ORD20021103COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1103 Þ AN ORDINANCE TO IMPOSE A MORATORIUMON CERTAIN PARCELS LOCATED IN A POTENTIAL OWP WELL HEAD PROTECTION OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO(Freedom Square Area) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,WISCONSIN,DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1:The properties located in the NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of Section 9 and NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 of Section 10,T5N R20E,City of Muskego,Waukesha County,Wisconsin are within a one square mile area surrounding the Freedom Square community well as shown on the attached map.Said properties have the potential to be included in a proposed OWP Overlay Well Head Protection District which surrounds a community well in the Freedom Square Condominium complex that the City is in the process of acquiring. SECTION 2:The OWP Overlay Well Head Protection District was created by Ordinance #980 as Section 9.11 of Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego and identifies Permitted Uses and Prohibited Uses in the OWP District.The following uses are prohibited uses within the Primary Well Head Protection Area: 1.Animal waste storage facilities, 2.Asphalt products manufacturing, 3.Bulk fertilizer and pesticide storage facilities, Þ 4.Bus or truck terminals, 5.Dry cleaning facilities, 6.Electroplating, 7.Exterminating shops, 8.Garage and vehicular towing, 9.Gas stations, 10.Hazardous and toxic materials storage and use, 11.Hazardous and toxic waste facilities, 12.Junk yards or auto salvage yards, 13.Landfills or waste disposal facilities, 14.Non municipal spray wastewater facilities, 15.Non municipal wastewater treatment facilities, 16.Paint and coating manufacturing, 17.Printing shop, 18.Public and municipal maintenance garages, 19.Radioactive waste facilities, 20.Salt Storage, 21.Seepage and/or sludge spreading, 22.Tire and battery services, 23.Underground storage tanks, 24.Vehicle repair establishments,including auto body repair,and 25.Waste Transfer Stations. The following uses are prohibited uses within the Secondary Well Head Protection Area: Þ 1.Animal waste storage facilities, 2.Bulk fertilizer, 3.Garage and vehicular towing, 4.Gas stations, Ordinance #1103 Page 2 5.Underground storage tanks, 6.Vehicle repair establishments,including auto body repair and, Þ 7.Landfills or waste disposal facilities. SECTION 3:Properties are rezoned to the OWP District when they fall within the Well Head Protection District of each municipal well. SECTION 4:Effective immediately the City of Muskego establishes a four-month moratorium on approval of land uses prohibited in Well Head Protection Zones as detailed in Section 17:9.11 of the Municipal Code on properties identified in SECTION 1 above,in order for the City to acquire the additional municipal water supply source and to determine if OWP zoning will be placed on said properties.The Common Council may extend the moratorium by resolution if necessary for purposes stated in this paragraph for an additional four months. SECTION 5:Residential properties are not affected by this moratorium. SECTION 6:Any person who believes they should not be affected by this moratorium may petition the Common Council for a waiver from the effects of the moratorium based upon the following criteria:1)The petitioner claims to have vested rights which cannot be affected by any subsequent rezoning;and/or 2)The petitioner claims other legal basis for which they should be deemed exempt from the moratorium. SECTION 7:The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable.If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent Þ jurisdiction to be invalid,unlawful,or unenforceable,such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision,and not affect the validity of all other provisions,sections,or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect.Any other ordinances whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 8:This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 23rd DAY OF April ,2002. CITY OF MUSKEGO /1: /:1 tl ißtt12iJ~d ar A.Slocomb,Mayor ATTEST: First &Second Reading:4/23/02 Þ Published this 2nd day of May,2002 þ þ ,'.. ,r, .I Þ .