX, Seattle W A, and the findings incorporated in City of Rerrton v. Playtime Theaters, Inc., 475 U.S. 41 (1986), Coleman A. Young v. American Mini-Theaters, Inc., 427 U.S. 50 (1976), the Common Council finds that them is convincing evidence that the secondary effects of Adult-Oriented Establishments include an increased ris.k of prostitution, high-risk sexual behavior, crime, and other deleterious effects upon existing businesses and surrounding residential areas, and døcreased property values. The Common Council intends to control the impact of these secondary effects in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizenry; protect the citizens from increased crime; preserve the quality of life; preserve the property values and character of surrounding neighborhoods and areas. It is not the intent of the Common Council to suppress any speech activities protected by the First Amendment, but to enact a content- neutral ordinance which addresses the secondary effects of Adult- Oriented Establishments while providing an outlet for First Amendment protected activities. In order to minimize and control the secondary effects of Adult-Oriented Establishments upon the City, it is the intent of the Common Council to prevent the conc~ntration of Adult-Oriented Establishments within a certain distance of each other and within a certain distance of other specified locations, which are incompatible with and would suffer from the secondary effects of Adult-Oriented Establishments. Based upon lits review of materials linking alcohol consumption and high- risk sexual behavior and materials linking alcohol consumption and crimes such as sexual assault, the Common Council finds that a geographic separation of Adult-Oriented Establishments from alcohol beverage licensed premises is warranted. (2) (3) . (4) (5) (6) . FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTED ADULT ORIENTED EST ABLISHMENTS 284 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . 19.02 LOCA TIONA.L RESTRICTIONS (1 ) (2) . (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) . The First Amendment and other provisions of the United States Constitution, as interpreted by the United States Supreme Court and other courts, require that Adult-Oriented Establishments, as defined and otherwise w'gulated by the City, are entitled to certain protections, includin9 thE:! opportunity to locate in the City. Therefore, if an Adult- Oriented Establishment License has been granted by the City, and if all the requirements of this Section of the Zoning Code are met, an Adult- Oriented Establishment shall be an allowed use in the M-1 and M-2 zoning district(s) and shall be a prohibited use in any other zoning district. No other requirements of the Zoning Code need be satisfied, but for those required in order to obtain an Adult-Oriented Entertainment License from the City. Adult-Oriented Establishments shall be located at least 1,000 feet from: A. Any residential district line, playground lot line, or public park lot Ine; Any structure used as a residenco, place of religious worship, public or private school, or Youth Facility as defined in the City's Adult..Oriented Establishment Licensing and Regulation Ordinance; Any other structure housing an Adult-Oriented Establishment; Any structure housing an establishment which holds an alcohol beverage license. DistancH requirements are to be measured in a straight line in any direction regardless of intervening structures, from the structure housing the Adult-Oriented Establishment to the above residential district boundary linøs, to the lot line of any lot usee! for a park, playground, or the lot line of any structure listed in Section 19.02{1), (2), and (3). The measumments from a structure shall be taken from the farthest point a structure extends in the direction of the measurement, including overhanging roofs or similar projections. For Aduit-Olriented Establishments located in conjunction. with other buildings and clearly separate from other establishments such as in a shopping center, measurements shall be taken from the boundaries of the space occupied by the Adult-Oriented Establishment. For any Adult-Oriented Establishment located above ground level in a multi-story structure and clearly separate from other establishments within the struGture, the distance measurements shall be taken from the ground floor public entrance/exit nearest the Adult-Oriented Establishment (excluding emergency exits). A licensed A.dult-Oriented Establishment is not disqualified from holding an Adult-Orif:!nted Establishment License by the location subsequent to the grant or renewal of its license of any of the establishments described in Section 19.02(2)B, within 1,000 feet of the licensed premises. This provision applies only to the renewal of an existing license and does not apply when an application for a license is submitted after a license for that location has not been renewed or has been revoked. B. C. D. 285 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning . SECTION 20 PRIVATE OUTDC)OR RECREATION FP~CILITIES 20.01 OUTDOOR FIECREATION FACILITIES CLASSIFIED For the purpose of this olrdinance outdoor recreational facilities such as beaches, swimming pools, tennis courts, riding paddocks, golf courses, athletic fields, etc., shall be classified as follows: (1) Public (2) Private, Commercial (3) Private, Non-Commercial Group (4) Private, Residential 20.02 GENERAL (1) Such uses shall be permitted in those districts and subject to those regulations as are hereinafter designated in this section and in other section of the Ordinance specifically applicable hereto. No such use shall be permitted in any case where it shall create a nuisancH, a hazard, or otherwise result in a substantial adverse effect on the surrounding property values or on the emjoyment of such property or be in any other way detrimental to the general public welfare. Every reasonable E!1iort shall be made to prevent such effect through control of lighting, attralGtive design and maintenance of structures, use of planting screens or attractive fences, carefùl placement on the site, and sensible regulation of use. Adequate provision shall be made for off-street parking for public, private commercial, and private non-commercial group facilities consistent with the need generated by the facility. The Building Inspector shall submit the plans for such facilities to the Plan Commission for determination as to parking neHd. Where exterior lighting is provided for" Public Facilities, Private Commercial Facilities, and Public Commercial Facilities said installations shall be constructed in accordance with Section 21 of this Code. Where Hxterior lighting is provided for Private Residential Facilities, said installations shall be located and shielded that no objectionable glare or excessive illumination is cast upon adjoining! property. (2) . (3) (4) (5) 20.03 PUBLIC FACILITIES (1) Where permi11ed by right as a principal or accessory use any active use area or structure shall conform to the appropriate setback, offset and height regula.tions of the district in which located. Where permitted as a conditional grant such facilities shall conform to the appropriate røgulations as set out in Section 16 of this Code. . (2) 286 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning 20.04 PRIVATE COMMERCIAL FACILITIES (1) Where permiltted by right as a principal or accessory use any active use area or structure shall conform to the appropriate setback, offset, and height mgulélitions of the district in which located provided, however, that in no case shall any active use area or structure be closer than 100 feet to an adjoining property line of a property in a residence district. Where perm i11ed as a conditional grant such facilities shall conform to the appropriate regulations as set out in Section 16 of this Code. Commel'cial activity incident to but not directly involved in the primary outdoor recreational purpose such as restaurant, taverns, and personal service 'facilitiles shall be permitted only where they are also a permitted use in the district or where specifically authorized as part of the conditional gmnt. . (2) (3) 20.05 PRIVATE NON-COMMERCIAL FACILITIES (1 ) . (2) Where permi1tted by right as a principal or accessory use any active use area or structure shall conform to the appropriate setback, offset, and height mgulationsof the district in which located provided however that in no case shaill any active use area or structure be closer than 100 feet to an adjoining property line of a property in a residence district. Where permlltted as a conditional grant such facilities shall conform to the appropriate mgulations as set out Section 113 of this Code. Commel'cial activity incident but not directly involved in the primary outdoor recreational purpose such as restaurants, taverns, and personal service 'facilities shall be permitted only where they are also a permitted use in the district or where specifically authorized as part of the conditional grant. (3) 20.06 PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES (1) Where such facilities are permitted as a principal or accessory use by right, any active use area or structure shall be subject to the setback, offset, and height regulations of the district in which located except as may be heminafter specifically designated otherwise, the provisions of Section 15.01:; of this Code notwithstanding. The requirement for offset may be eliminated where the signed consent of the affected abutting property owner or ownørs has been obtained. 