ORD20021095AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1095 AN ORDINANCE TO IMPOSE A MORATORIUM ON CERTAIN PARCELS LOCATED IN A POTENTIAL OWP WELL HEAD PROTECTION OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,WISCONSIN,DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1:Certain properties located in the SE Y.of Section 2,SW Y.of Section 3, are zoned for commercial use.Said parcels are identified by the following Tax Key Numbers and existing zoning: Tax Kev Number Existing Zoning MSKC 2167.993 B-3 MSKC 2167.994 B-3 MSKC 2167.995 B-3/0PD RSE RS-1 MSKC 2172.998 B-3 MSKC 2172.998.002 B-3 RSE MSKC 2172.999 B-3 RSE ~ SECTION 2:Certain properties located in the SE Y.of Section 2,SW Y.of Section 3, and NE Y.of Section 10 are depicted in the adopted 2010 Comprehensive Plan as being suitable for future commercial use and the Common Council may wish to grant a rezoning in accordance with the recommendations of said Plan.Said parcels are identified by the following Tax Key Numbers and existing zoning: Tax Key Number Existing Zonin MSKC 2167.995.001 RS-3 RS-2 MSKC 2197.249 RS-2 SECTION 3:The properties identified in SECTION 1 and SECTION 2 of this Ordinance are located in an area identified in the Ruekert &Mielke report "Report on Water SupplY Facilities,2001 Update"as an area for the exploration of a future municipal water supply source.(See Map attached) SECTION 4:The OWP OVERLAY WELLHEAD PROTECTION DISTRICT was created by Ordinance #980 as Section 9.11 of Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of r.Muskego and identifies Permitted Uses and Prohibited Uses in the OWP District.The,following uses are prohibited uses within the Primary Well Head ProtectionArea: I' Ordinance #1095 Page 2 1.Animal waste storage facilities, 2.Asphalt products manufacturing, 3.Bulk fertilizer and pesticide storage facilities, 4.Bus or truck terminals, 5.Dry cleaning facilities, 6.Electroplating, 7.Exterminating shops, 8.Garage and vehicular towing, 9.Gas stations, 10.Hazardous and toxic materials storage and use, 11.Hazardous and toxic waste facilities, 12.Junk yards or auto salvage yards, 13.Landfills or waste disposal facilities, 14.Non municipal spray wastewater facilities, 15.Non municipal wastewater treatment facilities, 16.Paint and coating manufacturing, 17.Printing shop, 18.Public and municipal maintenance garages, 19.Radioactive waste facilities, 20.Salt Storage, 21.Seepage and/or sludge spreading, 22.Tire and battery services, 23.Underground storage tanks, 24.Vehicle repair establishments,including auto body repair,and 25.Waste Transfer Stations. I The following uses are prohibited uses within the Secondary Well Head Protection Area: 1.Animal waste storage facilities, 2.Bulk fertilizer, 3.Garage and vehicular towing, 4.Gas stations, 5.Underground storage tanks, 6.Vehicle repair establishments,including auto body repair and, 7.Landfills or waste disposal facilities. SECTION 5:Properties are rezoned to the OWP District when they fall within the Wellhead Protection District of each municipal well. SECTION 6:Effective immediately the City of Muskego establishes a four-month moratorium on approval of land uses prohibited in Wellhead Protection Zones as detailed in Section 17:9.11 of the Municipal Code on properties identified in SECTION 1 and SECTION 2 above,in order for the City to establish the location of additional municipal water supply sources and to determine if OWP zoning will be placed on said properties.The Common Council may extend the moratorium by resolution if necessary for purposes stated in this paragraph for an additional four months. SECTION 