ORD20021099COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1099 I AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 17, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Rustic Structures) THE COMMON COUNCil OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN,DO ORDAIN AS FOllOWS: SECTION 1:Chapter 17,Section 2.02.,of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to as the following definition: Rustic Structure:Any permanent accessory structure or building which is distinctly set apart and unique from other structures and buildings due to its construction technique,materials,age, local historic significance or design,and characteristic of past agricultural practices or rural life, whether presentiy utilized or not for agricuitural practice and which is structurally safe at the time conditional use is applied for. SECTION 2:Chapter 17,Section 4.05 (2)B.,of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to add 5.as follows: B.Detached Accessory Structures -Residential Districts 5.Rustic Structures as defined in 17:2.02 shali be allowed as a conditional use upon approval of the Plan Commission.If granted conditional use status,the .Rustic Structure is not required to comply with the location,area,height,and ,architecturairequirementsfor detachedaccessorystructuresin the district. SECTION 3:Chapter 17,Section 4.05 (2)C.,of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is amended to read as follows: C.Detached Accessory Structures -Aqricultural Districts:Detached accessory structures located on parcels in the A -Agriculture District,where said parcels are equal or greater than 120,000 square feet in area,are subject to the regulations of the district pursuant to Section 17:8.19. Detached accessory structures located on parcels in the A -Agriculture District which are located on parcels less than 120,000 square feet in area and where the principal use is present shall be subject to the provisions of 17:4.05(2)(B)(1-3),above. Detached accessory structures located on parcels in the EA -Exclusive Agriculture District are subject to the regulations of the district pursuant to Section 17:8.20. Rustic Structures as defined in 17:2.02 shall be allowed as a conditional use in the A - Agriculture and EA Exclusive Agriculture Districts.As authorized by conditional use grant, Rustic Structures are exempt from the requirements of this Section. I (' Ord.#1099 w/Proposed Amendment Page 2 SECTION 4:Chapter 17,Section 5.04 (4),of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to add 3.as follows: (4)Exceptions: 3.The area contained in a Rustic Structure granted Conditional Use status by the Plan Commission shall not be included in the calculation of the maximum FAR for the parcel under Subsection 2. SECTION 5:Chapter 17,Section 5.07,of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to add (4)as follows: 5.07 OPEN SPACE (4)The area contained by a Rustic Structure authorized by Conditional Use Grant shall not be counted against the amount of open area on a parceL SECTION 6:Chapter 17,Section 6.03 (3),of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to add E.as follows: (3)Requirements: E.Rustic Structures:Appiications for Conditional Use status for Rustic Structures shall first be referred to the Conservation Commission for a recommendation as to whether a particular accessory structure or building meets the definition found in 17:2.02.In reviewing an appiication for Conditional Use,the Plan Commission Þ shall consider the recommendationof the Conservation Commission,the definition of Rustic Structure,and whether the accessory structure existed as of January 1,2002.All conditional use grants issued under this Section shall be subject to periodic review as determined by the Plan Commission on a case-by- case basis. SECTION 7:Chapter 17,Section 8.01 (7)C.,of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to add 13.as follows: C.PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 13.Rustic Structures as designated pursuant to 17:6.03 (3)E. SECTION 8:Chapter 17,Section 8.09 (7)C.,of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to add 3.as follows: C.PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 3.Rustic Structures as designated pursuant to 17:6.03 (3)E. SECTION 9:Chapter 17,Section 8.10 (7)C.,of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to add 3.as follows: C.PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 3.Rustic Structures as designated pursuant to 17:6.03 (3)E. Þ SECTION 10:Chapter 17,Section 8.145 D.,of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to read as follows: Ord.