20.07 (2) SWIMMING POOLS In addition to the foregoing, swimming pools shall be subject to the following: (1) Pumps and tilter equipment shall in no case be closer than 20 feet to a property line and shall be adequately housed and muffled. Surfaced terraces shall be permitted no closer than three (3) feet to a lot line where accessory to a private residential pool. Sun decks shall be permitted no closer than five (5) feet to a lot line where accessory to a private resid(;,ntial pool. In any other case they shall be permitted within the setbacks and offsets on the property. . (2) 287 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt!r 17 Zoning . . . (3) (4) (5) Reasonable precautions shall be taken to insure the safety of the pool area and to prevent it from becoming an "attractive nuisance." Pools other than those classified as "Private Residential" shall be completely fenced 80 as to prevent the unregulated entrance of young children to the pool area. Permanent pools erected on top of the surface of the ground shall have the pool construction completely and adequately screened from the view of the abutting properties by means of combined fence and landscape screen approved by the Plan Commission. Pools other than those classified as "Private Residential" or "Private Non- Commercial Group" shall conform to the following: A. Pool water shall meet state standards for pure drinking water. B. Adequate provision shall be made for separate shower, lavatory, and dressing facilities for men and women which facilities shall be well Hghted, ventilated and properly equipped. Pool construction shall be of concrete, steel or other material havin~~ an impervious smooth surface and approved by the Engineer. Pool shape, design, depth, and slopes shall be such as to promote safe control of the bathers in the pool. Inlets must be submerged and produce uniform circulation without "dead" spots. Outlets must be of ample size and located at the pool low points. Hose connections must be of ample size and located at the pool low points. Over1:low gutters must surround the pool and have a pitch adequate to carry off all overflow. Adequate steps of ladder shall be provided to allow safe Hmergence from the pool and shall be made of impervious material, easily cleaned, and must not collect water or retain water. A suction cleanHr must be used to removed sludge, sediment and other accumulations. F~ecirGulation systems shall consist of pumping equipment, hair and lint catcher, filter, and all necessary fixtures and connections; must be capable of six-hour turnovl3r of water; and must include disinfecting equipment. All equipment must be accessible, satisfactorily located and the Hquipment room adequately drained. Each pool shall have available a pH and residual determination. If used at night the pool shall be adequately lit. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 288 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning SECTION 21 RUSTIC STRUCTUIRES 21.01 GENERAL Rustic Structures as definGd by this Chapter shall be permitted by Conditional Use Grant. 21.02 APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications for Conditional Use status for Rustic Structums shall first be referred to the Conservation Commission for a recommendation as to whether a particular accessory structure or building meets the definition found in Section 22 of this Chapter. The conditional use grant should be filed in accordance with Section 14 of this code. In reviewing an application fm Conditional Use, the Plan Commission shall consider the recommendation of the Conservation Commission, the definition of a Rustic Structure, and whether the accessory structure existed as of January 1, 2002. 21.03 PERIODIC REVIEW All Conditional Use Grants issued under this Section shall be subject to periodic review as determined by the Plan Commission on a case-by-case basis. The Planning Commission -r:nay require various updates deemed necessary to preserve the intent of Rustic Structure. The requirements can be deemed mandatory, and if not applied by the owner, the Rustic Structure designation may be revoked and the structure razed. 21.04 TERMINATION Conditional Use Grants for Flustic Structures may be terminated by Resolution of the Common Council following procedures of Section 14 of this Code. 21.05 ALLOW ANCE: If granted conditional use status, the Rustic Structure is not required to comply with the location, area, height, and architectural requirements for detached accessory structures in the district. 289 City of Muskego . SECTION 22 22.01 GENERA.L Municipal Code Chapt.!r 17 Zoning DEFINITIONS The language set forth in the text of this Code shall bE! interpreted according to the following rules of construction: . Singular and Plural. The singular number includes the plural, and the plural the singular. . Tense. The prE!sent tense includes the past and future tenses, and the future the present. . Shall and May. The word "shall" is mandatory; the word "may" is permissive. . Gender. The masculine gender includes the feminine and neutral genders. . Use and Occupy. The word "Use" includes designed, maintained, arranged, or intended to be used. The word "occupy" includes the design, arrangement or intent to be occupied. . Defined words and terms. Whenever a word or term defined hereinafter appears in the text of this Code, its meaning shall be construed as set forth in the definition thereof. Any word appearing in parenthesis between a word and its definition herein shall be construed in the same sense as that word. . Words not defined herein. Any words not defined in this Section shall be presumed to have their customary dictionary definition. . 22.02 ABBREVIATIIONS AND SYMBOLS The following abbrevialions are used in this Code and are intended to have the following meanings: . Abbreviati ac ACOE ADT DBH DNR d.u. FAR FEMA FT / ft GFAR ISR g.d. LSR n.d. NFAR on Definition Acre(s) United States Army Corps. Of Engineers Average Daily Traffic - Diameter at Breast Height, used in measuring tree size - Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - Dwelling unit - Floor Area Ratio - Federal Emergency Management Agency - foot or feet - Gross Floor Area Ratio - Impervious Surface Ratio - gross density - Landscape Surface Ratio - net density - Net Floor Area F~atio 290 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning OHM OSR SEWRPC SF / s.f. = < ~ > > Ordinary High Water Mark Open Space Ratio Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Square foot or square feet equal is less than is less than or equal to is greater than is greater than or equal to 22.03 SPECIFIC W'ORDS AND PHRASES When used in this Code, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: Acre, Gross: The total area of a parcel of land. One acre equals 43,560 square feet. Acre, Net: A measure of developable land area after excluding dedicated rights-of-way, waterways, and wetlands. Adequate Public Facilitie!s: Utilities, roads and other infrastructure required by the Municipal Code and adopted policies of the Common Council which are in place, or planned for within twenty..four (24) months, to serve the most suitable ultimate development of a property as depicted in the adopted Comprehensive Plan. Agriculture and Related Ac::tivities: The use of land for agricultural purposes, including farming, dairying, grazing land, animal and poultry husbandry, greenhouses, nurseries, livestock and poultry confi"lement, and including the necessary accessory uses for packing, treating, storing, and shipping of farm products. The use of the word "farm" shall have the same møaninl'g as the word "agriculture." Alley - a public or private way permanently reserved as a secondary means of access to abutting property. Average Daily Traffic (ADT) : The average number of cars per day that pass over a given point. Awning: A roof-like cover Ithat is temporary or portable in nature and that projects from the wall of a building for the purpose of shielding a doorway or window from the elements and is periodically retracted into the face of the building. 