7:Any person who believes they should not be affected by this moratorium Þ may petition the Common Council for a waiver from the effects of the moratorium based upon the following criteria:1)The petitioner claims to have vested rights which cannot Ordinance #1095 Page 3 be affected by any subsequent rezoning;and/or 2)The petitioner claims other legal basis for which they should be deemed exempt from the moratorium. SECTION 8:The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable.If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,unlawful,or unenforceable,such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision,and not affect the validity of all other provisions,sections,or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect.Any other ordinances whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 9:This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12TH DAY OF March ,2002. CITY OF MUSKEG9 I David L.De Angelis,Mayor ATTEST: (i/Ul~'- ,/ 2/02 jm First Reading:2/26/02 Published this 21s1day of March,2002 Þ ~.. 21 ..'8!1 .. "'.... l lt'I!I'Jf!~~ Þ .!, ~ì.. I!il I I!}1Ji!H~ E::I ..Co '"a."0 w ',.I 1,'.Ill,~~~ "CJ ==.." I"<'I",,~~H ~~~~t J '+', I . hi . . 1! . H . lt! . I!~H ~~CJ ~i-~a:a.== ;J iii' ,ill ÎHUJ ~Ii:~ <? ~ i . ' 1. 1.1 II!L . 'í1 ,1' 1 ~a. 0 '!JJoì';fI~. &.~ 11m M !I~Ja 0 II",. Ii: Þ Þ ~ ATE OF WISCONSIN)Suzanne Sobczyk l ;!,duly sworn,doth depose and )ss.say that she is an authorized representative of The J\'dwaukee County)MUSKEGO SUN,a newspaper .published at MUSKEGO, Official Notice.,.Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexe( .\~~~øF~is a t~e copy,taken from the said paper,was published ",c.' "'- therem on TQfWO$j!.A ERTAlNPJmCEI.S """"""""""""""""""""""'" LOCATED IN"-POTENTIAl.\r-v-'\ OWPWEL~~~~d'~~~igON OVERLAY .,.,J,:..\~C;.I:I..J...J..J.....,........ IN THE CITY OF MUSEEGO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY FOF MUSKEGO,WISCONSIN,DO ORDAIN AS FOL. """"""""""""""""""""""""LOWS SECTION L Certain pmp"tie,located in the SE 1/4 ofS"tion 2.SW 1/4 ofS"tion 3,ace wned fo, commmial a<e.Said paccel,aceidentified by the ................................................ following Tax Key Namb",=d exi,ting wning, Tax Key Numbe,Exi,ting Zoning MSKC21B7.993 B.3 """"""""""""""""""""""""MSKC 2IB7.994 B.3 ~~MSKC 2167.995 IJ.3!OPDRSERS-I . MSKC 2172.998 B.3 . MSKC2I72.998.0D2 BC3RSE (Signed),{l,{l ............ ,$MSKC2172.999 B.3 RSE .U B"EEPER ,$',SECTION 2,C"tain pmperti"located in the :;jl-.SE1/4ofS"tion2,SWI/40fS"tianCl,andNEI/4 ÈffCI)of Section10 ace depictedin ù",adopted2010Com.Subscribed and sworn to me before this...2 LOÌ'I..aday ~1<::~c~~t'iJ:e~~~t~'e~;~m~~t~~~n~~i::;~i:~':';Of ,,~,,20.9d-.. ~g,=t a cewning in """dan"with the cecommen. ""dation'of <aid Plan.Said pmob ace identified by ð ('J '\ :~;foliowingTaxKeYNumbmandeXi"mgWn."'"...~'::... '!'ax Key Numbe,.Exi'ting Zoning Notary Public,MIlwaukee Count/'Wlsconsm MsKè;ZIB7.99$.OOI RS.3RS.2 ~~~~6ii;.2i~e pmp"ti"i~;~;ifiedinSEC.My Commission expires...'j::.O..7.0.3........ TION land SECTION 2 0'thi,ar_aoeMe lodted ~in =aiea identified in the'Rùèl<.~t& Miel~.,.'""ort"RepMt on Wat.,Sopply F."ifi!i.'.2001TIparite" "' aa ar..lor the ,"pl""",b'ri'Ofa fatuce "'<<"iGlpal 'vat",apply '0""".<S"" Map attached! SECTION 4,The OWP OVERLAY WELLHEAD PROTECTION DlSTRICT w",oceated byO,di' mm"#980 as Sedion 9.116f Chapte'17 ofthe Mani"pa!Cod.of th,City of Muak,go and identi. fi"P,,",itted U,'"and Prohibited U..,in th, OWP Di,t,id.The following a",ace pmhibited "",within the Primary W,IlHead protedionAreao 1.Animal waste "omg.fooiliti", 2.A,phalt p,oduct,mano'aow,ng, 3.Bolk f"tili,.,and p"tioide 'tomge faoditi", 4.Ba,oo.uuok t"minab, 5.p".cleaning fooiliti". 