#1099 w/Proposed Amendment Page 3 D.PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT I The following uses may be permitted by way of Conditional Use Grant as approved by the Plan Commission: 1.Warehousing 100,000 square feet or greater in size (excluding mini warehousing) 2.distribution facilities 3.industrial supply sales 4.wholesalers 5.factory direct or seconds stores as an accessory use to the primary manufacturing and/or assembly operation 6.indoor health and fitness facilities 7.daycare centers 8.technical schools and training centers 9.research laboratories. 10.Restaurants (excluding those having drive through and/or in-vehicle dining accommodations),hotels,banquette and meeting facilities,provided that,in the opinion of the Plan Commission they will provide a service needed by the employees of,customers of and visitors to the facilities in this district. 11.Rustic Structures as designated pursuant to 17:6.03 (3)E. ~SECTION 11:The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable.If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,unlawful,or unenforceable,such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision,and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections,or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect.Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 12:This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 9 t h DAY OF AP r iI,2002. ~=""<'~ David L.De Angelis,Mayor First Reading:3/26/02 ATTEST: ~ Published this 18th day of April,2002 3IO2jmb STf~TE OF WISCONSIN)Suzanne Sobczyk bei4g duly sworn,doth depose and )ss.say that she is an autt 'ed representative of The Mi"Jcee County)MUSKEGO SUN,a he papaper Official Notice published at MUSKEGO,.. .Wlsconsm and that an advertisement of which the annexedCOMMONcg~I'i:ÄN~~'Jo~: MUSKEGO is a true copy,taken from the said paper,was published o"i!'T~~~~ið[~l~b'!~i'gFC~::~~~,/i)F therein on MUSKEGO !Ru,b,St,u,t","","""""' AP """""""""""""""""'" THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF . ~g1'i:b~?N\Á~%~i'6'W~OUNTY. WISCONSIN, """"""" \.\.L"......,..... SECTION L Chopt'>17,Se,bon 2.02,ofthe Moni,ipal Code of the City of M"kego iò heceby amended to"'the following definition' Ru,b,Stcuetoce filly pem"nenl n,ce,,'" ",' ,tcu,tuce " building which i,di,bn,Hy "t opmt end unique from other ""uo"'"and building,due toit",mt,ù'bontechnique.mol"ial"age,looel "............................ hi,to,i,,ignifi,oace 0'd"ign,and ,hometeri,ti,of paòt agh,ultumlp,a,ti", " mml.hfe,whether ~~~ò~~~i~hu::h;:u'~~r:~:vf%f;g;:,~~~u~:~:';~~~ie ~ , """'""" ...,,.... banal 0"iò appliedfo,.' SECTION 2.ChaptÚ 17,Secbon 4.05 [21 B.,of . the Muni,ipal Cude oflheCily ofMu,kegoi,h,,'- (Signed)'l'lJìtL..~~...V.... by amended to add 5. "' follow,BO PER B.Detaoh,d A"",o'y St,u""'"".R"idential Di,t,iet,...l ~5.Ru,ti,S\<u,'u"';'defmed ia n2.02 ,hall Subscribed and sworn to me before thiS...\.Ä V'.day ~b"Llo~eda~a"nd,t"na\u",upon.npp>ovalofthe Q-Á.:~D ~PlanComn"",,,n.Ifg,anted "nd,tmnal u""ta.Of..",~,,20 .;;t; :to"~the Ru,ti,St,u,ture i,not requiced to ,omply :<with the location,årea.height,and architectural or>.~'fqud'emi~t'f",detacheda"e,,",y'tmetur"in !?.~.fJ..~........... % t "S~C~\~')N 3.Chapter 17,Section 4.05 '21 C"of Notary Public,Milwaukee County"\vïsconsin <the Munidpal Co<ie of the City of ,",uak'go iò am~n~e~Jih:;'~:,:;i~;;~~u,to,"grgricultum'My Commission expires /.