ORD20021110I AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO I ORDINANCE #1110 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO TO INCLUDE THE OWP WELLHEAD PROTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICT (Freedom Square Condominium Area) THE COMMON COUNCil OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,WAUKESHA,WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOllOWS: SECTION 1:The following described properties listed on Exhibit "A"attached hereto and made a part hereof are hereby rezoned to include the OWP Wellhead Protection Overlay District. SECTION 2:The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable.If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,unlawful,or unenforceable,such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision,and not affect the validity of all other provisions,sections,or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect.Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance is hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. ~SECTION 3:This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after passage, publication,and the City closing on the acquisition of the Freedom Square Condominium community well property. . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 23rd DAY OF JULY,2002. CITY OF MUSKEGO f1æ1.tie f Lt?é,y;!,/t Mark A.Slocomb,Mayor lfST,MA.-f/j{h7ø~C rereasurer First Reading:7/9/02 Published this 151day of AuQust.2002 7/02jmb Þ COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1110 Þ AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO TO INCLUDE THE OWP WELLHEAD PROTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICT (Freedom Square Condominium Area) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,WAUKESHA,WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOllOWS: SECTION 1:The following described properties listed on Exhibit "A"attached hereto and made a part hereof are hereby rezoned to include the OWP Wellhead Protection Overlay District. SECTION 2:The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable.If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,unlawful,at unenforceable,such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision,and not affect the validity of all other provisions,sections,or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect.Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance is hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3:This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after passage and .publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF ,2002. CITY OF MUSKEGO Mark A.Slocomb,Mayor ATTEST: Clerk-Treasurer First Reading:7/9/02 Published this day of Auqust.2002 7/02jmb Þ COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1110 -EXHIBIT "A" MSKC2193011 MSKC2198001 MSKC2198031 MSKC2198059 MSKC219B099 MSKC2198984006 MSKC2198985026 MSKC21989B5053 MSKC2193015 MSKC2198001 MSKC2198032 MSKC2198060MSKC2198100 MSKC219B985 MSKC2198985027 MSKC2198985054 MSKC2193016 MSKC2198001 002 MSKC2198033 MSKC2198061 MSKC219B101 MSKC2198985001 MSKC2198985028 MSKC2198985055 MSKC2193017 MSKC2198002 MSKC2198034 MSKC2198075 MSKC219B102 MSKC2198985002 MSKC2198985029 MSKC2198985056 MSKC2193032001 MSKC2198003 MSKC2198035 MSKC2198076 MSKC219B103 MSKC21989B5003 MSKC2198985030 MSKC2198985057 MSKC2193033 MSKC2198004 MSKC2198036 MSKC2198077 MSKC219B104 MSKC2198985004 MSKC2198985031 MSKC2198985058 MSKC2193035 MSKC2198005 MSKC2198037 MSKC2198078 MSKC219B105 MSKC2198985005 MSKC2198985032 MSKC2198985059 MSKC2193037 MSKC2198006 MSKC2198038 MSKC2198079 MSKC2198106 MSKC2198985006 MSKC2198985033 MSKC2198985060 MSKC2193038 MSKC2198007 MSKC2198039 MSKC2198080 MSKC2198107 MSKC2198985007 MSKC2198985034 MSKC2199999022 MSKC2193039 MSKC2198008 MSKC2198040 MSKC21980B1 MSKC2198108 MSKC2198985008 MSKC2198985035 MSKC2198985062 MSKC2193040 MSKC2198009 MSKC2198041 MSKC2198082 MSKC2198109 MSKC2198985009 MSKC2198985036 MSKC2198986 MSKC2193041 MSKC2198010 MSKC2198042 MSKC2198083 MSKC2198110 MSKC2198985010 MSKC2198985037 MSKC2198987 MSKC2193042 MSKC2198011 MSKC2198043 MSKC2198084 MSKC2198111 MSKC2198985011 MSKC2198985038 MSKC2198988 MSKC2193043 MSKC2198012 MSKC2198044 MSKC2198085 MSKC2198112 MSKC21989B5012 MSKC2198985039 