ORD20021116COMMON COUNCIL.CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1116 .AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 1,SECTION 1.09(1), OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Location of Polling Place.District 7) THE COMMON COUNCil OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOllOWS: SECTION 1:-Chapter 1,Section 1.09(1),of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego (for Wards 16 and 17 -District 7)is hereby amended to read as follows: 1.09 ELECTIONS (1)POLLING PLACES Wards 16 and 17 Tess Corners Fire Substation District 7 S100 W13444 Loomis Drive (For 2002 and 2003 electionsonly) Tudor Oaks Retirement Community S77 W12929 McShane Drive SECTION 2:The several sections~f this Ordinance are declared to be severable.If.any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,unlawful,or unenforceable,such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision,and not affect the validity of all other provisions,sections,or portion thereof of the Ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect.Any other Ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance is hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3:This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 10th DAY OF September ,2002. CITY OF MUSKEGO l/fl/ftØ/I!~ Mark A.Slocomb,Mayor ATTEST:First reading:8/27/02rK1Yl~Published this 19th day of.CI rereasurer September,2002. 8/02jmb ~~ ~,..,~~U,~~_A ----------...L)u;aulllC~VU"'LJ J.\..U"'~U.e:>"""""J .STATE OF Wl:SCUN:SlN) th t he is an authorized representative of The '"" \c",say a sOfficialNoticeMUSKEGO SUN,a newspaperCOMMONco~cn..uh)rOFMùSKEGO published at MUSKEGO. f h .h th anne>' ORDINANCE "116 ..d th t dvertisement 0 w IC eANORDINANCETOAMENDCHAPT~R 1, ' WisconsIn an a an a 'd was PublishedS,ECTION1.09(1). ".tru e co py taken from the Sal paper,O'FTHE MUNICIPALCO'DEO'FTHE IS a , .CITY Ö~MUSKEGO'.:. therein on'(Location ofPolltngPlace-Dl~ct 7), ....TH:E GO'MMO'NCO'WelL O'FTtIE CITY O'I"...........................'MÙSKEOO,"WISCONSIN DO O'RDAIN AS FOt- S I 0LOWS:',"--" 'J SECTIQN1:-Chapter1,Section1.09<1),Ofthe) ...~f.rEP18.e...R ,Municipal Code of the City of Musltego (fot Wards 16 and'I1'-.Distri<:t 7)jS herèbyamended to read as fQll~ÌI: "'...................1,00V'ELECTlO'NS ,.............................,nJ,' -PO1..LINGPLACES . ' Waid816 and 17 Thss Cômen Fire Sùbstation . Distl'ict7 '8100 W13444 LoOmis Drive ....................,............(For.2002and 2003el~ions:-........... onlY)c. Tudor Oaks Retirement ..................Community' '....................~.,.. "' S77W1292g MCShane Dl'iv'e ~SÊCTIÓN.2:The several gectjonsof this O'rl!i~\, nan ', ' , ' ,, ' ,, 'ce ," '" , ', a , re,deClaC , re , dto,/ , be , S , eve , ra , 'bl " e"I " f , ', a , '!l , yse.Ct , io , 'n" or (Sig ned )...~....................}JO1ju>h thereof shall be declared by a decision of a'KKEEPERcourtqfcompetentjurisdictiontobeinvaliq,unlaw~fui.orÌUíenforceable.s/lch decisiòn shall applý only 1'")+.J. to: , /~e'iI~îfic , sect " i~n,or portionJherèof directI , y , ".d d to me before this.s:?'::i ......ayay~peçifil1<iIn the,d~clslon,~d notaffec.~t,hevalidity Subscnbe an sworn 20 C~ OfaU,Q.the , " rPlm'lsl~ng.sectìons , !p?p?rtionthereofof Of (",.L~\:.~r.,,...the Otdinanc;e wbich shall remain m full force and ' ...A Gf.1..~...'.3Ft ~effe"ci,'An.YotherO'minan,cewhoseternisarèilicoh-'5T:',r,.tl , ict,~i~the , p~ov , felons of this O'i-dinance ishereby '^,()-,d ß r..~...................:repealed as to those terms that contlict-,','~~~~.. " ".'SECTION 3:ThisOrdina ,neeshaIlbeinfuIlforee N tary Public,Milwaukee County Wlsconsm' '.. ' and e,ffeci,fr!lm and llfter its passage and publicà-0 .;""" tioh,, ,', , ' , .APR 1 3 !OO3"'-,,"P. , ~SEDAND . APPRO'VEDTHISlOth.DAY M C l'ssioneX p lreS..,........................-,O'FSeptember.2002,.,y omm CITY O'P'MUSKEGO',MarkA,Sloè~mb,Mayor ATTEST:~ ''CCierk,Trea~urer,.