-:'f./::::~), Di",i,t",Detaohed a""'"'y "metu'"located 00 pa,',el,inth,A -Ag,i,olture Di,t,i,t,where Mid 1""',,1,ace equal"gceate>than 120,000 ",u",e feet in acea,a,e ,object to th,regulatioM ofthe di~ "let p">>mint to Se,tion 17.8.19. Deta,hed a"e",o,v ,"uetucea lo,ated on p"",I, in the A .Ag,i,"lt",;Di,tci"whi,h ace locate"on parcel,I",thao 120,000 'quare feet in ate~and wh",the p',indpal u" i,pre",nt 'hall be "bjeet to the p>ovi"on,of n4.05l2UBIll-'),above. Detached a,"""">!m,tu'"located on paceel, in the EA -Exdu,"';Agri,uLtuce Diit,iOC ace 'ob, ject to the regulation,of the di,tcict p">>uant to Section 17.8.20. Ru>ti,Stmctu'"a'defined in 17,2.02 ,hall be allowed",a conditional u"'in the A gcici,oltuce end EAExdu,ive Agri,ulMè Distci",.A'aotho- ,ised bv "aditional use grant,Ru,tit Sw,tur,' ate exe;,pi from the ceqoicement,ofihi,SeruM. SECTION 4,Chaptet 17,Section 5.04 141,ofthe Munidpal Code of the City of Muakego i,hereby amended to add 3.a'follow,. '4'Ex"ption, 3.The area ,ontained in a Ru>tic Stmetu'" "mnted Conditional me >!ato<by the Plan Com- mi"ion ,hall nut be indud,d in the calculation of the maximum FAB f"th,paceel under Sub,,"ion 2. SECTlON 5,Chapte'17,S",ion 5.07,of the Muni,ipal Code of the City of Mu,kego i,hereby 'co.,, Pag.e 4p. "'i" amended to add (41"follow,. 5.07 OPEN SPACE 14)The acea contained b,a Ru,tic Stmctuce autho,i,',I by Conditional U;e Gmnt ,hall not be counted again"the amount of open ama on a pm- c'"SECTION 6,Chapt"17,Section 6.03 (31,ofthe . Municipal Code ofthe City of Mu,kego ia hereby amended to add E."follow"(3)Requicemen'" E.Ru,tic Stnictu,e"Application,fOt Condi- tional Uae ,tatua fOt Ru,tic Stmctu,",ahall fimt be tefmed to the Conm"ation Commi"ion fo,a'tec- ommendation " to wheth"a pmtim]m at""ory at'uctum ö,building mee"the definition found in 1702.02.In ",iewing an application fa,Condition- al Uae,the Plan Commi"ion ,hall "midei the ,ec- ommendation ofthe Coo"",ation Commi"ion,the definition of Ru,tic Steuc'ute,and wheth"the acee"Oty ,tmctme "",ted " of Januaty " 2002. All conditional u"g,-an"i"ued und"thi,Section ,hall be aubject to p"iodic ",iew " det"minedby the Plan Comm;,aion on a "ae-bv-ca"b"i,. SECTION 7,Chapt"17,Section 8.01 (7) C"of the Municipa]Code ofthe City of "fuakego i,h",- by amended to add 13. "' 1ollow,. C.PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GR,,""IT 13.Ru,tic Stm"m"n,d"ignated pumuant to 1"6.03i3IE. SECTIO"8 Chapt"17,Seetion 8.09 (7)C.,of the Municipal Code of the City of Mu,kego i,hOte- by amended to add 3.ae follow, C PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 3.Ru,tic Stmtute'ae d"ignated pu"uant to 17'6,03 (3)E. SECTION 9,Chapt"17,Sedion 810!7,C.,of the Municipal Code ofthe City of Maeke,o i,hete- bvamerided to add 3.a'follow,--C.'PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 3.Ru,ti,Stta"m"a,d"ignated pu"uont to 17,6.03 (31 E. SECTION m Chapt"17,Sedion 8.145 D.,of the Municipal Code ofthe City oDlu,kego i,h,,~ bv amended to tead ae follow,.-D.P'CRMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRfu'IT The following Ute,may be p"mi"ed by way of Conditional Ute Gtent "' appmved by the Plan Comini,"on, L Wacehouaing 100,000 "]U'"reet"gteat"in "" (exduding mini wOtahou,ing) 2.di,t,ibution faciliti" 3.indu,",ial ,upplv eel",wholeaal", 5,,"dOtv ditect Ot "cond,,tOte,aa an aceeaao- 'y Ute to the ",;ma,y mMufadu,in.and/o,",'em- hlyop"ation 6.indoOt health and fitoeaa f"iliti" 7.davoate tent", 8.teclmical oohooIe and tmining tent", 9.""ateh lab"",o,i,, 10.R"tau,ont,{exduding tho"having d,;ve thmugh end/Ot in-vehide dining "commodatioml, hotel"banquette and meeting fooditi",pmvided that,in the opinion of the Pion Commi"ion they win pmvide a ,mite needed by the employe"of, au,tom",of and vi,ita"to the faaihti"in thi,di,- tmt '11.Ru,tic Stt~ctUte'""eoignated punuant to 1706.03131 E. SECTION 11,The "wal "alion,"fthi,o,di- nonce ace dedUted to be "wable.If anY ",tion Ot poition thmof ,hall be d"b"d by a d;",ion of a COUtt of competentju,i,diction to be invalid,unlaw- ful,"unenfo""able,'uah deai,ion ahall apply only to the 'pe"fic ",tion " p"tion thmof directly 'pede,,"in the deci,ion,and not affect the validity of all othet pro,i,ion"",tiom, " portion thmofof the "din=ce which shall "main in full fo".and effect.Anv othet o,dinance wheee tem'ace in coo- flict with the p,OYi,iona ofthi,"dinante ate hm- by tepealed "' to theee tetma that conflict. SECTION 12,.Thi,"dinance ,hall be in full fOtto and effect fmm and aftet it,pa"age arid pub- lication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 9th DAY OF Ap,i!,2002. CITY OF MUSKEGO David L.De An.eli"M""