ORD20021101COMMON COUNCil -CITY OF MUSKEGO I ORDINANCE #1101 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Community Center -RS-2 and RS-3 to RS-2/0IP and RS-3/0IP) THE COMMON COUNCil OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,WISCONSIN,DO ORDAIN AS FOllOWS: SECTION 1:The following described property is hereby rezoned from RS-2 and RS-3 to RS-2/0IP and RS-3/0IP: Being part of Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 10,Town 5 North, Range 20 East,City of Muskego,Waukesha County,Wisconsin,bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northeast One-quarter of Section 10,Town 5 North,Range 20 East,said point also being the point of beginning of herein described lands;thence South 010 14'09"East,621.52 feet,along the East line of said Northeast One-quarter Section,said line also being the East line ~ of lot 143 of the recorded plat of Quietwood Creek,to a meander line on a unnamed creek;thence North 81023'25"West,484.68 feet,along said meander line;thence North 56051'06"West,328.58 feet along said meander line;thence North 02042'56"East,262.63 feet;thence North 16048'47"East,73.77 feet; thence North 04027'10"West,16.47 feet,to the North line of said Northeast One-quarter section of Section 10;thence North 88024'45"East,708.69 feet, along said North line,to the Northeast corner of said Section 10,and the point of beginning.Containing 391,032.65 square feet (8.98 acres)more or less to meander line or 409,733.47 square feet (9.41 acres)more or less to centerline of unnamed creek. Also including Outlot 1 of Certified Survey Map No.9215 being part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 11,Town 5 North,Range 20 East, containing 599,465 square feet (13.73 acres)more or less to meander line or 643,004 square feet (14.73 acres)more or less to centerline of unnamed stream SECTION 2:The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable.If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,unlawful,or unenforceable,such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision,and not affect the validity of all other provisions,sections,or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect.Any other ordinances whose terms are in conflict ~ with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. l"-'--E Ordinance #1101 I SECTION 3:This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 9th DAY OF April,2002. / CITY OF MUSKEOO ~'..c..4' David L.De Angelis,Mayor First Reading:3/26/02 ATTEST: cuv L Published this 18th day of April.2002 CI 3/02jmb Þ Þ STF\.TE OF WISCONSIN):Suzanne :SObCZYkbe~g amy sworn,aoth aepose ana )ss.say that she is an auth('r;zed representative of The M\\",,~\.1kee County)MUSKEGO SUN,a ;paper Official Notice pu~Iishe~at MUSK '1 .. Wlsconsm and that lli.advertisement of which the annexed CO_ON cg:f:;kÑg,'7.,~~MUSKEGO is a true copy,taken from the said paper,was published AN ~~~~:6:ri"'g~~fu~~~ggNING therein on ICommuoityCenw,.RS-2aodRS-3toRS................................................. 2I0IP"and RS.3/OIP) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ^-^ .ç, t~~~EGO,WISCONSIN.DO ORDAIN AS FOt-..R..l.10 ,........... SECTION 10 The followio"de,,"bed pmpe,ty i, h"eby ""oned fcom RS-2 aod RS-3 to RS.2I0IP and RS-3101P, """"""""""""""""""""""""Being pact of Northea,t 114 of the No,the",t 1/4 of Section 10,Town 5 Noeth,Raoge 2DE"t,City of Mu,k'go,Wauk"ha Couoty.Wi"on,in,bouoded aod demibed a,follow,.....,,..... Commencio"at the No,th'a,t "',ne'of the Northea,t One-qua't"ofSeetioo 10,Thwn 5 North Range 20 Ea",>oid point also beio"thepoiotof ..............-................................. begionio"of hmio de,,"bed laods;theo"South ~~~Ð]'14'09"Eeat,621052 feet,aloogthe Ea"line of,ai . d ,. N . 'oethea'tOne-qua't"Section'>Oidh'oeal"(Signed).,...."'"...... bemgthe Eeat Ime of Lot 143 of the "coded Plat of Qmetwood C,eek,to a meoode,line on a rumamed 30 PER "eek,th,o"No,th 81'23'25"W"t,484.68 feet, f,i~:~;~~d5;r1:~d:[0~~;a::e~~:;~::t~0:~:~~~~;Subscribed and sworn to me before this.~\\'\\'.,ay.day Noeth 02"42'56':E..t,262.63 feet;<heneeNdeth Of ~.. 20 0 d-.16'48'47"Ea",73.77 feet;thenoe No,th Q4"27'IO"..""",,..,.. W"t,16.47 feet,to the North line of,"id No,the..t ~;~~~~;~~':~;~~ß9oie~~~{Z~g;~idt~~~~I~~~~..ÇI..~.f),~,........... the Noethea,t com"of.,"id Sedioo 0,0,aod the ...'point of beginning.cdntåiriing391,O32.65 squa"Notary PublIc,MIlwaukee County Isconsm feet (S.98 ^""J mo"0'Ie"to meaod"line" ;~~;;;,;;,~70~~:,,::~:~t :;~:~a"es)mo"oe I",to My Commission expires...,...'-:I....?.?..).,.... Al,o iod~ding Outlot I bfCertified Sliwe"Map No.9215 being pact of th,Northwe'f 1/4 of the Noeth"",t 1/4 of Se,tioo q:To""n 5.NÚth:Range 20 Ea~t,"ntaioiog 599,465 ,qu^,ele,et 03.73 a",,'mo"DC leos to meàndedinó d,643004 squa"'feet n4.73 a"ee)mo".o,Ie"to "ote;lioe of uo",med ""amSECTION2,The "vecal ",tioo,dfthi,",di. n""ce a""edaced to be ,"vecable.If soy ",tioo" po,ti'"th"eöf ,hall be deda"d by a dec"i'"of a court of competeot;","di,tion to be invalid,unlaw- ful,oc unenro",able,,uGh d"i,ion >hall apply ooly to the specific "ction oc pd,tion theteof di"ctly 'peeified io the deei,;,".aod not affect the validity of all othe'pmvi,ion"seetioo,.0'po,tioo !hmof of the o,dioan"which ,hall "main io full fo"e ""delTed.Aoy o.the'ocdinao,e,who,"t"""ani in coollict with the pcovi,;on,of thi,o,dio"""a"hmby "pealed",to tho,"",,'me th.,coomct. SECTION 3,'!'hi,odi""nce i,in full focce ""deffectfcomaodafte,p","gè ""d publication. PASSED fu'-!D APPROVED THlS 9th DAY OF Ap,il.2002. ClTY OF MUSKEGO David L.De Aogeli"Mayo, ATTEST' C!eck-T"..uc"