~f;;~r 0lg ~ATE OF WISCONSIN)Suzanne Sobczyk b~ing duly sworn,doth depose and )ss.say that she is an aut ized representative of The Milwaukee County)MUSKEGO SUN,a -"'spaper published at MUSKEGO, Official Notice Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy,taken from the said paper,was published therein on """""""""""""""""""""""" M.A.t)i1........................ ................................................ ,........... (SW<d)~='.'.'.'.~'.'.. Subscribed and sworn to me before this..a.r::J.ayay Of..~,20P.?:.. N~;';;;~=~r;~i~~~~'s;;;' My Commission expires :::~::::~)... ,eü, 12,' 13. atat'":'":"etJ.''"::'":t'":at'":t',at';"e~t faoili~ "i6.Pain,art,Ú"aWig",anufactu"ng, 17,p,.;"linéoþOP,,', ' 18.l'JibUt.",d mûótcip.l ",aintenan""""","e, 19,.!lådibactive",..tefaciljtie" 20,Sal,Sto,a.,,-'...' ,- 2Ì.Seep""".,;dJo',lu~"",p"ading, 22:rue and batteii'<Vi<Vi.., 23-U<><1&ground sw"""tanks,'- 24,v.mcle repair bsenUsbments,includm.auto body ",par"and 25,W..teTl'aust1i?S!ations,.-Tbe foUinringu".,are urohibitedus,.""",m the S.,oondatyWeUllead r,o,ectionAre.. 1.Animal wa".,tornge facilities, 2.nulk f,"in,"', 3-,Ga""'"artdvehic~la't"""ing, 4.G..,tations, 5-Uó<Í",ground,tomge tanks" '6-V,hicle ",pair e,tabU.hmen'"mcluding auto body repai,and,-'-7,Laridfill.o",..te di'po.al faci],tie., SECTION 3,Properties a<e rezoned to the OWP Distriot when they full within the Well Head Pro- tection mstriot of each municipal well. SECTION"Effective immediately the City of M..kego eztablishe,a four-month moratorium on approval of land uss'pro!ùbited m Well Head Pro- tection Zone,..detailed m Seotion 17,9.11 of the Municipal Code on properties identified m SEC- TION 1 above,m order for the City to a",uire the additional municipal water supply SOurce and to determme if OWP omomg will be plared on ,aid properties.ThTh CoiJunon Collnri!may extend the moratorium by resolution if rieressary for purpa,e, ,toted m.tlú,paragraph for an additional four months.. SECTION 5,Residential propertie,are not affected by thia mo",tòrinm.. SECTION 6,Any "';;son wbo believez theyshouldnotbeaffeotedi>y this moratorium may peti- tion the Common Coun,,;!for a waIver from the effeota oftbe moratorium based upon tbe following criteria,1)The petitioner claim'to have ~ested rights which cannot be affeoted by any ,ub"""uentre..nh1g;andlor 2)The petitioner claim,other legal b..is for which they should be deemed exèmpt from the moratorium. SECTION 7,The several section,of this ordi- nance are.declared to be seVerable.If any seciion or portion thereofahall be d""lared by.a decision ofa CITY OF MUSKEGO ATTES'!'. Mark A.Slocomb,Mayor Clerk-Treasurer COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1103 Þ AN ORDINANCE TO IMPOSE A MORATORIUM ON CERTAIN PARCELS LOCATED IN A POTENTIAL OWP WELL HEAD PROTECTION OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO(Freedom Square Area) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,WISCONSIN,DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1:The properties located in the NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of Section 9 and NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 of Section 10,T5N R20E,City of Muskego,Waukesha County,Wisconsin are within a one square mile area surrounding the Freedom Square community well as shown on the attached map.Said properties