291 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning .- Banner: Any non-rigid temporary medium (typically, although not exclusively rectangular in dimension) onto which characters and/or symbols are applied for the purpose of conveying a message. " "'. (j >-- ~': G f1-",Nc1 t 0, ' tJi,Jd.. .. f'e. ~ , 0 /\f <9 -'-- r ~ It ,- Banner, Pole Displa~' : A banner that is mounted on poles, lights (stanchions) etc. within a property, manufactured from a permanent-tYPE! material and professionally decorated. .~ '.. -, " ' -", 'rM v.. 1\ : þ; Base Setback Area: The land lying between the edge of the existing street right-of-way line and the Base Setback Line. Base Setback Line: The line from which all required setbacks are measured, which line corresponds to the established ultimate street right-of-way line. Basement:. A story partly underground which, if occupied for living purposes, shall be counted as a story for purposes of height measurement. Block - a unit of land bounded by streets or by a combination of streets and public land, railroad rights-of-way, waterways, or any other barrier to the continuity of development. Boarding House: A building or premises where meals and lodging are offered for compensation for 5 or more persons, but not more than 1 ~~ persons and having no more than 5 sleeping rooms for this purpose. An establishment where meals are served for compensation for more than 12 persons shall be deemed a restaurant. An establishment with more thal1 5 sleeping rooms shall be deemed a hotel or motel. Boat House: A detached accessory structure located close to the ordinary high water mark and designed and used principally for the storage of boats and accessory marine 292 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptl~r 17 Zoning . equipment normally used in the daily activities of lakefront property and which typically includes a large overhead cloor for primary access on the side of the structure facing the water. Building: Any structure used, designed or intended for the roofed shelter, enclosure, or protection of persons, animals or property. Building, Accessory: A building or portion of a building used for a purpose customarily incident to the permitted principal use of the lot or to a principal building and located on the same lot as the principal use. Building, Principal: The building on a lot in which is conducted the principal use as permitted on such lot by the regulations of the district in which it is located. Building, Habitable: means any building, or portion themof used for human habitation. Building, Height: The vertical distance from a point on grade to the highest point measured. Building Scale - the relationship between the mass of a building and its surroundings, including the width of .:;treet, open space, and mass of surrounding buildings. Mass is determined by the thret3-dimensional bulk of a structure: height, width, and depth. Building Site and Opleration Plan: The development plan for one or more parcels on which is shown the existinq and proposed conditions of the lot, including: topography; vegetation; drainage; floodplains; wetlands; waterways; landscaping and open spaces; walkways; means of ingress and egress; circulation; utility services; structures and buildings; signs; lighting; berms, buffers, and screening devices; surrounding development; and any other information deemed necessary by the Director of Planning or the Plan Commission. . Camping Trailer: A vehicle designed to be towed or driven upon a highway, intended to be used for human habitation, up to thirty-five (35) feet in length. (see Recreational Vehicle) Canopy: See Awning. Certificate of Adequate, Public Facilities (CAPF, or Certificate}: Written determination by the Planning Director or their designee that the requirements of this Chapter pertaining to Adequate Public Facilities are achieved. Certificate of Compliétnce :: A certificate issued by the Zoning Administrator stating that the construction and the USB of land or a building, the elevation of fill or the lowest floor of a structure is in compliance will all of the floodplain provisions of this ordinance. Channel: A natural or artificial watercourse with definite bed and banks to confine and conduct normal flow of watEiI'. Civic Facility: A non-commercial area developed or to be developed for public or quasi- public administrative, .Gultural, or recreational use. Such facilities include but are not limited to libraries, community centers, parks and playgrounds police stations, fire stations, or city hall. Civic organization: A group of people formally organizE~d for a common and usually community-oriented interes.t. Clinic, Medical or Dental: A group of medical or dental offices organized as a unified facility to provide medical or dental treatment as contrasted with an unrelated group of such offices. but not including bed-patient care. Class 2 public notice - Publication of a public hearing notice under chapter 985, Wis. Stats., in a newspaper or circulation in the affected area. Publication is required on two consecutive weeks, the last at least seven days prior to the hearing. . . 293 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . Commercial Searchli!~ht -.. An apparatus containing a light source and a reflector for projecting a high intensity beam of light. Common Open Spacle - squares, greens, neighborhood parks, City parks, and linear environmental corridors owned and maintained by the City. Comprehensive Plan - The current adopted Comprehensive Plan of the City of Muskego. Curb Radius - the curved edge of streets at an intersection measured at the outer edge of the street curb or of the parking lane. Density, Gross: The numerical value obtained by dividing the total number of dwelling units in a development by the gross area of tract of land (in acres) within a development. Density, Net: The numerical value obtained by dividing the total number of dwelling units in a development by the area of the actual tract of land (in acres) upon which the dwelling units are proposE:!d to be located and including common open space and associated recreational facillììties within the area; the result being the number of dwelling units per net residential acre of land. Net density calculations exclude dedicated rights- of-way, waterways, and wetlands. Development: Any artificial change to improve or unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to, the construction of buildings, structures or accessory structures; the construction of additions or substantial improvements to buildings, structures or accessory structures; the placement of buildings or structures; mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations; anel the storage, deposition or extraction of materials, public or private sewage disposal systems or water supply facilities. Development Plan: Materials required by Chapter 17, or Chapter 18, to be submitted for any Building Site and Operation Plan, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, Certified Survey Map, and / or Conditional Use Grant application. Director of Building alnd Engineering: The City Buildin9 Inspector or any other officer charged with the administration and enforcement of the Building Code or his duly authorized deputy. Display Surface: Display surface is the area made available by the sign structure for the purpose of displaying the advertising message. Disrepair: Contains one or more of the following traits: excessive pealing paint, eroding message(s), dead landscaping (in season), missing pieces (access doors, excessive masonry decay, etc.), missing panels (message panels), and/or excessive rust. Duplex: A building containing two single family dwelling units totally separated from each other by an unpierced wall extending from ground to roof. (Cr. #205) Dust-Proofing: An application of SC-4 asphaltic material placed on a base of granular materials at a rate of 1.2 gallons per square yard for the first application, with additional applications of asphaltic material placed if deemed necessary by the City. Application of asphaltic material shalll not be applied when the temperature is below 60 degrees F. (Ord. #455 - 5-10-83) Dwelling Unit, Secondary - An additional dwelling unit located within the principal dwelling on the lot, in a freestanding building or above a residential garage. Dwelling, Single Family A.ttached: A residential structure designed to house a single family unit from lowest level to roof, with private entrance, but not necessarily occupying a private lot, and sharing a common wall between adjoinin!~ units. . . 