MSKC2198990001 MSKC2193061 MSKC219B013 MSKC2198045 MSKC2198086 MSKC2198113 MSKC2198985013 MSKC2198985040 MSKC2198990003 ~ MSKC2193062 MSKC2198014 MSKC2198046 MSKC2198087 MSKC2198114 MSKC2198985014 MSKC2198985041 MSKC2198990004 MSKC2193063 MSKC2198015 MSKC2198047 MSKC2198088 MSKC2198115 MSKC2198985015 MSKC2198985042 MSKC2198991 MSKC2193064 MSKC219BO16 MSKC2198048 MSKC2198089 MSKC2198116 MSKC2198985016 MSKC2198985043 MSKC2198991001 MSKC2193065 MSKC2198017 MSKC2198049 MSKC2198090 MSKC2198117 MSKC2198985017 MSKC2198985044 MSKC2198992 MSKC2193071 MSKC2198019 MSKC2198050MSKC2198091 MSKC219811B MSKC2198985018 MSKC2198985045 MSKC2198999 MSKC2193072 MSKC219B020 MSKC2198051 MSKC2198092 MSKC2198979001 MSKC2198985019 MSKC2198985046 MSKC2199999001 MSKC2193967 MSKC2198022 MSKC2198052 MSKC2198093 MSKC2198981 MSKC2198985020 MSKC2198985047 MSKC2199999002 MSKC2193968 MSKC2198023 MSKC219B053 MSKC2198094 MSKC2198984 MSKC2198985021 MSKC2198985048 MSKC2193989006 MSKC2198026 MSKC219B054 MSKC2198095 MSKC2198984001 MSKC2198985022 MSKC2198985049 MSKC2193989007 MSKC2198027 MSKC2198055 MSKC2198096 MSKC2198984002 MSKC2198985023 MSKC2198985050 MSKC2193989009 MSKC2198029 MSKC2198056 MSKC219t1097 MSKC21989B4003 MSKC2198985024 MSKC2198985051 MSKC2193989010 MSKC2198030 MSKC2198058 MSKC2198098 MSKC2198984005 MSKC2198985025 MSKC2198985052 Þ (j ATE OF W1SCONSIN)Suzanne Sobczyk duly swom,doth depose and )ss.say that she is an aut!.leled representative of The "."0,.1,00 "o,,~,,;)MUSKEGO SUN,a newspaper Official Notice publishedat MUSKEGO,--Wisconsinand that an advertisement of which the amlexe( COMMONCOUN~~~~OFMUSKEGO is a true copy,taken from the said paper,was published ANORDINAl'i~~~~N~~oWNING MAP therein on OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO TO INCLUDE THE OWPWEIliIEAD PROTECTIONOVERLAYDIS. .;" TRICT ~.. (F,..,edomSqua,..,CondominiumMea).\.~a ':)-..I THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF i...G I........... MUSKEGO,WAUKESHA,WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS, li,;;~~~I~~!~it'I'!'~.r~;~:;\:'.~dh:::~e~:nro,:~~e: ,, pa<t heoeof e'e he"by ,e'oned tOindude the OWP Wellhead Protection aveday Distfio;. SECTION2,The,eveoel,.ctio",ofthi,o,di............................................. nonce a,..,deda,..,d to be ",v"able.If any "ction "portion thmof,hall be dec!a,ed by a decision of a ................................................ ;~r':,o~~~~i::~~I~,':~~:~:i~O~&:::rf~~~~;~:;(\~.I to the ,pe"fi,,e,tion 0'portion th"eof di"ctly .~/:."ry'.ß "". ,.[)t!.../ 'p""fied m thede""on,and not alT" . tthevalidity (SIgned),v'1i . Li.,?'L..~.."r/3,P.k...... of QUoth"pMi,ion"'ection"0'portion thmofof U Bdo~ËPER the ""dinan"whkh ,hall ,..,main in full fo;"and .~~ .elTect.Any othe,o,dinan"who",te<me a,..,in ron. f niotwiththeprovi,ion,ofthi,o,dinancei,hmby Subscribed and sworn to me before this..j~aday ~""pealed.,totho"'t"m,that'onflict."Å 3-.SECTION . 3' . Thi, . 0'dinan"i'infuIl . f~"e . ~nd Of.."""""""""""~ Ô.. &..a ,20.0.... :effed from and ~ft"pa"age,publioation,and the r.City do'ing.on,t.he çqçqui'ition of th,'F,eedo~'.Ò ~ O",uwe~ouQum"nU1U'uu~umlywenp,"perty.ð.c~ç~........... JUi~~~~.AND AJ'PROVEDTHIS 23,d DAYOF Notary Public,Milwaukee County Wisconsin CITY OF MUSKEGO Ma<kASlooomb,MaJO'My Commission expires '1.:-/~..:'~.3...... l ( ,IE OF WISCONSIN)Suzanne Sobczyk bþ duly sworn,doth depose and )ss.say that she is an authurized representative of The Milwaukee County)MUSKEGO SUN,a newspaper published at MUSKEGO, Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy,taken from the said paper,was published therein on "........................ 4.u.G.u.:sT...!................... ................................................ , S ">~,"j""""'ï"""'" (Signed)~.p;r.cJY'~~..~~~{~~~{R " ........ i)Bdák~ßÈ.PER Subscribed and sworn to me before this.,.,\.",..ayay OL ::....::,,20.9,?. f'j.c~.<".~.ç~........... Notary Public,Milwaukee County Wisconsin (SEAL)MyCommissionexpires '1'.:-.t.:~..:.ý.3..' ------,- COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1110 -EXHIBIT.A" 51<021...,'021 1 51<""'31 ..c..KC2'-"021""""", 51<02"""0219800'51<02""32 'KC2'- """""""""27 i"""" 51<02""'"0219800'1>0251<02""'"'021",,51<02""""""",,""... 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