have the potential to be included in a proposed OWP Overlay Well Head Protection District which surrounds a community well in the Freedom Square Condominium complex that the City is in the process of acquiring. SECTION 2:The OWP Overlay Well Head Protection District was created by Ordinance #980 as Section 9.11 of Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego and identifies Permitted Uses and Prohibited Uses in the OWP District.The following uses are prohibited uses within the Primary Well Head Protection Area: 1.Animal waste storage facilities, 2.Asphalt products manufacturing, 3.Bulk fertilizer and pesticide storage facilities, Þ 4.Bus or truck terminals, 5.Dry cleaning facilities, 6.Electroplating, 7.Exterminating shops, 8.Garage and vehicular towing, 9.Gas stations, 10.Hazardous and toxic materials storage and use, 11.Hazardous and toxic waste facilities, 12.Junk yards or auto salvage yards, 13.Landfills or waste disposal facilities, 14.Non municipal spray wastewater facilities, 15.Non municipal wastewater treatment facilities, 16.Paint and coating manufacturing, 17.Printing shop, 18.Public and municipal maintenance garages, 19.Radioactive waste facilities, 20.Salt Storage, 21.Seepage and/or sludge spreading, 22.Tire and battery sel\lices, 23.Underground storage tanks, 24.Vehicle repair establishments,including auto body repair,and 25.Waste Transfer Stations. The following uses are prohibited uses within the Secondary Well Head Protection Area: Þ 1.Animal waste storage facilities, 2.Bulk fertilizer, 3.Garage and vehicular towing, 4.Gas stations, Ordinance #1103 Page 2 5.Underground storage tanks, 6.Vehicle repair establishments,including auto body repair and, Þ 7.Landfills or waste disposal facilities. SECTION 3:Properties are rezoned to the OWP District when they fall within the Well Head Protection District of each municipal well. SECTION 4:Effective immediately the City of Muskego establishes a four-month moratorium on approval of land uses prohibited in Well Head Protection Zones as detailed in Section 17:9.11 of the Municipal Code on properties identified in SECTION 1 above,in order for the City to acquire the additional municipal water supply source and to determine if OWP zoning will be placed on said properties.The Common Council may extend the moratorium by resolution if necessary for purposes stated in this paragraph for an additional four months. SECTION 5:Residential properties are not affected by this moratorium. SECTION 6:Any person who believes they should not be affected by this moratorium may petition the Common Council for a waiver from the effects of the moratorium based upon the following criteria:1)The petitioner claims to have vested rights which cannot be affected by any subsequent rezoning;and/or 2)The petitioner claims other legal basis for which they should be deemed exempt from the moratorium. SECTION 7:The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable.If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent Þ jurisdiction to be invalid,unlawful,or unenforceable,such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision,and not affect the validity of all other provisions,sections,or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect.Any other ordinances whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 8:This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 23rd DAY OF April ,2002. CITY OF MUSKEGO t1:/1 it %./:rtPy//!{/~ ar A.Slocomb,Mayor ATTEST: First &Second Reading:4/23/02 Þ Published this 2nd day of May,2002 t ~4 ø . '" ~ ~~æ ~ <(;:0..Co ~'5~~~~:E~~e == 2>2>e "-g,<(C!:o..c75J: ~<lJ.? ~ 0 . ~0)0) ì '" Q) -Q)~Q) I ~~~. t "'.