294 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning Dwelling, Single Family Oetached: A residential structure designed to house a single family on a private lot and surrounded on all sides by a private yard. Dwelling, Multiple: A buillding or portion thereof designed for and occupied by 2 or more families, includinø 2 family "flats", apartment houses and apartment hotels. Dwelling Unit: A single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. Extractive Operation: ThE! removal of rock, slate, gravel, sand, topsoil, or other natural material from the earth by excavating, stripping, leveling or any other process. Family: One or more persons occupying the premises and living as a single housekeeping unit, as distinguished from a group of individuals occupying a boardinghouse, 10dginÇl house, club, fraternity or hotel. Farm. An area used for urowing of customary produce including but not limited to vegetables, fruits, and grains, and for the packaging and storage of produce grown on premises; as well as for thø raising thereon of the usual poultry and livestock such as horses and cattle, and not including commercial feeding of garbage or offal to swine or other animals, the commercial feeding of animals on open lots where no feed is raised on the premises, or the commercial feeding of poultry or laboratory animals such as mice, rats, rats, etc. Farm, Hobby. An area of land devoted to agricultural activities which are accessory to the principal use of the property, including growing of customary produce including but not limited to vegetables, fruits, and grains, and for the packaging and storage of produce grown on premises; as well as for the raising thereon of the usual poultry and livestock such as horses and cattle, and not including commercial feeding of garbage or offal to swine or other animals, the commercial feeding of animals on open lots where no feed is raised on the premises, or the commercial feeding of poultry or laboratory animals such as mice, rats, rats, etc. Hobby farms are subject to limitations on the maximum head of pOLltry and livestock and separation requirements found in Section 40: 18.0402 of this Code. Floor Area: The square feet of floor space within the outside line of walls, including the total of all space on all floors of a building or structure. Floor Area Ratio (FAI~) : The total floor area of buildings, expressed as a percentage ratio to the total area 01 the 1101. """"'MUM FLOO"'- ~. ;~"::",,- Fc~:'2. ~. ,c;A,~'-- '0 B ."7. ""l. FT/. ~ . "c>. ~--./ ,/ "f>/~ ,/ / ."'~ / //. ' ~ ..,<"~ I . --.~ '<0 >- ,/ . ""--. / -""'/ FLoo~ AR.EA RATIO (F. A. e.) F'..A.. 1<.... = ~~~~LOO"- "I<.=A TOTAL LOT ~A"'-- Figure 39 Floor Area, Assessed: Thl:! measurement of a structure's living area from outside wall to outside wall, inclusive 01 closets, storage areas, and seasonal rooms, but excluding unfinished basements, unfinished attics, and attached garages. 295 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning Garage, Attached: A public or private garage, the roof of which is connected to the principal building. Garage, Private: A structure in excess of 120 square feet used for the storage of private motor vehicles.. and which structure is accessory to the residential use of the property on which it is locatt:3d. Garage, Public or Commercial: Any garage not falling within the definition of "private garage" as herein established, and used for storage, repair, rental or servicing of motor vehicles. Gasoline Service StaRion: A place where gasoline, kerosene, or any other motor fuel or lubricating oil or grease for operating motor vehicles is offered for sale to the public and deliveries are made dinı~ctly into motor vehicles, and including facilities, for greasing, oiling, washing and minor repair of vehicles on the premises, but not including major automatic car washing or any body repair facilities. Grade, Established: The Blevation of the finished street at the centerline or curb as fixed by the Engineer or by such authority as shall be desi~lned by law to determine such an elevation. Guest House: An attached or detached accessory buildin9 used to house guests of the occupants of the principal building, and which is never rented or offered for rent. Habitable Structure: A habitable structure shall be defined as any type of structure designed and/or remodeled for residential use, which as constructed (including the installation of utilities) would allow for normal unrestriclted human occupancy. Final decision as to whether any boathouse or other type structure would be considered habitable, will be determined by the Building and Engineering Director. Highway: See Street, Major Arterial Home Occupation: A gain1:ul occupation conducted by members of the family, within it s place of residence, where the space used is incidental to residential use and no article is sold or offered for sale except as is produced by such home occupation. Horticulture: Commercial or non-commercial cultivation of a garden or orchard. Hospital: An institution intended primarily for the medical diagnosis, treatment, and care of patients being given medical treatment. A hospital shall be distinguished from a clinic by virtue of providing for bed patient care. Hospital, Animal: An establishment providing for medical care and treatment of animal pets, but distinguished from a clinic by virtue of providing for bed patient care. Hotel: A building in which lodging with or without meals., is offered for compensation and which may have morE:~ than 5 sleeping room for this purpose, but not including kitchen facilities in individual rooms. Human Habitation: A human residence or dwelling. . Impervious Surface: Any hard surfaced, man-made area that does not readily absorb or retain water, including but not limited to, building roofs, paved parking and driveway areas, patios, and sidewalks. Inflatable Advertising : Sel:~ Sign, Inflatable. Kennel, Hobby: A non-commercial establishment associated with a single household in which dogs or other animals and pets are kept, bred, and raised. Kennel, Commercial: An E:!stablishment where dogs or other animal pets not part of the actual household on thB lot on which the facility is located are raised, bred, or boarded. Land Use: A description of how property is occupied or utilized. 296 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning Legal Nonconformity: The zoning status of a structure or parcel of land which, or the use of which, though lE~gal prior to the passage of this ordinance does not comply with one or more of the provisions of this ordinance. Limits, Highway and Street: Include all the ultimate ri9ht-of-way, encompassing the traveling portion of th,e hinhway or street, the shoulders, the ditches, and adjacent dedicated areas. Lodging House: A building where lodging only is provided for compensation and having not more than 5 sleeping rooms for this purpose. Lot: A single parcel of contiguous land occupied or intended to be occupied by such structures and uses as permitted under this ordinance together with the open spaces required by this ordinance, and abutting on a public street or officially approved way. Lot, Double Frontage: A parcel which fronts on two parallel streets or that fronts on the two streets which do not intorsect at the boundaries of the lot. Lot Area: The area of contiiguous land bounded by lot lin'9s, exclusive of land provided for public thoroughfare, but including lands located between a meander line and the Ordinary High-water Mark (OHM) of a navigable waterway. Lot Lines: The lines bounding a lot as defined herein. Marquee - Permanent roofüd structure attached to and supported by the building. See also Sign, Projecting. Marquee: Permanent roofød structure attached to and supported by the building. Se also Sign, Projecting. Motel: A building or series of buildings in which lodging only is offered for compensation and which may have more than 5 sleeping rooms or units for this purpose and which is distinguished from a hotel primarily by reason of providing direct independent access to, and adjoining parking for, each rental unit. Mother-In-Law Unit: A residential dwelling unit of limited size and accessibility, attached to, and accessible from within, a primary residential structure. Such units are dependent upon said primary structure for basic services such as common electricity and plumbing facilities. Murals: Artwork or other pictorial display judged by the Plan Commission, on referral of the Planning Director or døsignee, not to be signage and shall be exempt from this Ordinance. Non-Conforming Structure: A structure which does not conform to the Building Location, Height or Building Size regulations of the district in which it is located. Non-Conforming Use of Structure: An activity that was lawful prior to the adoption, revision, or amendment of the Zoning Ordinance, but fail by reason of such adoption, revision, or amendment to conform to the present requirements of the zoning district. Non-Conforming Lot: A lot which does not conform to the Lot Size Regulations of the district in which it is