ORD20021118.COMMON COUNCIL-CITY OF MUSKEGO.ORDINANCE #1118 "" AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 18,SECTIONS 18.31(3),18.32(3)(i) and 18.33(3)(g)OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Digital File Submission Required) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN,DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1:Chapter 18,Section 18.31(3)of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin is hereby amended to add subsection (1)as follows: (1)A digital *.DXF,*.DGN file,or *.DWG file of the preliminary plat shall be submitted to the City on 3-1/2"diskette or CD ROM concurrent with the preliminary plat submittal,and all information shall be tied to and referenced to the State Plane NAD 1927 Wisconsin South Zone or others approved by the GIS Coordinator.All digital files shall be submitted in accordance with the minimum standards as approved by the Common Council and amended from time to time. SECTION 2:Chapter 18,Section 18.32(3)(i)of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin is repealed and recreated to read as follows: t (i)A digital *XFXF,*GNGNfile,or *WGWGfile of the final plat must be submitted to the City on 3-1/2"diskette or CD ROM prior to City signatures being placed on the final plat,and all information shall be tied to and referenced to the State Plane NAD 1927 Wisconsin South Zone or others approved by the GIS Coordinator. All digital files shall be submitted in accordance with the minimum standards as approved by the Common Council and amended from time to time. SECTION 3:Chapter 18,Section 18.33(3)(g)of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin is repealed and recreated to read as follows: (g)A digital *,DXF,*.DGN file,or *.DWG file of the certified survey map must be submitted to the City on 3-1/2"diskette or CD ROM prior to City signatures being placed on the final plat,and all information shall be tied to and referenced to the State Plane NAD 1927 Wisconsin South Zone or others approved by the GIS Coordinator.All digital files shall be submitted in accordance with the minimum standards as approved by the Common Council and amended from time to time. SECTION 4:The several sections of this Ordinance are declared to be severable.If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,unlawful,or unenforceable,such decision shall apply only to the specific section or It portion thereof directly specified in the decision,and not affect the validity of all other .J provisions,sections,or portion thereof of the Ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect.Any other Ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. Ord.#1118 Page 2 .SECTION 5:This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and II'publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 8th DAY OF October ,2002. CITY OF MUSKEGO tf1-~ark A Slocomb,Mayor ATTEST: ~ First Reading:9/24/02 ~/(}ýJ ~Second Reading 10/8/02 C rereasurer Published on the 17th day of October ,2002. t t STATE OF WISCONSIN)Suzanne Sobczyk being duly sworn,doth depose and )ss.say that she is an authorized representative of The Milwaukee County)MUSKEGO SUN,a newspaper Off ..I,N,.published at MUSKEGO. Icla otlce W ..d h .. ,,Isconsm an t at an advertIsement of which the annex COMMONCOuNcIL-elTV OF MUSKEGO .tru tak .c.h .d . , ORDINANêJi:#1118/,IS a e copy,en J.rom t e sal paper,was publIshed AN ORDINM:'CETO AMEND CHAPTER 18.therein on SECTIONS l8,al(3),18,32(3KiI and 18,33(3Kg),OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ................................................ MUSKEGO'010 ' igital Fil , e Su o ' , bmissiön R ,, 'equi:edl ..C ' ",THE COMMON COUNCIL OF 1'HE CITY OF ' MUSKEGO,WAUKESHÀCOUNTY,WISCONSIN, ~ßt:l?,;7............... DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTI(JN 1:Chapter 18.Section 18,31(3)of the Municipal Code of the City or Musk<;>go,Wisconsip................................................. is hereby amended to add subsec\ion (II ,as follows: !1)A digital '\DXF,*,DGN'file,or*,DWG file of the preliminary plat shall be submitted ,to the City 'on 3~1/2'i digketteor CD ROM concurrentwith'the ..................... preliminary pllit ,submittal,àn,d-all information shall be tied,to andrE!ferenced to,the State Plane' N~ . " , D19 , 2 ,', 7 ,..", W ,. i , S " c , 0 , n " s " I'n " S , o ,. ,uth , 'Zo ,.', n ,.. e . ?r " . " . O " t , h "., er " S , ~" """""'.""" , '~' ...................... ap'proved by the GIS Coordmatpr, ' All digital files ' ,shall be submitted in accordance with the minimum standards asap!'roved ~y theCommon'Co\1ncÙ and (Si g ned ).... amendedcfrom time to tune;, ' .......... SECTION 2:'Chapter 18,Section'18,g2(3)(il of , BO EPER F^11:'"T" the Municip(\1 Code of the Gity of Muske go,Wiseon- Ii]h:c'sin is repealeâ and recreated to read as folfıws:".""'"" ~ C'[\r ,,(j)Adigital*.D~,*;DG~file;or *,DWPfilèof SubscrIbed and sworn to me before this.~day dr-"~the final plat must be submitted to the City on 3.Of C>iT h r ' 1/2"diskette or CD ROMpdorto City sigi1atures .Ç..:;Ç..:;.~.~,20.oî*. being placed on the fmal plat,and all information shall be tied " to , and referencèd to the State Plane ß ß.~NAD 1927 Wisconsin South Zone or others approved by the GIS Coordinator,All,digitalfiles ~...................... shall be submitted in accordance with the lJlinimum Notary Public,MIlwaukee County Wisconsin 'standards as approved by the Cominon Council.and amended ecoID ti~to û~ "'"M C ...APR 1 !)2',SECTION3:çhãpterl~:SectioRI8.3$(3~g)of y ommlsslonexplres 'l.OO3....... the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego,Wlscon.- sin iIire,e.w-..d ~tedtore.d'asfòUows:, ,(i)A digital.,DD',.DGDG me,or .WGWG file of the certified lÌurveymap must be'submitted to the City on a.,1/2"diskette or CD ROM pdor to City sig- natureS being placed on -ihe fmal plat,and all infor~ >mation shall \:!e tied tP and reÍ!!renced to the State PlaneNAD 1921W1ØCOIUIinSouth Zone or others aþproved by the GIS coordínáti>r.All digital files~' shall be subinitted in accordance with the I1íinimuin standards as approved by tñe Common Council and amended'from tin1eto time, " , . SECTION 4:'ThE\1IeVeral sect\ônsof this Ordi- nance are deelare8 to be se~rable.If any section or portion thereof shall he declared by 3cciecisionof a eoUrt pf coI1ípetentjurisdiction to be invalid,unlaw- ful,or ùnenfori:eable,suçhdecision shall apply only 'to the specific section or portion therß<)f directly specified in the decision,IJÍ1d not,atTectthe v~idity of alf other provisions,isections,or portion thereof of the'Ordinance which shall remain in full force and .etTect,A,ny otJiérOrd,inance whose terms are in eon-.flictwith the provisions pfthis.Qrdinance are here. by repealed:'Í1s to those terms that col!fliêt., SECTIONS:This ordinance shall be in~ll force and effect from and after its pasf!age and publica- tion..., PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 8th DAY OF Octobe,2002.., CITY OF,MUSKEGO Mark Pi.Slocomb,þiayor ATTEST:' Clerk-TÎ'e,asurer