- . SIT'A TE OF WISCONSIN)Suzanne Sobczyk b~ing duly sworn,doth depose and )ss.say that she is an aut ;zed representative of The Mliwaukee County)MUSKEGO SUN,a -Nspaper published at MUSKEGO, Official Notice Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed .KEGO is a true copy,taken from the said paper,was published )M1I10NCg~~~~~MUS therein on ,ORDINANCÉ 'j'q IW'OSE ;..MOAAToRI. ON C ui;o~;~âcWQ~ ................................................ ;tJO(FreedomSqua"'Ar~~TI!E CITYOF ~fj.tJ Çt ..... aE cOMMON COUNCIL OF TI!E CITY OF ;KEGO.WISCONSIN.DO ORDAIN ;..s Far;. ~dTION1'Theproperti"located iatheNE "........................... SdSE If4 ofSe<iwn9andNW If4 andSWIf4 ,moo IOT5NJ!20E.City of Mu,kego.Wau~e. county.W..,on,inariiwithinaone"!uaremde ................................................ ,,umUDding the F",.dom Squ","commun~ty I .,sh""",on the attaobed map.,S.,d pcoperl,e, e the ""'alial to be included in a propo,,"d TOVe:J.yWelll!e.wProté<lionDi'tdotwhi'h ,' round,..co.,munity ",,1\in the F'eedo~~~~,are Condominiumcompl""that the C,ty"".'- P'OC~" , Of.oquidng..,.(Signed).. " 1I'iJ\'tL .\...I..... SECTION2'Tbe oWP Oveday ;::;;,:e::8~':;80 PER :t~~~;:~Subscribed and sworn to me before this..a.~day ~",g"'e'a.t.W , ?hibit"!,,,"withinth'Pdmary Of.....~.,209.?-.. 'll I!ead Ptote<:\>oaA'e"""'r \.;\nllnalw..,e ,to"'ß f , aoilit' .', e.','^2.Aaph"Jip",du,tsmanufaotu=g,..'I':'>,^.--,fJ ~3.1!uIkfeftili<e,""dpe,lioide ,tocag,fa"li"e" ~.............. 4. .Notary Public,Milwaukee County isconsin 5. ~:MyCommissionexpires 't-:-:I..~:-:-q.:?...... 8.""""ge9.Ga.,,ta,io.".,','.'". 10.H"",dı"s ""d "'190,motena', "'Ü.Haz.roóu,and"",,"",.,t,fadlili", 12.Junkyaíd," aûtó'..lvage ,",do. 13.Laadfilla,otw.""<lis.po,"l faoilitie,.... 14.No"-""""ioipa!"",y vi.,t"".te,food,".". 1,5.~-~~~-"I~oi~~\,Y"".~~ater t'Ca";'e?t fao,h. ie~6.,Paint ari~to"",gmanufooturing, n P,inting snap., 18.Publie and m"riidp~1 mainteaa""g,,"g". 19.Radiò"Ctiv'ew..te fàtillti", 20.SaltStotage. 2i:Se,.a,'andlo,,lu~ge ,p"ading, 22.Ti"and battery ""rerea, 2$.Uade.-groUDd "omge tank>,.. 24.y,hi,le tepair establi,!unent"uud..g auto body "'...i'.and 25.W.,teTráaàfè""Stations... Th.following u,*,s,arenrohibited u,,"'""thm the Seeondary Well Head f '"teelioa Are"' 1.Animal "'aste sto,"ge fooillli". 2.B"Ik feftiliz", 3.Oa""" and vehionl"towing, 4.G.,statiDas, 5.Und"",.,md ,t"age tanks,.. 6.V,hid'repair "tablishment"mdudmg auto hody "pair and"... 7.Landfills"waste di,po..!food,t,e'. SECTION 3,Properties a""'oned to the OWP Distri,twhen they fall witlùn the Well Head Pro- tection District of each munidpal welL SECTION (,Effective immediately the City of Muske""estahli,hes a fou'-month morntorium on ap~roval of land use,prohibited in Wen Head Pro- tection Zones ..detailed in Section n9-ll of the Munidpal Code on p,opern"identified in SEC- TION 1 above,in o,d"fo,tbe City to ",qui"the additional municipal wal","pplysou"e and to det"mine if OWP ,oning will be placed on ,.id properties,The Con,mon Council may extend the morntorium by "..Iutfon ifne""",foipn,"o"" ""ted in tlria parngrnph fo,an additi"nal fou, month., SECTION 5,Residential properties a",ototaffectedbythism,,~torium, SECTION 6,Any pe<ann who believ.,they should not be affected'by ilis momtòrium may peti- tiOn the Comman Council fo,a walv"from the effecta oftbe morntorium baaed upon the following criteri"1)The petition",Iaims to bave Vested rights which cannot be affected by any sub"quent te"ning;andl"2)The petition"clai...oth"legal b..is f"which they sbould be deemed mèmpt from the toorntorium, SECTION 7,The severni section'of tbi,"di-nan",a,,'declaæd to be ,ev"able.Ifany ,è,tion" portionthemof aball be declared by a d"ision of a 'm>rt ofrompetentjurisdiction to be invalid,.unlaw- ful,o,uuenio""able,,u,h d",ision aball npply"nly to the 'pedfi,section"portion thei-e"f dii-ectlyspecifiedinthedecision,and not affect the validity ,another p . CITY OFMUsKEGO <\-!TEST:M"k A Slocomb,~Y" CI"k"'Ireesum