ORD20021111COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1111 Þ AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP AND 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Freedom Square Pond Expansion/Kotnik RS-2,RSA and B-4/0PD to RS-2/0IP and B-4/0PD) THE COMMON COUNCil OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,WISCONSIN,DO ORDAIN AS FOllOWS: SECTION 1:The following described property is hereby rezoned from RS-2,RSA and B-4/0PD to RS-2/0IP and B-4/0PD: All that part of Parcel A of Certified Survey Map No.103 and unplatted lands in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 10,Town 5 North,Range 20 East,in the City of Muskego,Waukesha County,Wisconsin,bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northwest 1/4;thence West along the North line of said Northwest 1/4 Section 448.65 feet;thence S 00 32'25"W, 807.53 feet to the place of beginning of the lands to be described;thence Þ continuing S 00 32'25"W,203.12 feet;thence West 183.94 feet;thence S 00 32' 25"W,402.73 feet;thence S 760 46'49"W,92.10 feet;thence S 2017'27"E, 235.15 feet to the centerline of Janesville road;thence S 570 35'50"W along said centerline 135.08 feet;thence N 14021'25"W,448.45 feet;thence West 50.00 feet;thence N 00 32'25"E,499.83 feet;thence East,540.45 feet to the place of beginning.Excepting the South 33 feet,which has been previously dedicated for road purposes.Containing 6.628 acres more or less,exclusive of road right-of-way. SECTION 2:The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable.If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,unlawful,or unenforceable,such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision,and not affect the validity of all other provisions,sections,or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect.Any other ordinances whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3:This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after passage and publication. SECTION 4:The Common Council does hereby amend the 2010 Comprehensive Plan Þ to reflect Institutional land use of the property. Ordinance#llil Þ PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 23rd DAY OF JULY,2002. CITY OF MUSKEGO "J1,ç fh!7!///IlQ'/).k J'ik(lç.,;.ÇJr.V Mark A.Slocomb,Mayor First Reading:7/9/02 ATTEST: Published this 1stday of Auqust.2002 7/02jmb Þ Þ ~O> c:.- ~c: UJ00::N N .."'C th'$','Q)0:::gen~'i'. ,UJ0 ,0::c.. 0 '-a. ê ~<jzrns:~Q. '" ~~-g ~g>2.~~&:ê8~Æ~ j~c1.,?1 I v,v ~ c: I .- c: 0 N ~ cUJ D. 0::: N 0I -.c:UJ 'T0::: m Q) '- '- ::3 () , ..~"0 ~.:.::""...Ñ no6 8le6Je!J8 ' (I "'-TE OF Vv1SCONSIN)Suzanne Sobczyk be;.ng duly sworn,doth depose and )5S.say that she is an authorized representative of The Iv..aukee County)MUSKEGO SUN,a newspaper published at MUSKEGO,Official Notice Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexe(COMMON cgi/l:,';.ikÑg'il1~i MUSKEGO is a true copy,taken from the said paper,was published AN ORDINANCETO AMEND therein on THE ZONING MAP AND 20IOCOMPREIlENSIVEPLAN HH'H.H....H.H..........HH..... OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO '. ".'!\ "...'I(FreedomSquarePond'Expanoion/Kobùk HH..f:<\U.L>.u.$,J."""HH'H''HH'H"RS-2,RSA and B-4IOPDto RS-2/OIP and B. 4IOPD) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,WISCONSIN,DOORDAINASFOL-HHH HHHHH'H'H'H'HH'"LOWS; SECTION I;The following described property;, hereby ",oned f,om RS.2,RSAandB-4IOPDtoRS- HH'"H'H"'H'H..HHH""H'HH'H"2I0IP and B.4IOPD; All that part of Pa.-ce1 A of Certified Su""y Map No.103 and unplatted lands in the Northwest 1/4 of S"tionl0,Thwn5Norlb.Range20Ea,t.inthe H'HH""""H'HHHH'HHH"H'ï'H'H"City of Muskego,Waukesha County,Wiseon,in.Q . .' ..' \ . 'd.x.~bounded and described as follows; '-...Y'-...Y j)'Î ^.X Q L/Commenring at the Norlheest oom".feaid Norlb.(Signed)H'H,x'~"1~,'!L!"C(~H H ,,,,H .H H.H'H ~:,~~':>~~~::~~~gf';::~~::Su;.~;~~J B Q.~EPER 807.53 feet to the pia",of beginning of the lands to be ~ee~e;8,:~ni.':.~~~';2~:;;2~V~;li02~Subscribed and sworn ~~me before this..')')*ayay feet;theuoeS 76'46'4'"W.92.10 feet;then",S2'17'27"Of ~"6'L...-"L...-"'!;-'HHHHHH',20.C<}.H.E,235.15 feet to the oentedine of Janesville road;HHH"'HH"H'HH'.::f;~ then",S 57'35'50"W along eaid oente,line 135.08 feet;J theuoe N 14'21'25"W.448,45 feet;theuoe West 50.00 f'" ,.(':)~feet;then",N O'32'25"E,4".83 feet;then",EMt,HHH'H,..J.CY...L'l;).,",,_H,..Ç~HH'HH-- ~::;~~~~l;:'~~y":"~'i:,Notary Public.Milwaukee County Wisconsin road pU,""""Containing 6,628 acree nIOre 0'Ie". e~~~~Io{,;-:a~ri::;O:;::;~",tion,of thi,o,di-My Commission expires.;';':;';'.:",.5...H H nanee "e decimd to be ",vemble.lfany ",tion 0'portion thmof ,hnll be decia,,'"by a deci,ion of a oourt ofeompetentju",diotion to be invalid,unlaw- ful,0'unenfoeoeable,'uch deei,ion ,hall apply only to the 'pe"fi,",etion 0'portion th"eof di,..t1y 'pe"fied in the deci,ion,and not affeet the validity of all otli"p,ovi,ion,.,..tiou"0'portion the"of of the o,dinan..which ,hall ,emaiu in full fo,..and eff"t.Any oth"o,dinanee,wbo",t"m,a"in eonfliet with tlie peovi,ion,of thi,o,dinan..a"heeeby ,epealed "' to tlio",te,m,that eonfliet. SECTION 3;Thi,oniinauee i,in full f"'e and efTeet "'om and aftc,"""age and publieation. SECTION 4;The Common Couneil do,"h...by amand tbe 2010 Comp"hen,ive Plan to "neet In,tituti"",lland u'"oftlie pmpeny. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 23ni DAY OF JULY,2002. CITY OF MUSKEGO Ma,k A.Sloeomb.Mayo,