located, Non-Conforming Use of Land: A use of any land in a manner where said use does not conform to the Use, Resid(ı!ntial Density, or Open Space Regulations of the District in which it is located. Off-street Parking Space: The area on a lot designed to accommodate a parked motor vehicle as an accessory service to the use of said lot and with adequate access thereto from the public street. For purposes of satisfying parking requirements of this ordinance an off-street parking space shall be an area of no less than 160 square feet. 297 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapte~r 17 Zoning Offset: The shortest horizontal distance between any structure and a lot line, other than a street line. Open Space: An unoccupied space open to the sky on the same lot with the building and not used for parkin~ or driveway purposes. Ordinary High-water Mark. (OHM): The point on the bank or shore up to which the presence and action of surface water is so continuous as to leave a distinctive mark such as by erosion, destruction or prevention of terrestrial vegetation, predominance of aquatic vegetation, or other easily recognized characteristic. Outdoor Recreational Facïlities: Land and structures, along with accessory equipment designed and utilized for leisure time activities of a predominantly "outdoor" nature and of more specific purpose than passive park-like open amas, and further classified as follows: . Public: Facilities owned and operated by a governmental agency for limited or general public use. . Private: Commf.~rcial: Facilities owned and operated by an individual or group for profit as a business whether or not open to general public use. . Private Res.idential: Facilities owned by an individual located on the same or adjoining lot to his residence, and intended solely for the use of this family and guests. . Private NOI1I-Cornmercial Group: Facilities owned and operated by a group for the exclusive use of the members of such group and their guests and not for profit as a business. Owner - The owner of the title to real property or the contract purchaser of real property of record, as shown on the latest assessment records of the City of Muskego. Owner also includes a deed holder or contract purchaser whose name does not appear in the latest assessment records, but who presents to the municipality a copy of a deed or contract of sale showin!~ datB, book, and page of recording. Planning Agency: The City of Muskego Plan Commission created under section 62.23(1), Wis. Stats. a board of public land commissioners or a committee of the municipality's governin~1 body which acts o~ matters pertaining to planning and zoning. Public Facility: For purposes of this Chapter, shall mean roads, sanitary waste facilities, potable water facilities, and drainage and storm water facilities. Public Property - Any real property, easement, air-space, or other interest in real estate, including a street, owned by or controlled by this municipality or any other governmental unit. Predominately Undev,eloped: Any area where there are no more than three (3) homes within a radius of eight-hundred (800) feet. . Private: Commercial: Facili1ties owned and operated by an individual or group for profit as a business whether or not open to general public use. Private Sewage SystE~m : .A sewage treatment and disposal system serving a single structure with a septic tank and soil absorption field 10catEJd on the same parcel as the structure. This term also means an alternative sewa~~e system approved by the department of industry, labor and human relations including a substitute for the septic tank or soil absorption Held, a holding tank, a system serving more than one structure or a system located on a different parcel than the structure. 298 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning Pennant: Tapered or dovø-tailed banner, sign, streamer or flag, with or without any representation or writing thereon, and temporary in nature. National flags, flags of political subdivisions and symbolic flags of any institution or business shall not be categorized as banners. Planning Director - The PlanninÇl Director or his/her deputy is the City officer char~Jed with the administration and enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance (also ZoninÇl Administrator). Primary Floor Area (P.F.A..): The floor area of a buildin9 for purposes of determining required parking ratios, which area shall include only that portion of the total floor area devoted to customer service, sales and office space and shall not include warehouse, utility, hallways and other accessory space which does not generate parking demand. Private Club or LodgE~: A structure or grounds used for regular or periodic meetings or gatherings of a group of persons organized for a non-profit purpose, but not groups organized to render a service customarily carried on as a business. Professional Office: The office of a doctor, dentist, minister, architect, landscape architect, professional en!]ineer, lawyer, author, artist, musician or other similar recognized profession. Queuing - the use of one travel lane on local streets with parking (usually an intermittent parking pattern) on both sides. Reader Board: A siÇln having changeable letters used to announce special events, products, services or sales. Recreational Vehicle: A vehicle designed to be towed or driven upon a highway, intended to be used for hurnan habitation, exceeding thirty-five (35) feet in length. (see Camping Trailer). Road: Synonymous with street. Roadside Stand: A farm building used or intended to be used solely by the owner or tenant of the farm on which such building is located for the sale of the farm products raised on said farm. Roof, Existing Structure, and/or Building Mount Facility - A communications facility in which antennas are mounted to an existing structure, such as a building, silo, utility pole, water tower, existing telecommunications tower, and which may be on the roof .(including rooftop appurtenances), building face, side or elsewhere on the existing structure. Rooming House: Same as Lodging House. Rustic Structure: Any permanent accessory structure or building which is distinctly set apart and unique from other structures and buildings due to its construction technique, materials, age, local historic significance or design, and characteristic of past agricultural practices or rural life, whether presently utilized or not for agricultural practice and which is structurally safe at the tirne conditional use is applied for and during the duration the conditional use is allowed. Sand and Gravel Pits: SeH "Extractive Operations". Scenic View - A specific: location, area, or corridor that consists of (1) a three dimensional area extendinÇl out from a particular viewpoint, focusing on a single object or group of objects, such as a ridge line or a grouping of trees, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing view. (2) lateral terrain features such as valley sides or woodland as observed to either side of the observer, constraining the view into a narrow or particular field. Setback: The shortest horiwntal distance any structure and the base setback line. 299 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning Shed, Private Garden: A structure equal to or less than '120 square feet in area, which is accessory to the residential use of the property and used for incidental storage. Sign: Sign is any meC'ium Iinciuding its structure and component parts, which is used or intended to be used to attract attention to the subject matter for advertising purposes other than paint on the surface of a building. For the purpose of this Ordinance, coloration and/or stripi ng on canopies shall not be considered signage and shall be allowed if it contributes to the overall theme and design of the property. Sign, Abandoned: fl. sign which no longer correctly directs or exhorts any person, advertises a bona fide business, lessor, owner, product or activity conducted, or product available on the premis,es where the sign is displayed. Sign, Area: Area of copy enclosed by one continuous line, connecting the extreme points or edges of a sign. The area shall be determined using the largest sign area or silhouette visible at anyone time from any point. Sign, Agricultural Produc.e : Signs for the purpose of advertising agricultural produce available at a roadside produce stand or farm. Sign, Awning, Canopy, or Marquee: A sign that is mounted, painted, or attached to an awning, canopy, or marquee that is otherwise permitted by ordinance. See also Sign, Projecting. Sign, Directional: A sign intended solely for the purpose of directing patrons or customers to an establishrmmt off the main traveled road and not including promotional advertising unnecessary to such directional purpose. SAINT JOSEPH'S CI-lURCH I tllLE WEST < ,~------ Sign', Electric: Sign contailning electrical wiring, but not including sign illuminated by an exterior light source. Sign, Freestanding: Sign wholly supported by a sign structure, unique to that sign, anchored in the ground. Sign, Ground: Any siqn, other than a pole sign, where the entire base of the sign is in contact with the ground and is independent of any other structure. Said sign shall not measure more than 7 feet ir~ total height above grade. 