ORD20021114COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1114.AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 2,SECTION 2.09 (3), OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Committee of the Whole) THE COMMON COUNCil OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,W AUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOllOWS: SECTION 1:Chapter 2,Section 2.09 (3),of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.09 COMMITTEES (3)Committee of the Whole.The Mayor may declare the entire Council a Committee of the Whole for informal discussion at any meeting or for any other purpose and shall ex officio be Chairman of the same provided there is no objection by anyone of the Aldermen present at the meeting.Attendance of four members of the Committee shall be necessary for a quorum. SECTION 2:The several sections of this Ordinance are declared to be severable.If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent.jurisdiction to be invalid,unlawful,or unenforceable,such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision,and not affect the validity of all other provisions,sections,or portion thereof of the Ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect.Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance is hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3:This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 13th DAY OF August,2002 1Y!u4/Z)?~ Mark Ii...Slocomb,Mayor ATTEST:First reading:8/13/02 a.i ~V,~ .~<~Published this 2200 day of August,2002 V Clerk-Treasurer '" 7/2002jmb . r\.(..'-n I I ST ATE OF WISCONSIN)Suzanne Sobczyk ng duly sworn,doth depose and )ss.say that she is an authorized representative of The Milwaukee County)MUSKEGO SUN,a newspaper published at MUSKEGO, Official ,Notice',Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed CO~ÒNCOiÌÑCIL.'àlrto~MuSKEGo is a true copy,taken from the said paper,was published ORDINANCE#11I4 -.AN oRÐINANCE TO AMEND,CH:APTEk2 therem on SECTION 2,Oß ,(3).OF THE,MUNICIPAL caDioFTHECITYOFl\fiLSKEGo ,','""""""""' ",................... ,'(CoInmittlie-òf the Whole)~" ,'rlfE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE ÇI1'Y OF I d-dMUSKEGO,WAUKESlIACQUNTY,WISGONSIN """'".......... """"""""""""'"DOORDAINASJ?OLLOWS:>~^,-';;:""",S~9TroN 1:Chaptêr 2,Se';tioi12,ó~ii):;f the MUUlC d'Pd al Code ofthe City of Muskego is he-r~by'...,.................,....,,.,..................amen e to read as follows: " , '2;09 COMMITTEES "(3ypommitte70f thew.ho/e,:Tl1e~yorInaý , declare the,,entIre COUncI/'aCommìttee cifth ,,' 'Whole for informal discussiònatany IiIèeÜngorfo~~ny other'purpose and shall ex officio be Chairman ~~:~~tï::i::;~~~r~~:~1t:eo:ee::J,i;,~t~it "..."...,.,..,.,"""""" ,........ dance of four members of't1).Ej Committee shaH be ~()~n~B,\Iaryforaquo".m.,- ,'"'"" ,','.V ',' " SECT~ON2-:The,S , eV , (3 , r , aI ,, ~~diO , nsofihis,ordi-(SIgned)".f'Y1.L............. ~nan~e)ire declared tobe,severable,If any section or B EPER ;:t '" ~port,on thereof sha.ll ~~,~arEj~.;by,a decision of Ii :::;i;";;'court of competent JUtlSd,CtIon to be invalid unlaw- 'I~CI),ful.orunen~or<:eab/7;.~\lclideci~iQn~llap~lý only Subscribed and sworn to me before this.~C?:~..ayay ::...,t9 tJ;ìes~fic seC~I~n?r portlon:thereQf1iir~ctly ~-::,sPec ,' " ifi , ed ,", IIl ,' , t , ~ " :Ie " , cIs " ' , o " n " , ap.dnOtafi'ec ,, ~,the, , ,Vallo:Ii , 'ty Of ,,,20.<'..;l... ~of all ot~er prOVISIons,SectIons,or portlon'therèofof ~th , e ,', ord , lI!ance whic~Sh , al , "I remain in full force,'a , nd ''A-.~,effect,Any øther ordl1:tancewhO<!eterms are'in con-If')..",.a ,-I J o:::q.~"flict,with,th ""- ,- ' f'th 'o 'd '"' , '" !,.).~.~' ;;':'"" ,,e pro..",ons-o IS r mance IS hereby ...,'repealedasiothosetermstbatcontTict,"',,'Notary PublIc,Milwaukee County WISCOnSin$,ECTION 3:This rrdinance sha!!beir:Ì'fuH force' and ,efi'ec ,t'from.and",a,fter its P lissa g eand p u,bli'ca -1.1:/'~" t'" , " ...-~olon,,' ","",,',' ;My CommIssIOn expIres 3., ,PASsEPAND APPROv;ED THIS 13th DAy OF :August,.,2002,."/,',' , M,arkA.S ,locombMa , 'Y'or '/l.TTEST:' . ' ,, ' , ,Clèrk.Ti-el!-surer