6.EI""uop(ating, 7.E*ominating,hop', 8.GMage and "hioulac towing, 9.Ga"'atio",, 10.Has",doa,and toxio matadal,,tomg.=d a<e. 11.Has",doa,and toxio waste fadliti". 12.Jank yardo oc aoto <almge yacd" 13.Landfill,or waste di'p"al fa"liti". 14.Nòn munidpal ,pii,y wa"",vat"fa"liti", 15.Non mani"pal wà,tewat".treatm,nt "ooiliti", .~J.I'.ainint ""g,<o~t'tW",any;à~t~,ing.t. '11.P'inting ,hop, 18.Pablic and manicipal",aint""an"".,age<, 19.Radioactive """,tdadliti,,, 20.Salt Store,", 21 Seepage and/",lodge ,preading. 22.Tice and battm ,micas. 23.Undacg'oand ,iomg,tank,. 24.Vehicle repai,"tabli,!'",ent"indading aato body cepaio.and 25.Waıte Tean"".Station'. The foHowlngu'"a'e pmhlblted u",withintheSecondocvWenH,ad Pmte",lon Nea. 1.Animal weate "o,age faclliti". 2.Bulk fertill,eo, 3.Ga"ge and Yehioul"towing, 4.Gea 'tahon" 5.Undeoground "omge tank" 6.Vehide tapal,"tabll,hment>,Induding auto body tapal,and, 7.LandfiH",weatedlspo,,1 faoilllie,. SECTION 5,hopedie,ata moned to the OWP Di,t"d when they fat!within the WeHhead Protec- tion Di",'"of ea~h municipal welL SECTION 6,Effective immediately the City of Mu'kego e"abli,he,a fou,-month momto,ium on app'oval of land u",pmhibited in Wellhead Pm- tection Zon"ea detailed in Section 17,9.11 of the Muhidp.1 Code on pm""rti"identified in SEC- TION I and SECTION 2 above,in "de,f"the City to e"ablish the looation of additional municipal ~~te,,upply "u""and to deteomine ifOWP ron- ing will be placed on "id pmþe,ti".The Common Council mav extend them"ato,iúm bv ta"lotion if neoetaary f~,pu'po'"'tatedin thi,pacogmph f"an additionalfou,month,. SECTION7>An!,pmon who beli""th,y ,hould notbe affected bv!hi,moratorium may peti- tion the Common Couh,il for a waive;from the effeot,ofth,morat"ium ba"d upon the following oriteoi.1)The Petitioner daim,to have.veeted right,whi,h "=otbeaff"ted by any ,ub"quent ",oning;and/or 21 The petition"daim'othe,legal b"iS to,whi,h they ,houid be deemed exempt f,om the."",atorium SECTION 8,Th,"",~,aL"otion'of thi,",di- nance are dedared to b,,"verabl,.Ifana ,eetion oe portion thereof ,hall b,ded",d by a d~oi'ion of a '""rt ofoompetent;u",di,tiohto b,invalid,unlaw- ful,or unenfomable,,uoh deei,ion ,hall apply only to the 'peoifi,,,'tion oe portion thereóf diredly ,peeified in the d"i,ion,and not affect the validity of all other p,ovi,ion",edion"o'ponion thereof of the o,dinahce whi,h ,hall remain in full foro,and effeot.Anv otheo oedinan",who"teom,are in ,onfliot with the provi,;on,of thi,oedinan'e ace hereby re""aled ea to tho"teom,that ,"nfliot. SECTION 9,Thi,o,dinan"i,in full foroe and etIedf,.,",""d afte,itsp",~age and pûhli"tion. P~__qV>:DTHIS 'Im/>IJAY .<i1i'1t!~,~. .öm'qF~!Ø<OO David L.0"Angeii"Mav"ATt:!1ST,'- a...F'IYe',uteo 21O2-jm - Fitet Reading, Pubii,hed thi,21,t day of Macoli, ~---- "","dM"""'omk..OW'P"",",dU", COMMON COUNCIL.CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1095 AN ORDINANCE TO IMPOSE A MORATORIUM ON CERTAIN PARCELS LOCATED IN A POTENTIAL OWP WELL HEAD PROTECTION OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO / THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGÓ,WISCONSIN,DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:(' ~"i, SECTION 1:Certain properties located in the SE ~of S ",i '2,SW )4 of Section 3, are zoned for commercial use.Said parcels are identifie .the following Tax Key Numbers and existing zoning:V Tax Ke Number MSKC 2167,993 MSKC 2167,994 MSKC 2167,995 MSKC 2172.998 MSKC 2172,998,002 MSKC 2172.999 SECTION 3:je properties identified in SECTION 1 and SECTION 2 of this Ordinance are located in an area identified in the Ruekert &Mielke report "Report on Water Supply Facilities,2001 Update"as an area for the exploration of a future municipal water supply source.