300 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning .---- .....~-- --.----.----.--- ----- 1> 7'[ "" --- THE /\U1E CORP. _oL"~ ."tø- _.~OFr- "'",,'". ,..." '-"0""'" ,... 'O"~, ,o~.F ,,'v F'" .'""'". Sign, Illuminated: A sign lighted by or exposed to artificial lighting either by lights on or in the sign or directed toward the sign. Sign, Inflatable: Any display capable of being expanded by air or other gas and used on a permanent or temporary basis to advertise a product or event. ~~ "" ......---.. Sign, Off Premise: A sign that directs attention to a business, commodity, service, or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered at a location other than the premises on which the sign is located. Sign, On-Site Informational: A sign commonly associated with, but not limited to, information and directions necessary or convenient for visitors coming on the property, including sign markin9 entrances and exits, parking areas, circulation direction, rest rooms, and pick-up and delivery areas. Sign, Quasi-Public Informational: Non-commercial signs of a general informational nature such as community welcome, safety warning, or other similar nature. Sign, Pole: A sign that is mounted on a freestanding pole or other support so that the bottom edge of the sign face is seven (7) feet or- more above grade. -------... ~" r 7fr 1 a,llEi 5"""------ W'E '.1 I I I I \ I I I f-<>-20fr -~I I 1 \'1. 1\ I I .c::::' (,'. , ~");-~ - '----~ 1- - - -1 301 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapter 17 Zoning . -- Sign, Political: A temporary sign announcing or supporting political candidates or issues in connection with any national, state, or local election. "( . Sign, Portable: A sinn that is not permanent, affixed to a building, structure, or the ground. Sign, Projecting: Projecting sign shall mean a sign other than a wall sign, which projects from and is supported by a wall of a building or structure, extending out beyond 12 inches from the point of attachment, typically having 2 or more viewable sides, but for the purpose of this ordinance, only one side need be counted as a side for measuring its allowable area and sinn count. Signs printed on or affixed to awnings and canopies shall also be considered projecting signs. / ~ -~ . Sign, Price and Temporar!f Item: Rigid signs of a professional quality which advertise the price of a product or service offered on the premises or of special temporary goods 302 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning or services being sold or of'fered. A "sandwich board" sign is an example of a price and temporary item sign. V b\\.:~: ~-'J .- Sign, Real Estate: A sign relating to the sale or lease of the premises, or a portion of the premises, on which the sign is located. l5rO'~: -=--= ,_~03 "I:---=~ ~:~~~ ~~0 i ,-'- I I '-. "- "- "" "- "- "S~:T. M"P::~~ t. W,", m!,L ; )150 n. M" 6TH',., ~ I .' , "- ~ ---""'f~' ~ ':::..!I"':::::.'.< ~!:"':...!.:."<- Sign, Roof: A sign that is mounted on the roof of a building or that is wholly dependent upon a building for support and that projects above the top wall or edge of a building with a flat roof, the eave linl3 of a building with a gambrel, gable, or hip roof, or the deck line of a building with a mansarc:l roof. Sign, Temporary: Shall include any sign, banner, pennant, valance, or advertising display intended to be displayed for a limited period of time only. Sign, Theatre: A sign having changeable letters used to announce periodic events and showings pertain to thE! performing arts and are offered at the location where the sign is displayed. 303 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . Sign, Wall: A sign painted on a building and all other signs connected to or erected against the wall of a building or structure, with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the plane of said wall where no part of the sign structure extends more than 12 inches out from the facade as measured near the points of attachment or contact to the building. Wall signs am permitted only on walls with street facings with a maximum of two building sides p,er blililding. For purposes of this ordinance, stores/businesses in shopping centers shall count the wall facing the main customer parking area as a street facing. For the purpose of tlhis Ordinance, canopy coloration and/or striping shall not be considered wall signage. // . Sign Structure: Supports or materials capable of supporting any sign as defined in this Ordinance. A sign structure may be a single pole or mayor may not be an integral part of the building. Shorelands : Lands within the following distances from the ordinary high-water mark of navigable waters; 1000 feet from a lake, pond or flowage; and 300 feet from a river or stream or to the landward side of the floodplain, whichever distance is greater. Shoreland-Wetland Distrh:t : The zoning district created in this shoreland-wetland zoning ordinance, comprised of shorelands that are designated as wetlands on the wetlands inventory maps which have been adopted and made a part of this ordinance. Solar Access: A propE!rty owner's right to have the sunlight shine on the owner's land. Solar Collector: A device, or combination of devices, structure, or part of a device or structure that transforms direct solar energy. into thermal, mechanical, chemical, or electrical energy and that contributes significantly to a structure's energy supply. Stable, Private: An accessory use and accessory structure constructed and operated under the auspices of a Hobby Farm Building Site and Operation Plan in which equines are kept primarily for breeding, private boarding, training and / or giving lessons., but not for rent or hire to the public. Stable, Commercial: A LIse and structure which may be either principal or accessory depending on its zoning district and classification, in which equines are kept primarily for breeding, boarding, training and / or giving lessons, including rental or hire to the public. Story: That portion of a buiillding included between the surface of a floor and the surface of the floor next abovE! it, or, if there be no floor above it, then the space between the floor and the ceiling nE~xt above it. A basement or cellar having one-half or more of its height above grade shall bE! deemed a story for purposes of height regulations. . 304 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . Street: A public or privatf:! right of way usually affording primary access to abutting property. Street, Frontage: A street contiguous and parallel to a traffic artery and affording direct vehicular access to abLJttin~1 property. Street, Hierarchy: The conceptual arrangement of streets based upon function. A hierarchal approach to streHt design classifies streets according to function, from high- traffic arterial roads down to streets whose function is residential access. Systematizing street design into a road hierarchy promotes safety, efficient land use, and residential quality. . 8 Street, Major Arteriall : A street with access control, channelized intersections, restricted parking, and that collects and distributes traffic to and from minor arterials. Street, Minor Arterial: A stlreet with signals at important intersections and stop signs on the side streets and that collects and distributes traffic to and from collector streets. Street, Minor Access: The lowest order of residential street (See Street Hierarchy). Provides frontage for access to private lots, and carriès traffic having destination or origin on the street itsÐlf. Designated to carry traffic at slowest speed. Traffic volume should not exceed 250 ADT at any point of traffic concentration. The maximum number of housing units should front on this class street. Street, Collector: The highest order of residential street (See Street Hierarchy). Conducts and distributes traffic between lower-order streets and higher-order streets (arterials and expressways). Since its function is to promote free traffic flow, access to homes and parking should be prohibited. Collectors should be designed to prevent use as shortcuts by non-neighborhood traffic. Total traffic volume should not exceed 3,000 ADT. Street, Rural Cross-sE~ction Arterial: A Major or Minor Arterial Street characterized by the use of open ditch swales to convey stormwater run-off. Street, Subcollector : Middle order of residential street (See Street Hierarchy). Provides frontage for access to lots and carries traffic to and from adjoining residential 305 City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapt4~r 17 Zoning . access streets. Traffic should have origin or destination in the immediate neighborhood. Traffic volume should not exceed 500 ADT at any point of 1traffic concentration. Street, Urban Cross-secticm Arterial :A Major or Minor Arterial Street characterized by the use of curb and gutter, catch basins, and pipes to convey stormwater run-off. Street Line: A dividing line between a lot, tract or parcel of land and a contiguous street. Structure: A combination of materials other than natural terrain or plant growth erected or constructed to form a shelter, enclosure, retainer, container, support, base, pavement or decoration. Structure, Principal: A structure used or intended to be used for the principal use as permitted on such lot by the! regulations of the district in which it is located. Structure, Accessory: A. detached subordinate structure or a use which is clearly incidental to, and customarily found in connection with, the principle structure or use to which it is related and which is located on the same lot as that of the principle structure or use. Structure, Permanent: A structure placed on or in the wound or attached to another structure in a fixed and determined position, and intended to remain in place for a period of more than 9 months. Structure, Rustic: Any permanent accessory structure or building which is distinctly set apart and unique from other structures and buildings due to its construction technique, materials, age, local historic significance or design, and characteristic of past agricultural practices or rural life, whether presently utilized or not for agricultural practice and which is structurally safe at the tirne conditional use is applied for. Structure, Temporary: Any structure other than a permanent structure. Structural Alterations: Any change in the supporting members of a building or any substantial change in the roof structure or in the exterior walls. Substantial Landscape Base Area: A planting space at the base of a sign face whose cultivated area equals that of the associated sign face square footage and, in which perennial vegetation and/or shrubs cover at least 50% of the cultivated area. Substantial Improvement For purposes of floodplain zoning administration, any structural repair, reconstruction, or improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds fifty percent (50'%) of the present equalized assessed value of the structure either before the improvement or repair is started, or if the structure has been damaged, and is being restored, before the damage occurred. The term .does not, however, include either: . Any project for improvement of a structure to comply with existing state or local health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions. . Any alteration of a structure or site documented as deserving preservation by the Wisconsin StatE~ Historical Society, or listed on thE~ National Register of Historic Places. . Ordinary maintE!nanCe repairs are not considered structural repairs, modifications or additions. Such ordinary maintenance repairs include internal and external painting, decorating, paneling and the replacement of doors, windows, and other nonstructural components. (For purposes of this definition, "substantial improvement" is considered to occur when the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, . . 306 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning floor, or other structural part of the building commences, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the structure.) Tavern: A commercial establishment serving the public and offering the sale of fermented malt beverages and/or intoxicating liquors for consumption on the premises. This definition does not include private lodges nor clubs selling fermented malt beverages and/or intoxicating liquors only to members and to guest invited by members. Traditional Neighborhood - a compact, mixed-use neighborhood where residential, commercial and civic buildings are within close proximity to each other. Trailer, House: For the purpose of this ordinance the term "house trailer" shall be defined as any shelter designed and equipped to provide sleeping and living quarters, and designed to be transported from place to place rather than to be constructed upon permanent foundations. Any such structure from which the wheels have been removed shall be construed to bl3 a pHrmanent dwelling structure. Trailer, Camping: Any coach, cabin, mobile home, house trailer, house car or other vehicle operating undør its own power or transported by other vehicle intended for habitation off the premises and mounted on wheels or supports. Tourist Home: A building in which lodging, with or without meals, is offered to transient guests for compensation and having no more than 5 sleeping rooms for this purpose with no cooking facilities in any such individual room or apartment. Unnecessary Hardship: That circumstance where specllal conditions, which were not self-created, affect a particular property and make strict conformity with restrictions governing area, setbacks, frontage height or density unnecessarily burdensome or unreasonable in light of the purposes of this ordinance. Use, Accessory: A use subordinate to and customarily incident to the permitted principal use. Use, Conditional: A use which is generally acceptable in a particular zoning district but which, because of its characteristics and the characteristics of the zoning district in which it would be locatød, mquires review on a case by case basis to determine whether it should be permitted, conditionally permitted, or denied. Use, Permitted: That utilization of land by occupancy, activity, building or other structure which is spE!cifically enumerated as permissible by the regulations of the zoning district in which said land is located. Use, Principal: The main or primary use of property or structures as permitted on such lot by the regulations 01 the district in which it is located. Variance: An authorization .granted by the Board of Appeals to construct or alter a building or structure in a manner that deviates from the dimensional standards of this ordinance. View Corridor - (See 8.1S0 Scenic View). Vision Setback Area: An unoccupied triangular space, at the street corner of a corner lot. Watershed: The entire! region or area contributing runoff or surface water to a particular watercourse or body of water. Well: An excavation opening in the ground made by digç;ling, boring, drilling, driving or other methods, for the purpose of obtaining groundwater regardless of its intended use. Wetlands: Those areas where water is at, near or above the land surface long enough to support aquatic or hydrophytic vegetation and which have soils indicative or wet conditions. 307 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE!r 17 Zoning Wetland Alteration. Any filling, flooding, draining, dredging, ditching, excavating, temporary water level stabiliization measures or dike and dam construction in a wetland area. Zoning Administrator and Administrative official - The Administrative Officer designated to administer the Zoning Ordinance and issue zoning permits. The term Zoning Administrator and/or Administrative Official as used herein does not include the Common Council for the City of Muskego. (Ord. #663, 10-5-89)Zoning District - A specifically delineated area within the City of Muskego within uniform regulations and requirements govern the USf:~, placement, spacing, and size of land and buildings. Zoning Map - The map or maps which are adopted as a part of this ordinance and which delineate the boundaries of zoning districts. 308 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . SECTION 23(~HANGES AND AMEINDMENTS 23.01 AUTHORITY Pursuant to the provisions of Section 62.23 (7) of the Wisconsin Statutes the Common Council may, after firs! submitting the proposal to the Plan Commission for report and recommendation and after notice and public hearing as hereinafter provided, amend the regulations of this ordinancE:~ or change the district boundaries. 