(See Map attached) SECTION 4:The OWP OVERLAY WELLHEAD PROTECTION DISTRICT was created by Ordinance #980 as Section 9,11 of Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego and identifies Permitted Uses and Prohibited Uses in the OWP District.The following uses are prohibited uses within the Primary Well Head Protection Area: 1.Animal waste storage facilities, 2.Asphalt products manufacturing, 3.Bulk fertilizer and pesticide storage facilities, 4.Bus or truck terminals, 5,Dry cleaning facilities, 6.Electroplating, 7,Exterminating shops, 8,Garage and vehicular towing, Ord;nance #1095 Page 2 9.Gas stations, 10.Hazardous and toxic materials storage and use, \11.Hazardous and toxic waste facilities, \12.Junk yards or auto salvage yards, \13.Landfills or waste disposal facilities, 14.Non municipal spray wastewater facilities, 15.Non municipal wastewater treatment facilities, 16.Paint and coating manufacturing, 17.Printing shop, .Public and municipal maintenance garages, Radioactive waste facilities, 20\,alt Storage, 21.epage and/or sludge spreading, 22.lÌ,and battery services, 23.Un rground storage tanks, 24.Vehi'repair establishments,including auto 25.Waste,ransfer Stations./\/ The following u's are prohibited uses with)ri the Secondary Well Head Protection Area:~/\/ 1.Animal waste rage facilities, "2.Bulk fertilizer,\\.. 3.Garage and vehièt:l1artowing, 4.Gas stations,'\/ 5.Underground storag~'\a~ks,/ 6.Vehicle repair establish:e " n ,, 'including auto body repair and, 7.Landfills or waste dispo'acilities. "SECTION 5:Properties are rezonec;Ytot~PWP District when they fall within the Wellhead Protection District of eaq.h munici~1 well. SECTION 6:Effective immedi ely the City of M ~kego establishes a -month moratorium on approval of la uses prohibited in ell head Protection Zones as detailed in Section 17:9.11 the Municipal Code on roperties identified in SECTION 1 and SECTION 2 above,in rder for the City to establis the location of additional municipal water supply s urces and to determine if OWP ~ning will be placed on said properties.The Comm n Council may extend the morato~b ", by resolution if necessary for purpos stated in this paragraph for an addit~l-months. ","SECTION 7:Any derson who believes they should not be affect by this moratorium may petition the Çiommon Council for a waiver from the effects of t "moratorium based upon the followiyig criteria:1)The petitioner claims to have vested ri which cannot be affected by/any subsequent rezoning;and/or 2)The petitioner claims ther legal basis for wh,iéh they should be deemed exempt from the moratorium. SECTIO 8:The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable.If any se on or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdi ion to be invalid,unlawful,or unenforceable,such decision shall apply only to the ecific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision,and not affect the alidity of all other provisions,sections,or portion thereof of the ordinance which s II remain in full force and effect.Any other ordinances whose terms are in conflict ith the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. Ordinance #1095 Page 3 I/ \! SECTI~9:This ordinance is in full force and/effect from and after its passage and publicatio't:)./ PASSED ANÐAPPROVED THIS -DIOF ,2002. fTY OF MUSKEGO !David L.De Angelis,Mayor IATTEST:I.IClerk-Treasurer . 2/02 jm~" '~. First Read;h~26/02 Publishedthis d~'2002 "',",