23.02 GENERAL AMENDMENT PROCEDURE (1) INITIATION A proposal to amencl the text or change the district mapping of this ordinance may be initiated by the Common Council on its own motion, by recommendation of the Plan Commission, or by petition of one or more property owners. (2) FILING OF PETITION A petition for change or amendment submitted by a private property owner shall be prepared on printed forms provided for the purpose and filed with the Planning Director and shall bE:! accompanied by a fee, as from time to time established by Resolution of the Common Council, to defray the cost of giving notice, investigation and othl3r administrative processing. . (3) DATA REQUIRED In addition to all in1ormation required on the petition form, the petitioner shall supply the following: A. A plot map drawn in triplicate to a scale no smaller than 100 feet to the inch for tracts of less than ten (10) acres and no smaller than 200 feet to the inch for tracts of ten (10) acres or more, showing the land in question, its location, the length and direction of each boundary thereof, the location and the existing use of all buildings on such land and the principal use of all properties within 300 feet of such land. The names and addresses of the owners o"f all properties within 300 feet of any part 01 the land included in the proposed change. . Any further in1formation which may be requin3d by the Plan Commission to facilitate the making of a comprehensive report to the Common Council. B. C. . (4) PLAN COMMISSION RE:VIEW AND RECOMMENDATION The Planning Director shall transmit without delay one copy of such petition to the Plan Commission. The Plan Commission shall conduct a study and investigation and where deemed desirable, an informal hearing, and report its recommendation to the Common Council within a reasonable time once docketed on thø Plan Commission agenda, unless a longer period is stipulated by the Common Council. If the Plan Commission determines that the services of a professional planning consultant are required to determine the feasibility of a zoning change, the fees incurred for such study shall be the responsibility of the petitioner. (5) OFFICIAL HEARING The Common Council shall hold a public hearing upon the petition in the manner provided by Section :~~ of this Code. 309 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning . (6) ACTION A. As soon as possible after such public hearing the Common Council shall act to approve, modify and approve, or disapprove the proposed change or amendments. The Common Council shall not take action without first having Plan Commission Ireview the proposed change or amendments. An approved change shall be by appropriate ordinance, and necessary changes in tlhe Zoning Map or text shall thereafter be made by the Planning Department in a timely manner. (7) PROTEST In case of protest against a change duly signed and acknowledged by the owners of 20 percHnt or more either of the arøa of land included in such proposed change, or by the owners of 20 percent or more of the land immediately adjacent and extending 100 feet therefrom or by the owners of 20 percent or more of the land directly opposite thereto extending 100 feet from the street frontage of such opposite land, an amendment shall not become effective except by the favorable vote of % of the majority of the members present of the Council. B. C. ."~ ::::: r- --- LEGEND t~.;.;.~.>A AREA TO !l3E REZONED (:::: :1 AREA ,ADJAIt:ENT WITHIN 100' ~ AREA OPPO:SITE WITHIN 100' . ., ..... . ..... . 23.03 AMENDMENT PROCEDURES IN SHORELAND WETLAND MAPPING & TEXT (1) AUTHORITY The Common Council may alter, supplement or change the district boundaries and the regulations contained in this ordinance in accordance with the requirements of ~G2.23 (7)(d)2., Wisconsin Statutes, NR 117, Wisconsin Administrative Code, and the procedures of Section 23.02 of this Code. (2) PROCEDURE A. A copy of each proposed map amendment shall be submitted to the appropriate district office of the Department of Natural Resources within five (5) days of the submission of the proposed amendment to the municipal planning agency; All proposed text and map amendments to the shoreland-wetland zoning regulations shall be referred to the Plan Commission, and a public hearing shall be held after class II notice as required by ~62.23(7)(d)2., B. 310 City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning F. Wisconsin Statutes. The appropriate district office of the Department of Natural Resources shall be provided with written notice of the public hearing at least ten (10) days prior to such hearing. In order to insure that this ordinance will remain consistent with shoreland protection objectives of 9144.26, Wisconsin Statutes. the municipal governing body may not rezone a wetland Iin a shoreland-wetland zoning district, or any portion thereof, where the proposed rezoning may result in a significant adverse impact upon any of thE~ following wetland functions: 1. Storm and flood water storage capacity; 2. Maintenance of dry season stream flow or the discharge of woundwater to a wetland, the recl1arge of groundwater from a wetland to another area or the flow of groundwater through a wetland; Filtening or storage of sediments, nutrients, heavy metals or organic compounds that would otherwise drain into navigable waters; 4. Shoreline protection against erosion; 5. Fish spawning, breeding, nursery or feeding grounds; 6. Wildlife habitat; or 7. Areas of special recreational, scenic or scientific interest, including scarce wetland types and habitat of endangered species. Where the district office of the Department of Natural Resources determines that a proposed rezoning may have a significant adverse impact upon any of the criteria listed In Sub Section (C) above, the Department of Natural Resources shall so notify the municipality of its determination either prior to or during the public hearing held on the proposed amendment. The appropriate district office of the Department of Natural Resources shall be provided with: 1. A copy of the recommendation and report, if any, of the municipal planning agency on a proposed text or map amendment, within ten ('10) days after the submission of those recommendations to the municipal governing body. Written notice of the action on the proposed text or map amendment within ten (10) days after the action is taken. If the Department of Natural Resources n01tifies the Planning Department in writing that a proposed amendment may have a significant adverse impact upon any of the criteria listed in Sub Section (C) above, that proposE,d amendment, if approved by the Common Council, shall not become effE:~ctive until more than thirty (:30) days have elapsed since written notÍCt::! of the municipal approval was mailed to the Department of Natural Resources, as required by of this Code. If within the thirty (30) day period, the Department notifies the Planning Department that the Department of Natural Resources intends to adopt a superseding shoreland-wetland zoning ordinance for the City as provided by 962.231 (6) and 961.351 (6), Wisconsin Statutes. the proposed amendnent shall not become effective until the ordinance adoption 3. . C. D. . E. 2. . 311 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chapt.~r 17 Zoning procedure under section 962.231 (6) or 961.351 (6), Wisconsin Statutes is completed or otherwise terminated. 312 . . . City of Muskego Municipal Code ChaptE~r 17 Zoning SECTION 24 AIDOPTION AND EFFECTIVE DATE 24.01 REPEAL OF CONFLICTING This Zoning Code hereby repeals and recreates Chapter 17 "Zoning Code" of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin Municipal Code 24.02 PUBLIC HEARINGS The City of Muskego Common Council held a public hearing on this Zoning Code pursuant to the requireml3nts of Section 62.23(7) of the Wisconsin Statutes on December 11, 2006. The City of Muskego Common Council held a public hearing on the Official Zoning Map for the City of MuskHgo pursuant to the requirements of Section 62.23(7) of the Wisconsin Statutes on December 11, 2006. 24.03 PLAN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Plan Commission recommended to the Common Council the adoption of this Zoning Code text at its meetin~1 held on January 16, 2007. The Plan Commission recommended to the Common Council the adoption of the Official Zoning Map on January 16, :2007. 24.04 COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL The Common Council of the! City of Muskego concurred with the recommendations of the Plan Commission and proceeded to adopt the Zoning Code and Map at its meeting on January 23, 2007. 24.05 EFFECTIVE DATE This Zoning Code shall takH effect upon passage and adoption by the Common Council and the filing of proof of posting or publication in the Office of the City Clerk. 313 .8 8 . City of Muskego Municipal Code Chaptt~r 17 Zoning SECTION 3: A Public HE:~aring was held regarding thH proposed amendments on December 11 , 2006 in front of the Common Council. SECTION 4: The sevI3rai sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the Ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinances whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 23rd DAY OF JANUARY ,2007. CITYO~~EGO ~ D R. Jo~son,~or =:> ATTEST: First reading: 12/12/06 Deferred: 01/09/07 ~r Cover Ordinance Published this 1 st day of February, 2007 314 r' I! 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